READ! Need advice

I’ve Been working out could eat healthy to start the day when dinner comes until night I just eat bad rather then healthy. I am active tho. Advice ??? Tips to lose weight weigh 190


  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    Hi there, welcome.

    Calm down. There is on such thing as categorically ”bad” or ”healthy” food. Everything is good in moderation, for some foods the appropriate portion is just smaller than others.

    The only thing you need to do to lose weight is to consume less calories than you burn. That simple. Everything else is for health, fitness, satiety, sustainability etc. This means that while eating nothing and running a marathon every day does give you a great calorie deficit and you will lose weight that way, you are also destroying your health and fitness, you’re literally starving and it’s not sustainable for you to keep up. Go through the guided setup in MFP, choose an honest weight loss goal (0,5 or 1lbs per week is a good place for most people to start) and follow the advice.

    Have a look at the posts in this list:

  • adsctclassified
    adsctclassified Posts: 1 Member
    Hello I'm Adsct, I want to gain some weights please give some suggestions.
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    Hello I'm Adsct, I want to gain some weights please give some suggestions.

    Please start your own thread
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member