Keto is killing me 🤪



  • IronIsMyTherapy
    IronIsMyTherapy Posts: 482 Member
    Hang on in there! You can do it. Make sure you supplement with Magnesium Citrate. Result will come. Don't listen to the Keto-haters. They're just envious.

    LOL, my net carb intake yesterday was 35g. Try again.

    Keto is not magic, and it is not the right fit for everyone. There is no 'One True Way', other than finding a way to create a sustainable calorie deficit that works for you.

    I'm at 111 g of carbs today and haven't eaten dinner yet LOL

    A low day for me is 350g, high can be 600. Still waiting on them to make me fat or diabetic

    Oh it’s coming! 😂😂😂😂😂

    I'm gonna assume this was sarcasm?

    Yes. I had hoped it was obvious. 😊

    Phew! lol
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,262 Member
    And if you do need to be on keto, a sweet treat that easily fits is frozen raspberries. You can make a serving last quite a while just popping one in your mouth at a time and letting it defrost. No, it's not a cookie, but...

    This. I do it with cherries and blueberries. Of course, it gives my sensitive teeth a fright, but is so yummy, and can make a tasty treat last much longer. I could plow through a row of Oreos without even realizing it.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    edited October 2020
    People like to make fun of vegans and our weirdo foods, but sometimes I find myself looking at recipes for keto bread, cookies, or cake and going "haha what?"

    (This is very good hearted, obviously if someone enjoys their keto cookies there is nothing wrong with that. I'll just sit here with my carrot "bacon" and be quiet now).

    I agree. Do you you need to do for you. I do not know of many people who would enjoy eating as much fish as I do. Some would consider that a deal breaker for even trying weight loss. I do not see how people eat so much chicken. If that were required it would be a deal breaker for me.

    I am not a high fat person. It does not control my hunger and I find it hard to get up to keto levels without it making me feel queasy.

    My yum is someone's yuck. My yuck is someone's yum.

    I think the OP may be trying to force herself to live in a box instead of finding her box. I do not know. If it is medically related it may just have to be that way. If not, 95 percent of weight loss efforts fail for a reason. I suspect being in the wrong box is at or near the top of explanations.

    I'm pretty sure my lifelong dislike of fish was caused by my mother's five fish meals a week doing late 70s/early 80s Weight Watchers...

    From what I've been reading, that super high fat intake you see touted for keto is hokum. It's not actually necessary to be up at 75-80% of cals, and the ones who push that are probably the people scared that a perfectly reasonable protein intake is going to cause gluconeogenesis. I have no idea if I'm in ketosis at the level of carbs I'm currently eating (and don't really care), but I'm only eating ~55-60% of my calories from fat. Perfectly satiated (which was the point of this low low carb experiment), and hitting my calorie goal.

    I could probably come closer to doing your version. That is higher fat than normal but not bulletproof copy/fat bomb levels. The problem for me these days is the activity so even my moderate carbs days are behind me. I once worried that higher carbs might interfere with my hunger control but really high protein and high fiber take care of it most of the time. I am most often high volume too but that is more preference than requirement most days.

    For me this has been an interesting journey. I have been low and moderate carb levels when I was more sedentary and that worked great for me and my reactive hypoglycemia. With weight loss and activity the intensity of the reaction is minimized. I still have to play it smart but I am more free.

    This is what I keep trying to tell people. You don't know everything you need to know when you start. Stop making large "lifestyle" changes. Just get started somewhere and be prepared to learn and adapt. That is what a real lifestyle looks like anyway.

    My version is pretty sweet, and I really only made some minor tweaks - half and half instead of skim milk in my morning coffee (and there is most definitely a limit to how much fat I can do on an empty stomach, no bulletproof coffee happening in this house!!), less yoghurt and tamarillo for breakfast, swapped carrot sticks for celery sticks at lunch, dropped the milk from my evening protein smoothie and halved the berries in it. I actually could drop an extra 10 grams of carbs fairly easily too, if I cared about whether I've hit keto levels, but I don't.

    That results in cals and macros that look like this (those are net carbs):


    And evening meals that look like this:



    (I had quarter of the mushroom and spinach 'pie', with sautéed asparagus).

    I wouldn't be trying this experiment if I was a lot more active though. But I also suspect it would be unnecessary.

  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Why? Probably you have a hardcore sugar addiction! You body is going through withdrawals and you need to stick it out it will pass and you won’t have any cravings! Once you get into keto sis literally no desire for cookies and chocolate or anything! ( this has never been me bc I say I’m hardcore chocolate lover but it’s me now) I really did an omad fasting my 2nd week and it cut any desire to cheat and no desire to eat junk when my family eats out now I don’t want any. ( that’s really huge for me)
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Oh and make sure you get your electrolytes those affect cravings as well
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    And birchbenders makes a delicious chocolate chip pancake batter that can be made to cookies or get a keto cookie not the same exactly but if it hits that craving, also you can make your own keto ice cream super easy! Add me I’ve got lots of recipes and hints and tips and tricks. I’m in my 3rd week and I’ve done it before.
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    I'm on keto and all I want is to eat sweets!

    You haven't been back but you have some really good advice here. What say you?
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Yup--OP how's it going?
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    edited October 2020
    @snowflake954 I'm almost inclined to believe this was more about the cookie recipe than anything else. A pitch for the cookie recipe and that's all she wrote.

    People give it their all, answering OP in good faith and so many don't come back to read them. There's your sign.

  • Calle3912
    Calle3912 Posts: 1 Member
    There are keto cookies (and other treats) you can make or buy. I have to stay low carb and low sugar for health reasons but I sometimes do eat keto desserts (or waffles, pasta, etc.) for the times when I need a small break from meat and vegetables every day.
  • VegjoyP
    VegjoyP Posts: 2,714 Member
    People like to make fun of vegans and our weirdo foods, but sometimes I find myself looking at recipes for keto bread, cookies, or cake and going "haha what?"

    (This is very good hearted, obviously if someone enjoys their keto cookies there is nothing wrong with that. I'll just sit here with my carrot "bacon" and be quiet now).

    I look at vegan keto ... lol! Just because I like to avoid sugar and excess carbs...
  • Keepituppketchup
    Hi Keto lovers,

    Keto is really a big deal. I'm not into loosing weight at all, I love to do long runs, so being fat adapted is very helpful. Also it helps me lose belly fat.

    Sugar cravings are just as powerfull as cocaine cravings which I know too xD. The best way to tell my body that there no drugs no more is cutting all the carbs and its working. My sweet tooth became less potent. Now I crave chicken broth with sour cream and dill yummyyyyyyyy

    Just tried intermittant fasting and its keto's best friend <3

    Runs while fasting, electrolytes and cold showers !

    Peace and love everyone. Excuse my english mistakes :p
    Add me for two ways support <3