Help me feel sane (and antibiotics question)

So last time I was freaking out a bit the folks on the message boards made me feel MUCH better, and I need your help again. Just some background/context info. I am 48 years old, 5'4". I hit my goal in March 2020 (I had been maintaining for a few years until 2018 and then gained about 25 pounds which I kept on until I hit goal again in March 2020). I have been very successfully maintaining at between 119 - 121 almost without exception from March - July. My original goal range had been 125-130, but my body naturally moved me to the 120-125 range which I consider my current goal range. I am quite active (run 3-4 days a week and do a barre (strength training) class 3 days a week and log about 17K-20K steps a day) and need about 2100 calories a day to maintain my weight generally.

The week of July 12th my husband and I went on vacation and rented a cabin. I weighed 120.6 on the day I left for vacation. I was gone 7 days. By choice, I definitely indulged during vacation - a lot. I drank a lot (every day) and ate a lot (including a lot of high calorie foods and dessert every day). I probably over did it, but I was aware of what I was doing and made those choices and I am fine with that. I went on two hikes and I did two barre classes over the week, but was well below 10K each day (except for perhaps the hiking days).

I got back on a Sunday and didn't weigh myself Monday or Tuesday because I was worried it would upset me, but Monday morning I did immediately get back into a deficit with the same habits, routines, and foods I have been eating for about a year now - the same that got me to goal and helped me to maintain. I ate between 1400-1600 Monday - Friday last week (my first week back) and got back on the same exercise routine. I weighted myself Wednesday of that week and was at 123.8 which looked great to me because I was worried the number would be higher. On Thursday I was at 123.6, and by Friday I was at 122 (again, keeping at 1400-1600 all week). On Saturday I at 1800 calories and splurged on Sunday and ate 2600 calories. Saturday I weighted 122.4 (up a little) and then Sunday was up to 123.4 (up a pound despite the calorie deficit for several days) and then Monday I was at 124.2 and again today I was at 124.2! Yesterday I ate 1700 calories.

ONE OTHER FACTOR: On Thursday of the week I got back I had oral surgery (an implant in my molar) and so I was on a homeopathic medicine called Arnica for several days, and I'm still on antibiotics (amoxicillin) 3 days a week until Thursday. Time of month not an issue because I am on birth control pills which I have been on for 30 years (so only a fake period).

I was doing great and going back down and I'm eating a significant deficit, yet I'm up from where I was Wednesday! In fact I have been going up a lot since Friday when I was back down to 122, and for the life of me I don't know why. It's not all attributable to my 2600 day Sunday (which couldn't cause me to gain 2 pounds of fat or even 1 pound of fat), so I'm wondering if it could be the antibiotics? I have never been someone who has been up a couple pounds then down a couple pounds - my weight remains very steady. I know that I could have easily gained several pounds on my vacation, but for Wed - Friday when I got back I was down, so why I am I back up so much?

I know this is just life and I'm sticking to my good habits that got me here, and to be honest, my clothes all fit fine and my body looks the same to me, and although technically I am still in my range (just at the top), I am small enough that being up almost 5 pounds from when I left for vacation freaks me out a bit and I can't figure it out. It's not a matter of accurate weighing - I am religious about weighing every BLT on a digital scale and again, I'm literally eating the same foods that got me to goal, just making choices to eat less so I'm at a deficit.

I would be grateful for any advice/words of wisdom/thoughts/calming influences, or if anyone thinks the antibiotics are a factor I'd love to know. Thanks so much, everyone!


  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    More food in the body one day could mean higher weight due to added mass for the next 8-12 hours. I'd say get back into your normal routine - eating & exercise - and wait 7-10 days to 'track' the weight. Give it a chance to normalize.

    Remember: food has weight. It does not stay with you fully, but the morning after eating a larger than normal quantity of food: you have more food in you to be processed out.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,161 Member
    The wise people have spoken above, but I have to chime in due to the fact that you have one of the more eye catching screen names! Hence I'm always interested on keeping an eye on how this particular puppy is doing!!!!

    With weather and stress and potentially an infection/healing and quick weight changes chances are very good it's all water weight!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    MaltedTea wrote: »
    *snip* I know that I could have easily gained several pounds on my vacation, but for Wed - Friday when I got back I was down, so why I am I back up so much?

    I know this is just life and I'm sticking to my good habits that got me here, and to be honest, *more snip*

    You're NOT up so much. As someone who also weighs daily, I can't commiserate with the ultra-focus you have regarding a small weight range in a small time period.

    You did well to avoid the scale after coming back from vacay. Perhaps use a similar strategy for another few days: weight fluctuates...even during maintenance.

    The importance is how you're trending over the long-term.

    Yes, OP, do you use something like Happy Scale that shows a trend line?

    I don't focus so much on today's number but rather the trend.