

  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    LOL...gotta love that internet

    sheesh no kidding...what did Michelle call it the other day... when you can look on the internet to find what you want it to say? Something about bias... dang can't recall the name she used.:ohwell:

    But tis true, we can find anything on the net that we want it to say!

    I read someplace that we shouldn't be drinking water at all....then later the writer was then hospitalzed for dehydration...so what ya gonna do huh:laugh: :noway: :ohwell:

    Glad you found someone on the net that says coke is the same as water... news to me and many others I imagine as well:wink::drinker:

    So cheers for finding what you wanted it to say all along, :drinker: Wonder if Coke put out that article?:tongue:

    I'll stick to my yummy healthy water myself as I KNOW it's a good thing for my body!:flowerforyou:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Oh look! Another one from the internet ::gasp::::drinker:

  • vanessadawn
    vanessadawn Posts: 249
    I agree that I am sure you're body can function on less than 8 glasses a day. Look at all the people around you who never drink that much water! And your diet comprises a lot of fluids especially if you eat a lot of fruits and veggies. But I have always loved water, and drinking 8-10 glasses a day makes me feel energetic, cleansed and fuller throughout the day. That article seems a bit exaggerated as well because from what I have read about water intoxication it is veeeeerrrrry rare and most often is usually only affects athletes. If you don't enjoy water I suggest eating more fruit and veggies, or even low sugar juices, cheers! :drinker:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    My hubby likes to drink carbonated stuff every once in a while, and (gasp!!!) I even let my kids have a little, too. But the only kind we buy is the Safeway Free brand, and it's clear, fruit-flavored sparkling water... So it's basically like a soda, except there is no calories, and NO SODIUM... Which is a must for our family. Just another alternative, because diet Coke does have sodium in it...:drinker:
  • meg0112
    meg0112 Posts: 344
    Just like I don't get the desire for water! :) I don't even bring a bottle of water with me to the gym.

    I have tried some packets.....I guess it's just not a habit for me yet to automatically think of those.

    I'm addicted to Diet coke......I've accepted that fact. :tongue:

    I do like non-sweetened Ice tea......so I suppose I could make some of that.

    I takes (I think, maybe 28) 26 consecutive days to make something a habit. I used to be just like you- total diet dr. pepper addict, it was my crack, and I hardly ever drank water. Get a 32oz water bottle- a cute one so you'll be more likely to lug it around- and make your self drink one before you have a diet coke (or second diet coke) and eventually you'll work your water in. Then go to 2 bottles before you have a that second diet coke- then one diet coke a day and soon you'll be like me-Diet Coke Free for 45 days
  • BxMom
    BxMom Posts: 363
    Just like I don't get the desire for water! :) I don't even bring a bottle of water with me to the gym.

    I have tried some packets.....I guess it's just not a habit for me yet to automatically think of those.

    I'm addicted to Diet coke......I've accepted that fact. :tongue:

    I do like non-sweetened Ice tea......so I suppose I could make some of that.

    I have a frend whose kids HATED drinking water. What I had them do was every time they went into the kitchen they had to drink 4 oz of water. It took over 6 months but now they drink water on there own. It's tough when you don't like something but start small. Get a measuring cup and every time you go to your kitchen or take a break a work drink 1/4 cup :drinker: . Don't focus on a full glass, hope this help
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    FYI...I was being facetious about the water article.

    Geeze, you guys take your water WAAAAY too seriously. :noway:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    FYI...I was being facetious about the water article.

    Geeze, you guys take your water WAAAAY too seriously. :noway:

    We do take it quite serious here:laugh: , because in fact it is serious when our bodies don't get enough :drinker: I didn't realize you were being facitious:blushing: ...thought you were being serious.:flowerforyou:

    I say do the best you can:flowerforyou: , if you drink alot of pop now, maybe grab a bottle of water for your next workout and see how your body likes it. See if you can find a way to enjoy it, lots have shared they don't care for it and have found sneaky ways to get themselves to drink it anyway.:tongue: Some have suggested a straw, some sip it slow some gulp it down...:laugh: you see what I mean. :bigsmile:

    Oh Oh...not sure if anyone brought up these lil helpful tricks on water...some have shared if they squeeze a bit of lemon in it, drop a slice of lemon or cumcumber in a glass, eat a mint first then drink it. Seriously folks have found those ways helpful and shared that.:flowerforyou:

    Nothing but the best to you,:happy:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Just like I don't get the desire for water! :) I don't even bring a bottle of water with me to the gym.

    I have tried some packets.....I guess it's just not a habit for me yet to automatically think of those.

    I'm addicted to Diet coke......I've accepted that fact. :tongue:

    I do like non-sweetened Ice tea......so I suppose I could make some of that.

    I have a frend whose kids HATED drinking water. What I had them do was every time they went into the kitchen they had to drink 4 oz of water. It took over 6 months but now they drink water on there own. It's tough when you don't like something but start small. Get a measuring cup and every time you go to your kitchen or take a break a work drink 1/4 cup :drinker: . Don't focus on a full glass, hope this help
    What a great idea to offer up...it's a bit harder for me to quite understand as I love water and I know all the good things it's done for my well being. But that said, I grew up drinking it like some grew up with Koolaid or Pop.

    So I am not really able to wrap my head around it either when a person doesn't enjoy water as Sassie shared... :blushing: :drinker:
  • BxMom
    BxMom Posts: 363
    Just like I don't get the desire for water! :) I don't even bring a bottle of water with me to the gym.

    I have tried some packets.....I guess it's just not a habit for me yet to automatically think of those.

    I'm addicted to Diet coke......I've accepted that fact. :tongue:

    I do like non-sweetened Ice tea......so I suppose I could make some of that.

    I have a frend whose kids HATED drinking water. What I had them do was every time they went into the kitchen they had to drink 4 oz of water. It took over 6 months but now they drink water on there own. It's tough when you don't like something but start small. Get a measuring cup and every time you go to your kitchen or take a break a work drink 1/4 cup :drinker: . Don't focus on a full glass, hope this help
    What a great idea to offer up...it's a bit harder for me to quite understand as I love water and I know all the good things it's done for my well being. But that said, I grew up drinking it like some grew up with Koolaid or Pop.

    So I am not really able to wrap my head around it either when a person doesn't enjoy water as Sassie shared... :blushing: :drinker:

    I have 3 teens that rather drink water over anything else :drinker: They do splurge with gatorade, sobelife water and the occational soda. They keep me in line with drinking my water because I need it
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Just like I don't get the desire for water! :) I don't even bring a bottle of water with me to the gym.

    I have tried some packets.....I guess it's just not a habit for me yet to automatically think of those.

    I'm addicted to Diet coke......I've accepted that fact. :tongue:

    I do like non-sweetened Ice tea......so I suppose I could make some of that.

    I have a frend whose kids HATED drinking water. What I had them do was every time they went into the kitchen they had to drink 4 oz of water. It took over 6 months but now they drink water on there own. It's tough when you don't like something but start small. Get a measuring cup and every time you go to your kitchen or take a break a work drink 1/4 cup :drinker: . Don't focus on a full glass, hope this help
    What a great idea to offer up...it's a bit harder for me to quite understand as I love water and I know all the good things it's done for my well being. But that said, I grew up drinking it like some grew up with Koolaid or Pop.

    So I am not really able to wrap my head around it either when a person doesn't enjoy water as Sassie shared... :blushing: :drinker:

    I have 3 teens that rather drink water over anything else :drinker: They do splurge with gatorade, sobelife water and the occational soda. They keep me in line with drinking my water because I need it
    :laugh: That's pretty awesome that it's there first choice and it benefits you as well:wink::drinker:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I think I look at Diet Coke as not having any calories and so it's okay.

    Yes Yes I know alll about the chemicals in it.

    Infact, my mom used to drink it and I remeber thinking EW this stuff is gross. Now I love the burn of that first drink! :wink:

    Oh Ice.:laugh: ..I do know what you mean:noway: ....I used to have in my head...oh look no sugar, must be ok, on look no fat, must be ok. I was the same way with pop in the past, I didn't HAVE to have it or so I thought:blushing: , I was an occasional drinker, maybe every few monthes at most...but the weird part was when I drink diet Mountain Dew on the rare occasion, ahhh:blushing: um, er:blushing: I down one, then another then another, etc. etc., by then I've got 6 empty cans at least sitting in front of me, we're talking in less than an hours:laugh: :blushing: :tongue: , I hang out at my Mechanics shop a few times a week as they've become buds of mine so it seems almost like it's beer drinking the way I down it. (I'm not much of a beer drinker but just using it as an example of how some down beers)

    It's very odd..but I don't do it often but now I find when I drive past there...ROFL I crave a diet mountain dew and force myself not to stop and visit with them somedays so I won't drink any. Especially on my way to the gym, I'm such a puritain then, want to do a clean workout with no caffeine...

    I know I know....the secrets of FC's secret life are now out:wink::laugh: :tongue:

    I do find it weird behavior for me as I don't buy it they just toss me another one when the other is 1/2 empty and laugh, I swear to god I get drunk on that stuff, I start stumbing around and get very very silly and every thing to me is then funny. I am sooooooo caffeine sensitive it's not even funny plus who knows what the fake sugars are doing to me...they might also be spiking my blood sugars. I get so much energy when drinking it though it blows my mind...almost too much though if I have to much at once, I become goofy silly and can't find my car keys, etc.

    So drunk on diet MD....pretty sad isn't it!:blushing:

    Good thing I don't buy it and keep it at home! I used to be so much a Diet Pepsi girl...caffeine all the way years back... I would drink a 12 pack easily. OMG how weird is this? I'm having cravings now for diet pop and it's almost 2am here. Hm..... I haven't had any in weeks and I will admit when I'm drinking it, well maybe not the first one, but defintiely after then 2nd to the 8th I could care less how healthy or not it is for me.

    I am thankful it doesn't have cals but I know the caffeine in my body can't be that great for me as I have such high energy anyway so it really puts me WAY over the top.:blushing: :laugh: Plus the fake sugars in it who really knows what they are doing to us, let alone how they effect my blood sugar, I think that's the biggie I need to think about.

    But not while I'm downing them...I merely am thinking about the yummy taste and how many more are in the fridge.

    OMG have I just admitted I'm an addict, wow it sure sounds like it. Can't wait to go get one tomorrow as a treat from my mechanic. LOL ok ok, maybe I won't:ohwell:

    So truth be told, I don't drink them with an regularity at all but can now see how it can get ahold on you....I drank diet MD and diet Pepsi for years to push myself even faster and harder at my jobs, it just felt good to be a crazed fast working employee aka supervisor. Ah but then I ended up with major depression and on temporary disabilty due to that.:noway: :sad:

    Ok, the end:glasses:

    My name is FC :glasses: and I may be a closet it diet pop drinker who's just now realized it ::gulp:::sad: :ohwell: :tongue: :bigsmile:

    Or have I now simply become a water addict? I do down them in a very similar way...one after another after another... sorta like a chain smoker with my water bottles:huh:

  • BxMom
    BxMom Posts: 363
    So, I opened another tab and decieded to see what WebMD had to say about water. Seems like 8 glasses a day is being done away with :noway: with new recommendations based on individuals and not groups. :smile:

    I do recommend you read the article, it gives really good guidelines and list foods containing high water content. It also talks about basic guidelines for active and inactive adults.

  • stephaneyh
    When I worked full time, we were only allowed bottled water at our desk and it became a habit to never be without that water at your desk, with people getting all into buying different types of containers like you would a new purse and having everyone else going ga-ga over it. It was insane. The idea was, on a production keying type of job, if you were taking a sip of your water, you were NOT working, so, the company tried to ban the water at the desk priviledge, so everyone just moved their water containers to the floor beneath their desk. Viv-la defiance!

    I've been out of work now for a year after a 27 year career and it has taken me the entire year to stop walking around the house with a bottle of water, like I'm at work or something!

    If it hadn't been for my job, I doubt very seriously I would ever touch simple water to my lips, I'm so accustomed to soft drinks and lemonades and tea.
  • 1sweet_dreamer
    Crystal light packets! They come in little packets that you can mix into your water bottle, I like the strawberry lemonade. Hope this helps!


  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Crystal light packets! They come in little packets that you can mix into your water bottle, I like the strawberry lemonade. Hope this helps!



    cap key alert
  • writer4him
    writer4him Posts: 225 Member
    I'm not a big fan of water, either...I don't hate it, but don't really love it either. And I LOVE diet coke! I was drinking at least 6 cans a day...and I know EXACTLY what you mean about loving that first gulp! It would be the first thing I would do in the morning - like some people and their morning coffee. But, I am weaning myself off the diet coke and it hasn't been too bad. I've only had one can a day since Sunday, and no headaches (yet) today or yesterday! And I have been WAY more thirsty since I stopped drinking so much, so I am thinking my body is pretty happy that I am feeding it water. Next week, I am hoping to do one can every other day, and then no more!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Crystal light packets! They come in little packets that you can mix into your water bottle, I like the strawberry lemonade. Hope this helps!



    cap key alert

  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Crystal light packets! They come in little packets that you can mix into your water bottle, I like the strawberry lemonade. Hope this helps!



    cap key alert

    Oh lord.....are we touchy about people "YELLING" through the computer also?? :laugh:

    Maybe she was just excited to see that there are other people out there like her and that she is not alone! :love:

    Please know that I have a dry sarcastic sense of humor so don't take everything so seriously!!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Just like I don't get the desire for water! :) I don't even bring a bottle of water with me to the gym.

    I have tried some packets.....I guess it's just not a habit for me yet to automatically think of those.

    I'm addicted to Diet coke......I've accepted that fact. :tongue:

    I do like non-sweetened Ice tea......so I suppose I could make some of that.

    I have a frend whose kids HATED drinking water. What I had them do was every time they went into the kitchen they had to drink 4 oz of water. It took over 6 months but now they drink water on there own. It's tough when you don't like something but start small. Get a measuring cup and every time you go to your kitchen or take a break a work drink 1/4 cup :drinker: . Don't focus on a full glass, hope this help

    I was gonna suggest the same idea. It worked for me.
    Before I could have my soda or sweet tea, I had to drink a glass of water.
    I'd just chug it to get through so I could have my sweet drink.
    I use flavor packets (Hawaian Punch!) for my water now.
    I can only drink plain water in the summer when I'm hot.
    I think non-sweetened tea would be a great way to go for you.