Concerned for my 10 year olds health



  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    Talk to her ped.

    And find out what active hobbies she would be interested in. Get her doing something that she loves, that has her MOVING.
  • I recommend listening to the podcast series called “Healthy Parents = Healthy Families” by Heather A. Robertson of HalfSizeMe. The series is filled with a ton of great advice when it comes to kids/teens and their weight. The first full episode was on January 24th featuring Dr. Yoni Freedhoff, who has a really straightforward, kind approach to this subject. Best wishes!
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    I'm curious as to how your dd feels about all this? Is she able to talk with you about what's going on, the negative comments from her relatives, how she feels about herself and her body changes?
    That could play a huge part in all this. If her communication with you and trust in you to help/support her in her feelings are all strong, you might be the single most important factor for her. No pressure there. :)
    That poor girl. I wish she didn't have to tolerate all the negativity at the other house. :( And it sounds like your ex needs to grow up and away from his relatives, think for himself, grab a clue about the way to handle health issues for himself. Argh.
    I have no clue what I'd do if I were in your shoes. But maybe sitting down with dd and address the negativity from them first might be helpful. You still don't need to address her weight directly but a whole mess of other stuff. Let's face it, these years of heading to middle school age, are no fun for any of them. :( They're all trying to find themselves, be part of the pack, and in doing so, many kids make themselves feel better by pointing out others. :( Work on her self-esteem, how-to's of building a stronger mental foundation to handle your ex and his issues(family), and simply knowing she's a wonderful person no matter what.
  • Strudders67
    Strudders67 Posts: 989 Member
    Talking to your ex and his family would be helpful, but the fact remains that your daughter is very overweight if she really is only 4'4". It's only fair to her for you to start making changes as soon as possible.

    I wouldn't say anything in front of your daughter as that will not do her self-esteem much good. If she doesn't say anything herself, I wouldn't bring the subject up. I'd be inclined to simply introduce healthier, smaller meals, perhaps bulked out with filling, lower calorie veg so that, for the time she's with you, her meals are healthier. You can always say that you need to make different meal choices to make yourself healthier, fitter, more able to run about etc. You could add mention, in simple terms, of the risk of developing diabetes if you don't change your eating habits and cut down a bit on sweets, pasta, potatoes, rice etc. Don't cut them out, but reduce the portion sizes and increase the amount of veg or salad. Your daughter will pick up on that.
  • cvdub16
    cvdub16 Posts: 71 Member
    Thank you all so much for this I greatly appreciate it! It is a very tough situation and I fear I will never be able to change the way they do things at the other house. I think I just need to focus on her and when she is with me and have my husband and I do the best we can while she is with us. It breaks my heart cause when she talks about how they talk to her she cries. I just want her to be happy and its so hard when I am dealing with another home and person I don't have too much control over. I honestly only have control over my own home.
  • SModa61
    SModa61 Posts: 3,067 Member
    I did not read all the responses, but what I did were great. If it was not already said, that once thing about adjusting habits in the child is that "loss" of weight is less critical than an adult as unlike adults, depending on the weight, they can grow into it if learning to maintain. Wishing your family well!
  • One thing I’m thinking of doing with my daughter, is getting her a step tracker. I know with some brands you can link them to your own phone. Give her a small goal at first, and together think of some reward that motivates her that she can earn if she hits that goal in a week, whether a daily total or a weekly total. Gradually increase the goal to the activity level appropriate for her age. You can look up target step count for children’s ages. Make increased activity into something that she can feel good about and also a way to earn her reward, whatever that is. You can’t control what she eats outside your home, but maybe you can help motivate her to increased activity even when you don’t have her.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    edited October 2020
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    cvdub16 wrote: »
    Thank you all so much for this I greatly appreciate it! It is a very tough situation and I fear I will never be able to change the way they do things at the other house. I think I just need to focus on her and when she is with me and have my husband and I do the best we can while she is with us. It breaks my heart cause when she talks about how they talk to her she cries. I just want her to be happy and its so hard when I am dealing with another home and person I don't have too much control over. I honestly only have control over my own home.

    Sounds like you're giving up.

    What about taking her father with you to the pediatritian?

    What about family counseling?

    If I thought my child was being emotionally abused at the other parent's and that there was nothing that could be done to change that, I'd seek full custody.

    I agree, sometimes it is good to let momma bear out a bit!

    Are they aware they have made her cry on more than one occasion? I am guessing she doesn't cry in front of them but they would sure be getting a phone call from me after she told me about it. I think you will be fighting a losing battle if you try to just build her up at your house but she continues to return to an environment where she gets torn to bits.