quinoa ???



  • I stumbled upon a really yummy looking Stuffed pepper reciepe the other day on here and I really wanted to try it but when I went to the store to buy the quinoa it was almost $11. I had to pass at that time because I couldnt see paying $11 for something I am not sure how it tastes.

    Anyone know where to find it cheaper. This was the Bob's Red MIll brand I found in the baking section. I also looked in the pasta isle to see if there was another brand but didnt see any.
  • patriot201
    patriot201 Posts: 117 Member
    I don't see that anyone else answered the question above. It is pronounced Keen-Wah. :)

    I just had quinoa with black beans, corn, tomatoes, and jalapenos for dinner. It was yummy. :)
  • it is pronounced Keen-wahh. I will have it for breakfast with cinnamon and raisins. Nobody else in my house would eat it, but I enjoyed it. I think it would fantastic in soups instead of barley. VERY interested in some of the recipes. Oh. and you find it in WalMart with the health foods, in our Wal Mart, it is by rice cakes. In my Kroger it is in the rice section, kind of off in specialty foods end and in Publix it is in the health food/organic food area. Ask the store manager, they may look at you a little funny, but if you are at a Publix, they will walk the darn store with you to find it. I love Publix. They are seriously nice people in my publix...and no I don't work there.
  • girard5
    girard5 Posts: 109 Member
    I looked in Walmart in the rice section, where did you find it at your Walmart?

    And, how do you pronounce it????

    Thank you,

    Not sure where to find it a wall Mart - know you can find it in the rice/pasta section of trader joes and healthfood stores but it's pronounced' Kwin-wah'
  • If you buy it bulk, rinse it well. If you buy it packaged, check that it's rinsed to keep the bitterness out. It really doesn't have a particular flavor I don't think, it's a lot like rice that way. It is easy to cook and keeps well. I make a batch on Sundays and it lasts all week long. At HEB, it can be found with the rice usually. I have only seen one brand of it at Wal-Mart, and didn't buy it because I think $4.88 is too much for that box when I can get it packaged at HEB for $2.99 or bulk for somewhere around $3.75/lb.

    As for what to eat it with, anytime you'd normally eat rice for starters. It absorbs flavors well, and when I cook it, I use chicken broth and finely minced garlic and seasonings. I like it with black beans with meat. It's good cold also. Currently, I've been eating it in a salad with 2cups raw baby spinach, 1/2 cup quinoa, 4oz shredded chicken, 1/4 cup of avocado and 1/4 cup of red onion, only 325 calories!

    Here is a website with a lot of information on quinoa and recipes too. http://www.cookingquinoa.net/category/quinoa-recipes
  • jloncz
    jloncz Posts: 3 Member
    yes i'm a big fan of Quinoa. Like most others said I use it in place of rice or pasta. This has been a great guilt free go-to to bring to summer bbqs. Mixed with grape tomatoes, cucumber, basil and feta, a little bit of evoo and s&p - hot or cold - thumbs up from me. try it - see what you like!
  • I looked for it the last time I was grocery shopping, at HEB. Does anyone know what section it would normally be in? Have been wanting to try it. Thanks!

    You can find it in the bulk aisle if your HEB has a bulk area, be sure to rinse well. It is also with the rice. They don't have a large selection often, so it can be hard to spot. At my HEB, it's kept near the packaged, flavored rices.
  • I boil it, then you can add any number so spices to it....I sometimes put cinnamon in it, or lemong pepper or just plain..... I find it by the rice and cous cous in the United stores...
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    One of our local restaurants makes a veggie bowl with Quinoa. Not sure how they cook it, but the put about 1/2 cup in the bottom of the bowl, top it with hummus, then a bunch of fresh chopped veggies (carrots, avocado, peppers, squash, zucchini, onion, etc. - basically whatever they get out of their garden). Then they serve it with a balsamic reduction dressing. O..M..G! So flippin yummy!
  • I looked in Walmart in the rice section, where did you find it at your Walmart?

    And, how do you pronounce it????

    Thank you,

    I've seen it in at Walmart near the rice, by the packaged, flavored mixes for rice or pastas. The Walmart near me only carries one type it is in a turquoise box and is a little over $4.

    Quinoa is pronounced: "KEEN-wah"
  • patriot201
    patriot201 Posts: 117 Member
    I get mine at at Target. :)
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I use it in place of bulgar wheat in tabouli.

    Learned that from a celiac friend of mine, and I LOVE it!
  • razzmahtazz
    razzmahtazz Posts: 78 Member
  • I recently tried Couscous for the first time. I thought it was pretty good. I was also wondering about quinoa. Might need to try it!
  • marga79
    marga79 Posts: 10 Member
    bump - I've had some sitting in my cupboard for weeks, looking forward to trying some of the recipes on here.
  • I stumbled upon a really yummy looking Stuffed pepper reciepe the other day on here and I really wanted to try it but when I went to the store to buy the quinoa it was almost $11. I had to pass at that time because I couldnt see paying $11 for something I am not sure how it tastes.

    Anyone know where to find it cheaper. This was the Bob's Red MIll brand I found in the baking section. I also looked in the pasta isle to see if there was another brand but didnt see any.

    Bob's Red Mill - Love them, but yeah, pretty high priced. If you have a co-op in your city, I'd try there. The Clintonville co-op in Columbus, OH where I am has a whole section of bulk containers of every grain imaginable - quinoa, wild rice, whole wheat pastry flour, barley, and all that for pretty cheap. It is also available at Trader Joe's (where I bought mine) for not too much - I think it was about $4 for a box that has gotten me through quite a few recipes.
  • I LOVE quinoa, and everything I've added to it has been great! I often will just add it to some cucumbers, tomatoes, onion, peppers and maybe some feta cheese or sunflower seeds, but I had to share this receipe, I make it all the time, it is so delicious! Also, I got it from Weight Watchers recipes, so it's pretty good for you!
    Quinoa & Spinach

    1tbsp Olive Oil
    1 large onion, chopped
    1 clove garlic, minced
    1 cup Quinoa, rinsed (or buy pre-rinsed)
    2 cups Broth
    1/8 tsp black pepper
    1/8 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
    4 cups baby spinach
    ½ tsp salt

    • Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add onion and garlic; cook, stirring frequently, until onion is tender, about 3 to 5 minutes.
    • Add quinoa to skillet; cook, stirring frequently, until quinoa starts to turn golden brown, about 2 minutes.
    • Add broth, black pepper and red pepper flakes to skillet; bring to a boil. Cover skillet and reduce heat to low and simmer for 13 minutes; stir in spinach. Cover skillet and cook until spinach and quinoa are tender and liquid is absorbed, about 3 to 5 minutes; season with salt. Yields about 1/2 cup per serving.
    • *To rinse quinoa, place quinoa in a fine wire-mesh sieve. Place in sink and set under cold running water until water runs clear; shake off excess liquid.
  • dawny17
    dawny17 Posts: 77 Member
    I recently tried Couscous for the first time. I thought it was pretty good. I was also wondering about quinoa. Might need to try it!

    I find it very similiar to couscous, except it takesa lot longer to cook. It is actually one of the "ancient" grains. I use it in place of rice or couscous just mix up my dishes. BUT if you are bothered by the way things look, you might get grossed out by its looks when it is cooked. Not to bother anyone or grosse them out; but this is a comment I find is made by people I know that have never tried it before......just saying:)
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    I use it in soups too. Just throw in a few table spoons when simmering.
  • hlcasavant
    hlcasavant Posts: 2 Member
    i was raised on tabouli with wheat. my mom made tabouli with quinoa, it is better than the wheat verison i was raised with. cook the quinoa as the box suggest. refridgerate then follow any tabouli recipe replacing quinoa for the cracked wheat (bulger wheat) yummy.