Show me the "facts"



  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    Honestly, I believe that there is no one right answer and that vareity and sensibility are the most important thing. I believe this because I've researched so much about weight loss, so many different diets, strategies and approaches and each one has a doctor standing behind it saying it's true. Yet they seem to contradict eachother and make claims that they are the best approach. What I've learned from all of this is that we really don't know as much about our own bodies as we'd like to think we do. So you have to take the information from all of these different studies, diets, etc and find a way to reconcile them together into something that's more intelligible. What I've discovered doing this is that there are certain inherent truths that are not disputable but if you lock on to anyone of them and ignore the others it doesn't work either.

    So I don't have a source to show you because they number in the hundreds. I've chosen not to follow any one particular diet but rather take what's common between them and just apply that to my eating habits. For me that worked great, I've lost 26 pounds in just over 2 months and I'm very happy. Others may need a more regimented process to follow and that's fine too. But what I think people need to remember is that no one diet is THE right diet. There are lots of ways to eat healthy. Your body is very intelligent and very resilliant. As long as you don't abuse it (over consuming certain types of foods for example) it will behave the way you'd like it to.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I eat everything in moderation. The only thing I really pay attention to is total calories and to make sure I eat at least 130 grams of protein. I eat a LOT. I lost weight while NETting around 2000 calories and eating exercise calories, so I'm pretty sure my maintenance level is about 2300. This works for me. I've lost 12lbs since May and only have 4lbs left, and I feel I look firm, fit, strong and healthy.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    One day about 5 years ago I was driving down a bumpy road and I could feel my boobs jiggle. That was "the moment" for me.

    I did some preliminary reading online, then bought the book "The Abs Diet". It talks a lot about how your body responds to certain things, which was perfect for me (I like to know why... having a cheat sheet for what to eat when isn't enough for me). I made some changes to my diet based on what I had learned, saw results that I liked, and kept going.

    I ended up losing about 40lbs, got back to where I was happy and feeling good, then slacked off a bit as life got in the way. Fast forward to a few months ago and here I am, trying to get back to where I want to be by following the same priciples I learned back when I started all this.

    So why do I do what I do? Because logically the principles make sense, they are supported by SEVERAL other sources, and they work for me.
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member

    I follow this -

    as much as possible. I do it because I work in health care and I know it's evidence based. I do it because it's sensible and doesn't ask me to cut any one group of foods from my diet. But mostly I do it because it's kept me healthy for more than 20 years (I'm 50 and never been on meds, BP, lipids and organ function all fine).

    I love this site! Healthy and sane advice. It's pretty much what I strive to do, except that I do allow myself some unhealthy treats daily.
  • sh0ck
    sh0ck Posts: 168 Member
    here are some studies that debunk the nonsense the Taubes et al that it is the evil carbs and insulin that make you fat

    Acheson KJ, et al. Nutritional influences on lipogenesis and thermogenesis after a carbohydrate meal. American Journal of Physiology – Endocrinology and Metabolism, Jan 1, 1984; 246: E62-E70.

    Hellerstein MK. De novo lipogenesis in humans: metabolic and regulatory aspects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1999; 53 (Suppl 1): S53-S65.

    Holt SHA, et al. An insulin index of foods: the insulin demand generated by 1000-kJ portions of common foods. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Nov, 1997; 66: 5: 1264-1276.

    McLaughlin T, et al. Differences in insulin resistance do not predict weight loss in response to hypocaloric diets in healthy obese women. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 1999; 84 (2): 578-581.

    de Luis DA, et al. Differences in glycaemic status do not predict weight loss in response to hypocaloric diets in obese patients. Clinical Nutrition, Feb 2006; 25 (1): 117-122.

    Due A, et al. No effect of inhibition of insulin secretion by diazoxide on weight loss in hyperinsulinaemic obese subjects during an 8-week weight-loss diet. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, Jul 2007; 9 (4): 566-574.

    I will see if I can get my hands on these. Thanks!
  • ladyphoto
    ladyphoto Posts: 192 Member
    i do the portion control / calorie control and exercise... and the 80% / 20% rule (eat well and exercise 80% of the time and the rest should look after itself) because it's the only way really.

    after trying atkins and realising it is totally stupid to think i can carry on doing that forever, i figured i'd go with what all the big players say (ie jenny craig (portion control / calorie control, weight watchers (portion control, calorie control, and most GPs will also tell you to watch the portions and calories), so i figure that the way to go. there are no stupid ridiculous rules, you eat healthy food, you don't overeat in portions, you treat yourself, but control the portions, and exercise. More fresh unprocessed foods, less processed foods, salts and sugars.

    you can have a treat without having to go through an induction phase or a detox phase and just get on with life the very next day. you can go on a holiday, have a few drinks, whatever, and get straight back into it. you can eat at other people's houses or at restaurants without having to do an hours study of the menu before ordering a lettuce and cucumber salad...

    I think it's just plain logic!

    Hallelujiah and amen sister! Me too- I've done Atkins til I'm blue- and it does work- absolutely- but I also can't maintain it forever because I enjoy things iike margaritas, whole wheat breads and grains- plus I am an absolute love of fruit- and staying away from it is impossible for me. *(plus- have you ever really thought about that before? no fruit? what?)
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    One day about 5 years ago I was driving down a bumpy road and I could feel my boobs jiggle. That was "the moment" for me.

    LMAO, now that is a "wake-up" moment if I've ever heard one!!
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    I am a firm believer in calories in/calories out for weight loss. I think it's better for our bodies to eat less processed food but if you stay under your calories burned you can lose weight eating crap.

    I stumbled onto IF (Intermittent Fasting) on the MFP board. After doing some research (study links below) I decided that it would be a lot easier to stay within my calorie goal only eating during an 8 hour window of the day. I have failed at weight loss countless times as a forced grazer. I love that this allows me to eat a real meal (dinner) and my meals are actually more varied because there are more choices when your meal is 700-900 calories rather than 300-400.

    Controlled studies showing the benefits of IF:

    But my favorite thing to end a post like this with is .... This is what has worked for me. I think our bodies work most the same, but psychologically everyone is different.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member

    I follow this -

    as much as possible. I do it because I work in health care and I know it's evidence based. I do it because it's sensible and doesn't ask me to cut any one group of foods from my diet. But mostly I do it because it's kept me healthy for more than 20 years (I'm 50 and never been on meds, BP, lipids and organ function all fine).

    I love this site! Healthy and sane advice. It's pretty much what I strive to do, except that I do allow myself some unhealthy treats daily.

    Yes, I do too. In a long stemmed glass. :wink:
  • linsben
    linsben Posts: 108 Member
    Im Paleo/primal. I first started it after reading the primal blueprint by Mark Sisson and then reading a lot more about Low Carb. I do it still because i believe its correct because of the difference i feel after cutting grains from my diet and eating under 100 G of carbs a day. I havent seen fathead yet but ill put it on my list of things to do!