Feeling blah and off

Okay I know I’m fat ish (5’4” 215 lbs) so yeah over weight but I look and feel good at 150 anyways I’m always tired always feel off. Even when I fall asleep I get weird feelings of over tiredness and just weird sensations. What diet changes can and will make me feel good ? I don’t even care so much to lose weight at this point I just want to feel vibrant help please. Similar stories to success would be amazing too


  • WickedWitchy13
    WickedWitchy13 Posts: 33 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    It's hard to advise on changes when we don't know how you currently eat. What does a typical day of food look like for you?

    Have you seen a doctor recently and had blood tests run to check for deficiencies, blood sugar level, thyroid, etc?

    Unless you have an underlying medical condition causing the tiredness etc, just losing weight will help considerably. For that, you can just enter your details into MFP and eat the number of calories it gives you. Eating mostly whole, unprocessed foods will give you the most bang for your calorie buck, and provide you with the most nutrients.
    Yeah doctors says I’m fine. They claim it’s all anxiety (it’s not) I tend to be all over the place eating. One week I’m doing slimfast thr next I’m doing smoothies then I’m not eating meat I’m literally all over the place one week no dessert unless it’s fruit week after I’m eating Oreos. If I’m being honest
  • WickedWitchy13
    WickedWitchy13 Posts: 33 Member

    You say "*even* when I fall asleep": How much sleep do you get on a typical night? Is it more or less the same start/end times for sleep, or extremely variable? Do you wake up during the night? If so, can you fall back asleep, or not? Do you wake up with headaches, sore-ish throat, dry mouth, or sore jaw?

    You mention anxiety, think it's not a problem. What about stress? Anything stress-y going on in your life, from job - school - family or whatever?

    So my sleep pattern is also annoyingly all over the place. Every weekend I stay up very late and usually wake before 8AM during the week I stay up until about 11 and wake for 6:15 I do wake up during the nights. I just feel groggy when waking. I have a sleep test done earlier this year and she said I have very slight sleep apnea not need for a machine or anything. Maybe I’m still tired from staying up to late on the weekends.
    Stress well I don’t feel stressed. I did just take on a big job at work. Training is a year with more responsibility given every so many weeks. I’m doing well but it is a lot. I enjoy it so maybe it’s stressful. My husband just lost his job (big hit with income ) but again I don’t feel very stressed. Our sons school just went full remote due to covid and now my husband gets to home school him so he sorta lost his job at a good time if there is such a thing maybe underneath I’m stressed and do not realize but I honestly don’t feel it.
  • WickedWitchy13
    WickedWitchy13 Posts: 33 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    It's hard to advise on changes when we don't know how you currently eat. What does a typical day of food look like for you?

    Have you seen a doctor recently and had blood tests run to check for deficiencies, blood sugar level, thyroid, etc?

    Unless you have an underlying medical condition causing the tiredness etc, just losing weight will help considerably. For that, you can just enter your details into MFP and eat the number of calories it gives you. Eating mostly whole, unprocessed foods will give you the most bang for your calorie buck, and provide you with the most nutrients.
    Yeah doctors says I’m fine. They claim it’s all anxiety (it’s not) I tend to be all over the place eating. One week I’m doing slimfast thr next I’m doing smoothies then I’m not eating meat I’m literally all over the place one week no dessert unless it’s fruit week after I’m eating Oreos. If I’m being honest

    You could keep a food diary and track how you feel after you eat. Doing this helped me realized my body hates stevia, even in small amounts, and to find other trigger foods.

    What I eat makes a big difference in how I feel, as does regular exercise, which is crucial to my mental health, and also allows me to sleep better.

    Also, you are carrying around 65 extra pounds, which is in of itself tiring.
    Good idea nothing ever bothered me before I know we change maybe I’m having issue with some foods and do not realize it. And I guess 65 lbs is a lot. Even though I know this I guess I have a hard time believing it makes me feel yucky but I’m sure it doesn’t help. I don’t know if I will fully realize unless I’m able to drop some weight which sometimes seems impossible
  • WickedWitchy13
    WickedWitchy13 Posts: 33 Member
    Oh and I walk about 30 mins a day and sometimes we trail walk/hike as a family we did today :-)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    So my sleep pattern is also annoyingly all over the place. Every weekend I stay up very late and usually wake before 8AM during the week I stay up until about 11 and wake for 6:15 I do wake up during the nights. I just feel groggy when waking. I have a sleep test done earlier this year and she said I have very slight sleep apnea not need for a machine or anything. Maybe I’m still tired from staying up to late on the weekends.

    Stress well I don’t feel stressed. I did just take on a big job at work. Training is a year with more responsibility given every so many weeks. I’m doing well but it is a lot. I enjoy it so maybe it’s stressful. My husband just lost his job (big hit with income ) but again I don’t feel very stressed. Our sons school just went full remote due to covid and now my husband gets to home school him so he sorta lost his job at a good time if there is such a thing maybe underneath I’m stressed and do not realize but I honestly don’t feel it.

    Has your husband filed for unemployment?

    I will take this opportunity to let anyone who might be reading know that people who are not normally eligible for UI, like independent contractors, anyone who gets paid on a 1099, the self employed, etc., are eligible for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA):


    (Googling "PUA + your state" will be more helpful. Anyone in MA who needs help feel free to send me a DM.)


    I lost my job in June and wasn't so much stressed about that, but we got a $600 weekly bonus from the feds that ran out end of July, and then there was six weeks of a $300 weekly bonus, and Congress has been unable to agree on what's going to happen next - all the uncertainty on how much I am going to receive was originally stressful, but now I am just resigned to not knowing until something happens. If not as soon as I like, I am optimistic that something will happen late Jan/early Feb.
  • WickedWitchy13
    WickedWitchy13 Posts: 33 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    So my sleep pattern is also annoyingly all over the place. Every weekend I stay up very late and usually wake before 8AM during the week I stay up until about 11 and wake for 6:15 I do wake up during the nights. I just feel groggy when waking. I have a sleep test done earlier this year and she said I have very slight sleep apnea not need for a machine or anything. Maybe I’m still tired from staying up to late on the weekends.

    Stress well I don’t feel stressed. I did just take on a big job at work. Training is a year with more responsibility given every so many weeks. I’m doing well but it is a lot. I enjoy it so maybe it’s stressful. My husband just lost his job (big hit with income ) but again I don’t feel very stressed. Our sons school just went full remote due to covid and now my husband gets to home school him so he sorta lost his job at a good time if there is such a thing maybe underneath I’m stressed and do not realize but I honestly don’t feel it.

    Has your husband filed for unemployment?

    I will take this opportunity to let anyone who might be reading know that people who are not normally eligible for UI, like independent contractors, anyone who gets paid on a 1099, the self employed, etc., are eligible for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA):


    (Googling "PUA + your state" will be more helpful. Anyone in MA who needs help feel free to send me a DM.)


    I lost my job in June and wasn't so much stressed about that, but we got a $600 weekly bonus from the feds that ran out end of July, and then there was six weeks of a $300 weekly bonus, and Congress has been unable to agree on what's going to happen next - all the uncertainty on how much I am going to receive was originally stressful, but now I am just resigned to not knowing until something happens. If not as soon as I like, I am optimistic that something will happen late Jan/early Feb.

    Yes he did apply :-) thank you. It’s pending which is weird to me it’s about as straight forward as it get. I know they’re busy. Fingers crossed something comes of it soon