SUMMER WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE 2020 (May, June, July, and August) A Continuation



  • EDTake2
    EDTake2 Posts: 165 Member

    June 1: 230
    June 8: 227.6
    June 15: 226.8
    June 22: 221.2
    June 29:219.6

    June Goal: 220 (-10)
    June Actual:219.6 (10.4)

    July 6: 216.6
    July 13: 216.4:(
    July 20: 213.8
    July 27: 216.0:'(

    July Goal: 210 (-10)
    July Actual:216.0 (-0.6)

    August 3: 213.6
    August 10:212.8
    August 17:212.6
    August 24:
    August 31:

    August Goal: 200 (-10)
    August Actual:

    Weight lost this week: .2
    Weight lost so far: 13.6
    Challenge Weight loss goal: 30 lbs
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,752 Member
    HEAVIEST: 192.2

    May 04: 144.8 at 9:00 a.m.
    May 11: 148.2 at 9:00 a.m. ...oh, sure!
    May 18: 145.4 at 9:30 a.m.
    May 25: 149.0 at 8:30 a.m.

    May Goal: 145.0
    May Actual: bwahahhahhah!

    June 01: 149.0 at 8:30 a.m.
    June 08: 152.4 at 8:30 a.m. ...bwahahahah!
    June 15: 153.0 at 9:00 a.m. ...ugh!
    June 22: DNW
    June 29: 154.4 at 10:00 a.m. ...sprained my ankle on the 10th...haven't walked since.

    June Goal: 143
    June Actual: bwahahah!

    July 01: 152.6 at 9:30 a.m.
    July 06: 154.2 at 10:30 a.m.
    July 13: 152.8 at 9:30 a.m.
    July 20: 153.0 at 7:30 a.m.
    July 27: 156.0 at 7:30 a.m.
    July 31: 151.8 at 8:00 a.m.

    July Goal: 155.5
    July Actual: - 0.8

    August 03: 152.0 at 7:15 a.m.
    August 10: 152.6 at 7:30 a.m.
    August 17: 153.4 at 4:00 a.m.
    August 24:
    August 31:

    August Goal:
    August Actual:

    Weight lost this week:

    Challenge Weight loss goal: ? pounds
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,884 Member

    May 01: 207.7 Good luck Everyone!
    May 04: 205.7 Gotta get back to Onederland, Gotta get back to Onederland, My birthday is on Mother’s day this year. I am hoping my present to myself is to continue to lose all this week and get closer to goal!
    May 11: 205.1 A little bit of improvement. I just need to “be good” for longer stretches if I ever hope to get back below 200.
    May 18: 204.2 I’m on the right path. It is going a bit better. I am staying busy but with spring cleaning and organizing, not really what I call planned exercise. I would love to be back in Onederland by June 1st. We shall see.
    May 25: 205.3 Still down from the beginning of the month, but I know I can do better.
    May 31: 206.8 Inflated weight after travel.

    May Goal: 201.9
    May Actual: 206.8
    Cumulative Weight Loss so Far: 1.1 lbs Lost

    June 01: 206.8 I’ve got to get this ball rolling!
    June 08: 211.0 Miserable! Lots of reasons but no excuses.
    June 15: 208.7 An improvement but I must stay on track and strive to do even better!
    June 22: 208.2 Continuing to work on the climb back down to my start weight. Almost there!
    June 29: 208.8 I seriously wish I had more time to just focus. These long 20 hour days are killing me.
    June 30: 207.9

    June Goal: 195.9
    June Actual: 207.9
    Cumulative Weight Loss so Far: No Loss / No gain

    July 01: 207.9
    July 06: 207.5
    July 13: 209.6
    July 20: 210.0
    July 27: 210.2
    July 31: 209.5

    July Goal: 201.9 (revised)
    July Actual: 209.5
    Cumulative Weight Loss so Far: 1.5 lb GAIN

    August 01: 209.4
    August 03: 209.8
    August 10: 209.5 Better……
    August 17: 209.3 Slowly but surely things may be turning around.
    August 24:
    August 31:

    August Goal: 203.4 (revised)
    August Actual:
    Cumulative Weight Loss so Far:

    Challenge Weight loss goal: I am aiming for a 6 pound loss per month.
  • Jen_967
    Jen_967 Posts: 1,926 Member

    May 4: 222.8
    May 11: 218.2
    May 18: 218.4- I have to get back on track this week.
    May 25: 216.2
    May 31: 216.8

    May Goal: 217
    May Actual: 216.8

    June 1: 216.8😐
    June 8: 215.0 😊
    June 15: 213.0😁
    June 22: 215.0 🙄
    June 28: 212.2 😀
    June 30: 213.8 😡 (7.7lbs)

    June Goal: 207
    June Actual: 213.8

    July 6: 214.2 Had brain surgery 7/1. When I first came home from hospital, I had gained 5lbs. But since then I lost 3 of those pounds. 😊
    July 12: 210.2
    July 19: 209.4
    July 27: 214.2- Not a good week. Eating out of control and since surgery, I am not able to start exercising until 8/7. Just need to get back on track with eating better foods and less of them.
    July 31: 213.8

    July Goal: 207
    July Actual: 213.8

    August 3: 216.0 😡 getting back on track this month.
    August 10: 215.4
    August 17: 214.6
    August 24:
    August 31:

    August Goal: 205
    August Actual:

    Weight lost this week: -0.8lbs
    Weight loss so far: -6.9lbs
    Challenge Weight loss goal: 15llbs
    Actual Weight loss for the challenge:
  • AsIAmNow
    AsIAmNow Posts: 40 Member

    June 29: 171.2 - joining the challenge late but need the accountability!
    July 6: 169.8 (-1.4) - happy to be down a bit, as I was not very mindful over the weekend
    July 13: 170.2 (+0.4) - thoughtless eating caught up with me this week - time for some vigilant tracking!
    July 20: 170.2 (0.0) - more consistent tracking needed so reporting here: tracked 2/7 days
    July 27: 167.2 (-3.0) - tracking 7/7 days paid off

    July Goal: 166.2
    July Actual: 166.4 (-4.8)

    August 3: 166.4 (-0.8) - Good week of tracking (7/7) and (mostly) good food choices
    August 10: 168.4 (+2.0) - Another good week of tracking (7/7) but didn't translate into hoped for results (yet)
    August 17: 168.4 (0.0) - Okay tracking (5/7) but need to do better this week
    August 24:
    August 31:

    August Goal: 161.2
    August Actual:

    Weight lost this week: 0.0
    Challenge Weight loss goal: 161.2 (-10)
    Actual Weight loss for the challenge: TBD
  • Dead_Mans_Party
    Dead_Mans_Party Posts: 891 Member

    August 3: ***
    August 10: 257.3
    August 17: 258.1
    August 24
    August 31

    August Goal: 252
    August Actual:

    Weight lost this week: **

    Overall Loss: 14.9 lbs
    Challenge Goal: Drop 20 lbs.

    And the seesaw battle continues!!!
  • j29t
    j29t Posts: 229 Member
    CHALLENGE STARTING WEIGHT: Weight 146.3 on 4/27/20

    May 4: 147.1
    May 11: 147
    May 18: 145
    May 22: 144.7

    May Goal: 145
    May Actual: 144.7 (-1.6)

    June 1: 146.7 Beach Vacation Eats
    June 8: 144.3
    June 15: 143.3
    June 22: 142
    June 29: 143

    June Goal: 144
    June Actual: 143 (-1.7)

    July 6: 143
    July 13: 142
    July 20: 141
    July 27: 140.5

    July Goal: 143
    July Actual: 140.5 (-2.5)

    August 3: 141
    August 10: 140.5
    August 17: 140
    August 24:
    August 31:

    August Goal: 141
    August Actual:

    Weight lost this week: -0.5
    Current challenge loss: -6.3
    Challenge Weight loss goal: 141 (-5.3)
  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member
    SW: 245 (03 June, 2020)
    CSW: 245

    June 03: 245
    June 08: 242.2 (-2.8)
    June 15: 239.2 (-3.0)
    June 22: 239.8 (+0.6)
    June 29: 235.2 (-4.6)

    End of June Goal: 240.0
    End of June Actual: 235.2 🥳

    July 06: 234.6 (-0.6)
    July 13: 234.2 (-0.4)
    July 20: 232.2 (-2.0)
    July 27: 231.0 (-1.2)

    End of July Goal: 235.0
    End of July Actual: 230.0 🥳

    August 03: 226.0 (-5.0)
    August 10: 226.2 (+0.2)
    August 17: 226.4 (+0.2)
    August 24:
    August 31:

    End of August Goal: 230.0
    End of August Actual:

    Challenge Weight loss goal: 230.0

    My weigh-in day this week fell the day after my birthday, so... 😂 I had been down 1-2lbs from there, so I know the progress will show in next week’s weigh-in.
  • robynmac5819
    robynmac5819 Posts: 161 Member

    Female, 37 years old, 5’2.5”
    Starting weight: 190 on April 21st
    Starting Weight for Challenge:181lbs
    Challenge Weight Loss Goal: -32lbs
    Challenge Goal Weight: 149 lbs
    Ultimate weight goal: 120lbs

    May 4: ~181lbs
    May 11:177.2 lbs
    May 18:176.2 lbs
    May 25:173.4 lbs
    May 31:171.2 lbs

    May Goal:8 lbs
    May Total Loss: 9.8 lbs

    June 1:171.2 lbs
    June 8:168.2 lbs
    June 15: 165.8 lbs
    June 22:163.8 lbs
    June 29: 162.8 lbs
    June 30:161.2 lbs

    June Goal: -8 lbs
    June Actual: 10lbs

    July1:161 lbs
    July 6:160 lbs
    July 13:157.8 lbs
    July 20:156.2 lbs
    July 27:154.0 lbs
    July31:153.0 lbs

    July Goal:8lbs
    July Actual:8lbs

    August 1:153.0
    August 3:no scale, on vacation trying to eat in maintenance without logging, basically eating well balanced porportions & good choices. I didn’t bring my food scale or my bathroom scale.
    August 10:150.8
    August 17:149.2 lbs
    August 24:
    August 31:

    August Goal:8 lbs
    August Actual:

    Week Progress: -1.6
    Challenge Weight loss: -31.8lbs

    Under 150 lbs! Whoohooo! Almost have my challenge weight loss goal met! Then After that, my goal is to get my BMI under 25. :D

    Challenge Weight loss goal: 32 pound loss
  • SERmom3
    SERmom3 Posts: 568 Member
    Original starting weight: 180
    Challenge starting weight: 144.8
    Challenge goal weight: 132

    May 1: 144.8
    May 4: 142.8
    May 11: 141.8
    May 18: 144.8
    May 25: 145.8

    May Goal: 141.0
    May Actual: 145.8

    June 1: 147.8
    June 8: 146.8
    June 15: 146.4
    June 22: 146.8
    June 29: 145.8

    June Goal: 138.0
    June Actual: 145.8

    July 6: 143.6
    July 13: 142.4
    July 20: 140.6
    July 27: 140.0

    July Goal: 135.0
    July Actual: 140

    August 3: 139.4
    August 10: 139.6
    August 17: 138.6

    August 24: 139.4 - it was a hectic week and weight loss was on the back burner. Here’s to finishing the challenge strong! 💪

    August 31:

    August Goal: 132.0
    August Actual:

    Weight lost this week: +.8
    Challenge Weight loss goal: -12.8lbs
  • laureljenn
    laureljenn Posts: 267 Member
    CHALLENGE STARTING WEIGHT: 209.8 on 4/27/20

    May 4: 206.2
    May 11: 202.8
    May 18: 201.4
    May 25: 197.2

    May Goal: 201
    May Actual: 197.2

    June 1: 194.8
    June 8: 196.2
    June 15: 196.8
    June 22: 197.1
    June 29: 198

    June Goal: 187
    June Actual: 198

    July 6: 199.8
    July 13: -
    July 20: -
    July 27: -

    July Goal: 195
    July Actual: 199.8

    August 3: 199.4
    August 10: 199.2
    August 17: 194.8
    August 24: 191.2
    August 31:

    August Goal: 190
    August Actual:

    Weight lost this week: 3.6

    Challenge Weight loss goal: To reach 190 by the end of August 2020.

    This week's successes: I stuck to my eating plan.
    This week's challenges: I wasn't able to work out everyday, but that's okay.
  • nennie8888
    nennie8888 Posts: 53 Member
    May 4: 171
    May 11: 169
    May 18: 168 - Increased my exercise this week, feeling great!
    May 25: 166
    May Goal/Actual: 165/162 -Thrilled about the 9lb loss this month!

    June 1: 162
    June 8: 160
    June 15: 159
    June 22: 156 - Just passed June goal! Hope to squeak out another pound or 2 before end of the month!
    June 29: 155
    June Goal/Actual: 157/155 - I'm happy!!!

    July 6: 153
    July 13: 152
    July 20: 150
    July 27: 148
    July Goal/Actual: 149/146

    August 3: 146
    August 10: 144 - Had a great weekend w/ lots of exercise!
    August 17: 143 - Leaving for vacation, but determined to stay on track!
    August 24: 142
    August 31:
    August Goal/Actual: 141/
  • j29t
    j29t Posts: 229 Member
    CHALLENGE STARTING WEIGHT: Weight 146.3 on 4/27/20

    May 4: 147.1
    May 11: 147
    May 18: 145
    May 22: 144.7

    May Goal: 145
    May Actual: 144.7 (-1.6)

    June 1: 146.7 Beach Vacation Eats
    June 8: 144.3
    June 15: 143.3
    June 22: 142
    June 29: 143

    June Goal: 144
    June Actual: 143 (-1.7)

    July 6: 143
    July 13: 142
    July 20: 141
    July 27: 140.5

    July Goal: 143
    July Actual: 140.5 (-2.5)

    August 3: 141
    August 10: 140.5
    August 17: 140
    August 24: 139.5
    August 31:

    August Goal: 141
    August Actual:

    Weight lost this week: -0.5
    Current challenge loss: -6.8
    Challenge Weight loss goal: 141 (-5.3)
  • whitewave39
    whitewave39 Posts: 118 Member

    May 4: Friday May 1 ~ starting @ 163.8 lbs ...gonna post it here cuz it’s the 1st of May, and I always weigh in on Fridays. But I’m also putting it @ my Winter Challenge cuz it’s also the last day of my Winter goal tracking. *whew!*
    I’m just gonna say here that I have no idea why this is?! How did I gain nearly 1.5 lbs when I did what any trainer would say was right?! All week...and yet, here I am. How disappointing, how frustrating. 🤬😭
    May 11: Friday May 8 ~ I was tempted to skip this week cuz I was getting frustrated, but I couldn’t help myself; I had to know. Well, this morning the scale said 163.4 lbs ...sorry I gave in!
    Saturday May 9 ~ my daughter said the scale is not the most important I weighed in again, just mostly curious...and lo! The scale actually updated my weight DOWN to 162 lbs!! Also, measuring myself (first time in 3 weeks, been out walking a LOT) I lost another 1.5” from my waist & another .5” from my hips!! I guess this was all worth it after all... talk to you all next Friday! 😎
    May 18: Well, I actually DID weigh myself this past Friday, May 15, and my weight was back up to 163.2 lbs...but after having back troubles all week *hence, no workouts to speak of!* and going over my cal.count limit twice, I was not too surprised.
    Today, Tuesday May 19 I am feeling better but giving it this one last day before I jump back in to my walking regimen,...besides, it’s been raining for the past 3 days so there’s no where to go anyways lol. The treadmill, of course, stands unused in the spare room...but it will still be there tomorrow!! So I’ll give it a try in the morning....
    May 25: Friday May 28 ~ I’m actually really behind here, but as my weight didn’t change at all that last week (so far) I kinda didn’t bother...still @ 163.2 lbs as of this past Monday, May 25. Today is Thursday, May 28. I will weigh in again tomorrow, and hopefully be down, ...and ahead! (Obviously, I won’t make my goal this month...😢)
    SO...weighed in again this morning (Friday May 29) and I actually LOST 1.4 at least NOW it appears I am back on track, esp happy about that cuz it seems that the entire month of May was not good for losing (I’m not even sure why?) ...but at least I can say that, pounds staying pretty much the same, I did lose inches!! So I’ll just take what I can get! LOL

    May Goal: 158 lbs
    May Actual: 161.8 lbs

    June 1: Friday June 5 ~ 161.2 lbs ~ no real workouts to speak of, but LOTS of walking!! ...if I can I will weigh in again on Monday June 8...
    June 8: 159.6 lbs !!! I finally broke into the 150s!! 😂 I feel like celebrating! My inches lost so far=8 inches overall, my BMI has gone down by 4.4 points, and I’ve lost a total of 27.4 lbs !!!! Lots of walking last week & lots of yard work/gardening ~ gonna keep this up FOR SURE! 😄
    June 15: It's actually Friday, June 19 ~ weighed in this morning @ 159.2 lbs ~ total of 8" LOST overall so far...a little behind in weighing in but as long as it keeps going DOWN then 1or2 days missed don't matter!
    June 22: Friday, June 18 ~ 159.2 lbs
    June 29: no weigh-in today!

    June Goal: 157 lbs (updated)
    June Actual: 159.6 lbs

    July 6: 159.6 lbs
    July 13: 160.4 lbs ~ I am so tired of these plateaus that I keep hitting...I don't believe I have lost as much as I could have, if I wasn't being so tempted by all the deliveries, carry-outs, fault, I know, but others keep putting these things in front of me...I lose track of calories by the end of the day; plus, I cannot get much exercise in this humidity, with my's a never-ending cycle...I AM RESOLVED: TODAY IS MY NEW BEGINNING. No more!!
    July 20:
    July 27:

    July Goal: 157 lbs (again😟)
    July Actual:

    August 3: ??? no comment here, forgot to log in...
    August 10: (actually, today is Friday, August 14) ~ 159 lbs ~ been stuck in this RUT all Summer. so tired of it!
    August 17:
    August 24: 158.4 lbs ~ Well, after being stuck for the past few weeks, I see a small bit of progress...gotta get back to those daily walks! 🙄
    August 31:

    August Goal: 155 lbs
    August Actual:

    Challenge Weight loss goal: 155 lbs
  • robynmac5819
    robynmac5819 Posts: 161 Member

    Female, 37 years old, 5’2.5”
    Starting weight: 190 on April 21st
    Starting Weight for Challenge:181lbs
    Challenge Weight Loss Goal: -32lbs
    Challenge Goal Weight: 149 lbs
    Ultimate weight goal: 120lbs

    May 4: ~181lbs
    May 11:177.2 lbs
    May 18:176.2 lbs
    May 25:173.4 lbs
    May 31:171.2 lbs

    May Goal:8 lbs
    May Total Loss: 9.8 lbs

    June 1:171.2 lbs
    June 8:168.2 lbs
    June 15: 165.8 lbs
    June 22:163.8 lbs
    June 29: 162.8 lbs
    June 30:161.2 lbs

    June Goal: -8 lbs
    June Actual: 10lbs

    July1:161 lbs
    July 6:160 lbs
    July 13:157.8 lbs
    July 20:156.2 lbs
    July 27:154.0 lbs
    July31:153.0 lbs

    July Goal:8lbs
    July Actual:8lbs

    August 1:153.0
    August 3:no scale, on vacation trying to eat in maintenance without logging, basically eating well balanced porportions & good choices. I didn’t bring my food scale or my bathroom scale.
    August 10:150.8
    August 17:149.2 lbs
    August 24:147.8 lbs
    August 31:

    August Goal:8 lbs
    August Actual:

    Having a good week. I was able to start walking with my walking buddy again(we both had to quarantine from staggered vacations so we haven’t walked together in a month. I tried on some OLD size 8 shorts I pulled out of storage a month ago and though they are just a touch snug, they fit enough to wear comfortably. I just have a bit of muffin at top. So I’ve made it to single digit pants!! A non scale victory feels so much better to be honest, yay!

    Week Progress: -1.4
    Challenge Weight loss: -33.2 lbs
    Challenge Weight loss goal: 32 pound loss
  • teresadannar
    teresadannar Posts: 199 Member

    May 4: 115.4
    May 11: 115.4
    May 18: 114.2
    May 25: 114.0

    May Goal: 3lbs
    May Actual: 1.8lb

    June 1: 113.6
    June 8: 113.0
    June 15: 110.6
    June 22: 111.6
    June 29: 111.4

    June Goal: 3lbs
    June Actual: 2.6lbs

    July 6: 113.4
    July 13:111.6
    July 20: 109.2
    July 27: 108.6

    July Goal: 3lbs
    July Actual: 2.8lbs

    August 3:110.4
    August 10: 108.6
    August 17: 109.0
    August 24: 108.6
    August 31:

    August Goal: 3lbs
    August Actual:

    Weight lost this week: -.4
    Challenge Weight loss goal: 12lbs
    Actual Weight loss for the challenge:
  • TarynF226
    TarynF226 Posts: 62 Member
    edited August 2020
    Challenge starting weight: 04/27/20 174 lbs
    May 4: ~171 lbs
    May 11: ~170
    May 18: 20 actually oops? ~170
    May 25:~170🤷‍♀️

    May Goal: 168
    May Actual: ~168 lbs
    June 1: ~168 lbs
    June 8: ~166 😄
    June 15:~165😊
    June 22:~164😊 (163.5? Maybe, hopefully)
    June 29:~162 😄 (How though? No really I was expecting zero loss or even some gain)

    June Goal: 163 lbs
    June Actual: ~~162 lbs
    July1: ~162 lbs
    July 6: ~161😊
    July 13:~160.5 🤔😕
    July 20: ~160🤷‍♀️
    July 27: ~160😟

    July Goal: 157 lbs
    July Actual:160 lbs 🤷‍♀️

    August 3: (160*)
    August 10: (160*)
    August 17: (159*)
    August 24: 159🤷‍♀️
    August 31:

    August Goal: 151 lbs
    August Actual:

    Weight lost this week: lb
    Weight lost this month: lbs
    Challenge Weight loss goal: To reach ~~155 by end of August 2020.
    05/11 I adjusted all my goals downward a bit. I initially set them as 5lbs a month as per my start weight but I dropped a few by the first check in so I changed them. A bit more hopeful but we'll see how it goes.
    05/20 Not an auspicious week given zero loss but hey I haven't gained either and I'm not going to mention the number of Reese peanut butter cups I've eaten in the last three days.
    05/25 I'm going to optimistically think it's actually 169.5 but an old scale isn't really the best for small measurements. There is still one week left of may so my June 1st and May actual will be the same.
    06/01 Made it to my May goal if only just. Those pounds just didn't want to go. Hopefully this month goes a bit smoother.
    06/09 Good week. More time walking to/from work with this nice weather rather than on the road probably helped.
    06/15 ok week. Ruining my good start this week by eating an ice cream sandwich for breakfast today. Totally worth it😄
    06/23 Couldn't get on here yesterday mfp kept telling me Community was unavailable🤷‍♀️ Weighed in at 164 yesterday though and somehow after eating over my cal yesterday this morning my scale says down another half pound (I think anyway, it's an old analogue not digital scale. I can be hopeful anyway🤣)
    06/29 162?? I don't know how I managed that cause I over ate multiple days this week but maybe I didn't add the right amount of exercise calories 🤷‍♀️ Oh or possibly overestimated my calories. I don't have a food scale so with foods that aren't easily measured from larger packages I kind of well Guess? Like ribs. I totally had ribs and guessed the hell out of how much I ate😅
    07/02 Just on to put up June's final / July's start. Made it to a pound under my June goal. Very happy.
    07/06 Slow and steady as she goes. Going to drop off my best friend's birthday stuff sometime this week hopefully. Haven't seen her since new years day cause of all this social distancing. I hope she notices I've lost weight since we last got together. 😅I also kind of hope she doesn't say anything cause I'm so freaking awkward like that.
    161 marks 25lbs down since I started mfp end of February😶🙂(I'm celebrating with an ice cream cone😅)
    07/13 Ok maybe I should have skipped the ice cream last week😅 still no gain though so I'm ok with it.
    07/21 I forgot to weigh in yesterday whoops? Eh nothing worth reporting anyway.
    07/30 Whoops? Remembered to weigh and forgot to log this time. Nothing to report again anyway. Must be hitting another plateau again. Or you know it could just be the mini chocolate bars, lasagne, wine and take out I've eaten over the past weeks😂🤣 ah well no gain so that's good. Guess I better go back to skipping the snacks unless I'm doing the extra exercise to go with it. Good thing my bag of wine gums is empty😅 now if only I hadn't bought the liquorice allsorts with them😉
    Good luck with the final month everyone!

    *missed logging in on these days

    08/24 Been busy the last few weeks. Some stress eating and not logging foods properly at all. Not gonna make my August goal but hey I'm still down quite a bit from the beginning of May and have basically been maintaining my weight this past month and not gaining so that's good. I'll have to get back to logging properly😞

  • crystalsan726
    crystalsan726 Posts: 795 Member
    SW & DATE W/MFP: 244.6 - August 6, 2019
    CHALLENGE SW: 228.2

    May 4:
    May 11:
    May 18: 228.2
    May 25:

    May Goal:
    May Actual:

    June 1: 226.6
    June 8: 223.0
    June 15: 223.3
    June 22: 223.0
    June 29: 221.8

    June Goal: 219 (-7.6 lbs)
    June Actual: 221.8/ -4.8 lb loss

    July 6: 223.6
    July 13: 224.4
    July 20: 219.4
    July 27: On Vacation- No Scale

    July SW: 222.6
    July Goal: 215 (-8.6 lbs)
    July Actual: 219.2/ -3.4 lb loss

    August 3: 221.4
    August 10: 225.8
    August 17: 220.2 🥳
    August 24: 216.4🥳
    August 31:

    August SW: 220.0
    August Goal: 210
    August Actual:

    Weight lost this week:

    Challenge Weight loss goal: 210