Alcohol! I love it....but what to drink?


Since i quit smoking my sin is alcohol! I only drink at weekends, but what is the best to drink?

I usually drink wine - but open to suggestions!

I suppose alcohol is pretty bad for the diet, so many different reports!


  • Ipowell1515
    I love alcohol also but learned to drink white wine mixed with diet sprite...1/2 and 1/2 white wine spritzer.:smile:
  • Piglet_26
    I defo wouldnt suggest wine......calories are pretty high (Pinot Grigio 123cals a glass) . I go for Gin and slim line tonic for about 56cals.
  • Teksavvy
    Teksavvy Posts: 133 Member
    Check out this thread.
    It appears that Vodka with low cal mixers was quite popular.
  • jminette
    Vodka is the least fattening, but definitely no health benefits. Mix with a healthy juice! Lol
  • caroline_g
    caroline_g Posts: 201 Member
    Vodka with a diet coke is 55 cals a glass.
  • iwillsoonbeslim
    A little of what you fancy does you good.
    For a good 3 years there, I stuck to clear spirits and low-cal alchopops. Since starting CCing, I've realised that there actually isn't a huge amount of difference between those things, and my true loves of Guinness and stout, heavy beers and rum. So now I drink what I enjoy and enjoy what I drink!
  • haileemou
    Oooh fabulous! Ive been having vodka, lime and soda a little too! But theres something so nice about wine! Must cut that out though!

    I love my Friday night after work drink! Anyone else?
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    everything in moderation!!! drink what you like, and enjoy it. factor it into your diet. if you drink a couple of glasses of wine a week, you will not start a horrible downward spiral to an oblivion where you are drunk and fat. lol. yes, clear liqours with diet mixers are going to be less calories, but i feel that people are more inclined to sip wine slowly, whilst they may drink the cocktails a little more quickly.
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    I love my booze too (in moderation these days of course LOL)

    I also stopped smoking 4 months ago.

    I still have the occasional glass of wine but vodka & diet coke is my drink of choice... although my own measure of Absolut are a tad on the generous side :drinker:

    If I want a few glasses of wine I exercise a little extra to earn them.

    I am off on holiday soon so will swim as much as possible everyday so I can have some wine with dinner !
  • shantie10
    shantie10 Posts: 62 Member
    Bud 55 ..................:)
  • LisaMariaCallow
    I don't drink very often, but when I do, it's either a glass of wine (20-25calories/oz) or 1 shot of vodka with club soda & crystal light lemonade-very refreshing!!

  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    I love wine and although it's higher in calories than vodka, there is nothing on this earth that would make me drink vodka! Perhaps drink wine, but less of it? I cut down substantially earlier in the year, but from the holiday period, have noticed that my wine consumption has crept back up again! Red wine has proven health benefits in moderation, as does guinness and stout! I would sooner drink alcohol that I enjoyed, rather than lower calorie alcohol just for the sake of it being lower in calories,
  • robinso5
    robinso5 Posts: 310 Member
    Hey ladies! I am enjoying this site and now this thread! I love to drink but in moderation. I am loving the recipe!
  • missjw
    missjw Posts: 3 Member
    you can get weight watchers wine which is quite nice i tend to have a few bottles of that at the weekend
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    malibu and pineapple juice! yum!!
  • martinh78
    If it's within your calorie goal for the day then drink what you enjoy. I will have about 500 calories to spare after body combat class later. That's after loads of fruits, proteins, proper meals, etc etc. I won't be able to eat anymore food lol.

    So I'll have 2 pints of beer tonight :o) I don't look at beer as getting drunk anymore, I look at it as needed calories, and something to enjoy the taste of. In fact I actually think of it as fuel for my body, just like a protein shake.
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    VODKA straight. Drink it by the shot. It's easier to keep up with the calories that way.
  • haileemou
    Excellent ideas! I feel guilty for drinking, does it slow your weight loss?
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member

    So I'll have 2 pints of beer tonight :o) I don't look at beer as getting drunk anymore, I look at it as needed calories, and something to enjoy the taste of. In fact I actually think of it as fuel for my body, just like a protein shake.

    don't forget the mental health aspect of it!! yes, sometimes mentally, we just need a beer/glass of wine/scotch/etc. besides, i feel that if you learn to incorporate it in moderation into your lifestyle, you're less likely to binge drink on weekends or parties.
  • morenita71
    morenita71 Posts: 137 Member
    Yes it is my weakness too. As a student who hangs out with the lads I was a pint drinker! I have since cut out beer and now drink wine - always ordering a small glass though pub measures can be huge - 250ml glass is a third of a bottle). For spirits however, the measures in the UK are so small that it's hardly worth drinking spirits and TBH i do like to get merry every now and then.
    So I think for a pint of lager you're looking at 200-300 cals
    Small glass of wine about 100 and a spirit with a low cal mixer about 60.
    As others have said work it into your daily allowance. But be careful - you need to get the balance right! Early on I saved up so many calories for drink that I got stupidly drunk after a couple of drinks. My solution now is to have a couple of small glasses of wine and then switch to spirits. I can last a friday night out without keeling over and making a fool of myself!
    Finally - alcohol and being tipsy can lessen your resolve about snacking. Watch that one. Once you start developing good habits though you may find yourself making healthier choices - I came home once and ate a tin of sweetcorn instead of buying chips on the way home...result!
    Good luck!