2020 Welcome Noobs to MFP



  • Mariner322007
    Mariner322007 Posts: 24 Member
    Newbie here as well. Trying this app out seriously for the first time. Hit a wall dropping weight hoping I breakthrough soon ! Stay safe everyone
  • alexismeenagh3
    alexismeenagh3 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all, I'm new and trying again, I've lost weight before on fast faddy diets before, but straight away put it all and more back on, sometimes it's daunting how much I now need to shift, (91 llbs to get to my ideal) so much so that I keep putting it off, I've seen and looked at MFP before but I didn't know or add anyone on here so never stuck to it, but this time round I decided to have a good look round this site and check out some of the stuff on here, and read some of the stories and comments people are putting on. So when folks have put "feel free to add me" I have, and I'm now in the process of looking through the site and just adding people, my list will grow hopefully. Can I tell you all that it's made the world of difference to me, just knowing that we are all in here for the same reason, sometimes in the past I've felt very alone, but not now, it sounds cliche now but it's amazing how much the comments & encouragement that other people give each other has kept me 100% committed. I'm in the zone and looking forward to not only loosing the Llbs but also chatting to people and also encouraging them too. So keep up the great work your doing and FEEL FREE TO ADD ME :-) love to you all xx
  • coloringonthebox
    I’m needing accountability and a friend too💕
  • mrsjenniferhelm
    mrsjenniferhelm Posts: 8 Member
    edited September 2020
    I'm a noob here, too! I've used MFP before, but never stuck to it. I seem to struggle figuring out how to navigate the website and the app. So I get frustrated and quit. I'm hoping to really put in an effort to learn all I can and use this as a tool to help me!

    I'm a 47 year old grandmother of 4. All 4 of them are ages 3 and under. So lots of littles! I'm also very happily married to the most amazing man I've ever known. They say opposites attract, but that's not true in our case. We're the same person. He is my best friend in this entire world!

    I have 83 pounds to lose to get to my goal weight. I have a lot of weight on my knees and, as a result, have been thru 2 knee surgeries in the past 2 years. I still struggle daily with pain. I know that getting this weight off would help tremendously. But man is it hard! My metabolism has completely shut down and it's hard to exercise when I'm in pain.

    My goal is to hike to Devil's Bathtub and Waterfall next summer and hammock camp there. It looks beautiful in the pictures and I want to see it in person!

    Check it out:


    It sounds like a long, hard hike. But that's the goal!!!!

  • lisa_newmum
    lisa_newmum Posts: 10 Member
    edited September 2020
    Hello all,

    New here and a new mum. My little boy is 4 months old now and I need to lose weight and get fit to be able to run around after him and we also have a big family reunion abroad in January and I do NOT need them to see me like this 🙈

    I have chronic health issues which make exercise impossible at the moment, so for now, relying totally on diet to lose weight.

    I'm in the UK, London.

    I have loads and loads to lose so here we go!
  • beahyle
    beahyle Posts: 4 Member

    It’s been more than a decade since I last used this app, happy it still exists! A bit of a noob if there’s been changes to the app but I need help with accountability. 😅

    I’d like help with baby steps to create a habit to lose body fat. I’ve gone down enough to have only the last 10ish puns left to lose with exercise & some diet tweaks now I’m focusing on body fat percentage. ☺️

    Please add & help me. Thank you!
  • liz0906
    liz0906 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi everyone! Technically, I'm not new. Almost 9 years ago I used MFP to lose about 40 lbs. Unfortunately (and especially in COVID) I have gained back every single pound I lost. I'm restarting my fitness journey today and I hope to become friends with some of you to help us motivate each other on this journey.

  • ehju0901
    ehju0901 Posts: 373 Member
    Hello all. I'm new here and hoping to lose roughly 40 pounds. I'm doing a lot of walking and will start using an elliptical once it gets too cold to be outside. My current goal for this week is to walk 50 miles. Will probably decrease that goal a little in the future just because I want to make sure I am still having fun.

    My issues with gaining weight are that I like quick, easy meals that are awful for me and also portion control. Plus I can put down a lot of Mountain Dew and craft beer.

    I've been doing well in the 1.5 weeks I've been using the app and hope to find a balance between eating some of the foods/drinks I like and also maintaining a fitness routine.
  • Huskersmom81
    Huskersmom81 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello! I'm new here again after being a member many years ago. I'm a mom from Nebraska who is finding herself again after making some healthy life changes in her personal life. Now I have a fire lit under me to regain my healthy lifestyle and my pre-baby body. I love my family, friends, positivity, working out, the outdoors, and football. Goodness my love for football is strong. :) Feel free to add me!
  • lilose1
    lilose1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I am new and have limited sodium intake. Any ideas and recipes welcomed.
  • BurningThyme201
    BurningThyme201 Posts: 13 Member
    I just joined today and figured I would try getting around & figure out how to use this app., the first few days and get more acquainted Monday hopefully I will have what I need to get underway. Hello to all and have a good day.
  • ee_green
    ee_green Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I’m considering myself new here, I’ve used MFP in the past, but typically give up after a few weeks. Over the past four years I’ve gained about 45 lbs, and I would love to get back to my wedding weight. For now, I’m setting the goal of losing 15 pounds. I’d love to find some help with staying motivated and holding myself accountable.
  • tawynalstelter
    tawynalstelter Posts: 3 Member
    New to this logging what I eat. I am in a nonstop weight loss journey.. add me
  • gcsep21
    gcsep21 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone. I've just decided to recommit to fitness as I wasnt really paying attention to my health due to being preoccupied with crippling depression and anxiety. A few weeks ago I actually looked at myself for the first time in a long time and realized I'm the heaviest and most unhealthy I've ever been. It also dawned on me that becoming more fit and healthy will also help my mental state, so I decided to start doing something about it.

    I'm hoping that with the help and information from people in this community that I will have the strength and determination to get and stay healthy.

    Thanks in advance!
  • Photis2020
    Photis2020 Posts: 3 Member
    New to MFP as of three days ago. Ready to rock and roll. Not really, just saying “hi”. New to diabetes type 2. Gotta figure out my way around. Cheers 🥴
  • danmaryellen
    danmaryellen Posts: 1 Member
    Okay so this is my second day, i did really good yesterday and then after 6pm forget it, i over ate but i will continue again today. at least by writing down what you ate, helps when temptation and hunger comes on. i have to say i did not write everything down yesterday cause i was so mad at myself...day two!
  • pammylbear
    pammylbear Posts: 2 Member
    Hey, I'm new to MFP but not to online fitness food lifestyle sites. Started with edits but fell off after 9/11. Jumped back on a few years later with SparkPeople, fell off, got back on, fell off. Now I'm here. Maybe I just need more accountability. Any opinions?
  • Tyler_ro2
    Tyler_ro2 Posts: 3 Member
  • 363days
    363days Posts: 548 Member
    I have two questions - can you help? 1) How do you add friends? When I try to do so it asks me for their email address and I do not know the email, just the user name. 2) Do I have to remember where I'm posting in order to see if someone has answered me? Thanks so much!!
  • samanthatbutler87
    I'm new here...
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