Women 200lb+, Let's Never Surrender in November!!!



  • Tarzan37
    Tarzan37 Posts: 158 Member
    edited November 2020
    Height: 5'7"
    Highest Weight: 254
    End of December: 246.7
    End of January: 244.7
    End of Feb.: 242.2
    End of March: 240
    End of April: 240.4
    End of May: 235.6
    End of June: 236.2
    End of July: 236.4
    August/Sept: Break
    End of Sept: 236.9
    End of Oct: 232.5
    Nov 6th: 234.4

    My sister was here and we had a great visit! We did eat some good meals and had some dessert and martinis to celebrate her birthday so the scale reflected that this morning. I need to quarantine for five days now (new policy at work when having visitors who travel via plane) and get tested before returning to work, so I'll use that time to get some things done around the house and get back on track food wise. I'm not bummed about the gain and was expecting it. Didn't go too crazy with eating and some of it is water retention I'm sure so no worries.

    I signed up to work at my part time job on Thanksgiving for double pay instead of going to any gathering that day. Our numbers are going up pretty quickly here so trying to continue to be as safe as possible while still working. A stay at home order is the next possible stage for us here and I know that no one wants that.

    @pamiede I'm so sorry to hear about your accident, how awful! I'm glad you are on the road to recovery and have family and friends there to help you.

    @chupacabragumbo I am in awe of the work that you and others in healthcare are doing right now. Completely understandable that you are exhausted by this pandemic. I hope your grandfather is able to pull through. Sending hugs to you!

  • JoDavo66
    JoDavo66 Posts: 526 Member
    Very confused. I thought I'd posted on here w days ago- can't see it.
  • JojoInTheForks
    JojoInTheForks Posts: 134 Member
    JoDavo66 wrote: »
    Very confused. I thought I'd posted on here w days ago- can't see it.

    You did! Check out page 2!
  • uyister
    uyister Posts: 154 Member

    November 2020 stats
    38 years old
    Height: 5' 7"
    SW (6/9/2020): 330.0 lbs
    Month SW (10/31/20): 259.8lbs
    Goal weight: 180 lbs
    10/31: 259.8 lbs
    11/7: 259.4lbs
    11/14: lbs
    11/21: lbs
    11/28: lbs

    Weekly and Monthly Goals:
    * Keep logging in MFP
    * Continue the T-25 Gamma Hybrid Strength cycle workouts
    * Do either a quick yoga, stretch or cardio workout in the evenings in addition to my T-25 morning workouts
    * Make time for me to relax even though classes have started again

    By the end of year Goals:
    Pass my classes
    Maybe lose another 20 lbs by Dec 31st 2020
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    @RavenStCloud I like your note about not winding down. I needed to see that. Thanks for posting this thread.

    @Tarzan37 love your plan for an at home workout routine. I have the resistance band and one set of weights. I also like the goal of avoiding holiday weight gain.

    @mmdeveau Congrats on the Broad Street run.

    @AlexandraFinsHerself great NSV

    @MommaCargill I may have to use your alarm on phone idea to remember to drink water now that I am working again.

    @chupacabragumbo Hurricanes are enough, working in health care during this pandemic is enough, having your grandfather get COVID is enough! Please take care of yourself right now.

    @iloveeggnog have you checked your BMR and TDEE recently for your new weight, and activity level? If your exercise is up your TDEE may be up you may be eating too little not too much. I made this mistake when I lost 40 lbs. At 20+ lbs I hit a long plateau and did everything too except up my calories. That was actually what let me lose the next 20 lbs. I was exercising 6-7 days a week for an hour. My calories were set for sedentary. I am glad the scale budged but often it does when we eat more and then our bodies realize maybe we aren’t starving.

    I read through all the posts so I feel like I am caught up. Hope that next week I will feel like checking in more. I found that reading your posts helped inspire me to try harder.
  • laurajewalker
    laurajewalker Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I’ve been closing my 3 Apple Watch rings and in a calorie deficit each day. I’m a daily weigher and so far this month the scale has not been my friend! It’s went up and up then down a little (but not as far as the start of the month).

    I know this happened last month (and lingered a few pounds higher than this month) but it’s hard not to think ‘what’s the point’! It’s so hard being a woman - I appear to put on weight during ovulation, pre and during period, leaving me with a small window where I see the results on the scale.

    I should really give up weighing everyday but I find it tough. Previously I only recorded when I got to a new low, but trying to do it daily so I can see the pattern, and then maybe I’ll make the change to change the frequency.

    So sorry your grandfather has COVID @chupacabragumbo - I hope he pulls through. I’ve lost both my grandmothers this year, one before the pandemic and one during (not Covid) which meant only her 5 children could attend a graveside funeral and nothing else. That was tough on us all.
  • JoDavo66
    JoDavo66 Posts: 526 Member
    JoDavo66 wrote: »
    Very confused. I thought I'd posted on here w days ago- can't see it.

    You did! Check out page 2!

    I meant other than that one! 🤣
  • JoDavo66
    JoDavo66 Posts: 526 Member
    Hi there.
    I have to say I was really disappointed with my 1st week. Given how much I have to loose and how focused I was I was expecting 2-3lb off. Lost 1lb😢.
    I know it's a loss but not the boost I was hoping for. With lockdown all this week I can't be tempted- this is the week I normally loose the plot half way through.
    I've met all goals to some extent but this week going to focus on sleep: earlier to bed & earlier to rise, aiming to add more morning exercise sessions.

    1st Nov: 222.
    8th Noc 221

    📱Track food everyday on MFP & planner
    🌮 Stay below 1300 cals/
    🍟Reduce carbs (aim for macro target)
    🍳 Increase protein (aim for macro target)
    🥛Track water intake. Target min 1.5 litres
    🏋️‍♀️ Exercise at home (PT if I can outside) following a monthly core challenge.
    🛏 Track daily sleep & record: aim to improve.
    📒 Record each day in Fitness planner & actually review it!
    📱Daily Blog including gratitude.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Today was better than yesterday. I guess to explain I need to say that although I planned food for the week ahead yesterday I didn’t plan food for yesterday so food was not good. I got hungry and snacked before dinner then we had to get take out. So that Friday and Saturday were above my calorie goal but my calorie goal is set pretty low and this morning my weight was starting to come down.

    Today we have a very healthy dinner planned and my husband is getting the groceries for tonight and the week ahead. Also I did some organizing with my food planning which is in my bullet journal on One Note. I took had my weekly planned food and added a column called option. I also gave a note on each day of the week like chicken, pasta, lamb etc. I went through my list of meal ideas and put those that fit in each day in that days option column. So next week I just copy this week’s plan and pick another option. I am trying to make meal planning easier and more formulaic now that I am working. I will choose things my husband makes for some of the nights and I need to talk to my daughter about making 1 meal during the week.
    Then I went out in the back yard and did my strength training which I didn’t do this week. It was sunny today so it got me out in the sun for a while too. Now I need to plan how to fit more exercise into the weekdays. My husband is still having Achilles tendon issues so he won’t be able to walk with me next week like he did on Monday night.

    @laurajewalker My weight varies a lot over the week and month. I post my daily weights on an app on my phone that automatically shows me a chart of my progress/trend. I also put it on a spreadsheet along with calories and exercise calories so I can track when I lose and when I gain. I only post on MFP my new lows. So it doesn’t make sense to me to be posting all the ups and downs on here. That way I can: 1. See my trends (phone app) which are down over time Yay! 2. See how my weight varies with calories and exercise (speadsheet). 3. Show my progress on MFP and in this thread. I find I need the information that daily weigh ins give me but in terms of gauging whether I am making progress I only pay attention to the chart on my phone and on MFP. If my weight is up for the week then I look at what I was eating or what my activity level was to see if I need to adjust something. If all that is good I wait for progress.

    @JoDavo66 a lb a week is a good healthy loss. More is great but too much isn’t really that healthy but sometimes our body will have a woosh as we call it here so not to worry. Getting enough sleep and water really helps me to lose.

    @holdthefries sounds like a good week. When I got a new scale it showed my weight a lot higher. My husband checked it with the scale at the gym and yes it was showing 1 lb+ higher than at the gym. So I adjusted my weight up some but I deduct a pound from the weight my scale shows since I know it weighs higher than other scales. I hope you get a better one than I did.

    I am not sure how much I will be able to check the thread during the work week but I hope to more than last week.
  • mamabearangie
    mamabearangie Posts: 28 Member
    Age: 49 Height: 5'6"
    Highest: 375 (January 2018)
    SW: 353.1
    GW: 160

    11/1: 353.1
    11/8: 350.1

    November End Weight Goal: 340

    Goals / Plans:
    - Track everyday
    - Exercise everyday - walking, kettle bell, thera-band - get my steps in
    - Be more present in this group!
    - Work on house everyday
    - Reach my goal at work everyday

    Okay, I had a great week until Thursday and then family drama derailed me. Got back on that horse though because Never Surrender, Never Quit!

    Smooches to everyone!