Healthy for the Holidays Challenge - 9/06 - 11/22



  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    @ Stacy....mmm cookies lol. Yeah my browser accepts cookies but still no luck. Oh well, I'm using the most current internet explorer too. I'll try later on my laptop:)
  • fluteypie
    fluteypie Posts: 42 Member
    Hey guys! Just wondering if I could still join this group?

    If so, here are my stats:
    CW: 145
    GW 11/22: 120

    I'd like to ultimately get down to about 115-110, but that may not be possible in only a few months, so I'll say 120. :)
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    Oh my gosh...don't say COOKIES!!! I ate...ummm....well, yeah...a DOZEN on Monday!!! LOLOLOL
    Pixar movies and fresh baked chocolate chunky chippy cookies....yeah, it was good in the moment...and THEN I had the sugar hangover and WOKE UP!! BLECH :sick:

    :cry: (I love cookies...)
  • Kessyrene
    Kessyrene Posts: 19 Member
    Count me in

    CW 198
    GW 188
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    I'm in again :)

    My CW is 241
    My GW is 230

    I've got one more week til Bruce comes home from Afghanistan and I'm hoping I lose that last pound from the last challenge before he gets home. :)

    Thanks for doing this challenge again!!!

    Marti, so happy you're in again! And how exciting for you & Bruce!!! How long will he be home for?
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    @ Stacy....mmm cookies lol. Yeah my browser accepts cookies but still no luck. Oh well, I'm using the most current internet explorer too. I'll try later on my laptop:)

    angela, try downloading mozilla firefox and using that. it's be a "better" internet browser anyway. Tends to be more up-to-date and is the thing that is recommended for people to use instead of standard pre-loaded browsers like IE (PCs) and safari (macs).

    Don't have a lot of workout motivation today. Just feeling like blowing it off. BUT, I just got new 8lb handweights, so I'm thinking I'll do some strength training tonite, since getting back to that is one of my goals.

    "Why do you have new 8lb handweights?" you ask. "So glad you asked," I answer. "You see, I won a weightloss challenge at work, thanks to my support system in, and was gifted with a $20 gift card to sports authority, so I thought I should use it to buy new weights! See losing weight can also turn to profits, or free gifts" :happy: Thanks to all my friends for helping to make it happen!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    Hey guys! Just wondering if I could still join this group?

    If so, here are my stats:
    CW: 145
    GW 11/22: 120

    I'd like to ultimately get down to about 115-110, but that may not be possible in only a few months, so I'll say 120. :)

    never too late to join us! Welcome fluteypie and Kessyrene! Glad you are here. Stick with us and I'm sure you'll see great results, the women here are amazing and will be more support to you than you ever thought! :flowerforyou:
  • fluteypie
    fluteypie Posts: 42 Member
    Thank you! I'm so excited! I always struggle through the holidays, and I think this group will really help me. :)
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    Just poppin in for a quick check in:
    Exercise-1.5/7 off the bus at an earlier stop tonight, and walked home four blocks carrying groceries, at 3.5 not a full 30 mins, but it was a workout, trust me!!

    Tried a new food tonight...Gardein BBQ Pulls (or something like that). Basically it's bbq pulled pork, without the pork. And I have to say, it was pretty decent! A little bit chewy, but it was also super hot out of the micro, so it might have been better had I been able to actually bite into it!! lol Paired it with vegetarian butternut squash soup and yummy grainy/seedy/flaxy bread from the bakery.

    A delicious dinner!

    Hope you all had a great day!!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    Just poppin in for a quick check in:
    Exercise-1.5/7 off the bus at an earlier stop tonight, and walked home four blocks carrying groceries, at 3.5 not a full 30 mins, but it was a workout, trust me!!

    Tried a new food tonight...Gardein BBQ Pulls (or something like that). Basically it's bbq pulled pork, without the pork. And I have to say, it was pretty decent! A little bit chewy, but it was also super hot out of the micro, so it might have been better had I been able to actually bite into it!! lol Paired it with vegetarian butternut squash soup and yummy grainy/seedy/flaxy bread from the bakery.

    A delicious dinner!

    Hope you all had a great day!!

    I was so wondering about the fakey BBQ pork thingies. Interesting.

    Made the goals for today, barely. I didn't want to "fail" on the first week's challenges, so I pushed myself to get some exercise in. And the exercise lead to more water. So it's 2/7 on the week. And my arms are so feeling it from the workout with the 8# weights. yipee!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Just wanted to say that everyone is doing a great job !
    For the challenges for this week
    Water 2/7
    Exercise 2/7
    I will be posting every day hopefully it helps me keep on track !
  • gracemleone
    Just had a quick question..
    Why do I gain weight every time I start jogging again? I started jogging 3-5 miles regularly again last week. Tuesday I weighed 132, today weighed 135. I know I didn't gain 3 lbs of fat in 2 days. I also know It's not muscle. Am I retaining water? Glycogen as a source of fuel for the next workout? Why is it that every time I start exercising regularly I weigh more and look and feel bloated? I know it's not fat but it still annoys me..
  • pritichandran
    pritichandran Posts: 23 Member
    How do I add numbers to the spreadsheet if it's "view only"? I wanted to change my 11/22 goal weight to something more reasonable. Thanks in advance!
  • helena98
    How do I add numbers to the spreadsheet if it's "view only"? I wanted to change my 11/22 goal weight to something more reasonable. Thanks in advance!

    I'm the only one who can edit the spreadsheet. I'm happy to make changes at any time. Either submit a new posting in the group thread or send me a personal message in MFP.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    Just had a quick question..
    Why do I gain weight every time I start jogging again? I started jogging 3-5 miles regularly again last week. Tuesday I weighed 132, today weighed 135. I know I didn't gain 3 lbs of fat in 2 days. I also know It's not muscle. Am I retaining water? Glycogen as a source of fuel for the next workout? Why is it that every time I start exercising regularly I weigh more and look and feel bloated? I know it's not fat but it still annoys me..

    There's lots of info out about this and it's really common. Give yourself some wiggle room on weight when you start working out hard, esp jogging It's the build up of lactic acid in your muscles, that is your body's natural response to taxed muscles. Your body sends this enzyme along with water to the muscles that have been "over worked" to heal them. The healing response is what makes them stronger each time you work them out. For example, I did a really intense arm and ab workout tonite and I will step on the scale tomorrow, but with the knowledge that I need to give myself a 2-3 lb buffer for that very reason. Something that really helps is to have an easy day the day before weigh-in. hope that answers your question and is useful!
  • helena98
    Just had a quick question..
    Why do I gain weight every time I start jogging again? I started jogging 3-5 miles regularly again last week. Tuesday I weighed 132, today weighed 135. I know I didn't gain 3 lbs of fat in 2 days. I also know It's not muscle. Am I retaining water? Glycogen as a source of fuel for the next workout? Why is it that every time I start exercising regularly I weigh more and look and feel bloated? I know it's not fat but it still annoys me..

    Nothing's more annoying than gaining weight, especially if you're working hard to lose it! I know a few marathon trainers who typically gain weight while they train for marathons but lose it when they go back to regular workouts. One reason is they're in "athletic conditioning" mode instead of "fat burning" mode. They're training their bodies to run long distances, so their bodies respond by storing carbohydrates as glycogen for the long runs, which always impedes weight loss. Maybe your body's doing the same thing if you haven't been jogging in awhile? If you're not running long distances, then just be persistent, and your body will get used to your new routine. Hopefully the weight will just melt off then!
  • cdevine10
    cdevine10 Posts: 102 Member
    Did my 30DS and 20 minutes on the Treadmill tonight.
    Also got all my water in today! :wink:
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    had a cardio day today. did the elliptical at lunch and danced again tonight. fun stuff! LOL

    Exercise: 2/7
    Water: 2/7

    tomorrow I'm going to the fair so my calories are sure to be off BUT I'm sure I'll walk at least 5 miles pushing a 100lb stroller!
  • smknitter
    smknitter Posts: 88 Member
    Checking in.... water good to go..... exercise not as much. It is getting pretty late and I am falling asleep typing so I think that I will listen to my body and rest, but plan on making up for it tomorrow. Sort of a disappointment, but it is just one day, tomorrow is a new one.
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    ask and you shall receive - take my 1st week of posting, so that's next week. Ailene got us started off with back to basics, I'm sure you'll think of something great to push us in week 2. Thanks Jess!

    Ok, so I'm on for next week...and we are doing that on Tuesadays now, right? days and nights have been so screwed up since working so much this week! I will have to think of something wonderful! Hmmm....
    My water was good today...exercise not so great unless you count running around with a 3 year old in the grocery store and the library..had to rest up in the latter part of the day due to working 3rd shift right now...gonna bang something out while I'm here though! Everyone is doing great, keep it up!