How often do YOU weigh in personally?



  • Strudders67
    Strudders67 Posts: 980 Member
    Every Monday, as I have done for years. Sometimes a few days later too, but not always.

    It took a while (and reading lots of posts on these forums) to stop being disheartened by a blip on the scales.
  • JessBbody
    JessBbody Posts: 523 Member
    Weekly. Fluctuations don't bother me, but to me fluctuations in daily data points (and even in weekly to some extent) are just noise that says more about hydration levels and the amount of food and waste in my digestive tract than about fat loss, which is my goal. I don't need another app cluttering up my life and my phone to eliminate the noise and tell me what I already know.

    But nothing wrong with weighing daily if that's what floats your boats and if it doesn't make you anxious or prompt you to try to manipulate diet and exercise in response to the noise. Ultimately, I think your understanding of what is noise and what is meaningful data and your emotional reaction to that is FAR more important than how often you weigh.

    I agree with this.

    I weigh weekly. I've seen threads that argue in favor of weighing in daily to track trends but I still don't see the point for me, personally. I know that seeing daily weight fluctuations would bother me and discourage me, even knowing that it all has to do with salt, carbs, and water. I'm not going to change what I eat that day to show a different number on the scale the next morning.

    I'm fortunate in that I've been seeing consistent losses weighing in weekly so at this point I don't need to be nervous that my weigh in won't show any progress for the week, although I realize this can happen.

    I just know that weighing in daily for me would get obsessive. I'm already fairly meticulous about measuring my calories and exercising 6 days a week, and if I went any further it could quickly become an issue of thinking about my weight/body taking over my life.
  • lgfrie
    lgfrie Posts: 1,449 Member
    edited October 2020
    Twice a day (first thing in the AM, right before bed) keeps me actively engaged with my weight loss project in just the way I need it. As soon as I stop weighing, I start gaining. Many, many, many is the time I forewent some unnecessary snack because I didn't want to get a bad weight reading.

    Just have to learn to dismiss scale fluctuations. They can play with your head, for sure.
  • SModa61
    SModa61 Posts: 2,879 Member
    I will give more than one answer.

    For me personally, if find that my connection with the scale is directly correlated with the attention I am giving to my diet and health. The more I avoid the scale, the more I am avoiding healthy decisions. So, technically lack of scale is my first red flag. BTW I noticed during the first 6 months of COVID lockdown, that over time I was weighing less and less, now every day. As for the fluctuations, there actually is some value to seeing them on a regular/daily basis. You get the opportunity to see the cause and effect of the previous days foods - and I am mostly not talking about calories. I am talking about macros distribution, sodium, or foods that might inflame and cause fluid retention. As a female, you start learning about the numbers on the scale and how they are impacted by your cycle. Understanding these correlations help you to get through them if you can understand the short term causes and how they are transient.

    Now, what is the advice I give to others (like from my 12 years working as a WW receptionist)? First you need to understand youself and how you respond to the act of stepping on a scale. If stepping on a scale is going to send you in a tailspin because of a number, then maybe at this point in time daily weighing is not best. At the other extreme, I even had members that came and weighed weekly, but asked me to record the weight in their record, but to not share that information with them. They would check out their weight history at a later time when they were ready (there were times that it was a month or more).

    You have lots of great input that hopefully will help you to assess what is right for you. Give it some thought and do what is most supportive of you taking care of you.
  • gcminton
    gcminton Posts: 170 Member
    I weigh daily. I like having additional data points to plot a trend line, and I've gotten used to the fluctuations. It also helps keep me engaged with what I'm trying to do. For me, it's really easy to kind of check out and slowly slide back into old habits, so stepping on the scale first thing puts it back in my mind.
  • globalc00
    globalc00 Posts: 103 Member
    I weigh my self daily. My take on how often you should weigh your self is what you plan on doing with the data. If you plan on making adjustments daily, then you need daily data points. If you see what the scale says and just say "meh, just fluctuation", then no real point in weighing daily if you are sticking to your diet.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,982 Member
  • spyro88
    spyro88 Posts: 472 Member
    edited October 2020
    Similar to others I weigh most days. It just keeps me focussed on it and I know to expect fluctuations, so I'm OK with that. I only record it on here if it's gone down though :D

    Sometimes if I know I have not stayed within calories I avoid the scale... but that's a red flag!
  • ChristopherLimoges
    ChristopherLimoges Posts: 298 Member
    Only when I plan to weigh myself on a specific and set day. Got to release as much temporary weight as possible.
  • bubus05
    bubus05 Posts: 121 Member
    edited October 2020
    In the morning after waking up in the evening before going to sleep every day. Also before and after exercises, not because I am particularly worried but want to see the difference aerobic vs anaerobic effect on the body. Maybe it's a bit too much weighing but I found I if you dont make a big deal out of it dont stress yourself over your weight just do it to gather info how your body reacts to certain conditions it is actually very useful.
  • Jacq_qui
    Jacq_qui Posts: 429 Member
    Daily. Fluctuations are just that. You won't know what they are though unless you have all the data. I think it's made me more mindful of my choices and understand the impacts they have, as well as understanding that the number on the scale is just that for the day. Tomorrow there's at least a very good chance it will be different, it's the trend that is important.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    I weigh everyday and use Libra to track my trends. To me, my weight is the lowest number on the trend so it gives me peace of mind. It's kinda cool to see how and when my body weight fluctuates.
  • 1poundatax
    1poundatax Posts: 230 Member
    I weigh myself every day, multiple times a day. I am working on getting it down to just 1 or 2 times a day. I have learned not to be upset by fluctuations- I sometimes see fluctuations of several pounds throughout the day. By getting weighed daily I know what my overall trend is. When I am not weighing myself regularly is when I get out of control and gain weight. Even though I am obsessive about the scale I am developing a healthier attitude toward the fluctuations. I am definitely a work on progress LOL.
  • xodreamariexo
    xodreamariexo Posts: 63 Member
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,949 Member
    I like weighing every 1-3 days and tracking the trend in Libra.
  • DeterminedFee201426
    once per week(every seven days)
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    Daily. I'm able to ignore the noise.
  • BarbaraHelen2013
    BarbaraHelen2013 Posts: 1,940 Member
    Daily. For me it’s the only way that works to keep me on track. It doesn’t necessarily change the course of my day’s food intake if it’s gone up a pound or so but if I don’t do it I feel like I’m floundering.

    If I weighed once a week I’d forever be wondering if any fluctuation was water, salt or actual weight gain/loss!
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    If I weighed once a week I’d forever be wondering if any fluctuation was water, salt or actual weight gain/loss!

    This--I much prefer knowing how a particular day fits into the week as a whole.

    I've also found that I have a tendency to start skipping the scale if I only weigh once a week -- I did this and found if I had a bad week I'd justify waiting until the next week so I could correct it with a better week, and for me that can easily spiral. I'm much better just weighing as part of my everyday morning routine.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,406 Member
    Daily, and put it in Libra.

    Zero stress about fluctuations: It's just a momentary snapshot of my body's relationship with gravity, and doesn't have any effect on my happiness, sense of self-worth, or feelings of success. (I've been weighing daily for over a decade, even when not trying to lose weight: I'm a data geek.)

    At this point, I've been calorie counting long enough that I don't even have much emotional investment in the default 7-day Libra trend. If I'm doing what I need to, I trust the process to land my bodyweight about where I expect, over the long haul. Even Libra is mistaken at times.

    Every once in a while I weigh midday, say to check post exercise whether my hyrdration was OK on a hot day, for example.

    People who feel stress about fluctuations probably shouldn't weigh daily, unless they think learning about their personal fluctuations' causes and durations would be calming.