Accountability Increases Your Success: Check in Daily!



  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    had a great workout session: a 75min spiining class and 45min of to deal with the food part...

    have a great day all:flowerforyou:
  • Today started out bad, no sleep due to inconsiderate arseholes for neighbours, woke up grumpy and having a 'fat day'.
    Got on the scales for the first weekly weigh in, hardly any difference, got mardy, raided fridge, spare ribs and left over fried rice for breakfast.
    Neighbour put music on loud again, by this point I'm angrier, mardier and feeling fatter than i did when i woke up. Logged in here to delete my account....after all, whats the point if I'm gonna stick to my calories, but can't work out as I want cos of my bloody stupid knee.....seems to be a massive effort for very little reward!
    This was a couple of hours ago, then I found myself reading some words of wisdom on someone's sig on one of the forums here, and decided to try something that was quite big in the 70's...... it's called 'getting a grip'!
    So armed with my daughter's very loud, very bassy ipig and my ipod, I went upstairs to my spare room/makeshift gym, treated the **** next door to some slayer, korn and slipknot, and did 3 x 10 minutes on the exercise bike, 2 x 10 minutes on the rower, 15 minutes resistance training, and 10 minutes on my punch bags. Not too bad for a depressed, sleep deprived, mardy fat bird on crutches :D

    good job reconsidering canceling the account....this site is very helpful, but i seem to lose weight very slowly, i do exercise and i have seen inches come off....stick with it and you will see a difference..

    good luck on your journey

    I'm usually really positive, just had a bad morning I think lol
    Good luck to yourself too :D
  • CrystalFlury
    CrystalFlury Posts: 400 Member
    I just finished a 1 hour workout that consisted of an 18 minute jog and the rest was a brisk walk (outside, not treadmill). Average heart was 148, while my max. was 199.
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    I jogged on the treadmill for 20 minutes at a speed of 5.2mph. 100 crunches
  • Mygypsysoul
    Mygypsysoul Posts: 113 Member
    30 minutes of Billy Blank's PT 24/7 ripped core.. 60 mins on the treadmill set at incline level 10 and varied between 3.0 to 3.8 miles per hour. 60 mins of walking my four dogs and I'll be finishing up with 30 mins of yoga with my husband later tonight.
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    Wow, everyone is doing great . . . except for me. Barely walked 2 miles and am having difficulty motivating myself. Still I am not giving up and will continue to check in. Tomorrow is my last day (yeah!) at a stressful job with a long commute. Monday I start a new job much closer to home and more in line with my field of expertise. I'd like to spend the weekend doing at least some kickboxing.
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    I did my very first EVER class!! Kickboxing for an hour.
    Plus I played tennis for 30 min with my son. :smile:
  • I did an intense spinning class for 45 minutes :)
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    I did an intense spinning class for 45 minutes :)

    awesome. i spin most love it...
  • mandimoore617
    mandimoore617 Posts: 325 Member
    Weigh in today... 210 lbs!! I'm only 11 lbs from my Christmas goal! :smile:
  • Mygypsysoul
    Mygypsysoul Posts: 113 Member
    Did 30 minutes of Billy Blank's PT 24/7 and walked another 30 mins on the treadmill. I was suppose to do a run, but my legs just couldn't go the distance. Trying not to beat myself up about it. I haven't missed a run in 8 weeks! Going to do another walk tonight. Having beautiful cool weather in Alabama right now and I'm planning on enjoying it!
  • Mygypsysoul
    Mygypsysoul Posts: 113 Member
    Weigh in today... 210 lbs!! I'm only 11 lbs from my Christmas goal! :smile:

  • theba2il
    theba2il Posts: 548 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    Walked the doggie 1 hour yesterday and 2 hours today:smile:

    Have a great weekend everybody!! :smile:
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    Yesterday I walked on my lunch break for 45 minutes. Felt so good to get outside again! Of course, it's raining again! All weekend!! Don't know how much exercise i will get in this weekend, we will see. Hoping some clouds clear so we can get on the with Windsor International Airshow today!!!!!
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Have been exercising plenty but forgetting to check in ha ha.

    laloquita, what aerobics video do you have? I have "basic aerobics" and really enjoy it but it's pretty tame, I wouldn't mind kicking it up a notch, you know, maybe to intermediate aerobics. (But I'm a stingy bugger who doesn't want to pay for anything and to pirate things I need naaaaames...............having said that, if and when they turn out to rock, I will strongly consider purchasing a hardcopy out of gratitide).

    ferff, don't be totally discouraged by cycling. Important question, do you have an actual bike, can you ride outside? (Obviously not useful during the rain but for getting your body used to riding, riding outside is infinitely more rewarding, less boring, less strenuous). If I were to try a stationary bike again, I'd strap on the heart rate monitor and use it for interval training. If I were stuck inside on my lunch break, I think I'd do aerobics. I had to cut a bike ride short the other day and wait for someone at the tram stop and not really wanting to be still, I started going through steps from my goofy aerobics video. What with my heart rate already being elevated from the bike riding, I think I hovered around the 130 bpm mark most of the time with a spike up 150 at one point. I'm definitely finding that some kinds of exercise burn more than others and that the exercises that feel like the most work are not necessarily the most effective.

    Kungfurockchic, very glad you are still here :-)

    Curious question, I've been using a HRM for the last few weeks and am coming to realise that there is a definite optimum time to exercise during the day and it is not early morning or late at night, anyone else notice that? Although I much prefer exercising once the sun sets, I have been trying to make a point of getting my exercise in pre lunch or dinner (or both on ambitious days).
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    Hi guys, fell off of the wagon yesterday. Didn't walk much and ate terribly. I hope to remedy that today. I will check in again later with (hopefully) good news. In the interim, it is impressive seeing your workouts. I want to get back into gear today! Talk to you later. And please, let's all take a few minutes to think about this somewhat somber day and the events of 10 years ago. Take care.
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Have been exercising plenty but forgetting to check in ha ha.

    laloquita, what aerobics video do you have? I have "basic aerobics" and really enjoy it but it's pretty tame, I wouldn't mind kicking it up a notch, you know, maybe to intermediate aerobics. (But I'm a stingy bugger who doesn't want to pay for anything and to pirate things I need naaaaames...............having said that, if and when they turn out to rock, I will strongly consider purchasing a hardcopy out of gratitide).

    ferff, don't be totally discouraged by cycling. Important question, do you have an actual bike, can you ride outside? (Obviously not useful during the rain but for getting your body used to riding, riding outside is infinitely more rewarding, less boring, less strenuous). If I were to try a stationary bike again, I'd strap on the heart rate monitor and use it for interval training. If I were stuck inside on my lunch break, I think I'd do aerobics. I had to cut a bike ride short the other day and wait for someone at the tram stop and not really wanting to be still, I started going through steps from my goofy aerobics video. What with my heart rate already being elevated from the bike riding, I think I hovered around the 130 bpm mark most of the time with a spike up 150 at one point. I'm definitely finding that some kinds of exercise burn more than others and that the exercises that feel like the most work are not necessarily the most effective.

    Kungfurockchic, very glad you are still here :-)

    Curious question, I've been using a HRM for the last few weeks and am coming to realise that there is a definite optimum time to exercise during the day and it is not early morning or late at night, anyone else notice that? Although I much prefer exercising once the sun sets, I have been trying to make a point of getting my exercise in pre lunch or dinner (or both on ambitious days).

    LOL, I do the flirty girl fitness. So unfortunately I paid the membership. I wasn't the exerciser before this so it really does help me work it out haha. The dvds appear to progress each month. However, I'm still at the first one because it took me months to finally use it.
  • theba2il
    theba2il Posts: 548 Member

    Walked the doggie on Saturday and this morning. Eating pretty well.

    Wishing everyone a blessed day:flowerforyou:
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    havent checked in the last few days....had great workouts this weekend(spinning and biking)took a REST DAY today....
    tomorrow i will spin and to a weight training session....lets keep EXERCISING:flowerforyou:
  • Thanks 1a1a.....Cool profile pic btw! :D
    Hope everyone had great weekends!
    Its been a lazy couple of days for me....well as far as exercise goes anyway. Been really busy trying to get my new online shop up and running, so I've been sat on me bum on the pc most of the weekend lol. Back on the fitness wagon with a vengeance for me tomorrow tho, with a physio session in the hospital gym in the afternoon, AND I start at a new kung fu club tomorrow night too! Well not a new club, just another local branch of the one I go to on a Thursday (going back there this week too after a long sabbatical).I've missed so many weeks because of my leg, that I want to start doing 2 classes a week instead of one. If I was sensible, I'd wait until my leg was completely healed, but I'm missin it sooo much lol..... Kung fu on crutches....Should be fun!!!