P90X and Fat

So I was doing some research on exercise programs as I am hoping to kick one off again this week. I was going to do P90X, but the research I was doing kept coming back to say, "don't do P90X until you are within 20 lbs of your goal weight." If you do it before this, you are going to add muscle but the thick layer of fat on top of it won't go anywhere and you will underwhelmed at the results. P90X is a muscle building program and not a fat loss program, I was informed. Do something to lose the excess fat first, then P90X when you are ~15 lbs from your goal weight. (http://www.fitlifesf.com/2009/06/women-not-losing-weight-on-p90x/)

I still have a ways to go to get to my goal. I want to lose weight. I want to see the number on the scale continue to fall. So should I be waiting to do P90X? Should I start something else to lose the fat first like they recommend? If so... what should I be looking into? I hate hate HATE running...


  • j9mom22
    j9mom22 Posts: 5 Member
    The Lean Workout Schedule focuses more on cardio conditioning than resistance exercises. This schedule is perfect for those people that want to start slow or have a lot more weight to loss. It will allow you to trim down significantly before putting on muscle.
  • grimms11208
    grimms11208 Posts: 146 Member
    I did P90X first and then found Insanity. I wish I had started with Insanity it is much Interval cardio training it kicks butt! It is really hard but if you go at the pace you can handle you will see results!
  • Enginette
    Enginette Posts: 123 Member
    You could try Insanity! It is an "insane" cardio workout that will help you lose the weight!
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    The Lean Workout Schedule focuses more on cardio conditioning than resistance exercises. This schedule is perfect for those people that want to start slow or have a lot more weight to loss. It will allow you to trim down significantly before putting on muscle.
    Apologies if this is obvious - is the "Lean Workout Schedule" part of P90X? Are there different routines that you can choose? I thought P90X was a specific program, a specific set of routines. Is there a program/path/routine within P90X that is more cardio vs. muscle-building? Or is that just a part of the whole workout?
  • dkrueger84
    dkrueger84 Posts: 1 Member
    I would recommend doing the "lean" track for P90X. I have used the program several times in the past while cross-training. I don't particularly like lifting and have found I can get good results by focusing on their cardio workouts only.
  • yeehawww
    yeehawww Posts: 28 Member
    i think p90 is the program that is geared for weight loss if you want to try that first before moving on to p90x
  • trinityj1
    trinityj1 Posts: 97 Member
    I guarantee if you do P90X and eat even half decent food you will lose fat. You couldn't possibly avoid it.

    The Lean schedule is one way of doing P90X. There are three different ways depending on your goals. Or you can mix it up yourself.
  • luckygrrrl
    BUILDING MUSCLE is the best way to burn fat!! People are so confused. Cardio can destroy muscle if you do it excessively. P90X is good stuff, but you need to change your diet.

    Check out a post from Stroutman81:

    "That's the nature of most people. They completely miss the forest for the trees. They don't see the big picture. And what's worse... they turn everything into a false dichotomy. "I either have to do strength training OR cardio." Earth to person X: "A balanced approach provides you balanced results. If you're solely looking for weight loss, that's fine. But if you're looking for balanced results, meaning fat loss and muscle maintenance/growth, which is necessary to reach the body most people are shooting for, then you need to take a more deliberate approach to your exercise." If anything, cardio isn't even necessary. Nutrition can take care of a deficit for fat loss. But nothing can take care of muscle maintenance like strength training. So if I were going to prioritize anything, it'd be lifting weights. But again, that assumes you're doing this to look better and not solely hit some number on the scale. And I should also say that you can certainly look better by solely focusing on losing weight, but you have to a) get lucky with your genetics and b) expect suboptimal results. "

    ", then weights should be prioritized since cardio doesn't do much of anything in terms of body composition except for aid a calorie deficit."
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Kenneth - P90X has different schedules for their program. So the lean program tells you to do XYZ workout this day, ABC this day, rest this week, do PDQ on this day, etc. Depending on the schedule program, you'll either be doing DVDs and routines based more in cardio or strength.

    I'm 70 pounds from goal, and I do P90X. I want to build lean muscle because muscle is more effecient than fat. AND I want to be strong. I have been consistently losing weight and inches at a safe and maintainable speed for three months.

    "They" say weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise. I totally think that's pretty accurate in my case. It's all about what you want out of your fitness journey though. Do you just want to get skinny as fast as you can? Maybe P90X isn't for you. Do you want to work on your strength, stamina, and overall health while losing a little weight along the way? Try P90X.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I started P90X at 204 pounds. I've now done two rounds of it and am 179.8 which means it's taken me six months to lose that amount. Not fast by any stretch of the imagination but I am happy that I've chosen to do the program. I have gone from a size 16 to a size 10 and it's beginning to get loose on me. If you can handle the slower scale movement and would like to get stronger and fitter then I say go for it. If you're just wanting to drop weight fast then this program will probably frustrate you because you won't move as fast with the weight training. However, if you are developing your muscle you're not losing it and you are creating a slimmer, firmer physique and will keep your metabolism up.
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    Thank you very much for your replies.

    Is there a place online where you can find the different schedules for P90X? Mine didn't come with schedules so I had no idea there was different ways to do it.
  • Miche11e5
    Miche11e5 Posts: 114 Member
    I agree - do the P90X "Lean Routine" which as a greater cardio emphasis. (There are 3 P90X workout's, "Lean Routine", "Classic" and "Doubles".) You may even go through 2 or 3 90-day cycles of the Lean Routine and then move on to the Classic which focuses more on resistance.

    I have been doing P90X since January and lost my last 30# with it. My body has never been so fit. Interestingly enough, I have weighed less in the past, but haven't been this size since I don't know when. Muscle weighs more than fat and it burns more calories too!

    Good luck!
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    As a female on a reduced calorie diet, you will not gain muscle. To gain muscle you will need a caloric suprlus and then it is difficult as women simply cannot add substantial muscle without years of heavy lifting and possible chemical help. Toning yes.

    I've done 5 rounds of P90x and it melts the fat away. Do no do the Lean schedule, you will get much better results by doing the Classic version and lifting 3 times a week. Please do not do the LEAN, it was an after thought and not how the program was designed.

  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    I started P90X at 204 pounds. I've now done two rounds of it and am 179.8 which means it's taken me six months to lose that amount. Not fast by any stretch of the imagination but I am happy that I've chosen to do the program. I have gone from a size 16 to a size 10 and it's beginning to get loose on me. If you can handle the slower scale movement and would like to get stronger and fitter then I say go for it. If you're just wanting to drop weight fast then this program will probably frustrate you because you won't move as fast with the weight training. However, if you are developing your muscle you're not losing it and you are creating a slimmer, firmer physique and will keep your metabolism up.

    Doesn't this roughly equate to 4 lbs a month? That sounds good to me! It's about what I am averaging anyway. I am not trying to melt ASAP into a teeny tiny body, I want to get healthy AND I want to gain muscle and increase my cardiovascular capacity. Good for you for sticking with it. You should be incredibly proud of your results.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I just googled "P90X schedules" and found outlines for all three.

    Word to the wise: Don't download any "P90X meal plan" files from any of the "p90xschedule.org" or "p90xmealplan.com" sites, because I got a naaaasty virus and had to send my work computer off to IT for it.
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    Thank you very much for your replies.

    Is there a place online where you can find the different schedules for P90X? Mine didn't come with schedules so I had no idea there was different ways to do it.

    Not to be a jerk, but I assume you bought "pirated" copies. The legit program comes with everything you need to know.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I started P90X at 204 pounds. I've now done two rounds of it and am 179.8 which means it's taken me six months to lose that amount. Not fast by any stretch of the imagination but I am happy that I've chosen to do the program. I have gone from a size 16 to a size 10 and it's beginning to get loose on me. If you can handle the slower scale movement and would like to get stronger and fitter then I say go for it. If you're just wanting to drop weight fast then this program will probably frustrate you because you won't move as fast with the weight training. However, if you are developing your muscle you're not losing it and you are creating a slimmer, firmer physique and will keep your metabolism up.

    Doesn't this roughly equate to 4 lbs a month? That sounds good to me! It's about what I am averaging anyway. I am not trying to melt ASAP into a teeny tiny body, I want to get healthy AND I want to gain muscle and increase my cardiovascular capacity. Good for you for sticking with it. You should be incredibly proud of your results.

    Quite interesting - I am losing an average of four pounds a month doing P90X as well. It's going to take me a loong time to get all of the weight off, but there is a powerhouse bangin' body brewing under this fat. It'll be worth the wait.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Thank you very much for your replies.

    Is there a place online where you can find the different schedules for P90X? Mine didn't come with schedules so I had no idea there was different ways to do it.

    Not to be a jerk, but I assume you bought "pirated" copies. The legit program comes with everything you need to know.

    I was given the DVDs from a friend who no longer used the program. She didn't have the accompanying information to give me. Not everyone buys pirated DVDs that needs to find the information.
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    Thank you very much for your replies.

    Is there a place online where you can find the different schedules for P90X? Mine didn't come with schedules so I had no idea there was different ways to do it.

    Not to be a jerk, but I assume you bought "pirated" copies. The legit program comes with everything you need to know.

    I was given the DVDs from a friend who no longer used the program. She didn't have the accompanying information to give me. Not everyone buys pirated DVDs that needs to find the information.

    Thank you!
  • Suisho25
    Suisho25 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm 33, a mother of two, and I work from home. I'm 5ft tall and my starting weight was just under 140lbs. To get within the 'healthy range' for BMI, I need to get down to at least 127lbs. I've been doing P90X classic for 24 days, and I'm seeing massive results, I am sticking to the P90X diet like glue, but reducing portions and eating around 1200 calories, due to my short stature. The first week involves a lot of cooking with the meal plan as you have to make all the sauces and soups from scratch, but you make larger quantities and put them in the refrigerator for the following weeks. Also we already take the Reliv supplements, so I'm substituting the P90X protein and recovery drinks with that, and I'm buying equivalent protein bars from the local muscle gym. I wasn't very fit and had to use all the modifications they offered for the beginners on the DVD's. I can honestly say I am 100% better, after just three weeks. The first week was tough due to the caffeine withdrawal, but now I feel much stronger, and have even started running to and from my kids school! I'm fitting into clothes I haven't worn for years and feel so much stronger, even in just over three weeks. The fat is definitively burning off, just have a little bit of baby pouch to go! I haven't weighed myself yet as I am waiting until day 30, but my friends and family can see a big difference already. I'm going to extend the fat shredder diet for an extra two weeks to shift the rest of the fat around my midsection. It's a hard work out, I soaked after every cardio DVD, and am getting pretty flexible too, as long as you stick with, and watch the calories and carbs, you should see great results.

    Good luck!