
cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
I am new to drinking coffee. I was wondering what is your favorite types of coffee, flavor, how you make it and why you like it? I use a french press most of the time. I also drink my coffee black, to fit into my cal. goals.


  • haeden
    haeden Posts: 183 Member
    I cant drink my coffee black, but i use a sugar free syrup that i buy at the store (kinda spendy sometimes) but it has no calories and then i add a half of a cup of 1% milk
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    i cold brew my coffee and put coffee, ice, vanilla almond milk, and torani sugar free caramel syrup in mine. soooo good :)

    i guess i'll add that the only thing that has calories is the almond milk. i usually use a 1/4 to 1/2 cup depending on what i feel like that day .. so it's anywhere between 23 calories and 45 calories for one drink.
  • Rikki444
    Rikki444 Posts: 326 Member
    Keep your black coffee habit since you seem to enjoy it. I have to have coffee and I have to have 1/2 & 1/2 in it! But I do like flavored coffee, the beans, I mean..... I personally don't enjoy sweeteners in my coffee... of any kind....(shrug)... your coffee is your very personal preference. Enjoy!
  • I am a coffee junkie...I have a Tassimo and use it all the time. I like dark rich coffee. I drink it many ways but to stay within my calories, I use sugar free creamers and Splenda. I always count everything that way I'm not cheating myself.
  • jmeeej
    jmeeej Posts: 125 Member
    Kona Classic is AMAZING coffee. It's from Hawaii.

    Also a big fan of Barzula (Turkish)
  • lwboyack
    lwboyack Posts: 14 Member
    I love French roast, but it can be pretty strong if you're using a press and maybe not suited to a new coffee drinker. Try Italian roast maybe? I also put a splash of 1% in mine. I like to have several cups and if I don't dilute it a little, I get edgy.
  • Gwen7121
    Gwen7121 Posts: 126 Member
    I drink my coffee black. Most of the time, it's a breakfast blend. But if I can get hold of fresh Jamaican coffee, I am a happy camper. :)
  • Barbj56
    Barbj56 Posts: 39 Member
    Fat free half and half is my weakness!
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    Coffee is like pie ... never met a cup (or slice) I didn't like. I put Coffeemate in mine because I like it smooth. I don't do the fancy-schmancy stuff. It's too expensive and I'm a simple gal ... I like my coffee hot and without a lot of foo-foo.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Skim and weaning myself off of sweetener... but will use sugar or honey over anything artificial...

    Coffee is life....
    Oddly enough I didn't start drinking it until I was almost 45 y. o.
    it was instrumental in my kicking the diet coke.

    My sis is a chemist and was doing research on cholesterol and found that while decaf does NOT have cholesterol it raises your LDLs. So I went from decaf to high octane and haven't looked back.

  • yellodaysee
    yellodaysee Posts: 19 Member
    I cant drink my coffee black, but i use a sugar free syrup that i buy at the store (kinda spendy sometimes) but it has no calories and then i add a half of a cup of 1% milk

    What type have you found with no calories? I can't go without my cup of coffee and would love to have a no calorie substitue!
  • lclarkjr
    lclarkjr Posts: 359 Member
    I like a bold coffee, iced and black. Occasionally I will put a packet of stevia in it to sweeten things up a bit, but black is usually the way I drink it.
  • Melatonin
    Melatonin Posts: 156 Member
    All this talk of coffee makes me want to go brew me a cup.
    I started out liking my coffee vary tame. Not so strong and lots of extra creamer and sugar. Now I've gotten to the point where I like the richer bolder coffees with still lots of cream and sugar but I use sugar free fat free stuff with sweeteners :)
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I have to have half and half in my coffee or gasp!!!....light cream, it gives it a nice texture and slightly sweet flavor with out having to add sugar or an artificial sweetener to your cup. But I do like to change things up and try new variations. Vanilla flavored soy in coffee is good. So is honey and ground cinnamon. I like just about any cold iced or whipped coffee drink too. It's my weakness!!
  • haeden
    haeden Posts: 183 Member
    I cant drink my coffee black, but i use a sugar free syrup that i buy at the store (kinda spendy sometimes) but it has no calories and then i add a half of a cup of 1% milk

    What type have you found with no calories? I can't go without my cup of coffee and would love to have a no calorie substitue!
    Its called "Torani" and i get the sugar free hazelnut or vanilla
  • yellodaysee
    yellodaysee Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks Haeden!! I'm going grocery shopping tonight so I'll check it out! Thanks again!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I just use a little half and half (low fat) in the first couple cups of the day. If I have any more it is black.

    Welcome to the dark side!!:drinker:
  • I miss it. I have stopped drinking coffee since feb. Lemme smell your coffee...LEMME!
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,407 Member
    I think we need a COFFEE group..................
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    I gotta have milk in instant coffee but if it's good fresh stuff from a plunger pot thingy then black all the way...mmmm...fresh coffee...