3500+ Calories Burned Challenge 9/5 - 9/11



  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    Weekly Goal: 5000

    Mon: 724 calories burned (105 minutes eliptical, 30 minutes leisurely treadmill)
    Tues 888: calories burned (100 minutes eliptical, 60 minutes walking treadmill)

    Wed: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Thur:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Fri: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 1612
    Left to go: 3388
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,978 Member
    Weekly Goal: 3500
    Mon: 512 (walking and cleaning (the crazy obsessive kind of cleaning!!))
    Tues: 573 (running in place, boxing, calisthenics)
    Wed: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Thur:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Fri: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 1085
    Left to go: 2415
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    I am in for another round. I pinched something in my shoulders on the weekend so going to attempt my first workout of the week tonight. :happy:

    Weekly Goal: 3500
    Mon: Rest
    Tues: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Wed: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Thur:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Fri: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 0
    Left to go: 3500
  • Week #9 for me

    Weekly Goal: 5000
    Mon: 0
    Tues: 0
    Wed: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Thur:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Fri: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 0
    Left to go: 5000
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    week 1 : 3951//3500

    Week 2 Goal: 4000

    sept 5: 659 (spinning)
    sept 6 888(spinning/weights)

  • Weekly Goal: 5000
    Mon: 830 (elliptical/bike/treadmill)
    Tues: calories burned 1185 (elliptical/treadmill/strength)
    Wed: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Thur:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Fri: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 2015
    Left to go: 2975
  • dewpetals
    dewpetals Posts: 68 Member
    A little late but I'd like to be in on the fun too!

    Weekly Goal: 3500
    Mon: 342 calories burned (gazelle 30 minutes)
    Tues: calories burned ZERO (so now you know why i want to do the challenge)
    Wed: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Thur:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Fri: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total left to go: 3158
  • RitaPrior
    RitaPrior Posts: 39 Member
    Goal: Burn 3500 calories in a week
    Today: 1421 calories burnt
    Remaining for week: 2079
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Here is the daily update:

    Weekly Goal: 4000
    Mon: no calories burned (rest day)
    Tues: 307 calories burned (brisk walking)
    Wed: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Thur:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Fri: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 307
    left to go: 3693
    Left to go: 4000
  • HAPPY Wednesday ALL!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Weekly Goal: 4,000

    Mon: Rest day
    Tues: 784 (Jogged 5.5 miles)
    Wed: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Thur:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Fri: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 784
    Left to go: 3,216
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Weekly Goal: 3500
    Mon: 200 (Cleaning house)
    Tues: 188 (Biggest Loser Fitness Program book)
    Wed: 360 (Elliptical and Trainer Session)
    Thur:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Fri: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Left to go: 2752
  • Week #9 for me

    Weekly Goal: 5000
    Mon: 0
    Tues: 0
    Wed: 1450 (elliptical- 45 min.; treadmill- 45 min.)
    Thur:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Fri: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 1450
    Left to go: 3550
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    week 1 : 3951//3500

    Week 2 Goal: 4000

    sept 5: 659 (spinning)
    sept 6 888(spinning/weights)
    sept 7 REST DAY(that might change, maybe)

  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    Weekly Goal: 5000

    Mon: 724 calories burned (105 minutes eliptical, 30 minutes leisurely treadmill)
    Tues 888: calories burned (100 minutes eliptical, 60 minutes walking treadmill)
    Wed: 821 calories burned (90 minutes elipital, 60 minutes walking treadmill)

    Thur:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Fri: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 2433
    Left to go: 2567
  • jagfan
    jagfan Posts: 255 Member
    Weekly Goal: 3,500 *

    Mon: 0 (sat on the couch most of the day...it was really easy!)
    Tues: 662 (1 hour les mills body attack)
    Wed: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Thur:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Fri: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 662
    Left to go: 2,838
    *Set my goal a little lower this week since I have a cold and a football game to go to on Sunday...I don't know if I will be able to run Sunday morning.
  • Weekly Goal: 4,000

    Mon: Rest day
    Tues: 784 (Jogged 5.5 miles)
    Wed: 797 (Jogged 5.6 miles)
    Thur:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Fri: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 1,581
    Left to go: 2,419
  • lovejoydavid
    lovejoydavid Posts: 395 Member
    Weekly Goal: 6500
    Mon: calories burned 414 cycling
    Tues: calories burned 1746 cycling, running, calisthenics
    Wed: calories burned 2180 cycling, running hill repeats with stroller
    Thur:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Fri: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 4340
    Left to go: 2160

    Hmm. I can burn 2160 with just my long run on Saturday. I maybe should have shot a 'lil higher.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Weekly Goal: 3500
    Mon: 512 (55 mins cardio)
    Tues: sick
    Wed: 459 (25 mins with trainer 30 mins elliptical)
    Thur:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Fri: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 971
    Left to go: 2529
  • Weekly Goal: 5000
    Mon: 830 (elliptical/bike/treadmill)
    Tues: calories burned 1185 (elliptical/treadmill/strength)
    Wed: calories burned 160 (light walk)
    Thur:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Fri: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 2175
    Left to go: 2825
  • RitaPrior
    RitaPrior Posts: 39 Member
    Goal: Burn 3500 calories in a week
    Monday: Did absolutely nothing!
    Tuesday: 1421 calories burnt (elliptical, treadmill, bike, strength)
    Wednesday: 1286 calories burnt (elliptical, treadmill, Walmart, cleaning)
    Thursday: Let us pray
    Friday: Pray harder
    Saturday: Help us Lord!
    Remaining for week: 793