What Diet Plan Are You Following?



  • megz85g
    megz85g Posts: 101 Member
    i was on weight watchers but at the moment i'm counting calories
  • jcannon15
    trying to eat clean foods, plenty of water and exercise.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    NADAAAA, I hate dieting & I wasn't successful at it. My only diet is eliminating the liquid cals & some sugary stuff like cakes & ice cream but otherwise I just eat anything I want in the right normal serving portions & of course logging everything I put in my mouth including those munchies.
  • veggiemuncher12
    veggiemuncher12 Posts: 93 Member
    Herbalife & exercise!
  • roblow65
    roblow65 Posts: 156 Member
    I'm eating what I want, just using portion control and MFP is helping me greatly with that. If I want chocolate I put in the amount I want and if it fits in I eat it but most of the time I find myself changing it and only wanting half of what I originally wanted after I see what it could do to the rest of my day. I actually had a regular sized Hershey's bar last me 3 days last week!! This is the best site, other "dieting" sites tell you what to eat, this one gives you all the control! If you eat alot you can see where you messed up.
  • roblow65
    roblow65 Posts: 156 Member
    ...oh, and I Zumba every day! :wink:
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    I'm following the lifetime plan. I'm not on a diet, i'm making a change for life. So I did a lot of research, reading studies, diet plans, and articles and found that counting calories and watching nutrients coupled with consistent exercise is the only permanent approach that meets my belief that you shouldn't have to give up foods just learn how to consume them responsibly.
  • jminette
    Counting calories. Exercise and weight lifting.
    Enjoying it!
  • MuffinMan25
    Suggestion -- you aren't "on a diet"... everyone is on a diet. A diet is defined as "the types of food a person/animal eats" (thanks google!). What you probably want is to change your diet. Diet change is more sustainable because you can remind yourself that this is a personal and permanent adjustment to the way, amount, and type of food that you eat. Screw "diets" join the "dietary change" movement!

  • NorthernCally
    I'm following the lifetime plan. I'm not on a diet, i'm making a change for life. So I did a lot of research, reading studies, diet plans, and articles and found that counting calories and watching nutrients coupled with consistent exercise is the only permanent approach that meets my belief that you shouldn't have to give up foods just learn how to consume them responsibly.

    Amen, Tech! For a few years, I would give up Chocolate (later, all sweets) for the 40 days leading up to Easter. I wasn't doing it to respect my Roman Catholic upbringing; it was to kind of make it easier for myself to 'make the sacrifice'. (Not starting a religious/spiritual chat; just saying.) Anyway, I did fine for those 40 days, then on Easter, I would start to make up for everything I had missed. Easter candy and chocolate of course; then, add the pop, baked goods and everything else! Now, I look more at essential nutrients, foods that have anti-oxidants, portion size, etc. I have found that my appetite is not as big as I had let it get for so many years. I just got used to being (over-) full, to the point of discomfort, that I never knew I would be quite satisfied with smaller portions.
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    Lots of vegetables, berries, lean but tasty meats, including wild salmon today, fruits, green tea, nuts....as highly dense in nutrients as I can find. This approach has served to help me with my cravings. Maybe because I'm really feeding my body good stuff, it's responding by dropping a little weight and not complaining that it's hungry
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    Body Type Diet but counting calories. Basically for my type tons of veggies, fish and poultry, and some whole grains, fruit and low-fat dairy. Really not much differently than I've been trying to eat all year, but somehow the specific guidelines help me. It's just my own weirdness but I do better "on a diet" than just plain counting calories. For me, I really do need that realization that I shouldn't be eating something because it's not on "the plan." My boyfriend and I had a conversation about this last night and it was really interesting to actually vocalize what it's taken me a while to realize about myself.
  • BettyBeth14
    BettyBeth14 Posts: 171 Member
    Eat less(and right), move more :-) x
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    'Eat right and exercise' plan

    And for me "eat right" is loosely based on Michael Pollan's suggestion: eat food, not too much, mostly plants.
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    Eat right and exercise as well. Lots of veggies, fruit, grains...
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    the Seefood Plan...
    I see food, and I eat it. har har. Just less of it than before.
  • BloatedBeast
    BloatedBeast Posts: 8 Member
    I'm just counting calories, trying to change eating habits bit by bit as well. Of course I am upping my exercise, starting with C25K, on week two now, due to go out but it's raining. I better get used to that, being from Scotland and all!
  • lisab64
    I'm not dieting I'm changing my lifestyle/habits.
    I am calorie counting to get a better idea of what I eat, I have cut out most of the crappy foods I used to eat(Still sneak some in now and then) and trying to improve what I do eat.
    Also increasing my exercise.

    Perfectly said for what I did to lose 52+ pounds. Hit goal in April and currently 4+ pounds below goal.
  • coatsie79
    coatsie79 Posts: 187 Member
    Counting Calories and Exercise.
  • Cdcaldwe
    Cdcaldwe Posts: 189 Member
    Counting calories and excercising. What is wild is I am looking at the next four or five days ahead and wondering where i will get my excercise time. In the past that wouldn't even be a thought. So i guess i am going to get up earlier.