how much weight did you gain or lose during lockdown?



  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    About 5-7 pounds.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    I've gained about 10lbs from when we went into our Phase 1 Restrictions (Working from home, limited to exercise and shopping and no socialising) to our Phase 3 (Back to work, only non-food pubs and sports still not back to normal).

    Been back to normal full-time work from the office for around 10 days now and think it will slowly start coming back off again, I was quite active the first couple of months of working from home but then got into a bit of a rut.
    Now I am back to a 6km commute per day and rowing has resumed. Also, don't have the fridge beckoning me between emails.
  • anl90
    anl90 Posts: 928 Member
    Honestly? I think I have semi-steadily lost weight throughout all of this. Around my birthday in May, I was doing really well with watching my calories, and managed to lose about 7 lbs in 2 weeks, but then I got back on bad habits after. Life happened, some pretty serious events occurred, and honestly I was not really able to focus on weight loss like I would have wanted to. Since things have settled back down, I weighed myself for the first time in a while, and surprisingly I was down even more.

    So long story short - I've lost weight lol.
  • Shortgirlrunning
    Shortgirlrunning Posts: 1,020 Member
    I’ve lost 20 lbs. no eating out, lots of time to cook healthy home cooked meals and refocus on my exercise routine was really good for me.
  • Dorgle690
    Dorgle690 Posts: 230 Member
    I've lost 20 lbs during lock down. I'm not as active as I was when I was in school and I don't get up as early anymore so I don't feel as hungry as I used to. Also I was very determined to lose weight over lock down so that the next time people saw me they would see a big difference lol!
  • strength1070
    strength1070 Posts: 6 Member
    tlr?id=288654779227945&ev=PageView&noscript=1&.pnggained about 5kg
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,338 Member
    I'm up 25lbs since late Feb. I was sent to work from home. I've been sitting in my place since then with only a daily walk or two.
  • MarieBuch10
    MarieBuch10 Posts: 25 Member
    I’ve basically maintained after gaining about 5-10 lbs in the year before coronavirus came about. I’m still in my healthy weight range so I’m trying to view it as a victory, however I’m now trying to lose 5-15 lbs which is where I feel my best! It’s been a struggle trying to figure out a new way of eating and exercising that will get me there as I feel I’ve outgrown my previous routine. I also HATE summer and I tend to have to fight against a calorie surplus all summer long. The heat and humidity is too much, and we don’t have AC. But I’m still trying. My new goal per yesterday’s weigh in is to lose 5 lbs by Halloween and hopefully another 5 lbs by Christmas. Then maybe a year to lose the last 5 if I choose to. Good luck to everyone. Blows my mind how something so simple can be so challenging.
  • SERmom3
    SERmom3 Posts: 568 Member
    I'm half a pound down from the beginning of lockdown, so it seems like I maintained. However, the reality is that I gained about 7 lbs from March - May. My activity level decreased so much during the day while homeschooling the kids. I didn't focus on my diet enough and the weight just kept climbing. Since June, I recommited to logging and I've lost all that I gained and am now on my way to losing the last 10 or so to get to goal.

    Good luck everyone. Stay focused! We got this!
  • anjdiskin
    anjdiskin Posts: 4 Member
    I gained 12 lbs of the 20 I lost Jan-Mar. I am not going to wait untill I gain it all back. Started back on mfp Wednesday. Let’s do it!
  • maharonuku
    maharonuku Posts: 1 Member
    I have Gained 17 LBS I been working this entire time and had a baby last July..the stress at work has been getting to me and have been stress eating and crawling in my bed to hide from the world as soon as I get home ... So now I am here trying to lose the weight.
  • GreenValli
    GreenValli Posts: 1,054 Member
    We are still mostly at home, with masks and keeping away from other people here in Calif. No gym for me! I depend on that gym for exercise, since our community is way to hilly for me to walk for exercise. But I have lost 5.4 pounds since March 15. I lost 2 pounds last month. I had to cut back to 1200 calories a day though.
  • Speedbird558
    Speedbird558 Posts: 9 Member
    I used lockdown to be more structured in my diet. With all usual restaurants closed, I lost 4.5kg (10lbs) in the first two months. Mid-May I made a real move, downloaded MFP and have lost just over 23kg more. Total loss since lockdown now is 28kg (62lbs) which is about halfway to my target.
  • Beautyofdreams
    Beautyofdreams Posts: 1,009 Member
    Have lost 40+ pounds from March 18 to present. Started walking 5-6 days a week to ease my anxiety and when the gyms opened in June added 4 days of weight lifting. Nothing heavy because I have been sedentary but focused on fitness because I just got tired of being fat and it was easier to focus on that than the uncertainty of Covid.
  • CacoEther
    CacoEther Posts: 2,465 Member
    I put on 10-12 lbs and it’s frustrating. I feel like I squandered quarantine time.
  • Daniella_85
    Daniella_85 Posts: 2 Member
    Iv lost a stone (14 pounds) I thought I’d make the most of the boredom of lockdown and start working out again and walking
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,503 Member
    I've lost 6-7 vanity pounds. I find it much easier to stay on top of my diet and exercise when I am not stuck in cubicles and conference rooms all day!