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Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - September Challenge!!



  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    Hey gals! I'm feeling a little better this month...the craziness has settled down a bit. I was deal with a lot the past 6 weeks and very thankful for everyone's support. I am praying for a better month. :smile: But I think I had a much needed wake up call this weekend...

    I'm starting the month with a cleaning spree in my house. I have started packing some things that we won't be using before the move. I'm sorting through mainly clothes right now...getting rid of things I don't want. I have maternity clothes that have been handed down to me for whenever I decide to have a baby. So I sorted those and packed them up. No biggie. That sad part was when I started in on the regular clothes. Most of which are too small...and a box of stuff for winter that I don't need right now. 4 boxes of clothes...jeans, shorts, dresses, t-shirts, sweaters, pajamas, and even brand new underwear....of stuff that is too small. :frown: I could have a fabulous wardrobe if I lost about 30lbs. I admit it...I cried. :cry: And then I thought back to the maternity clothes...some of which don't fit me now even though I am NOT pregnant. And I cried some more. :sad: And if I were pregnant, I would be risking a myriad of health issues because i'm not healthy. I don't know how or why I did this to my body. My husband and I are talking about TTC in the next few months...but how can I possibly say I'm ready to take care of a baby if I can't even take care of myself? I feel awful...and I don't want to feel awful anymore. I'm done being overweight and unhealthy.

    I have to start slow...my body is too unhealthy to start out with a bang. I made some goals for the next month to track my food at least 5 days a week and lose 10lbs...but I'm going to do weekly goals as well to work up to the ultimate monthly goals.

    This week:
    1. Lose 1lb
    2. 30 minutes of intentional exercise 2 days
    3. Drink at least 32 oz of water daily

    Here's to health, happiness, and the clothes that I miss dearly! :happy:
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    mkingraham (Megan)- Keep up the 15k training plan, complete my 10k on 9/24, make my workouts a priority even when I'm on the cruise, get into ONEderland
    meagalayne- Ice and stretch as needed and try to incorporate core and upper body work into your weekly routine; drink more H20 than you did in August; run on Sept 18th ONLY if your foot is healing/healed and if you are capable of doing so without risking further injury; continue not logging food and be good to yourself
    elksy- Run 5k three times a week, start logging faithfully, develop healthy attitudes towards food.
    abby459- lose 5lbs in September; run my first 5K, keep working out at least 5 days/week.
    jillybeanruns - Continue training for my marathon and train smart; keep up with PT exercises, stretch/do yoga, and ice; strength train a minimum of 2x a week; 96 oz of water minimum a day; work harder to get my net cals up on long run/high burn days;
    greenb trying to get back to 150 lbs. I'm currently 209; I've already lost 6.8 lbs. I also want to run a 5k and work out atleast 4x a week.
    GreenHumanClay continue Jogging 3xs/week, Drinking plenty of h20 64. oz. minimum, Continue practicing Bikram Yoga 3xs/week, more rest 7-8 hrs, not obsess over the scale, hiking or mt. biking 2-4 times per month and be nicer and loving to my self.
    cmg2008: continue to run at least 3 days a week, get into the low 130s, and try not to get stressed out over grad school =D
    imarunner8908-track at least 5 days a week, lose 10lbs (5 that I gained last month and 5 more)
    KanCrav~Loose my last pound.. stick with my strength training.. get back in the habit of working out at least 4times a week.
    lalonmeg000-drink 2 full nalgene bottles of water everyday! which means it has to come with me to class , only 2 meals out to eat a week, eat something for breakfast everyday
    GuamGrly~ (Bethany) - start and continue C25K training, 8 oz. of water per day, 60-90 minutes per week of additional exercise, eat out no more than 2 days per week, and lose 5 pounds this month. Going big or going home this month!!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Hello there Lovelies! I apologize for being MIA. I have been out enjoying what's left of summer vacation before my daughter heads back to school this Thursday!!

    Meag - so sorry to hear about the injury. Since you have been through this before, I guess its better that you kinda know what to expect. Although I know that doesn't make it any easier. Hope that this time around is quick and you can get back to the life that you know and lovve.

    Jill - so exciting to see that you have graduated with PT and are back running and playing soccer. So does that mean that you won the bet with Matt and he will be running a race with you?

    Cynthia - I hope you have had a wonderful time this weekend. I absolutely :heart: Yosemite and can't wait to take my kids there some day. My absolute favorite part is climbing the rocks to the bottom of the falls, when they are dry, of course. And I think ziplining will be on my list of things to do next year.

    Kandace - so glad to have you back girly!!

    Mandy - I :heart: the weekly goals. I may just have to join you in that endeavor. The month tends to get to big for me to handle all at once but I think weekly would be amazing. I should probably start posting my meal plans too just to be held more accountable. And no more crying!! We can do this girly!!

    AFM...I think I have finally gotten over the break-up blues and am ready to take back my life. So let's do this!!

    Quote of the day - "The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one." - Mark Twain
  • emmarie1630
    emmarie1630 Posts: 58 Member
    Hey, all! I know we're already a few days into this month but I'm gonna try to catch up. My August goals were mainly just to try and establish a schedule again... honestly, it's taking a lot longer than I ever imagined. It's frustrating to several degrees because I KNOW it's possible (I've done it before!) it just seems to be impossible to get into a good groove and establish a schedule. I'll do alright for a few days then go out of town or something and everything is out of whack again. For example, school just started back-- (my LAST semester) and I have kind of a weird schedule- some days I have 4 or 5 classes back to back so lunch is pretty much out of the question. I don't know why I'm having such a hard time getting it down.. I'm not losing hope though.
    This month my goal is to get back to a solid exercise routine-- especially getting started up with bootcamp again. Also, my husband and I have been working on setting dinner menus for the week. Unfortunately this week is going to be incredibly hectic-- I have stuff going on on campus until 10 or 11 pm until next Monday. I hate excuses, and I really hate that it sounds like I'm making them... but that's why I'm not giving up. I'm trying to be patient and not stress out and let everything work itself out-- well that's what I need to keep telling myself. :smile:
    I look forward to hearing from everyone throughout the month!

    mkingraham (Megan)- Keep up the 15k training plan, complete my 10k on 9/24, make my workouts a priority even when I'm on the cruise, get into ONEderland
    meagalayne- Ice and stretch as needed and try to incorporate core and upper body work into your weekly routine; drink more H20 than you did in August; run on Sept 18th ONLY if your foot is healing/healed and if you are capable of doing so without risking further injury; continue not logging food and be good to yourself
    elksy- Run 5k three times a week, start logging faithfully, develop healthy attitudes towards food.
    abby459- lose 5lbs in September; run my first 5K, keep working out at least 5 days/week.
    jillybeanruns - Continue training for my marathon and train smart; keep up with PT exercises, stretch/do yoga, and ice; strength train a minimum of 2x a week; 96 oz of water minimum a day; work harder to get my net cals up on long run/high burn days;
    greenb trying to get back to 150 lbs. I'm currently 209; I've already lost 6.8 lbs. I also want to run a 5k and work out atleast 4x a week.
    GreenHumanClay continue Jogging 3xs/week, Drinking plenty of h20 64. oz. minimum, Continue practicing Bikram Yoga 3xs/week, more rest 7-8 hrs, not obsess over the scale, hiking or mt. biking 2-4 times per month and be nicer and loving to my self.
    cmg2008: continue to run at least 3 days a week, get into the low 130s, and try not to get stressed out over grad school =D
    imarunner8908-track at least 5 days a week, lose 10lbs (5 that I gained last month and 5 more)
    KanCrav~Loose my last pound.. stick with my strength training.. get back in the habit of working out at least 4times a week.
    lalonmeg000-drink 2 full nalgene bottles of water everyday! which means it has to come with me to class , only 2 meals out to eat a week, eat something for breakfast everyday
    GuamGrly~ (Bethany) - start and continue C25K training, 8 oz. of water per day, 60-90 minutes per week of additional exercise, eat out no more than 2 days per week, and lose 5 pounds this month. Going big or going home this month!!
    emmarie- exercise!!, get back to bootcamp, solid dinners, get the hang of my schedule, don't stress!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hey ladies! Labour day is coming to an end and we had a great weekend away, camping a few hours from home. Unfortunately we ended up hunkered down in our tent most of the weekend waiting out the thunderstorms, but life could be so much worse than vacations away in the rain with your best friend and partner :bigsmile:

    I am definitely dealing with a LOT of conflicting emotions right now. I am feeling incredibly sad and empty - something that I dealt with during my first bouts of training-related injury but have yet to conquer. It's overwhelming, to say the least, and very disheartening that my mood and self-worth are still so tied up with fitness, training and being "on track". Knowing that I feel so empty and devastated without running, despite all of the other happiness in my life, leads me to believe that I definitely need to re-evaluate and work at finding a healthier relationship with food and fitness in the long term. I know it seems crazy but I feel like I'm missing a big part of my life right now... Thankfully Tyler and my mom are being so good about it and very supportive. I am going to finally see a doctor this week (my own DR went on mat leave and I haven't been able to see anyone!) and hopefully get some answers. Going to give a foot brace a try this week as well, and some major anti-inflammatories and pain meds, hoping to get myself decently prepared for my 1/2 Marathon if I can help it at all...

    Anyway, back to you folks! :bigsmile:

    Happy to see many of you back into the challenge.

    Em - Getting into a routine and sticking with it is majorly HARD work - The key IMO is not to let yourself fall off track when something goes wrong or you miss one workout, or one meal. Just stay on task. Don't try to "make up" for it or fit it in somewhere else. You will end up discouraged or burnt out. Do as much as you can to stick with it but if life gets in the way just pick up tomorrow where you left off. If you miss a workout on Tuesday, get up Wednesday and treat it like any other Wednesday. Eat as you normally would and get your Wednesday work out in. Every day is a new one and you can make each one count - keeping a running tally will just drag you down! Good luck :drinker:

    Beth - Thanks for the kindness :smile: hope you and the girlie had some great QT before school starts up. Sounds like you are such a fabulous mother! Definitely worth the time out from MFP! We saw lots of great mom's camping with their kiddos this weekend and it always makes me think of you - I really wish you guys have some better luck fitting it in next year. It's such a great treat and a nice chance to get away! Love the Mark Twain quote btw - He's got a lot of really great ones!

    Kan - 1lb?!? You've got this! Working on everything else in life is what's going to be the challenge. Take each day at a time and kick some *kitten* :drinker:

    Ima - Spring cleaning shouldn't be relegated to the spring! It always makes me feel so good and it's a great way to feel like you're having a "fresh start"! Whenever life is feeling like it's really weighing me down, cleaning things out and getting rid of some life clutter always turns my mood around. It's also a great way to zone out and forget about the emotional junk cluttering up your life right now. Thanks for the reminder! Hope you have managed to move past all those bad feelings and start to appreciate the freedom of being without all that "stuff" - Enjoy it and move forward. Each day is a new one. Slow and steady but definitely in the right direction! :happy:

    OK Folks time to clean up and get ready for work tomorrow. Have a great one!
  • emmarie1630
    emmarie1630 Posts: 58 Member
    Meag- thank you for the advice. That is a really good point that I need to keep in mind. I'm hoping to get in that mindset and stay there. Good luck at the Doctor.. I hope everything turns out ok! I'll be thinking about you!

    Have a good short week, everyone!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Meghan - think I forgot you in my original post...sorry!! :flowerforyou: Glad that you survived rush week and that it was a great experience. Super sorry to hear about the car accident but glad you walked away from it. The PT and taking it easy will do you some good. Perhaps give you time to focus on healthy eating. And as much as you want to get out there and dance again, I am sure you understand that its much more important to heal your body before pushing it to its limits. One day at a time girly!!

    Emma - so glad to have you back girly!! :flowerforyou: I struggle with finding a schedule each and every week. Since my daughter is starting school on Thursday, I am hoping that our lives will kinda calm down and we can find some sort of normalcy again. But I completely agree with Meag, just take it one day at a time and reflect on what worked and what didn't. You will find your groove and make it work!!

    Meag - it always saddens me to hear you talk like that because I know you are much stronger than that. Life has thrown you another curve ball and I hope you are able to become a stronger woman because of it rather than letting it hinder you. :bigsmile: Glad that you and Tyler still managed to have a great time stuck in the tent together. We had thunderstorms last night too, which is not normal for us. Thanks for thinking of me and the kiddos while camping!! :love: I know that we will be road trippin it next summer to New Mexico but hopefully will still be able to fit in some camping trips as well.

    Hope everyone's weeks are off to a smashing start!!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    ~Meag... Im sorry emotions are so high for you right now. If I learned anything about being nice to myself from this site.. then it was from you!!! I know you can get through this. (if anyone can it's you!) I have come a long way from when I started out here... not really in the fitness aspect but in my overall view of life. I have learned so much from so many people that I now can truly say that we are not given anything we can not deal with. You know what I have been through in the last few years and you have had my back for the last MANY months helping me stay positive! Now its time for me to remind you that.. You are beautiful and wonderful. You are worth it! Your worth has nothing to do with the food you eat or the lengths you can run... it has to do with the fact that you are an amazing woman who can do anything she sets her mind to. Don't forget to set your mind to "content" and smile today. :love:

    ~Beth... I am so glad to hear that you are looking up now!~!~! Your life is yours to make! I hope you know how great you are!

    AFM... no gym today, its closed! I am taking that as a mandatory day off. Lol. Not that I needed it, but it is nice to be reminded that fitness is a lifestyle and not something I can pound out for 10 days and get bored.. AGAIN! So I started my strength training regiment again a few days ago and instead of killing myself I am doing it the right way... one day at a time, with rest days!~!~! I am trying not to focus too much on my pound I have to loose. (that sounds sooo crazy... my POUND...hehe) I am super scared to eat more than 1300 calories. SCARED SCARED SCARED!!! :noway: I don't know how to let myself eat more without being terrified that I am going to gain back all the weight I lost.... I didn't tell you guys this before because I was scared that you were going to yell at me.. but I need to get into maintenance and I need to do it soon.. I feel like I just keep getting flabbier and that's making me really unhappy with myself. Gotta get this right.

    How can I get over the fear of moving into maintenance from weight loss????
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Hey Ladies!

    I don't have a ton of time right now but I wanted to drop in and say hi. I spent yesterday sitting on my bum and being really lazy- which was nice but unfortunate at the same time because I was suppose to run 3 miles and I should have come into work because I have A LOT to do. I am going on vacation starting Sunday and I am really excited but we are crazy busy at work right now and I am the lead on the project that needs to cointnue without any problems while I am gone. This makes for a very stressful time. I still managed to get in Spin this morning and because of my increadible slackiness that was yesterday I pushed myself really hard and could definitely feel it. I will do my best to drop in this evening, but I have a feeling I am going to be MIA a lot until I get back from my cruise on Sept 19. Keep up the awesome work ladies!

  • I guess I'll be one of the new twenty-somthings. :)

    Nicole, 20.
    Starting weight: 143
    Current weight: 126.2

    Goals for September: Eat a low-cal breakfast every morning, work out at the gym 5 - 6x a week, walk at least 3 miles everyday, reach 122 pounds by the end of the month (though I would love to break 120), and see definite toning in my abs, arms, and legs. :)
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    I just wanted to say a quick hello and I have forgotten to post on here, I have class in a bit and just got off work so I should be back n here around 10 pmish! Hope you all had an awesome weekend!!! Until later!!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Mmmm I just ate loads of healthy popcorn with some cinnamon and a sprinkling of mini semi-sweet chocolate chips. Such a fabulous snack!

    I know, it's 11:20pm - What am I doing eating! But I earned it today. I finally got a run in - I gave myself permission to give running another shot and to stop if the pain got any worse. I managed to eek out 3.28miles in 30 minutes plus a warm-up and cool-down, and also did 100 crunches and 50 push-ups throughout the day. Felt good to get a solid workout in today. I managed to eat really well all day, so the popcorn was an awesome treat. I ate low-carb, super healthy, and almost entirely raw and unprocessed. Felt good. Love how low-GI my days can be when I make an effort and have control over my meals. Popcorn is sooo worth it! :wink:

    Tomorrow, my meals include cinnamon-apple oats (as always), tofu scramble with veggies and spices, spinach salad with carrots, red onion, bean sprouts and spice-rubbed baked chicken (made it today, so good!), grapes + a fresh, local peach, and then homemade taco salad for dinner - Sounds like a lot, right? haha Yea.... Totally is! But it's going to be worth it and everything is very low cal and healthy. Ya'll would be surprised how much food I eat for 1600-1800 calories/day. My most caloric meal is almost ALWAYS my breakfast - clocking in around 420 calories depending on the specifics - and I think that's probably for the best. Eat really well early on in the day and taper off near the end. I just need to get a handle on snacking less late at night. But We're all a work in progress! lol

    Welcome Nicole :flowerforyou: May I ask why you are focused on a low-cal breakfast? If anything, I'd suggest cutting cals at/after dinner if you are looking to lose weight. Or instead, vary your workouts and focus on toning and fat loss to get rid of those last few pounds. Low cal breakfasts have never been manageable for me. I need to get my metabolism going and I definitely need fuel for the day, or I end up binging/overeating at lunch. As for your abs/arms... I've found that simple core exercises and push-ups have helped a lot. Basic body weight training will do the trick if you are willing to stick it out and really give it 100%. Push-ups, sit-ups, planks, squats, deadlifts, rows, dips and chin-ups/pull-ups and you're pretty well set. If you are looking for a routine, check out http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2009/12/09/beginner-body-weight-workout-burn-fat-build-muscle/ -- this guy knows his stuff! And it's easy as pie to get started. Just have to really commit to get results.

    This is what I am aiming to get back to, myself, in the next month. I know I've been slacking so I am gearing up and getting back on track. Bring it on, body!

  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    So today is the beginning of an exhausting semester.... Work short break then school till 9:35 and weekends will mainly be for catching up with Homework, spending time with my boyfriend, family and catching up on chores and grocery shopping, pretty much life for most of us. had my first class of Sign Language tonight which seems like it's going to be fun, fast and test my memory, hoping to become trilingual in the future.

    meagalayne Glad you were able to finally get in a solid workout and eat clean, hope your foot pain heals sooner than later so you can breeze through your marathon. Your meals for tomorrow sound yummy, healthy and fulfilling. Hmm i have never tried semi-sweet chocolate chips and cinnamon with popcorn, I think i will... Keeping listening to your body, hope for a fast recovery :flowerforyou:

    GuamGrly Thanks i had a great time up there and i did the zip lining as well as my BF who is afraid of heights. Boy did I almost chicken out, the idea sounds amazing until you get up there you think WTH did I get my self into lol. The downside I guess if I should even call it that was that me being 5 ft even had some challenges. I was too short to rest my feet on the ledge so I had tone extended forward above 1500 feet of nothingness and lay back with my feet tucked under until they cleared the person before me, it was about a 2-3 minute wait but I was holding myself up using my ab muscles or lack there of and i definitely felt the burn. But anyways over all great experience might hold off on skydiving for a bit. Hope you and you little one keep enjoying your days together till she starts school and again and can establish a "normal" schedule. BTW i agree with Meag great quote and He does have many great quotes!!

    AFM I have been jogging about 5xs/week instead of 3 because the boyfriend has now started to jog with me and plans to keep doing it, plus it's an extra workout for our pup besides his daily bike rides he goes on with my boyfriend. Since I have started with MFP in late january the Boyfriend Huston, has lost 25 lbs without even trying, and to top it off he was average size guy to begin with. My dog even looks fitter, and i notice more friends and family becoming more interested in whatever health/fitness things I'm doing since they are seeing the transformation. Biggest compliment when i get asked for advice. Has anyone taken a health/kinesiology class before, thinking of taking one the following semester for fun and for my health benefit. I have been eating well these past two days but have to admit i had mom and pop shop food all weekend up there in Groveland/Yosemite and i do not feel guilty. I'm planning on doing Yoga Fri, Sat and Sunday since it's impossible during the week. Oh ya I forgot to add there will be a Chocolate Festival this weekend that I will be attending to in S.F. super excited, I'll make sure to get a good workout in!!! Until tomorrow Ladies, keeping making good choice and staying positive! :bigsmile:
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Cynthia- You have been one busy lady! It is so nice that your BF and your dog get to participate in your healthy lifestyle and that your BF is so willing. It is frustrating how easily they loose weight though isn’t it! My hubby started out eating what I was eating, and he still is for the major meals, and he dropped like 20 pounds. However he hasn’t exercised like I have and he eats a lot of snacks and such that he shouldn’t so I have greatly surpassed him in the weight loss game, but more importantly I know how much healthier my overall life is. The chocolate festival sounds AMAZING! The 15k I am running is the Hot Chocolate 15k and there is a chocolate festival at the end, motivation enough for me to run 9.3 miles :)

    Meag- Your food sounds amazing! I have been off track the past couple of days which is not good leading up to my cruise where I will have no control over how the food is prepared. Its going to be an interesting challenge, but I’m not going to stress over it. Your attitude right now is just so amazing and I am loving every second of it! Keep it up girlfriend because if you keep finding the positives in each of your days you will see nothing but positives soon :)

    Nicole- Welcome to the group! It is a great place to vent, get ideas, and just receive overall motivation. Like Meag said, is there a particular reason you want to eat a low-cal breakfast? I find the healthier and more I eat at breakfast the better I prepare myself for a healthy delicious day. Just a thought, but gald to see you joining!

    Kandace- You are so close to your goal weight and I am so proud of you! You should be super pumped because you dropped some serious weight in such a short amount of time and tackled a lot of other personal issues. Meag can testify to needing to eat more to drop the last little bit and you know she is in maintenance and I think there are some helpful maintenance threads on the website if you search for them. And I think that when you do make that transition it is going to be scary for a little while until you figure it out, but you will!

    AFM- I have another crazy busy day on the schedule but I just can’t stay away from you ladies :) I am feeling particularly blah and just felt fat and horrible last night. This is my own doing as I at like crap the past couple of days, but I am getting back on track and making sure that I stay focused. My hubby found a chick-fil-a that is giving away a free breakfast entrée that is on our drive down to the cruise, so I signed up and I picked the multi-grain oatmeal. Awesome choice number 1 for vacation. I think because I am so busy at work this week to get everything ready before I go on vacation that I am depending on my hubby for cooking meals, and while they are delicious, they aren’t always the best thing for you or measured out just right so that is stressing me a little bit. I have also been just so insanely tired. I was suppose to run at 6 this morning, but decided I really need the extra hour of sleep, so that’s what I did. Now if I want to have any cals to eat for dinner, then I better run this evening haha. I will make myself run because sticking with this training plan is really important to me and I want to be successful. Keep posting ladies and I will do my best to reply, but I will at least read. Y’all keep me motivated this month!!

  • lexgem
    lexgem Posts: 163
    Hi everyone, can I join in? I'm 24, my name is Lex and here are my goals (also adding them to the bottom of the list)

    1) I'd like to be 58.5kg by the end of the month, which is about a 2 pound loss from where I am now.
    2) I'm joining a capoeira class and I want to be fit enough to keep up!
    3) Be able to do level 3 of Ripped in 30 by the end of the month

    mkingraham (Megan)- Keep up the 15k training plan, complete my 10k on 9/24, make my workouts a priority even when I'm on the cruise, get into ONEderland
    meagalayne- Ice and stretch as needed and try to incorporate core and upper body work into your weekly routine; drink more H20 than you did in August; run on Sept 18th ONLY if your foot is healing/healed and if you are capable of doing so without risking further injury; continue not logging food and be good to yourself
    elksy- Run 5k three times a week, start logging faithfully, develop healthy attitudes towards food.
    abby459- lose 5lbs in September; run my first 5K, keep working out at least 5 days/week.
    jillybeanruns - Continue training for my marathon and train smart; keep up with PT exercises, stretch/do yoga, and ice; strength train a minimum of 2x a week; 96 oz of water minimum a day; work harder to get my net cals up on long run/high burn days;
    greenb trying to get back to 150 lbs. I'm currently 209; I've already lost 6.8 lbs. I also want to run a 5k and work out atleast 4x a week.
    GreenHumanClay continue Jogging 3xs/week, Drinking plenty of h20 64. oz. minimum, Continue practicing Bikram Yoga 3xs/week, more rest 7-8 hrs, not obsess over the scale, hiking or mt. biking 2-4 times per month and be nicer and loving to my self.
    cmg2008: continue to run at least 3 days a week, get into the low 130s, and try not to get stressed out over grad school =D
    imarunner8908-track at least 5 days a week, lose 10lbs (5 that I gained last month and 5 more)
    KanCrav~Loose my last pound.. stick with my strength training.. get back in the habit of working out at least 4times a week.
    lalonmeg000-drink 2 full nalgene bottles of water everyday! which means it has to come with me to class , only 2 meals out to eat a week, eat something for breakfast everyday
    GuamGrly~ (Bethany) - start and continue C25K training, 8 oz. of water per day, 60-90 minutes per week of additional exercise, eat out no more than 2 days per week, and lose 5 pounds this month. Going big or going home this month!!
    emmarie- exercise!!, get back to bootcamp, solid dinners, get the hang of my schedule, don't stress!
    lexgem - keep up with ripped in 30 and be able to do level 3 by the end of the month, lose 2 pounds, join a capoeira class
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement. I just need to get my life back...feels like I'm living someone else's nightmare along with my own. I'm hoping that once I "see" a pound or two come off, I can regroup and move on. :smile:
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    HEEEELLLLOOOO!! I know I disappeared and I know that I left you all in the dust, I really had to deal with what was going on with me emotionally after my crash and now I am feeling better. I am not even going to try to address any of my august goals, I had a tough month and an awesome birthday with lots of fun friends and indulgences. I regret nothing and I am already back on track to get down to my wedding weight. I wanted to come back and say Hi to everyone and check in. So much has happened I am sure. I guess I missed you guys :blushing:

    Well here is is I will join the list and get back into posting. I hope everyone is doing well and this is a new time to start fresh right?

    mkingraham (Megan)- Keep up the 15k training plan, complete my 10k on 9/24, make my workouts a priority even when I'm on the cruise, get into ONEderland
    meagalayne- Ice and stretch as needed and try to incorporate core and upper body work into your weekly routine; drink more H20 than you did in August; run on Sept 18th ONLY if your foot is healing/healed and if you are capable of doing so without risking further injury; continue not logging food and be good to yourself
    elksy- Run 5k three times a week, start logging faithfully, develop healthy attitudes towards food.
    abby459- lose 5lbs in September; run my first 5K, keep working out at least 5 days/week.
    jillybeanruns - Continue training for my marathon and train smart; keep up with PT exercises, stretch/do yoga, and ice; strength train a minimum of 2x a week; 96 oz of water minimum a day; work harder to get my net cals up on long run/high burn days;
    greenb trying to get back to 150 lbs. I'm currently 209; I've already lost 6.8 lbs. I also want to run a 5k and work out atleast 4x a week.
    GreenHumanClay continue Jogging 3xs/week, Drinking plenty of h20 64. oz. minimum, Continue practicing Bikram Yoga 3xs/week, more rest 7-8 hrs, not obsess over the scale, hiking or mt. biking 2-4 times per month and be nicer and loving to my self.
    cmg2008: continue to run at least 3 days a week, get into the low 130s, and try not to get stressed out over grad school =D
    imarunner8908-track at least 5 days a week, lose 10lbs (5 that I gained last month and 5 more)
    KanCrav~Loose my last pound.. stick with my strength training.. get back in the habit of working out at least 4times a week.
    lalonmeg000-drink 2 full nalgene bottles of water everyday! which means it has to come with me to class , only 2 meals out to eat a week, eat something for breakfast everyday
    GuamGrly~ (Bethany) - start and continue C25K training, 8 oz. of water per day, 60-90 minutes per week of additional exercise, eat out no more than 2 days per week, and lose 5 pounds this month. Going big or going home this month!!
    emmarie- exercise!!, get back to bootcamp, solid dinners, get the hang of my schedule, don't stress!
    lexgem - keep up with ripped in 30 and be able to do level 3 by the end of the month, lose 2 pounds, join a capoeira class
    lostalykat- Lose 5 pounds, strength train 2 times a week, start half-marathon training for fun and just focus on eating healthy tasty food.

    I have another goal list on my blog if people are interested.

    Meag, Guam, KanCrav, Imarunner, Mking and anyone else I am forgetting I hope all is well and can't wait to talk to you all again :love:
  • cmg2008
    cmg2008 Posts: 139
    So i found my new addiction today, Dark Chocolate Almond Milk by Silk it is mmmm mmmm mmmm delicilous! I have started to fall out of my routine with the craziness that grad school has thrown at me and with work but I feel that in a couple week I will have a more "normal" schedule as I am taking a personal leave from my job so that I can foucus on school. Just want to tell everyone great job and keep up the great work!
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    HEEEELLLLOOOO!! I know I disappeared and I know that I left you all in the dust, I really had to deal with what was going on with me emotionally after my crash and now I am feeling better. I am not even going to try to address any of my august goals, I had a tough month and an awesome birthday with lots of fun friends and indulgences. I regret nothing and I am already back on track to get down to my wedding weight. I wanted to come back and say Hi to everyone and check in. So much has happened I am sure. I guess I missed you guys :blushing:

    Well here is is I will join the list and get back into posting. I hope everyone is doing well and this is a new time to start fresh right?

    mkingraham (Megan)- Keep up the 15k training plan, complete my 10k on 9/24, make my workouts a priority even when I'm on the cruise, get into ONEderland
    meagalayne- Ice and stretch as needed and try to incorporate core and upper body work into your weekly routine; drink more H20 than you did in August; run on Sept 18th ONLY if your foot is healing/healed and if you are capable of doing so without risking further injury; continue not logging food and be good to yourself
    elksy- Run 5k three times a week, start logging faithfully, develop healthy attitudes towards food.
    abby459- lose 5lbs in September; run my first 5K, keep working out at least 5 days/week.
    jillybeanruns - Continue training for my marathon and train smart; keep up with PT exercises, stretch/do yoga, and ice; strength train a minimum of 2x a week; 96 oz of water minimum a day; work harder to get my net cals up on long run/high burn days;
    greenb trying to get back to 150 lbs. I'm currently 209; I've already lost 6.8 lbs. I also want to run a 5k and work out atleast 4x a week.
    GreenHumanClay continue Jogging 3xs/week, Drinking plenty of h20 64. oz. minimum, Continue practicing Bikram Yoga 3xs/week, more rest 7-8 hrs, not obsess over the scale, hiking or mt. biking 2-4 times per month and be nicer and loving to my self.
    cmg2008: continue to run at least 3 days a week, get into the low 130s, and try not to get stressed out over grad school =D
    imarunner8908-track at least 5 days a week, lose 10lbs (5 that I gained last month and 5 more)
    KanCrav~Loose my last pound.. stick with my strength training.. get back in the habit of working out at least 4times a week.
    lalonmeg000-drink 2 full nalgene bottles of water everyday! which means it has to come with me to class , only 2 meals out to eat a week, eat something for breakfast everyday
    GuamGrly~ (Bethany) - start and continue C25K training, 8 oz. of water per day, 60-90 minutes per week of additional exercise, eat out no more than 2 days per week, and lose 5 pounds this month. Going big or going home this month!!
    emmarie- exercise!!, get back to bootcamp, solid dinners, get the hang of my schedule, don't stress!
    lexgem - keep up with ripped in 30 and be able to do level 3 by the end of the month, lose 2 pounds, join a capoeira class
    lostalykat- Lose 5 pounds, strength train 2 times a week, start half-marathon training for fun and just focus on eating healthy tasty food.

    I have another goal list on my blog if people are interested.

    Meag, Guam, KanCrav, Imarunner, Mking and anyone else I am forgetting I hope all is well and can't wait to talk to you all again :love:

    So glad you're back! A girl has to do what a girl has to do...just know we're here for ya! :happy:
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    HEEEELLLLOOOO!! I know I disappeared and I know that I left you all in the dust, I really had to deal with what was going on with me emotionally after my crash and now I am feeling better. I am not even going to try to address any of my august goals, I had a tough month and an awesome birthday with lots of fun friends and indulgences. I regret nothing and I am already back on track to get down to my wedding weight. I wanted to come back and say Hi to everyone and check in. So much has happened I am sure. I guess I missed you guys :blushing:

    Well here is is I will join the list and get back into posting. I hope everyone is doing well and this is a new time to start fresh right?

    mkingraham (Megan)- Keep up the 15k training plan, complete my 10k on 9/24, make my workouts a priority even when I'm on the cruise, get into ONEderland
    meagalayne- Ice and stretch as needed and try to incorporate core and upper body work into your weekly routine; drink more H20 than you did in August; run on Sept 18th ONLY if your foot is healing/healed and if you are capable of doing so without risking further injury; continue not logging food and be good to yourself
    elksy- Run 5k three times a week, start logging faithfully, develop healthy attitudes towards food.
    abby459- lose 5lbs in September; run my first 5K, keep working out at least 5 days/week.
    jillybeanruns - Continue training for my marathon and train smart; keep up with PT exercises, stretch/do yoga, and ice; strength train a minimum of 2x a week; 96 oz of water minimum a day; work harder to get my net cals up on long run/high burn days;
    greenb trying to get back to 150 lbs. I'm currently 209; I've already lost 6.8 lbs. I also want to run a 5k and work out atleast 4x a week.
    GreenHumanClay continue Jogging 3xs/week, Drinking plenty of h20 64. oz. minimum, Continue practicing Bikram Yoga 3xs/week, more rest 7-8 hrs, not obsess over the scale, hiking or mt. biking 2-4 times per month and be nicer and loving to my self.
    cmg2008: continue to run at least 3 days a week, get into the low 130s, and try not to get stressed out over grad school =D
    imarunner8908-track at least 5 days a week, lose 10lbs (5 that I gained last month and 5 more)
    KanCrav~Loose my last pound.. stick with my strength training.. get back in the habit of working out at least 4times a week.
    lalonmeg000-drink 2 full nalgene bottles of water everyday! which means it has to come with me to class , only 2 meals out to eat a week, eat something for breakfast everyday
    GuamGrly~ (Bethany) - start and continue C25K training, 8 oz. of water per day, 60-90 minutes per week of additional exercise, eat out no more than 2 days per week, and lose 5 pounds this month. Going big or going home this month!!
    emmarie- exercise!!, get back to bootcamp, solid dinners, get the hang of my schedule, don't stress!
    lexgem - keep up with ripped in 30 and be able to do level 3 by the end of the month, lose 2 pounds, join a capoeira class
    lostalykat- Lose 5 pounds, strength train 2 times a week, start half-marathon training for fun and just focus on eating healthy tasty food.

    I have another goal list on my blog if people are interested.

    Meag, Guam, KanCrav, Imarunner, Mking and anyone else I am forgetting I hope all is well and can't wait to talk to you all again :love:

    So glad you're back! A girl has to do what a girl has to do...just know we're here for ya! :happy: