Mission Slimpossible Group - start sept 2.nd



  • samantha0176
    samantha0176 Posts: 67 Member
    yesterday was the first day for me back on track..did pretty good eating wise..:smile:
    not ready to weigh in...actually i think i am going to put my scale away until the 30th! and weight myself then! :smokin:

    wow bosanka that is alot of will power, something I do not have! wtg girl!

  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    ok guys i need help! I told that ill zigzag my calories this month but i have noticed in my log that last 4 days i m pretty much around 1200 which is low if i do it consistently everyday. today i thought that i have eaten very balanced(though salad is missing) and there was too much bread all day(brown arabic khubz) but when i entered it, it comes again 1200. so plz check my diary at least this week's log(1 day missed in btw but i ate almost the same)

    since yesterday my internist have said that Im not healthy it is seem to be reason because through out my life my diet has been like this because i have been eating consciously since the age of 10

    anyways waiting for lab results coming on sat, b4 that i never knew there is a test to measure vitamin b and d in blood

    following 13 tests will be done, so guys if u have any ideas plz elaborate 4

    vitamin B12
    vitamin D
    vitamin D3
    TSH, T3, T4(My regular thyroid tests)
    ANA(IFA) Antinuclear antibody

    once again chk my food diary and tell what do u think is more and what is missing(NB- I have added milk category this week to make sure i get some)
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    doubble post
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    This was a looong day..

    take kids to school..
    flat tire on freeway ( after 15-20 min finally someone stopped to help me - i had all 3 kids with me.. in this AZ heat !! )
    drop kids at school
    - work for 4hours- - physical work
    - stop at store for more fruits and veggies ( wednsdays we have best deals - that last only for that one day so had to go )
    i'm tired !!!

    been up since 5 am .. it's 5 pm now- so exacty 12 hours on my feet.. and i still have few hours to go .. kids coming out of school. serve dinner for everyone..

    and i'm hungry now

    it's day 3 .. i have been not eating anything.. had a lot of water.. and my juices..
    need to go have some more

    checked the two days of food you have entered.. i'm not an expert.. :) but i think you miss more variety on fruits and veggies.. i hardly see any - you have hummus and banana.. - your two days came out similar calorie wise- bc you almost ate similar..

    and the " quick " add kcls don't help - bc don't know what you had in those kcls..
    another thing i noticed- when you enter food from the food database- always doubble check few sources, don't just pick any.. i have noticed that there are many differnt ones.. sometime you have to pick one that sounds more logic.
    for exmpl. you have entered " cashews " - and it shows - kcls etc.. - but on fat it's showing 0 - that can't be right.. so when i see stuff like that- i pick another entry in the database.. always doubble check. a cashew can never be 0 fat :)- .. i mean my bell pepper showed as 1 gm of fat .. so cashhews have to have more than that.

    These are just my suggestions. :)

    more veggies..
    less bread
    more protein- fish/chicken/ beans

    i'm going to have more " qinua " in my diet once i start eating again ( few more days )
    barley, bulgur .. - - quina has a good amount of protein, is really good for you - and it can really fill you up- i like it

    bulgur.. mmm i can eat that stuff.. put some onions in the ban, caramelize them --and than mix with cooked bulgur-
    i can eat it just like that..

    gotta go..
  • Babalaila
    Hey guys,

    Need your help. Have made up my mind to watch my calorie intake. Very difficult considering my wife is an awesome cook(cooks all cuisines) and I have no idea how to cook, can just make eggs and the fryer for fries and burgers...lol...Two days on..and had the below issues:

    Day 1 :

    Tried to make grilled breast chicken in the oven. Took it out from the freezer, on the advise of my wife added a bit of garlic and grilled it! Took atleast 1 hr and came out nice and toasted. taste was amazing...but the chicken wasnt soft and tender. My mum suggested to make slimmer slices and also keep it out of the freezer for a while. Any advise

    Day 2:

    Tried to make Baked fries using the Oven. Took 1 hour(I think the oven has issues) and tasted nice and toasted. But again was not soft..

    If you guys any other suggestions on cooking lightly, would appreciate. Our food is very rich and cant really ask my wife as she doesnt understand the whole calorie count thing.
  • Shaz_74
    Shaz_74 Posts: 100 Member
    If you guys any other suggestions on cooking lightly, would appreciate. Our food is very rich and cant really ask my wife as she doesnt understand the whole calorie count thing.

    Invest in a counter-top grill like the George Foreman Grill.
    Chicken breasts cook and taste best when they've been marinated for a few hours, preferably overnight. Next time you buy a batch - wash and dry them then separate into Ziplock bags. Add different seasonings to each bag. For example: tandoori; lemon pepper; Italian seasoning etc....
    You can also flatten them out to make grilling faster. Place an unseasoned chicken breast on a cutting board, cover with a piece of cling film and pound with a meat mallet or rolling pin, then place it in the Ziplock and season.
    If your chicken is frozen, defrost it in the fridge the night before.

    There are millions of recipe websites and YouTube videos on how to cook healthy. One of my favourites is www.cookinglight.com they also have a "Cooking 101" section where you can learn different techniques. Have fun!
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    Hey guys,

    Need your help. Have made up my mind to watch my calorie intake. Very difficult considering my wife is an awesome cook(cooks all cuisines) and I have no idea how to cook, can just make eggs and the fryer for fries and burgers...lol...Two days on..and had the below issues:

    Day 1 :

    Tried to make grilled breast chicken in the oven. Took it out from the freezer, on the advise of my wife added a bit of garlic and grilled it! Took atleast 1 hr and came out nice and toasted. taste was amazing...but the chicken wasnt soft and tender. My mum suggested to make slimmer slices and also keep it out of the freezer for a while. Any advise

    Day 2:

    Tried to make Baked fries using the Oven. Took 1 hour(I think the oven has issues) and tasted nice and toasted. But again was not soft..

    If you guys any other suggestions on cooking lightly, would appreciate. Our food is very rich and cant really ask my wife as she doesnt understand the whole calorie count thing.

    for chicken esp boneless thaw it well with salt, and thin slices will help too, and with ginger garlic u can add lemon juice but i think thawing with salt will do the work
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    This was a looong day..

    take kids to school..
    flat tire on freeway ( after 15-20 min finally someone stopped to help me - i had all 3 kids with me.. in this AZ heat !! )
    drop kids at school
    - work for 4hours- - physical work
    - stop at store for more fruits and veggies ( wednsdays we have best deals - that last only for that one day so had to go )
    i'm tired !!!

    been up since 5 am .. it's 5 pm now- so exacty 12 hours on my feet.. and i still have few hours to go .. kids coming out of school. serve dinner for everyone..

    and i'm hungry now

    it's day 3 .. i have been not eating anything.. had a lot of water.. and my juices..
    need to go have some more

    checked the two days of food you have entered.. i'm not an expert.. :) but i think you miss more variety on fruits and veggies.. i hardly see any - you have hummus and banana.. - your two days came out similar calorie wise- bc you almost ate similar..

    and the " quick " add kcls don't help - bc don't know what you had in those kcls..
    another thing i noticed- when you enter food from the food database- always doubble check few sources, don't just pick any.. i have noticed that there are many differnt ones.. sometime you have to pick one that sounds more logic.
    for exmpl. you have entered " cashews " - and it shows - kcls etc.. - but on fat it's showing 0 - that can't be right.. so when i see stuff like that- i pick another entry in the database.. always doubble check. a cashew can never be 0 fat :)- .. i mean my bell pepper showed as 1 gm of fat .. so cashhews have to have more than that.

    These are just my suggestions. :)

    more veggies..
    less bread
    more protein- fish/chicken/ beans

    i'm going to have more " qinua " in my diet once i start eating again ( few more days )
    barley, bulgur .. - - quina has a good amount of protein, is really good for you - and it can really fill you up- i like it

    bulgur.. mmm i can eat that stuff.. put some onions in the ban, caramelize them --and than mix with cooked bulgur-
    i can eat it just like that..

    gotta go..

    thanks yup since i have left meat i have very limited options to eat most of the time i thrived on chickpeas, lentils eggplant and bottle gourd, banana n apple. thank for the suggestions now ill deliberately try to add variety
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    :flowerforyou: Well, my so-called 10 day detox didn't happen and my exercise regimen

    thrown waaaaaaaaaaaay off this week, crazy week. I have decided that

    instead of making a big deal I will just take this plan one day at a time as far as diet

    and it looks like I will be able to get in a full weekend of exercise too! yay!

    Today felt great back on the elliptical machine and pushing the weights.

    It is these last 10 pounds that is driving me crazy & I think I just need to relax

    and take it slow here. Tomorrow is masseuse day so that will help in that dept!

    How is everyone today? hope all of your weekend relaxing plans come true:glasses:
  • hunny73
    hunny73 Posts: 112 Member
    A few quick questions for everyone;

    1- Do you record tea, coffee or juices as a part of your water intake or not? (I just record my actual water and managed my 8 glasses for the last couple of days but now my bladder feels funny!)

    2-Does anyone else's weight fluctuate? Although i now record my weight on a weekly basis (or thereabouts) i've reverted to weighig myself daily and am amazaed to see the scale go up and down as much as 6llbs overnight!!

    3-For those of you with HRM's. I'm thinking of getting a Polar would you recommend FT4 or FT7? And until i get it what rate should my heart rate be for burning fat (I'm 38 years old)

    4-Hot water or Freezing cold first thing in the morning? I'm confused, some say hot or luke warm and others say freezing cold to make your body boost it's metabolism to bringthe water to body temp. I always thought luke warm was better as cold water shocks the system and makes the intestines contract! but would be willing to try cold if it boosts metabolism.

    Sorry, if these question have already been answered earlier in the topic!!
  • Shaz_74
    Shaz_74 Posts: 100 Member

    1. I only count pure water towards my daily intake of 8 glasses.

    2. I weigh myself several times a day. When everyone is saying to ditch the scale, I'm not scared of it - I like to see how my weight fluctuates. I now expect it to go up by as much as 3lbs in the evenings and back down to my actual weight by morning.
    I'll only record a loss when I see it 3 mornings in a row.

    3 Try this site for calculating heart rate http://www.naturalphysiques.com/2/target-heart-rate-calculator
    scroll down to the Heart Rate Activity Chart, apparently 60% is fat burning zone, but you'll burn less calories at that level.

    4. Not a fan of drinking cold water (or feeling cold). I prefer my water cool, luke warm or very warm w/ lemon. I remember reading an article that the amount of calories the body burns (to raise the temp of cold water) is negligible.

  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    I count water and tea- not coffee or juices.

    Weight fluctuates all the time.

    Polar ft 7.

    Never heared of drinking " hot water " - but luke warm -. read few books that explained that.

    Warm water :- first thing in the morning- helps you " cleanse " stuff from yesterday..
    why warm ? - because it's early in am- it's the first thing you are putting in your stomach for that day - you don't want to " shock " the body with ice cold water- it will be somehow stopped in thedigestive system bc it has to be warmed up.. but the warm water can go just straight through and cleanse you.

    Why some recomend ice cold water ?

    I think it's good to drink - but not as frst thing in the morning. Why is it thought to be good for weight loss ?
    if you drink it that cold- body needst to bring it to body temperature.. and while doing that it's using some energy, so some say you are burning a few kcls for warming up that water. It's not a whole lot- i think i read somewhere.. it's about 50ish kcls for the enterie day worht of ice cold water drinking..

    I"m doing fine food wise
    very very hard working- busy
    today- tomorrow i'm using to cook my stuff
    qinua, azuki beans, bulgur..
    i prepared that stuff all seperate of course and put in the glass dishes.
    during the week will just keep adding various veggies .. and making diff. salads with those grains/beans.

    like i said i'm very busy.. all day on my feet- it keeps me distracted from food-
    this past week i have been carried my fresh made - veggie/fruit juices and packed them with ice - packs so i had them with me on the go.
    i feel very energized, and " light " .. started to eat some regular food- like today i had the bulgur with bell peppers.
    still didn't have any animal products - cheese/milk/eggs/ meat..
    trying to stick to fruits-veggies and grains - with sometimes a " protein " drink.

    i think so far i'm feeling some results- but my official weigh in is on monday so will inform you about the results on monday.

    trying to squeeze in some gym time as much as i can , but like i said i'm on my feet 8-12 hours everyday .. constantly moving so i'm not really missing out on the physical part.

    \made it to zumba class this morning :) felt really energized during it .. and sipped my green juice breakfast on the way to the gym.. :)
  • edinat
    edinat Posts: 159 Member
    I will be joining you all soon, i have 6 more days to fast! Had 11 total ....so after this, its on ! Cant wait i am looking forward and tired of this lifestyle.
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    Insha Allah - :) looking forward to have you back..
  • hunny73
    hunny73 Posts: 112 Member
    Hello ladies!! Where is everybody??!!

    I got on the scale on yesterday ready to report my progress and was exteremly shocked to see that i had gained nearly half the the total of weight i lost so far :( Can you imagine how i felt? Really sad to start and then extrememly mad with myself after that. I have to confess i had one extreeeeemly bad day this week but i didn't think it was bad enought to put on a whole 7lbs in one week!! I'm not sure what's going on. Could it be something to do with fasting in Ramadan and then getting back to normal routine? It's not my TOM yet, so that excuse is out of the question..........?? The base point is that i feel so bad and am wondering whether it's worth it because all i seem to do is think about food and calories and exercise!! I'm fed-up!

    I think for now i need to concentrate really hard on just keeping my calories under control. The problem is i just feel so down now and noticed i;'m feeling hungrier too!

    Anyway, i'd like to hear if anyone is having any success and more importantly would like to know the key to that success.
  • concealedpearl
    Hello ladies!! Where is everybody??!!

    I got on the scale on yesterday ready to report my progress and was exteremly shocked to see that i had gained nearly half the the total of weight i lost so far :( Can you imagine how i felt? Really sad to start and then extrememly mad with myself after that. I have to confess i had one extreeeeemly bad day this week but i didn't think it was bad enought to put on a whole 7lbs in one week!! I'm not sure what's going on. Could it be something to do with fasting in Ramadan and then getting back to normal routine? It's not my TOM yet, so that excuse is out of the question..........?? The base point is that i feel so bad and am wondering whether it's worth it because all i seem to do is think about food and calories and exercise!! I'm fed-up!

    I think for now i need to concentrate really hard on just keeping my calories under control. The problem is i just feel so down now and noticed i;'m feeling hungrier too!

    Anyway, i'd like to hear if anyone is having any success and more importantly would like to know the key to that success.

    Hi Hunny,

    When was the last time you weighed yourself before noticing the 7lb weight gain? The one extreeeemly bad day could've been loaded with Sodium and if you did not drink enough water it could have cost your body to retain the fluid. Because no way you ate 24,500 calories. For me even having one meal loaded with Sodium causes me to gain 2-3lbs the day after.

    My advice would be to drink loads of water the next couple of days even up to a gallon(4L's since your a brit :) After week of drinking a lot of water and eating clean and exercising see what the scale says.

    No matter what you do, DON'T GIVE UP. If you focus on the 7lb gain you will not lose any more lb's, continue your good habits, you've already lost 14lbs(the 7lb will disappear)

    I've been yoyoing with the same 5lbs, and I've learned that my problem is consistency. I do a new regimen for a week or two and then try something new, thus the yo yo part. So consistency is key, whatever you did to lose the 14lbs worked so go back to that method and stay consistent.

    Success is not measurable, it is defined by our emotions. How you will feel at the end will determine whether you are successful or not. So stay focused and don't lose sight of the end goal.
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    I have officially left the group. On to maintenance mode for now.
    bye bye to all and best of wishes to ya':flowerforyou:
    until next time....
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    very busy.. few good days.. than some bad inbetween. Today was pure - bad. ! Do i need to get into the "dirty details ? " i guess i'll save you those... all i need to say is 630 kcls andd about 35 gm of fat .. God knows how much sugar in .. few bites !
    So disappointed withy myself today.. but - am on my way to bed so i can wake up early and go to gym.. ASAP !

    Huny- i know what you are thinking and how you are feeling- it's just like that.. we need to focus on the big picture..
    don't give up.
    that's not an option !
  • hunny73
    hunny73 Posts: 112 Member
    Thank you for you tips and support Concealedpearl and Bosanka. I'm not giving up just yet!! i'm trying to make better food choices this week and drink more water. I also need to make more time for the gym because it helps relieve my stress and feeling down. lll report again in a few days.
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    Hello ladies!! Where is everybody??!!

    I got on the scale on yesterday ready to report my progress and was exteremly shocked to see that i had gained nearly half the the total of weight i lost so far :( Can you imagine how i felt? Really sad to start and then extrememly mad with myself after that. I have to confess i had one extreeeeemly bad day this week but i didn't think it was bad enought to put on a whole 7lbs in one week!! I'm not sure what's going on. Could it be something to do with fasting in Ramadan and then getting back to normal routine? It's not my TOM yet, so that excuse is out of the question..........?? The base point is that i feel so bad and am wondering whether it's worth it because all i seem to do is think about food and calories and exercise!! I'm fed-up!

    I think for now i need to concentrate really hard on just keeping my calories under control. The problem is i just feel so down now and noticed i;'m feeling hungrier too!

    Anyway, i'd like to hear if anyone is having any success and more importantly would like to know the key to that success.


    that may be sodium or going back tonormal routine after ramadan, so other friend said increase water intake it may help

    as far as my progress is concerned it going backwards or upwards on scales, i dont know i cant follow any routine and im the most non-busy person of this group