Losing mobility

I'm 200 lbs. overweight and 67 years old. I am losing my mobility. Walking is very difficult and painful. Can anyone give me suggestions on where to start with walking for exercise. Like how long, how many times a week. Has anyone else ever had this problem. Oh, I also am diabetic and have lipedemia in both legs. My legs are very heavy. I need help! I want to lose weight, but cannot seem to get it together. I want to count calories, but so far I am losing the battle. My motivation leaves me even though I try everyday. Thanks for any suggestions.


  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Here are some short beginner type videos:
    Basic yoga stretch
    1 mile walk at home
  • Dogmom1978
    Dogmom1978 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Start weighing and tracking your food now.

    Weight loss is about CICO. Losing some weight should help with some of the mobility issues and make it easier to walk. Go on a 5 min walk today if you can. Walk 5 min every day until it gets easier then do 6 min, 7 min, etc.
  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    edited October 2020
    Echoing the suggestion to check in with a health care professional (specifically a physiotherapist).

    There are also seated exercise programs (both cardio and weight bearing) they you could try.

    YouTube may be the fastest way to see what's available from verified, certified healthcare professionals who are also social media savvy and ethical.

    Best of health to you 🤗
  • 1poundatax
    1poundatax Posts: 230 Member
    I agree with getting professional help. Do you have a Dr.'s ok to workout? As @MaltedTea said a physiotherapist would be a great resource. In the meantime could you do some basic arm exercisces such as bicep curls using canned vegetables or water bottles for weights? If a short walk is too much try sitting in a chair that can't move and march your feet for a minute or 2 gradually increasing your time. Youtube is a great resource for seated exercises.

    Are there a couple of small changes to your diet that you could make to your eating right now - I started by making gradual changes such as reducing and then cutting out snacks such as baked goods. I have recently started drinking my coffee black except on weekends. I dip bites of salad into dressing rather than putting dressing on my salad. I use a couple of sprays of spray butter rather than a smear of butter. I made these changes and many more over time and though my weight loss is slow I am feeling better all the time. Log your food every day. Don't forget the hidden calories. I find the recipe builder has been helpful for me.

    As for motivation I think about my "why." I was diagnosed with prediabetes and I am hoping to keep it from progressing to diabetes and that is what keeps me motivated. Good luck- I know you can do this.
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    I have learned everything I know about aging well from my mother, who is 85 and just had a hip replacement. I am 59 and very grateful for her example.

    She has always remained active, telling me proudly what she CAN do, avoiding discussing what she CAN'T do. She still swam regularly in the past summer, as she wasn't walking well. She also exercised on a recumbent exercise bike that she has at home (given to her when a friend passed away, it looks like it comes from the 80s). During the summer, she did a bit of gardening and walked as much as she could, saying she was "getting in shape for the operation." I felt that was pretty admirable and hope I can be as proactive when I face such challenges in the future.

    Now in recovery from the operation, she has a walker, but she's doing very well and will probably ditch it within a few weeks. She's looking forward to resuming the recumbent bike and outdoor walking. She feels that indoor pool facilities are just not worth the risk at this time and the outdoor pool is now closed. Working out in water (swimming, aquabike, water aerobics, etc.) is one of the great ways to either rehab or just plain exercise, so it is a loss to us all.

    But, again, I take her example and focus on what I CAN do. Being able to walk 1 mile is better than not being able to walk at all. Exercising on an exercycle beats no exercise at all. I am very susceptible to dismay at my aging body as well as the limitations of quarantine-- it all sucks!-- but giving up is even worse!
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,683 Member
    Start with where you are. You can break up exercise into short 5 minute segments a few times a day until you can do longer ones without exhaustion but try to do some movement every day.

    When my husband had his knee replacement, he started with a walk down to the mailbox and back, once or twice a day, using a walker. When he could do that easily, we walked a bit farther, to the corner. When he could do that without too much pain, we walked around the block. Then two blocks. Eventually he got back to being able to walk for miles at a time. It took time and a willingness to endure some pain/strain, but he got there by being determined.

    As others have said, losing weight is the most important issue right now. Weigh and log everything you eat. See where you can make changes. It is a daunting task, but it can be done, if you are willing to try.
  • Theoldguy1
    Theoldguy1 Posts: 2,473 Member
    100% agreed. The possibility thst I couldn't get off the toilet or wipe my butt at some point is strong motivation to me to do my best to live a healthy lifestyle.

    Best wishes to the OP, hope you can find your "why".
  • Theoldguy1
    Theoldguy1 Posts: 2,473 Member
    MaltedTea wrote: »
    Echoing the suggestion to check in with a health care professional (specifically a physiotherapist).

    There are also seated exercise programs (both cardio and weight bearing) they you could try.

    YouTube may be the fastest way to see what's available from verified, certified healthcare professionals who are also social media savvy and ethical.

    Best of health to you 🤗

    To be honest, I would not suggesting starting any sort of exercise without medical direction. There a a lot of YouTube things out there but it would be difficult for a novice to determine what is good vs totally BS to potentially harmful,
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,677 Member
    I agree with others about getting more personalized attention. I'm disabled and was doing modified workouts, if you have access to a pool that's a great way to start exercising once you have a doctor's approval, when I first started exercising I'd walk in a pool a couple times a week. Stretching and basic strength training like core exercises help a lot with mobility. I've had back fusions and found strength training helped the most with being able to lift and move, stretching helped loosen up stiff joints so walking was easier. Cardio helped with getting my blood sugar down and going off medication. If you want some seated exercise videos or walking ones send me a message and I'll send you my playlists.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    There are sitting exercise videos online and on TV. Start with those. Start with walking 5 min a day. Each week add 1 minute. Count calories for a week just to see what your baseline is. Then you can develop a plan. It will probably be easy for you to see where you can make small adjustments.