How much do you exercise weekly?



  • julie3461
    julie3461 Posts: 65 Member
    Weight loss goal: To lose 1.25 - 2.25 inches off my hips and about 1 in off my mid section. I finally got the 110s after 3 years of hard work.
    Fitness goals: To be able to do 1 pull up. To do mainly regular pushups.
    Exercise: Beachbody programs + walking,running, & hiking. Right now, I do an intense workout 4 days a week.
    Exercise breakdown: 3 days of Liift 4, 1 day of Liift4 + T20, 1 day yoga + T20, 1 day stretching/easy yoga, 1 day off with a goal of walking any amount.
  • TurquiseTurtle7
    TurquiseTurtle7 Posts: 16 Member
    I run for an hour 6x per week, do a workout DVD for half an hour 7x per week, walk my dogs for a half hour about 3x per week. Occasionally, I'll mix in some bike riding or swimming or do an extra workout DVD but I don't do those extras regularly. I aim for an hour and a half of intense exercise per day and then maybe a half hour of something relaxing, like walking or light yard work. I've lost almost 30 lbs this summer and still have about 15 to go, so I try to keep fairly active.
    Do those of you who exercise multiple hours per day work? I work full time and cannot see how to fit in over 2hrs of exercise per day. I still have responsibilities at home too.

    I work part time from home and my kids are teenagers in school all day. I don't have a busy social life or many hobbies. My house and yard don't require much time to keep them tidy, and the closest I get to cooking is using the microwave to heat frozen dinners. My husband works long shifts, and I have most of my work and exercise done by the time he gets home, so we're free to spend an hour or two together in the evenings.

  • the_stained_ape
    the_stained_ape Posts: 35 Member
    edited October 2020
    Hammer the Kettlebells 3 times a week, for 45-60 minutes.

    Current goals are fat loss while mainitaining strength. I suppose you could say I'm 'cutting', but I ain't no body builder.
  • ehju0901
    ehju0901 Posts: 394 Member
    My current routine is walking at a fast pace (16-18 minutes per mile). I did a goal of 50 miles last week but felt that it didn't allow me any extra time to do other things during the weekdays. This week I did a goal of 35 miles but now I feel like it has lackluster results lol. Still working on finding a happy medium.
  • hockeysniper8
    hockeysniper8 Posts: 253 Member
    I do weights 2-3 times a week and play hockey once a week 😁