is there a watch that tracks calories burned during a workou



  • AradiaRue
    AradiaRue Posts: 10 Member
    I use a pedometer that tells you your steps, how far that is in miles, also tells you how many calories you burned and fat grams burned I bought mine at amazon and it wasn't that expensive at all, it is an Omron brand It works great for me! good luck!

    I'm Getting off the Rollercoaster Ride!!!
    Heaviest weight and at start of this Journey: 294
    Joining My Fitness Pal Sept, 2011: 243
    First Small-Goal: 239
    Next Small-Goals: 229, 219, 209
    Mini Major Goal: 199
    Then the Next Small-Goals : 189, 179, 169, 159, 149, 139
    Ultimate Goal: 129
  • We both have the Mio. It's small, looks like a watch, and is fairly accurate (no chest strap necessary!) There is an aerobic instructor at work who borrowed mine and LOVED if she endorses it, I'm all in. you can even get it in pink.

    It was about $60
  • Wow, I didn't know sooo many ppl were going to reply. Thank you all for the suggestions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a HRM waist strap, it's accurate but I hate it. I'm sweating & moving, I don't want something on my chest!!! lol. I really want a watch. Thanks everyone!!!! :D
  • Heart Rate Monitor is the way to go. I have a New Balance one that I got at Target for 60 bucks. Its great and reasonable compared to ones at sporting goods stores and online that go from 100 and up.
  • dorisholaway
    dorisholaway Posts: 531 Member
    I have a HRM watch, I believe it is a timex, and it only cost about $37 at Walmart. It does not have a chest strap either. I also have a gowearfit by body media. The watch is only for during walking and such. The gowearfit is something you wear all day and it tells you how many steps you take, how many calories you burn and how long you lay in the bed and out of the time, how long you sleep. I got my gowearfit second hand from ebay. I really love it. The watch is okay too, but I really love the gowearfit.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Wow, I didn't know sooo many ppl were going to reply. Thank you all for the suggestions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a HRM waist strap, it's accurate but I hate it. I'm sweating & moving, I don't want something on my chest!!! lol. I really want a watch. Thanks everyone!!!! :D

    No, you do not want a watch.

    If you want an accurate calorie count, then you need a chest strap.. I'm sorry. Watch only ones are not accurate in the slightest!
  • Bump....I want one for Christmas