Declare your own challenge AUGUST 2020 [Samples included]



  • MeganD1704
    MeganD1704 Posts: 733 Member
    @debrakgoogins- stay safe! Hope the restoration goes smoothly. Huge congrats on hitting your 50 ft goal with hammer! I love the backyard you had a bbq in- it looks so relaxing but a great place to hang!
    @fstrickl - what a beautiful place to walk :) enjoy your camping trip :)
    @tenazhsc your field work sounds like quiet the workout! wow! good boy pic to follow in spoiler below.
    @Xiaolongbao do share more of which pilates videos you do?! what a step count!
    @GabiV125 way to plan :)
    @Vetleanni hope this week treats you better :) feel better soon!
    @annliz23 your plan looks just fine!

    Forgot to add in post above I was 200cals over yesterday- so still pretty good vs the last few weeks!

    here is my good boy:

    his favorite thing in the world is a basketball- he will play for hours.

  • tenazhsc
    tenazhsc Posts: 70 Member
    Here's my weekly plan, but first...
    I had a week to forget last week and I'm not superstitious but I have seen a pattern of 'resistance' from the 'universe' when you set out to do something good. Last week's outside assignment really kicked my butt. On Saturday I felt my hamstrings were about to go. I just did some foam rolling and rested during the weekend.
    I'll take the L in not following my program. I only did the video twice.

    Here's the plan for the next 7 days
    08/10/20 Monday 10 mins
    08/11/20 Tuesday 10 mins
    08/12/20 Wednesday
    08/13/20 Thursday 10 mins
    08/14/20 Friday
    08/15/20 Saturday 10 mins
    08/16/20 Sunday

    Total 4 workouts = 40 minutes

    And I gained 0.6 lbs which is honestly to be expected based on my diminished calorie deficit during last week.
    It won't be hard for this week to be better.
    I'm glad we all are keeping an eye on each other. Keep up the great work everyone!
  • cilia2k
    cilia2k Posts: 63 Member
    Here is my weekly plan
    08/10/20 10000 steps
    08/11/20 rest, meal prep
    08/12/20 10000 steps
    08/13/20 10000 steps, meal prep
    08/14/20 10000 steps
    08/15/20 rest, meal prep
    08/16/20 10000 steps

    Last week was hectic, i have been preparing for a certification exam. I managed to meal prep and stayed within my calorie budget on some days. I couldn't meet my calorie budget on some days because my snack was very calorie densed 😁. I have to work on that 😁. I did loss 0.1kg. I am surprised considering that i didn't sleep well and was a bit stressed up last week.

    Have a stressfree week everyone and let's enjoy the process of achieving our goals 😁
  • Mithridites
    Mithridites Posts: 595 Member
    Glad to see everyone’s updates and progress.
    💐Tracked everything. Under calories 7/7 despite ordering out once or twice.
    🌷The workouts were tough to start some days but I pulled through 5/5
    🌸I did good with my calcium and iron goals, 6/7
    Weight stayed the same, but initial weigh-in was at my folks’ house, whose scale is more forgiving, I think. Either way it’s just before Shark week so a loss would be unexpected right now. Same challenges continue this week, with addition of weight training with my dumbbells every other day. Day 1 complete.
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,034 Member
    Ok, finally back to normal life. Storm duty is complete and my son has returned to college. I will be back on track now. I am sorry I lost track of all your amazing accomplishments. I will be better, I promise.
  • MeganD1704
    MeganD1704 Posts: 733 Member
    So I recently found out that Shaun T has a podcast (this is not a plug its 100% free on apple podcast app). I loved Shaun T when I was in post secondary trying to get back to some form of fitness again- I completed t25 and insanity (yes I still have the completion t shirts haha) in my small dorm room (my cousin was a rep back at that time) and it really helped me get into a routine.

    This morning I listened to both Episode 222- how to mentally get through a tough workout and episode 216- 12 ways to stay committed all year. For whatever reason these two really really resonated with me and so I thought I'd share if anyone else is trying to get back on track or just starting a new routine. He does bring up the workout programs he built- but he doesnt discuss everyone having to use them or force sales during the podcast. It was just so refreshing and its like something clicked at last in my brain.

    No workout for me today- just my walk(s) this evening. Goal is to workout intentionally tomorrow and Saturday and stick to my calories. So far so good this week no binges and stuck to my snacks I listed back at the beginning :)
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    Two weeks of August done. Tomorrow is actually the mid day of the month. We’re half way.

    Second week went fine for me. Stuck with my goals. No soft drink, total of 120,000 steps and I did my short Pilates work out 5 days (goals are no Pepsi max/Diet Coke etc, minimum of 80,000 steps and 4 Pilates).

    Lost 0.5kg. That puts me 1.5kg from moving out of overweight and into a healthy BMI (which will still make me too heavy - I have a small frame - but it will be a nice number to go below).

    I’m doing fine with my goals although a bit resentful of the no PepsiMax/Diet Coke etc one. That’s the one treat I truly love and it’s the only drink I like apart from water. So it irritates me that I took it away from myself! But I will stick it out until the end of the month (3 times in my life I’ve given it up as a New Years resolution and stuck out an entire year so it’s not like I can’t give it up, I just prefer having it).

    Hope everyone else stuck to their goals this week and feel good about it.
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,116 Member
    Second week done and did both my challenges, to stick to 1500 cal/ day and to exercise 3xweek (yoga, weights, legs).
    I’ll keep the challenges for next week because they work. I’ve been oscillating the same 3 lb up and down for 6 mo now, and this morning the scale finally budged 1lb down!!!
    Working on packing a kid to college early next week so next check in will have furniture moving and crying, listed as activities 😁 .
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    @GabiV125 well done on the scale finally moving the direction you want it to. Good luck with helping your kid make the move.
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,282 Member
    A bit busy tomorrow so logging in tonight

    monday 10th steps 13110, 3 green tea, cardio exercise
    Tuesday 12th steps 10919, 2 green tea,hello and exercise, back stretches yoga
    wed 13th steps 3641 2 green tea, yoga
    Thur 14th steps 11928, no green tea, no exercise due to back pain
    Fri 15th steps 12791 1 green tea
    Sat 16th steps 3000 2 green tea
    Sun 17th steps 3100 no green tea

    Progress , lots another pound.

    Goals next week
    Get in as many steps as possible as its rainy all week
    4 exercises
    green tea
  • fstrickl
    fstrickl Posts: 883 Member
    Okay, week 3 of August here we come. The first two weeks of August felt a little all over the place for me. But now that I’m off holiday mode (boo and yay) I’m feeling more focused. Again, my weekly goals are:
    - start every day with a glass (250 ml) water
    - Clear pee!
    - Lights off at 10:15
    - stay at or under calorie goal

    I’m going to leave an empty glass in my bathroom so when I wake up and head there l’ll see the glass.

    My meal plan is a bit of a cheat this week since we’re getting Hello Fresh (l’ll weigh it to stay at calories). But it’s all written down in my planner. (Someone else here was a paper planner too! High
    five to that). Lucky you all get to see my week 🙃


    Everyone plans sound great btw, I do read them all and am impressed with this group! Keep it up everyone.
  • Vetleanni
    Vetleanni Posts: 65 Member
    good monday morning to all of you :smile:
    checking in the last week! with an average of 8hrs and only 1 day below 7, I reached my goal this week :smiley: squeezed in 2 medetations also.
    This week my workload is drastically lower than it has been the last month, so i should have no problem reaching my goal. Going for the same as last week, minimum 7hrs, and should have no problem getting 7/7.
    Aiming for daily meditation this week, because it honestly dont take more than a few minutes, so the only reason im not getting it in, is because i just forget. Making a note on my phone.

    You guys are doing great!
    @GabiV125 awsome job on hitting your goals and finally breaking the plateau you have been on! :smile:
    @annliz23 dont let the rain stop you from continiuing on a good roll! :smile:
    @Xiaolongbao I feel you on the pepsi thing. 2 more weeks left.. exited to see if you break out of the overweight BMI category by the end of this month! ;)
    @MeganD1704 thanks for the podcast tips! I will check them out for sure :smile: hope you had a good week and got your workouts in as planned
    @fstrickl wow, you are organized! :smile: things do get easier once holiday mode is over though ;)

    Wishing all of you guys a great week! keep up the good work! :)
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,282 Member
    fstrickl wrote: »
    Okay, week 3 of August here we come. The first two weeks of August felt a little all over the place for me. But now that I’m off holiday mode (boo and yay) I’m feeling more focused. Again, my weekly goals are:
    - start every day with a glass (250 ml) water
    - Clear pee!
    - Lights off at 10:15
    - stay at or under calorie goal

    I’m going to leave an empty glass in my bathroom so when I wake up and head there l’ll see the glass.

    My meal plan is a bit of a cheat this week since we’re getting Hello Fresh (l’ll weigh it to stay at calories). But it’s all written down in my planner. (Someone else here was a paper planner too! High
    five to that). Lucky you all get to see my week 🙃


    Everyone plans sound great btw, I do read them all and am impressed with this group! Keep it up everyone.

    Great logging in your planner love it!
  • tenazhsc
    tenazhsc Posts: 70 Member
    You guys are awesome!

    Here's my plan for this week.

    08/17/20 Monday 10 mins
    08/18/20 Tuesday
    08/19/20 Wednesday 10 mins
    08/20/20 Thursday 10 mins
    08/21/20 Friday 10 mins
    08/22/20 Saturday
    08/23/20 Sunday 10 mins

    Never give up! I don't know about you guys but for me there's always a new development and I gotta keep trying to figure out how to overcome it. I chose a relatively small goal because I know how life can be sometimes.
    Anyway, that's my plan for the week. Thank you for helping me and each other.
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    tenazhsc wrote: »
    You guys are awesome!

    Here's my plan for this week.

    08/17/20 Monday 10 mins
    08/18/20 Tuesday
    08/19/20 Wednesday 10 mins
    08/20/20 Thursday 10 mins
    08/21/20 Friday 10 mins
    08/22/20 Saturday
    08/23/20 Sunday 10 mins

    Never give up! I don't know about you guys but for me there's always a new development and I gotta keep trying to figure out how to overcome it. I chose a relatively small goal because I know how life can be sometimes.
    Anyway, that's my plan for the week. Thank you for helping me and each other.

    10 minutes of what?
  • cilia2k
    cilia2k Posts: 63 Member
    Here is my weekly plan
    08/17/20 10000 steps
    08/18/20 10000, meal prep
    08/19/20 10000 steps
    08/20/20 10000 steps, meal prep
    08/21/20 10000 steps
    08/22/20 10000, meal prep
    08/23/20 10000 steps

    2 weeks to go 😁. My achivements so far are:
    1. Improved endurance
    2. Clothes fits better

  • MeganD1704
    MeganD1704 Posts: 733 Member
    Eek- I am a day behind! I worked till 11PM yesterday so wasn't able to jump on.

    Here is this weeks plan:
    08/17/2020- got 2 walks in, no excessive snacks :)
    08/18/2020- workout, stick to calories, finish my fast at 3 pm, get 2L of water in. (workout- lifting)
    08/19/2020-workout as its my "sleep in day", no excessive snacks, get 2L water in (workout- TRX lean body)
    08/20/2020-rest day (minus dog walk), no excessive snacks, get 2L water in
    08/21/2020-workout, no excessive snacks, get 2L water in (workout- cardio and free weights)
    08/22/2020-rest day (minus dog walk), no excessive snacks, get 2L water in
    08/23/2020-workout, no excessive snacks, get 2L water in (workout- TRX lean body or TRX weightloss).

    So far this month I've done 9 workouts- only 6 to go to meet my overarching goal there :)
    I also havent binged so far- which is huge.

    @fstrickl its me with the paper planner! I left it at home today by accident.
    I love your color coding :)

    @cilia2k those are great achievements so far :)! congratulations you must be feeling good

    @annliz23 congrats on the loss! A little rain never hurt no one :) you got this!

    @GabiV125 congrats on the plateau break! a big hug for you this week as one of your littles leaves the nest.

    @Xiaolongbao - so excited to watch you smash some goals by the end of the month! diet coke used to be a big thing for its plain water, black coffee or bonebroth lol. It probably took me a full year to not want it as much D:

    @Vetleanni- how do you meditate? do you use a guided version or?

    @tenazhsc you got this!

  • Vetleanni
    Vetleanni Posts: 65 Member
    @MeganD1704 I do, atleast for now. I have been wanting to learn how to use meditation and visualisation for a long time, but it was not before I actually bought a small mental training program that I kinda started to understand what it is, and how to do it. The thing is, I was in a really stressful work period at the time, and by just trying to do the guided intro meditation a couple times a day to try it out, I honestly felt like it actually did make a difference by lowering my pulse, clearing my mind, and stressing down. Its more like a breathing exercise, but thats where the big health benefits of things like yoga are supposed to lie also, isnt it? or atleast its a part of it, by managing breath and lowering stress? :) The meditation im doing is called Moksha, and my goal is like before, to learn to use it for mental training and visualisation. Feel free to message me if you want to know more about the one im doing :)
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    MeganD1704 wrote: »

    So far this month I've done 9 workouts- only 6 to go to meet my overarching goal there :)
    I also havent binged so far- which is huge.

    @Xiaolongbao - so excited to watch you smash some goals by the end of the month! diet coke used to be a big thing for its plain water, black coffee or bonebroth lol. It probably took me a full year to not want it as much.

    Great job on the workouts and on not binging.

    Three times I’ve done a full year without Diet Coke etc. Once just over 18 months. I have never stopped missing it :-(. Part of the issue is there is absolutely nothing else I love to drink. I don’t drink tea/coffee/alcohol etc. I’ll drink juice or similar if it’s given to me but I’d never go out of my way to drink it. I don’t even like “real” soft drink. Even as a kid I wasn’t a fan of Coke (there was no Diet Coke when I was a kid). So when I give it up all I have left is water. Don’t get me wrong, I love water and drink a tonne of it (regardless of whether I’m having the odd Diet Coke) but sometimes it’s nice to have something flavored.

  • Vetleanni
    Vetleanni Posts: 65 Member
    good sunday morning to all of you :smile: Hope you have all had a good week, and reached your goals :smile:

    totalled out at more than 7hr+ for all 7 days this week, so reached my goals and then some. I almost feel like I have cheated though, I got an allergic reaction that made my eye swell up, and my doctor gave me some allergy tablets. Never taken an allergy tablet in my life. My doctor warned me not to take them if I was going for a long drive or something, because they would make me sleepy. Man, did those tablets kick in, I almost fell asleep over my coffe cup at work! :# So this week, i think i average at arould 10 hrs a day :lol:
    Last and final week of this challenge, and I hope to be getting a normal week ;) going for 7/7 days with 7hrs plus of sleep, and going to sleep no later than midnight.

    Wishing all you awsome people a good day :smile: