When did you know it was love?



  • Tabby1980
    Tabby1980 Posts: 75 Member
    Straight away! Well second time around lol! I was good friends with my husband's sister Rachel at university and met him, Paul, briefly at our graduation when he was only 16 ( oooh er! ) It wasn't love then as he was still a kid and I was in a long term relationship, but I do remember thinking how sweet and funny he was. Several years later I was Rachel's bridesmaid and as I walked into the church I saw Paul acting as an usher, our eyes met and I remember thinking 'Blimey, Rachel's brother really grew up!' He was 6'4 and drop dead gorgeous :p I was single again and we spent the whole of the reception dancing and chatting together. I felt totally relaxed with him, as if we'd known each other for years, which in a wierd way we had. The next day we both caught trains back down to London from Carlisle and Paul swapped his ticket to pretend he had to get the same train as me! We spent 7 hours together and at the end of it he carried my suitcase for me and helped me find a seat on my connecting train home - awwww :D ( That was the end of October 2006 ) We spent a few months swapping emails and chatting for hours on msn but I though he wouldn't fancy me as I would be too old and fat for him lol, ironically he said he thought I was out of his league and wouldn't look twice at my friends little brother in that way! Eventually we discovered we were both mistaken and he came to see me for a day out in Brighton and didn't go home untill 3 days later :p By February 2007 we were officially a couple and by April we'd decided we wanted to get married and have a family- I used to be a commitmentphobe lol! In May he took me back to the bench on Brighton pier where we had our first kiss and gave me a little plastic Hello Kitty ring, he was still a penniless student awwww again! By October Paul had graduated, got a job and swapped my ring for a beautiful diamond which he gave to me on a moonlit beach in Greeceafter writing 'will you marry me?' in the sand! We were married in August 2008 and have been so happy ever since. It helped that I already knew his family and I got a great friend for a sister but we really had no doubts.
    Anyone who is cynical don't give up! I had a 7 year relationship which was a real struggle,full of arguments and tears and drama, I thought that was what relationships were like! I then went through a stage of being a total commitmentphobe, dating guys and having one night stands. I just hadn't met the right person! When you find them you will know! You will not have any doubts and everyone around you will think you're crazy for rushing into things! As for the monogamy thing that will change with the right person too, I used to always be lusting after other blokes even in my long term relationship I cheated and was a horrible girlfriend, but I think deep down inside I knew it wasn't going to last. With Paul I would NEVER cheat, I don't feel the need, we still fancy each other like crazy after 5 years and I can't imagine that changing. I hardly even notice other men now and even given the option of hooking up with some dream celebrity fittie I'd stay with my true love every time :) Believe in love at first sight, or second sight at least, it really does exist! x
  • hoosiermama1977
    The day my (now husband) walked into my work I felt a strong physical attraction for him however it wasn't until months of laughing, chatting, working together that I realized it was more then that. He was hurting emotionally over something and I felt it so deeply - deeper then if it had been my own hurt. I just wanted to take the pain. That's when I knew. 14 years later and I still get so excited when he walks into the room, I get butterflies in my stomach. He makes me laugh, he calms me down, he supports me, he's my very best friend... but he also knows me and let's me have my space. Yea, we have tough times but the good outweighs the bad by so much that it doesn't feel tough with him.

    So, I guess deep down I felt something right off the bat - something I'd never really felt ... but I knew it was love after we'd become friends.
  • M155AUS
    M155AUS Posts: 52 Member
    I didn't really like my bf at start, but only went out with him because he was my friends mate and I felt like I 'should' go out with him.

    Our first date I got very tipsy and the second I had a go at him because he was using his mobile on the date. I was brutal, and I now I look back, it was him just being really nervous.

    I felt like that until about 9 months in when I got made redundant from work and went straight over to his place (he had been made redundant about 2 weeks before) and he was so nice and sweet and we spent more time together after 9 months of seeing each other only a wednesday evening for a drink. It was then I realised that I really did care about him and 7 years on, we are getting married next year. I was myself from the start so I never felt that I had to be on my best behaviour and he loved me from the start. He knew on our first date apparently.
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    I knew it was love when we would literally text eachother all day(it's long distance) and it still wasn't enough.
    When he went out and bought a netbook as well so we could skype and I couldn't get enough of his face.
    When he got sick and it broke my heart I couldn't be there.

    Early on there was a point I told myself "you can save yourself some heartbreak and turmoil and get out now before it's too late" and I couldn't. Because he was all I wanted.

    I've never for one minute regretted it.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    our first kiss
  • minnie22
    I would have to be the first time I see him, was bridesmaid for my godparents daughter & he was the grooms work mate, I was 17yrs he's 9yrs older then me, we have been together ever since, it's our wedding anniversary on Saturday 13yrs, & we have 2 very special boys, that means the world to us. :o)
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    Been together for 15 years, and my breath still catches when I see him across a crowded room. Insane huh? Just celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary :)
  • CaitlinMyers428
    CaitlinMyers428 Posts: 151 Member
    My boyfriend and I have been friends for 7 years. He finally came out and told me his feelings for me. This is when I was doing a pregnancy alone. We text for months and after I had my daughter and she was over a month old I invited him over. I had not seen him in a few years and as soon as I opened the door and our eyes met, I felt it. We have been together ever since and he fully accepts my daughter as his own. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend and father for my daughter. <3
  • Peep_chic
    Peep_chic Posts: 369 Member
    We knew each other since first grade and often we shared the same classroom. I knew he liked me but I wasnt atracted to him. Senior year in high school he came forward told me he had feelings for me. I knew he was a good guy, respectable and smart, top of the class. I told him he had 50-50% chance. My mind was made though I knew he didn't have a chance (or so I thought). Since we shared friends and sometimes talked I didnt want to turn him down right away so he'd atleast say he had a chance. We spent more time together as months went by. I had a clear picture of the qualities I was searching on a guy (loved his own family, kind, not selfish, not a hipocrite, fun and with sense of humor) He turned out to have these qualities and more (I knew his family too). So we got together 1 week before graduation. Dated 2 years and will have 10 yrs married January 2 kids and one on the way.
  • Peep_chic
    Peep_chic Posts: 369 Member
    I dont believe in magicall love. Love develops in a process, and is an action. Feelings are fickle and change too often to trust them. Most of the time I feel on top of the world with the man and others I dont get how we have lasted cause I cant stand him. Ive come to understand that to make things work in marriage in the long run you both have to yield to each others needs. Give and take. And in some situations compromise and concessions. I'm a child of divorse and I know that my parents marriage could have been saved exept for both of my parents were stuborn towards change. I've read several books and I find that His needs her needs building an affair proof marriage by williard F. Harley Jr. is one of the most helpful. It explains how love develops for those raw CYNICS out there is excellent. In short... we all have love accounts and the more (good moments) we have with someone the more love units that person has in your account and the more (bad moments) we have with someone the more withdraws the person has and you cant stand them. If you dont take care of your relationship your account with the other person go towards the negative and miss fancy pants at work can add units to her account at work. When you both understand how this work you can be careful and protect your relationship and not just "accidentally" fall in love with someone else. Anyways sorry its so much to read, but I do :heart: this topic :wink: Finding someone atractive or lust isn't a problem until you feed it to yourself too much.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    We fell hard for each other within just a few weeks (he even proposed!) but I didn't know for sure until about 2 years later. We'd been going through some rough times and I thought that meant it was time for us to separate and move on. Since we were living together and both on the lease, we needed to wait at least a month, and he was hoping I'd change my mind so he asked for a little more time. New Years was the deadline so it was time for me to make a now or never decision and I realized I just couldn't leave him. It broke my heart to even think about it! So we reconciled and New Years was our special holiday for a few years! :flowerforyou: :love:
    Nine years later I took him up on his proposal and the rest is history.
  • Liquid741
    Liquid741 Posts: 292 Member
    date #2...i seen my girl a few times in her office. we work at the same steel mill. she has banker hours in air condition...i work out in the mill. and everytime i seen her, i told myself that is the type of girl i could see myself with...we ended up meeting, going out, dating, and getting married....nothing but great times so far. still havent had a argument in 3.5yrs. life is good.
  • jessica_mom343
    jessica_mom343 Posts: 61 Member
    I knew the first time we kissed. I literally felt the "sparks". I was 15 and he was 17. I had boyfriends before, but none that I woke up wanting to see and went to bed thinking about. He wasn't my "type". He was and is a country boy and after our first phone call I was like who is the boy. He's talking about horses and deer hunting. I gave him a shot though...:-) We've been together now for 15 years and married for 13. We had our first child right after I turned 17 and now here we are three kids later and I grow more in love with him everyday. We have changed alot over the last 15 years, but we've changed together and for the better. We are so much alike. I'm now a full fledged country girl. We value our faith, Love God, love our family and put our marriage and our family as our top priority.

    My father died when I was 5 and my mother was a widow at 35. Thinking that I could lose my husband makes my heart ache and the me sick to my stomach. He's the reason I smile when I was up every morning and see he drooling face on the pillow. LOL!!! God truly blessed me with this man!!
  • Jennjenn1974
    Jennjenn1974 Posts: 350 Member
    I was at a bachelorette party, mostly inhebriated, when I looked at my best friend and said. "I'm in love with, Craig"

    " Yeah I figured" is what she said back to me.

  • pumpkinmoccasin
    We met on battle.net back when Warcraft 3 was popular... Falling in love was a gradual process since we talked a LOT, though it was definitely early on it sealed the deal when we met for the first time--he took a train to come meet me and that was it <3
  • jumperchick
    well me and my bf dated for 3 months then broke up for a silly reason. anyways we were apart for a couple months and it was horrible !! i tried to date someone else, but the whole time i was thinking how it wasnt right and i missed my ex [now bf lol]. i wanted to call him but it was him that broke up with me and i refuse to be THAT girl....and out of the blue he texted me at like 4am and told me he couldnt stop thinking about me blah blah blah and he wanted to see me. so he came over and we got back together and thats when i realized i loved him and didnt want to be away from him. but i didnt tell him for a few months haha.

    sorry that was so long !!!
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    All of these posts put a smile on my face =]
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    I think I'm falling out of it actually.


    Awe noo =[

    Hope it all works out for the best <3
    Me too.
    I'm trying my hardest. I usually end relationship by now, but for him I'm fighting.

    I've "fallen in and out of love" - whatever the heck that actually means - with my husband of fourteen years several times. If he'd pay attention, he'd know when I'm really not feeling it because that's when he gets treated the best.
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    Oh, and when I knew it was love - (insanity, if you read this don't hate me). He and I were from the metaphorical opposite sides of the tracks. I thought his family - the ones I knew - were stuck up and too full of themselves. Sounds unromantic, but I went through a serious, do I want to marry THIS guy - I mean look at those people? But after it was all said and done, I didn't care who his family were, I wanted to be with him, make him happy for the rest of his life. And I've done a patchy job of it.
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    It was at 2 different times for my husband and I. We met in college. He was walking behind me, saw my red hair, looked at his friend and said "she's mine." He hadn't seen my face and didn't know my name or anything else about me except that I was in band (we were at a rehersal when he saw me for the first time). He just saw a red-head playing percussion and knew he wanted to be with me. Jump forward about 4 weeks. We had hung out a few times with mutual friends. After dinner one night we were all standing around and he made the comment that he needed to go to the store. I offered to give him a ride (he had no car at the time) and when we got back to campus I asked if he wanted to hang out and watch TV (my roommate was gone for the night and I knew we'd have my room to ourselves). He says "sure, The Drew Carey Show is on." We're sitting on my bed watching TV and he starts holding my hand one finger at time. It started with our pinky fingers touching, then 2 fingers, then 3 and so on until we were holding hands. A bit later he leans over and kisses the side of my head. Every coupld of minutes he would kiss the side of my head again but each time was a bit closer to my face until he'd managed to work his way across the side of my head and cheek. He finally kisses me and that's when I knew. It just hit me. I actually looked across the room at the calendar hanging on my closet door to make a note of the date because I knew it was going to be an important one. Six months later it was my birthday and our 6 month anniversary. That was the first time we said I love you. That important date? It was August 26, 1998. We got engaged on December 23, 2009 and married on August 26, 2010 which was our 12 year anniversary. We just celebrated 13 years together and our 1 year wedding anniversary. We still hold hands constantly. Even in our sleep.