Team Jungle Jewels (Tribal Sept) - Week 2 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    Week 2 - Day 2

    3 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses, 3 sets of 21’s, 3 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s, 3 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers, 3 sets of Tricep Kickbacks, 3 sets of 15 Woodchops, 20 Pushups - done!
    Under cals - done!
    Water - done!
    5K - done!

    Good luck team!! Woohoo :drinker:
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    ***** MINI CHALLENGE ALERT *****

    Via Gary: Attention TRIBAL WARRIORS!

    Are you up for a Mini Challenge for this week to get us started? No point involved...but you might notice higher weight loss which will end up in points earned! So here's the challenge. Burn 1000 calories in a workout this week! You can do one day at 1000 or do each day its up to you! REMEMBER THESE ARE OPTIONAL FEEL NO PRESSURE TO DO THEM UNLESS YOU ARE A SURVIVETTE THEN ITS MANDATORY!
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    Hmmm...let's see if I can bust a move like Britney.......nope....... hahahahah!!!
    Let's hope you don't shave your head !!

    I can promise that I won't have any pics sans panties either!! hahahha!!
    Hahahaha! ROFL :laugh:
    I was thinking I might have to come over there t take your children away for safety!!!

    They're probably a bad influence on ME now!! hahha!!
  • littlemount
    My knees are acting up again today.
    Will keep challenging myself without resorting to any pain meds.
    30 swimmer pressess done,30 woodchops, 30 21's, 30 lawnmovers
    walk- 15 minutes done
    elliptical- 10 minutes
    rowing- 20 minutes[the concept 2 rower is the best thing I discovered in the gym]
    water-9 cups
    under calories[ haven't had dinner yet but I seem to do well if i plan early evening]
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    My knees are acting up again today.
    Will keep challenging myself without resorting to any pain meds.

    Fortunately, most of it was upper body!!! Don't push yourself to actual PAIN...being sore from workouts and being in pain are two different animals....protect those knees!!! I applaud your efforts to get through despite those pesky knee joints!!
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    Ok...I'm going to write this before I even leave for the game because I can guarantee I MIGHT forget afterward!!

    Water....I KNOW is way over
    Exercises.....all done....every one!! I started the series of weights using an 8 lb dumbell, but the last set of each, I dropped down to 5 lb dumbells.
    Calories.....I'm gandering a guess that I'll be JUST fine there....if I'm NOT, I'll say so later, but if I don't say anything, I was just fine!! hahahha!! How's THAT for prediction??
  • ruelman83
    ruelman83 Posts: 97 Member
    4 sets 15 swimmer presses, 4 sets 15 wood chops, 4 sets 21's, 4 sets lawnmowers (I doubled up on all the pygmy exercises today!)
    Drank more than 8 glasses of water
    Under Calories
    Walked 1.5 miles
  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    4 min. Tabata!
    BUSHMEN - with 5lb weights
    3 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses, 3 sets of 21’s,
    3 sets of 15 Dumbbell
    Chest Fly’s, 3 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers,
    3 sets of Tricep Kickbacks, 3 sets of 15 Woodchops,
    20 Pushups modified
    Water more than 8 glasses
    Under calories!

    Keep up the great work team!!
  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    4 sets 15 swimmer presses, 4 sets 15 wood chops, 4 sets 21's, 4 sets lawnmowers (I doubled up on all the pygmy exercises today!)
    Drank more than 8 glasses of water
    Under Calories
    Walked 1.5 miles

    Randi you are my hero!! Thats Awesome!!
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    3 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses - 15lb weights
    3 sets of 21’s 15lb barbell
    3 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s 8lbs (going to try 15 next time)
    3 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers 15lb weights
    3 sets of Tricep Kickbacks 5lb weights (goingto try 8 next time)
    3 sets of 15 Woodchops 5lb weights (moving to 8 next time)
    20 Pushups (modified if needed) DONE (girlie style lol)

    Tabata - done
    Walked: 3.4miles - 1h5m

    under cals- check
    water check check

    getting out of bed an hour early to work out didnt work. maybe i will force myself to get up just for tabata - i can do that right?
  • ruelman83
    ruelman83 Posts: 97 Member
    Thank you Jaeone! :) I'm shocking myself everyday.. I've never kept up w/ a diet for this long, and to include as much exercise as I have is just blowing me away.. I'm thankful for the team and coaches we have! :)
  • DavyRockhit
    4Min Tabata
    3 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses,
    3 sets of 21’s,
    3 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s,
    3 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers,
    3 sets of Tricep Kickbacks,
    3 sets of 15 Woodchops,
    20 Pushups (modified if needed)
    30 sec wall squat 30 sec plank repeat 3x,

    water over food under
  • QueenFe
    QueenFe Posts: 81 Member
    Week 2 :Day 2

    4Min Tabata
    3 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses,
    3 sets of 21’s,
    3 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s,
    3 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers,
    3 sets of Tricep Kickbacks,
    3 sets of 15 Woodchops,
    20 Pushups (modified if needed)

    5K Walk
    64 oz. water
    under calories

    Burned over 1000 calories doing 60 minutes of Kickboxing

    I'm tired... Good Night!!! Keep up the Excellent Job Everyone!!! We really are Jungle Jewels!!! :smile:
  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member
    Hi Ladies, I've returned to work and my friend noticed I've lost weight.. Other people didnt know what had changed and commented that my hair was longer :laugh: I thought that was cute.. something was different, they just couldn't pinpoint what it was. :laugh:

    Well I'm determined not to let work stop me from getting my challenges and workouts done!
    Afterall, I want to show everyone I can accomplish what I setting out to do.. GET HEALTHY! :happy:
    Here are my stats for today!

    Pygmy Tribal Week 2/Day 2
    88oz H2O and Under Cals
    15 Swimmers Press (x2) 1.5 min
    15 Wood Chops (x2) 1 min
    21's (x2) 1 min
    15 Lawnmowers (x2) 1.5 min
    Walking 1 mile 30 min *****My Extra*****
    Swimming Breaststroke 60 min
    Total 95 min *****Over 1000 cal burned*****
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    getting out of bed an hour early to work out didnt work. maybe i will force myself to get up just for tabata - i can do that right?

    Great job today!! You can do your tabata whenever you'd like...I think it's optimally a warm up for a workout, but I say get it in whenever you can...just get it in!! You're doing awesome!!
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    I'm shocking myself everyday.. I've never kept up w/ a diet for this long, and to include as much exercise as I have is just blowing me away.. I'm thankful for the team and coaches we have! :)

    We DO have an absolutely awesome team!! You know, Randi, I've found the secret to really sticking with it is accountability...and believe it or not.....FUN!!! I'll give my friendship with Jules alot of credit here...I don't think that I would still be on here if we hadn't "hit it off" so much and have so much fun!! I actually look forward to being on this site...and when I'm here, I'm aware and accountable!!! Take advantage of all of us around you!!

    GROUP HUG!!!!!!! ;)
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    You all are doing SO good!! Thank you, thank you, thank you for being so invested in yourself and in our team!! Sounds like there are changes happening, whether it be something that people just can't put a finger on, Monica.....or the fact that you can push yourself into the 1,000+ calorie burn category, Fe.......or learning that you can absolutely KICK BUTT on a daily basis, Crystal.....or realizing that you CAN give it the extra "go" doing pygmy twice, Randi!! Or, look at our esteemed leader....injured, but still pushing through it...Jules, you're my hero!! Lorah, you're doing fantastic pushing through difficult times...I bow to your tenacity!! are the picture of consistency....I always KNOW that I can count on you to do what the challenge is for the day, and you're always so cheerful!!! ;) kick butt ALL the time too...and it was so cool to find out today that you have a deployed love...I guess I didn't realize that...please send my "thanks" to your hero!! ;) proved to me today that you are IN this....pushing yourself despite your knees...just be careful with that!! We KNOW you're going for it..and it will benefit you in the long run!!!

    We truly are priceless jewels!!!

    Hugs all 'round!!!!
  • TunsiAmeri
    TunsiAmeri Posts: 15 Member
    Week 2 Day 2- Complete!
    Didn't want to post this too terribly late.. well my version of late.

    4Min Tabata
    6 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses,
    6 sets of 21’s,
    6 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s,
    6 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers,
    6 sets of Tricep Kickbacks,
    6 sets of 15 Woodchops,
    40 Pushups (modified if needed)
    30 sec wall squat 30 sec plank repeat 3x,
    3 min bear walk
    1.5 extra miles
    Regular routine - will be completed here shortly, I have another 30 mins to go!
    12 glasses of water.
    Calories Under

    I'm glad to see everyone surprising themselves and pushing themselves through their workouts! I'm starting to feel a bit better and then I'll be back to posting a bunch again.
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member

    It look's like everyone had a great day yesterday and is pushing themselves too!! Fabulous :happy: SO PROUD :blushing:

    On a sad note - I think we can assume that we are now a team of 10 Beautiful stunning Jewels as Suse has not logged onto MFP since last week. I know that we all send her love & hugs for whatever has caused her to take a 'break' and hope she comes back soon. However, Jill and I feel it would be disrepectful to all of you and the hard work and effort you are all putting in to your health/fitness to keep Suse on our team stats because a 'MIA' = a team failure.

    So, moving on to Day 3 -

    PYGMY TRIBE - 1 minute bear walk, 100 Jumping Jacks, 50 Crunches, 25 Split Squats, 1.5 mile walk, jog,
    AND Week Two Weekly Team Challenge
    Same water and calories challenge plus Walk, Run or Jog an extra mile this week. (This is a mile above days 1, 3, 5) IF you choose you would 1 mile for daily and 1 mile for weekly on days 1,3,5. For each day you do an extra mile your team will get an additional bonus point. 1 point per day per participant)run
    BUSHMEN TRIBE (Advanced) - 5 minute bearwalk, 50 Toe Touches, 50 Crunches, 100 Jumping Jacks, 50 Burpees (they’re back), 20 Windshield Wipers, 50 Split Squats (don’t feel like you have to jump)
    AND Week Two Weekly Team Challenge
    Same water and calories challenge plus Walk, Run or Jog a 5K this week. For each day you do a 5K (3.1 miles your team will get an additional bonus point. 1 point per day per participant)

    Good luck Jewels - Let's shine the competition right out of the Jungle :wink:
  • QueenFe
    QueenFe Posts: 81 Member

    It look's like everyone had a great day yesterday and is pushing themselves too!! Fabulous :happy: SO PROUD :blushing:

    On a sad note - I think we can assume that we are now a team of 10 Beautiful stunning Jewels as Suse has not logged onto MFP since last week. I know that we all send her love & hugs for whatever has caused her to take a 'break' and hope she comes back soon. However, Jill and I feel it would be disrepectful to all of you and the hard work and effort you are all putting in to your health/fitness to keep Suse on our team stats because a 'MIA' = a team failure.

    So, moving on to Day 3 -

    PYGMY TRIBE - 1 minute bear walk, 100 Jumping Jacks, 50 Crunches, 25 Split Squats, 1.5 mile walk, jog,
    AND Week Two Weekly Team Challenge
    Same water and calories challenge plus Walk, Run or Jog an extra mile this week. (This is a mile above days 1, 3, 5) IF you choose you would 1 mile for daily and 1 mile for weekly on days 1,3,5. For each day you do an extra mile your team will get an additional bonus point. 1 point per day per participant)run
    BUSHMEN TRIBE (Advanced) - 5 minute bearwalk, 50 Toe Touches, 50 Crunches, 100 Jumping Jacks, 50 Burpees (they’re back), 20 Windshield Wipers, 50 Split Squats (don’t feel like you have to jump)
    AND Week Two Weekly Team Challenge
    Same water and calories challenge plus Walk, Run or Jog a 5K this week. For each day you do a 5K (3.1 miles your team will get an additional bonus point. 1 point per day per participant)

    Good luck Jewels - Let's shine the competition right out of the Jungle :wink:

    Awww sad to see her go... wonder what happened? but understandable... we still have to push forward... WE CAN DO IT!!! Have a great day Jungle Jewels!!!