C25K !!!! Group starting 9/6 (open to anyone)



  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    You and me both!
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    Sooo I started C25K at the beginning of summer and got through week 1 before the 100 degree weather hit. Then of course I fizzled out, the heat was a great (pathetic) excuse. :/ So.. it's not supposed to break 90 again until next week and I'm sure even then I can suck it up.

    Starting the C25K tonight!
  • I started C25K back in the spring, but with no accountability, it only took a couple of weeks for that to fizzle out. :( I'm with you on this! In fact, I'm going to go do my first run right now!
  • Molldoll0702
    Molldoll0702 Posts: 31 Member
    Im in too!! I did my first day on Monday 9/5...I have been walk/jogging on and off for several weeks now, but have decided to really follow the program and learn to run...my husband and I are doing our first 5K on November 5th and I'd really like to run most of it :) Tonight I will do day 2 of week 1...looking forward to lending and receiving support :)

  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    hi fraciss thanks for the add,

    yeah might be abit much lol try and sperate your run days, with at least 1 day inbetween, and do low impact working like biking swimming, yoga or some toger programm like that 30 day shred or what have you, this allows time for your muscles to repair and also to mix it up abit :)
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    Completed W1D1 last night while pushing a jogging stroller. I thought I might die at 18 minutes, but got through it! Plan to do W1D2 on Friday night!
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    so my week one days got alittle messed up. I started Tuesday got a call Wednesday that my son Baseball practice starts on Thursday so I couldnt run until Friday and I finished day 3 this morning.

    I need some advice. I am good until the last 2 sets of run minutes..... I feel like dying. I am having a hard time getting my breathe caught up in a minute and half. I am nervous about advancing to week 2. Should I repeat week 1? Also when I did the 30DS it really did a number to my knee's and they only hurt after my run not during. Should I get knee braces? I am so not a runner and really want to accomplish this.:grumble:
  • ysamatar
    ysamatar Posts: 484 Member
    I'm in. I 'm going to invest and buy nice running shoes today and will starting tonight the treadmill version.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Hey, is it too late to join you guys? I just did my first day today on a whim. I have really bad knees so was putting it off until I could get my inner thighs and lower abdominal muscles a bit stronger. I survived today, but I'm not positive if I'll last due to my knees, but I really want to give it my all :)
  • Molldoll0702
    Molldoll0702 Posts: 31 Member
    So I went to the gym yesterday, to do week 1/day 2 and as I was starting out on my 1 minute run I thought "lets see how long I can actually run before having to stop." So instead of doing 1 minute I did 11!!! I have been playing with run/walking for some time now and the longest I had gone before was 3 minutes, but this time I actually did 11, I couldnt believe it...I am however going to stick with the program because once the 11 minutes were done I had a really hard time getting back in the rhythm of the program... so today I will do my week1/day 3 and just stick with the program...it was pretty cool though to go 11 minutes straight! =)
  • az82
    az82 Posts: 152
    I am definitely in! I did the wk1D1 yesterday... I thought I was going to die about half way through but I pushed through and finished it! I have never been a runner but I really, really want to stick with this and see what I can do by the end. I'm doing it on a treadmill and yesterday I walked at 3.7 and jogged at 5.2 but with no incline. Maybe I should try to add some incline?
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    Week 1 complete!!! I will do W2D1 tomorrow night! I find it hard to keep up with people or even attempt to get to know anyone on this thred. It's easier for me on my wall, so with that said: Any determined C25Kers that need support or want to do this together with some accountability, ADD ME as a friend or PM me. <3
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    I finished Week 1 this morning. I'm now irritated that I have to wait for Wednesday to start Week 2.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    W1 D2 done today. I feel fantastic :)
  • TerraGirl17
    TerraGirl17 Posts: 275 Member
    I am starting W1D1 of C25K tonight, can't wait but I will admit I am a bit nervous!!
  • I would like to join, but I will not get started until tomorrow since it is still hot here in AZ and will need to run in the AM.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Hi Molly...thanks for starting a thread just when I need it...

    I am a Week 5 dropout...it just got too hot to run outside anymore....So, now that the Fall is here, I am ready to get started today!!!
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    Well as I should have moved onto week 2 i redid week one day 1 because I had such a hard time last week. I am now on a schedule with Monday Wednesday and Friday with workouts inbetween......

    I took some advice I got and slowed down my job speed and actually finished without feeling like I was going to die. I am going to redo the hole week and I know for sure next week I will be ready for week 2. I sure do wish it would cool down a little more.

    Keep up the good work future runners!!!! :wink:
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    I'm glad slowing things down worked for you!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    9/12 Monday, W1D1 completed...54 minutes total, 322 calories