I have 5kg to go to goal but my weight loss has slowed significantly and is just hovering - advice?

Hi everyone. I'm a little stumped and could use some advice if anyone can offer any help please?

I am 40F, 5"7' and have lost 17.5kg/39lb since March through CICO using MFP, sticking to around 1350 calories a day based on TDEE - 500. I use a food scale and am meticulous about weighing my food and tracking accurately.

I walk and do pilates daily and lift weights 3-4 times a week and have seen a huge change in my body, however, while I have never been a big loser, I was regularly losing 2-2.5kg/about 5lb a month. Since early October however I have been hovering between 64 and 65kg (my starting weight was 82kg) and am seemingly unable to drop any lower than 64kg.

I understand that as I get closer to my goal (60kg) and am now in a healthy weight that it will inevitably slow down and take longer, but is there anything I can do to get the scales moving? It feels very much like one step forward, two steps back and I am finding it a little upsetting. I am trying to focus more on measurements and strength, etc and less on the scale but it is hard!

I'm very grateful if anyone has any advice, or have experienced this themselves and got through it? Thank you all!


  • Dogmom1978
    Dogmom1978 Posts: 1,580 Member
    With only 11 lbs to goal weight, .5 lbs a week or 2 lbs a month is realistic, not the 5 you were seeing previously. At 5’7” and 141 you are within the healthy range.

    Have you recalculated your daily calorie intake? If you are eating the same number of calories as previously, you probably need to adjust your daily caloric goal. Also, if you track exercise calories, make sure you don’t overestimate your calories burned.

    Other than that, a few weeks of no loss isn’t that abnormal. Try taking measurements also if you aren’t already. Even if the scales aren’t moving, you might be losing inches.
  • Katerr1kk
    Katerr1kk Posts: 81 Member
    Thank you Lietchi - I don't really think I can go any lower - my current TDEE is just over 1600. For most of my weight loss I was eating 1200 calories, I have only really increased it this last week to see if it might help kickstart my loss (probably not the right thing to do but I was clutching at straws really) so I haven't really left myself anywhere to go unfortunately.
  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    Reassess your tdee. It has likely gone down due to being a lower bodyweight, unless you've also increased your activity/exercise.

    Options would be to lower your intake (not much room to work with there as you're already at 1350) and/or to increase your activity/exercise (which may make you hungrier) or to accept a slower rate of loss. You know accuracy in logging is important - so look for any areas where there may be accidental errors. Such as verifying that your entries in your food diary are accurate. (User entered could have errors.) Weigh even pre-packaged items, as the package weight is often inaccurate.

    And look long term. In general, you should be able to lose a little weight over time: 1-2 pounds in a month rather than 5 perhaps. But you may not 'see' the #s from weekly weighins as water weight fluctuates. So patience is as important as accuracy.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    Congrats on your successes so far! So just to confirm, you haven’t lost any weight in 6 weeks?
    How often do you weigh?
    The obvious solution would be to cut another 100 calories. This concerns me to suggest because your calories are already pretty low for the amount of activity you get. I am your height but much older and lost on 1700 per day. I didn’t lose every week but I did lose every month.
    What does MFP give you to lose .5 per week?
  • Katerr1kk
    Katerr1kk Posts: 81 Member
    Thank you all so much for replying. I'm very grateful to you all.

    I was eating 1200 and as that was the lowest I was happy to go I didn't change it as my TDEE decreased. I reassessed my MFP last week to lose 0.5lb a week which gave me 1350. I'm a lot happier with that, but was equally happy at 1200 so could go back to that. I never count my exercise calories or eat them back and don't include exercise on my TDEE.

    Lorrpb I weigh daily, record the number in Libra and move on.
  • Katerr1kk
    Katerr1kk Posts: 81 Member
    And I haven't not lost weight, but one day I will be 64.6, the next 64.8, 64.4 for 2 days, back up to 64.9, that sort of pattern.
  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    Katerr1kk wrote: »
    And I haven't not lost weight, but one day I will be 64.6, the next 64.8, 64.4 for 2 days, back up to 64.9, that sort of pattern.

    What was your weight Oct 1? Nov 1?
  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    For perspective, I was 132.8 11-11 (my most recent 'low' which I consider to be my current weight, until I have a new 'low') but 135 today. I guarantee the +2.2 is water weight from a) eating/drinking differently over the weekend and b) female water weight fluctuations. 10-11 I was 134.8. So average of about 2 pounds down in a month.
  • Katerr1kk
    Katerr1kk Posts: 81 Member
    It has been 64.9 for the last 3 Mondays, hovering up and down in between. 1st Oct was 65.9, 1st Nov was 64.9. So while I have lost 1kg that's still so much less than I had been losing before (between 2-2.5kg a month) and there has been very little movement since.
  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    A 1 kg/2.2 pound loss in a month does not seem unreasonable - when you consider your smaller body uses less energy.

    The slow down could also have coincided with other small differences. Any changes in the types of foods you are eating and/or the types of activity with the weather change?
  • Katerr1kk
    Katerr1kk Posts: 81 Member
    A 1 kg/2.2 pound loss in a month does not seem unreasonable - when you consider your smaller body uses less energy.

    The slow down could also have coincided with other small differences. Any changes in the types of foods you are eating and/or the types of activity with the weather change?
    Thank you. I guess I will just have to be patient and stick with it.

    I have started to eat a lot more vegetables but I still eat the same breakfast every day (overnight oats, weighed, with Greek Yogurt, measured), a small lunch and my main meal in the evening but no significant weather changes). No changes to my exercise routine, I did increase weights for my legs and did wonder if that could cause fluctuations but it was 8 weeks ago so I'm sure that would have become clear by now.

    Thank you again, all of you.

  • Katerr1kk
    Katerr1kk Posts: 81 Member
    That is really interesting AnnPT77. I did read that post in my searches!

    I think you may be along the right lines, I do use a TDEE spreadsheet which puts me at about 1800ish. That felt a little high and I wasn't convinced of its accuracy, and I was happy at 1200 so didn't take too much heed. Maybe I ought to be looking a bit closer. It feels so counter intuitive to eat more, though!

    Thank you again!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,819 Member
    Katerr1kk wrote: »
    That is really interesting AnnPT77. I did read that post in my searches!

    I think you may be along the right lines, I do use a TDEE spreadsheet which puts me at about 1800ish. That felt a little high and I wasn't convinced of its accuracy, and I was happy at 1200 so didn't take too much heed. Maybe I ought to be looking a bit closer. It feels so counter intuitive to eat more, though!

    Thank you again!

    Just for an extra jolt of "it could be possible" sauce:

    I've been tracking for over 5 years now, most of it at/near maintenance. It's been a while since I checked, but MFP (and my good brand/model fitness tracker that estimates well for others) think I'd maintain around 1500. The chart I included above was from eating 1850 *plus all exercise calories on top of it*, and periodically much more, over that time period. I actually maintain at 2100-2200 plus exercise, more or less depending on the season. It's rare for the estimates to be that far off, but it's absolutely possible.

    There's a lot of weird mythology in the culture about all women always needing to eat tiny numbers of calories; I think it distorts our perceptions. Some need to eat lower than the estimates, many/most close to them, a few on the high side.

    I vote "believe your results".
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,286 Member
    It does feel counterintuitive but it works, even when you are so close to goal. Those last five or ten pounds seem glued to your body.

    Trust the math, and, if you have a smart watch or device, make sure you know it well enough to comfortably trust the results it calculates. I feel like my Apple Watch has been right on the money.

    I do understand though. It does feel wierd and counterintuitive. I’m currently at 2300 and the math (and scale) says I need to bump up another 200-300 a day just to maintain and I can’t wrap my head around that. Like Ann says, there is indeed a mythology about women needing to eat dainty numbers, and it’s even become ingrained in my own head.

    It’s all a numbers game. (And logging. Always logging. )
  • Katerr1kk
    Katerr1kk Posts: 81 Member
    edited November 2020
    It does feel counterintuitive but it works, even when you are so close to goal. Those last five or ten pounds seem glued to your body.

    Trust the math, and, if you have a smart watch or device, make sure you know it well enough to comfortably trust the results it calculates. I feel like my Apple Watch has been right on the money.

    I do understand though. It does feel wierd and counterintuitive. I’m currently at 2300 and the math (and scale) says I need to bump up another 200-300 a day just to maintain and I can’t wrap my head around that. Like Ann says, there is indeed a mythology about women needing to eat dainty numbers, and it’s even become ingrained in my own head.

    It’s all a numbers game. (And logging. Always logging. )

    Isn't it mythology! My mother loves to tell me she has to drop to 600 calories a day to lose weight. Thanks mum! (I've no intention of doing this, btw)

    Thank you. I'll stick with 1350 for now, (based on tdee of 1850ish with 500 deficit) or should I reduce the deficit to 250 or so? I'm really happy with my diet and what I eat and don't necessarily want to eat more just for the sake of it.

    Thank you so much, all of you. It is very much appreciated. While my weight loss hasn't been easy and it has been a bit of a slog with plateaus and stalls and ups and downs this is the first time I've hit a big bump in the road and it has thrown me a little. A lesson in patience and getting your head down and carrying on I think.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,322 Member
    Have you entertained the idea of eating off for a meal or one day within reason? then jumping back on your plan. It seems to work for me.. even while I'm losing. I eat one meal off on the weekend..but never binge. It seems to keep me losing.
  • Katerr1kk
    Katerr1kk Posts: 81 Member
    Have you entertained the idea of eating off for a meal or one day within reason? then jumping back on your plan. It seems to work for me.. even while I'm losing. I eat one meal off on the weekend..but never binge. It seems to keep me losing.
    Thank you! I'm not quite sure what you mean - skipping a meal? I'm such a foodie I'm not sure I could bear it. I really need my three meals a day (regardless of how small they are!)

    How would that help? (genuine question, I am not being flippant) I just can't see how it would make a difference?
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,738 Member
    Katerr1kk wrote: »
    Have you entertained the idea of eating off for a meal or one day within reason? then jumping back on your plan. It seems to work for me.. even while I'm losing. I eat one meal off on the weekend..but never binge. It seems to keep me losing.
    Thank you! I'm not quite sure what you mean - skipping a meal? I'm such a foodie I'm not sure I could bear it. I really need my three meals a day (regardless of how small they are!)

    How would that help? (genuine question, I am not being flippant) I just can't see how it would make a difference?

    I think she means a 'cheat meal', not skipping a meal :smile: