November Accountability - daily or weekly weigh in



  • stephtra49
    stephtra49 Posts: 168 Member
    MFP SW: 183 10/28/20
    CW: 175.4
    GOAL WEIGHT: 160 or less

    November Goal: Stay OT, Drink my water, measure everything, track everything, start walking again & lose a minimum of 2 pounds!

    Week 1
    11/1: 178#
    11/2: 177.8:)
    11/3: 178.8 🀨
    11/4: 178.4:)
    11/5: 177.6:)Decided to start walking again and I.m going to train for a Half Marathon. Shooting for sometime in February.
    11/6: 177:)Very Happy! Looking at buying an Apple Watch 6 today so this will help me be more motivated and get my behind moving.
    11/7: 177.6 πŸ˜’ Guess I shouldn’t have eaten that cookie last night.
    Week 1 loss: -1.4

    Week 2
    11/8: 176.6 πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»Happy happy! Down 6.4# since starting MFP, & dropped 1.4# since 11/1 WI! Today starting my walking routine. Slowly but surely!
    11/9: 175.2 HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY! Yesterday I did the intermittent fasting thing. I survived LOL!
    11/10: 175.6:|Walked today! Doing the intermittent fasting again today & Going to stay OT.
    11/11: 173.8 πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ₯° Doing the HAPPY DANCE! I’m very please with myself for sticking with it! I’ve got a bit to go for my goal weight but I’m going in the right direction!
    11/12: 175:s, I guess it all depends on if you've had a BM or not. Oh well, will keep working to get to my goal. It is hard for me to weight every day just because of the roller coaster effect it has on my weight and mind.
    11/13: Didn’t weigh myself today, totally forgot about it. Woke up late & in a hurry to get to work. It was a true Friday the 13th for me😳.
    11/14: Not going to weight today either! I’m going to fast today, get house work, laundry, grocery shopping & a few other things done today so I can totally relax tomorrow!

    Week 2 loss: .6# Total 7# WTH!🀬. Maybe it’s the eating after 7pm. I don’t know. Will be more diligent this week & do better with my food choices. Going to meal prep for the week. It could also be the extra steps I got in yesterday, maybe I won’t walk on the day before WI. πŸ€¨πŸ˜’πŸ€¬

    Week 3
    11/15:176# 🀨 New day, fresh start. I’d like to see 170# next Sunday!
    11/16: 175.6:|Ok maybe weighing myself daily will help. Just frustrated. I hate this up & down.
    11/17: 174.4 πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ» Very Happy with my progress today! Will keep doing what I've been doing since Sunday!
    11/18:173.4:)I'm overjoyed with this. I've been very careful and paying close attention to what I put in my pie hole and even though I really didn't want to walk yesterday, I did.
    11/19: 173 πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•
    11/20: 171.4 WOOT WOOT! been doing GREAT!
    11/21: 174 🀨 not sure what’s with this, but I’m not going to let it bug me! We’ll see what tomorrow brings!

    Week 3 loss: 2lbs. It was a roller coaster week, up and down kind of irritating! At lease I'm down a total of 10lbs.

    Week 4
    11/22: 173.8
    11/23: 173.4 I really want to be at 170 or under by the first of December.
    11/24: OOPS I woke up late & forgot to weigh myself. :( , I'm sure I didn't lose or gain, but you never know.
    11/25: 175.4 πŸ˜’ Dang it! Well there’s 5 days left in November so I’m have to get my butt in gear & buckle down! I know tomorrow is Thanksgiving, but I will make myself low carb dessert, mashed cauliflower, veggies & turkey! I will stay clear of the carb filled foods! HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you all! πŸ¦ƒ πŸ¦ƒπŸ¦ƒπŸ¦ƒπŸ¦ƒπŸ¦ƒπŸ¦ƒπŸ¦ƒ
    Final Week
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,462 Member
    Highest Weight: 192.2
    October ending weight: 152.8
    November starting weight: 154.4 ...what??

    Week 1
    11/01 - 154.4 at 7:00 a.m.
    11/02 - 153.6 at 5:30 a.m.
    11/03 - 153.6 at 5:30 a.m.
    11/04 - 150.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...maybe...
    11/05 - 150.0 at 5:30 a.m.
    11/06 - 152.0 at 5:30 a.m. ... :'(
    11/07 - 150.6 at 6:00 a.m.

    Week 2
    11/08 - 150.8 at 6:30 a.m.
    11/09 - 150.2 at 5:30 a.m.
    11/10 - 150.6 at 5:30 a.m.
    11/11 - 152.0 at 7:00 a.m.
    11/12 - 150.6 at 5:30 a.m.
    11/13 - 151.0 at 7:20 a.m.
    11/14 - 152.6 at 7:30 a.m.

    Week 3
    11/15 - 152.6 at 7:30 a.m.
    11/16 - 152.8 at 5:30 a.m.
    11/17 - 154.4 at 5:30 a.m. ...EGADS!!
    11/18 - 152.0 at 5:30 a.m.
    11/19 - 150.6 at 7:30 a.m.
    11/20 - 149.8 at 5:30 a.m.
    11/21 - 149.8 at 7:15 a.m.

    Week 4
    11/22 - 150.2 at 7:15 a.m.
    11/23 - 148.8 at 7:30 a.m. ...maybe...
    11/24 - 149.2 at 7:00 a.m.
    11/25 - 149.2 at 7:00 a.m.

    Final Week

    November total weight loss

  • dlhollin1
    dlhollin1 Posts: 666 Member
    edited November 2020
    MFP Starting Weight: 272.0 1/1/20 That's as far back as I look, not real big on the past, I'm more of a lets live in the moment and not look back guy.

    November starting weight: 265.1
    November total weight loss: -6.2

    Week 1 Goal -1 lb
    11/1 265.1
    11/4 264.8 need to work out more, cutting net carbs, logging food daily
    Week 2 Goal -1lb
    11/8 264.0 down 1.1 week 1 looking forward to a good week 2
    Week 3 Goal -1 lb
    11/15 263.1 doing good with working out, logging all food, and cutting net carbs.
    11/17 261.0 low carb living average about 30 net carbs a day, also 8500 steps per day
    11/20 260.1 wow maybe i leave the sixties by Dec 1 that would be very exciting
    Week 4 Goal -1lb
    11/24 258.9 riding this low carb horse as far as i can im in the zone now
    11/26 258.9 already looking forward to the Dec challenge, this is the first time i have lost weight consistently in a long time. The holiday feeding season starts today and this year from today through new years I really believe I will lose wt instead of gaining. Lets do this.
  • mooreshelly09
    mooreshelly09 Posts: 901 Member
    MFP Starting Weight: 264
    October ending weight: 214.6
    November starting weight: 214.6
    November total weight loss: - 7.4

    Week 1
    11/1 - 214.6
    11/2 - 216.0
    11/3 - 215.2
    11/4 - 214.6
    11/5 - 214.6
    11/6 - 215.2
    11/7 - 214.6 What is happening here:(
    Week 1 loss: 0

    Week 2
    11/8 - 213.6
    11/9 - 213.6
    11/10 - 213.6 sigh, gonna be a slow month 🐒🐒
    11/11 - 213.6
    11/12 - 212.6 Finally some movement
    11/13 - 212.6
    11/14 - DNW - Going on a girls trip with my sister, be back Monday. Have a great weekend!
    Week 2 Loss: -1

    Week 3
    11/15 - DNW
    11/16 - 212.6
    11/17 - 213.6
    11/18 - 212.6
    11/19 - 209.6 - Had to weigh 3 times to be sure....i'm not sure how
    11/20 - 207.2
    11/21 - 207.2
    Week 3 loss: -5.4

    Week 4
    11/22 - 208.0
    11/23 - 209.0 - Guess it's taking it back
    11/24 - 208.0
    11/25 - 207.2
    11/26 - 207.2 Happy Thanksgiving!
    Final Week
  • BittersweetVita
    BittersweetVita Posts: 745 Member
    43 y/o female, 5'3"
    Cancer Survivor, Hypothyroidism, Knee Injury
    HW: 240+
    MFP: 193 (Jan '20)
    GW: 125

    November Goals:
    Increase water and decrease stress eating
    Stay under 1500 calories
    Stretch everyday

    Week 1:
    11/1: 179.5
    11/2: 178.7
    11/3: 177.9 - Hot teaπŸ‘Halloween candyπŸ‘Ž
    11/4: 177.7
    11/6: 177.5
    11/7: 177.2
    Week 2:
    11/08: 178.1 - had 2 beers, not enough water
    11/09: 179.0 - ???
    11/10: 177.0 - back down again
    11/11: 176.1
    11/12: 177.2 - caloriesπŸ‘ macrosπŸ‘Ž
    11/13: 177.1
    11/14: 177.2
    Week 3:
    11/15: 178.1 - calories πŸ‘Ž macros πŸ‘Ž
    11/16: 176.8
    11/17: 176.1
    11/18: 178.1 - calories πŸ‘ macros πŸ‘Ž
    11/19: 178.8 - caloriesπŸ‘ macros πŸ‘Ž
    11/20: 178.8
    Week 4:
    11/22: 179.0
    11/23: 178.6
    11/24: 178.6
    11/25: 180.3
  • IdLikeToLoseItLoseIt
    MFP Starting Weight: 215 lbs
    August Starting Weight: 169.4 lbs
    September Starting Weight: 164.5 lbs
    October Starting Weight: 159.6 lbs
    November Starting Weight: 153.4 lbs

    November Goals:
    β€’Maintenace! End the month under 155 lbs. Expect to see my weight go up and down. 😊
    β€’Weigh Myself Every Day

    Week 1
    11/1: 153.4 lbs
    11/2: 153.9 lbs
    11/3: 153.4 lbs
    11/4: 154.3 lbs
    11/5: 156.5 lbs
    11/6: 158.1 lbs
    11/7: 159.3 lbs
    Week 2
    11/8: 156.2 lbs
    11/9: 153.2 lbs
    11/10: 151.6 lbs
    11/11: 152.1 lbs
    11/12: 152.8 lbs
    11/13: 155.5 lbs
    11/14: 158.0 lbs
    Week 3
    11/15: 158.1 lbs
    11/16: 160.8 lbs
    11/17: 156.6 lbs
    11/18: 156.2 lbs
    11/19: 154.6 lbs
    11/20: 155.1 lbs
    11/21: 154.3 lbs
    Week 4
    11/22: 159.8 lbs
    11/23: 156.7 lbs
    11/24: 155.0 lbs
    11/25: 153.8 lbs
    Final Week
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    November goal: to end lower than the month started

    Week 1
    11/1 - 173.3
    11/2 - 175.0 geesh...lay off the salt, woman!
    11/3 - 173.0
    11/4 ?
    11/5 ?
    11/6 - sick
    11/7 - sick
    Week 2
    11/8 - sick
    11/9 - 175.0 too many carbs while sick...pretty sad when a stomach bug (negative for covid) for 3 days makes you gain on the scale
    11/10 - 173.0
    11/11 - 171.2
    11/12 - 173.4 ??
    11/13 - 173.0
    Week 3
    Week 4
    11/23 - 178.4 ugh. I MUST get back to daily weighings, without the accountability of posting here daily I am FAILING.
    11/24 - 176.6
    11/25 - 177.4
    11/26 - 175.4
    Final Week
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,662 Member
    Hi : - )
    I am Dawn, 60, 5'2"
    MFP Start weight October 28.18 191 pounds
    UGW - 112-118

    Thank you for creating this @cachoey
    I weigh daily, it keeps me accountable.

    Ended September at 141.7

    10/28 - 139.6 - My 2 year anniversary of joining MFP at 191 pounds. Down 51.4 : - )
    10/29 - 140.2 -
    10/30 - 140.5
    10/31 - 140.1

    Week 1
    11/1: - 141.9 - I include my last few weigh-ins from October because I don't want to count down from today's weight as a loss
    11/2: - 141.9 - Saturday's pizza party is still showing up on the scale, but I have had 2 very good days so expect it to shift by tomorrow.
    11/3: - 141.5 - A bit better
    11/4: - 141.3
    11/5: - 140.7 - I have walked trails each day (on top of my regular workouts) since September 17th barring rain. It has been raining and muddy here all week : - ( I miss it!
    11/6: - 139.5 - Sooo happy to see this number.
    11/7: - 140.8 - Determined to see those 130s again.
    Week 2
    11/8: - 140.8 - Very high calorie burn yesterday (Zumba and Hiking) so hoping for a bit more of a loss by tomorrow morning. Old slow metabolism sometimes takes a couple of days to catch up.
    11/9: 140.1 - Glad to see a drop.
    11/10: 139.1 - The goal is to stay out of the 140s now.
    11/11: 140.2 - Lest we forget
    11/12: 139.3 - Extra workouts and hiking yesterday
    11/13: 138.5 - New low for me. I do expect fluctuations, but would rather have them in the 130s than 140s.
    11/14: 139.7 - I'll take it and try to get more activity in today.
    Week 3
    11/15: 139.3 - Going to try my best to hover in and around this number for awhile.
    11/16: 140.4 - Dang!
    11/17: 140.3 - I will just keep working on it.
    11/18: 138.8 - Glad to see this number this morning.
    11/19: 138.5 - Active day ahead, hoping to continue to drop.
    11/20: 138.8
    11/21: 138.4 - Pleased with this number, it will motivate me today to be "good".
    Week 4
    11/22: 140.1 - Indulged in Ribs. I will work hard today to try to get this back down.
    11/23: 140.2 - Still paying for those Ribs. I will get it back down.
    11/24: 140.2 - So easy to put on so very hard to take back off. Working at it.
    11/25: 140.1 - Getting towards the end of the month.
    11/26: 139.0
    Final Week

    My goal is to spend a good portion of this month in the 130s, and end it in the 130s
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,276 Member
    My name is Donna and I am 60 years old. I am about 5’ 5” tall and I started my journey weighing 253 pounds. After a few years of taking care of myself during breast cancer, and quite a few years of taking Care of my husband who had cancer twice than then kidney failure requiring long distance trips every other day for dialysis for 4 years, I decided I needed to do something about my weight. My husband passed 4 Β½ years ago and I have been on this journey for almost 2 years now. My diabetes had severely worsened, my thyroid stopped working, I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea and I was in pain all the time just from carrying the weight (knees, back, hips etc.) I have lost a lot of weight but have backslidden during last years holidays, and then corona shut-ins. I am re-committing myself as best I can during some turbulent times in my personal and professional life. So here I am to share that the struggle is real and the journey can be long. Every day is not a success but every failure is not a reason to stop either. Thanks to you all for being a huge part of my journey. The best is yet to come!!!!

    Highest Weight: 253
    MFP Starting Weight: 235
    November starting weight: 208.4 (Oct 31, 2020)
    November total weight loss:

    Week 1
    11/1…207.4 Good luck everyone! I will start by saying that I did end up eating a little too much Halloween candy yesterday that I had access to. I at a sweet potato for dinner with some cottage cheese to make up for it. It helped.
    11/2…208.6 I’ve been extra hungry this past week, not sure why. I ate breakfast, lunch and dinner yesterday (and a snack) which is more than usual for me. While healthy, 3 meals add up!
    11/3…207.6 Up & Down like a bouncing ball!
    11/4…??? I actually forgot to weigh today before multiple cups of coffee so I will check in tomorrow. However, I must say, yesterday was a pretty good day!
    11/5…206.6 Thrilled!
    11/6…205.2 Freaking out really. My small changes are adding up!
    11/7…205.2 I am just happy to be the same today. I had a severe glucose drop last night. I managed to stay away from the panic and the feeding frenzy that usually accompany diabetic sugar drops, but I still stuffed things into my pie hole that I would not normally pick due to sheer need and fear. Thankfully the scale was okay today. I know what happened. I took my normal lunch and cut it in half to eat for dinner. Problem: my lunch was very very small to begin with so it was just not enough carbs or calories. I will be more careful today. Low cal volume with some reasonable carbs are on the menu!
    Week 2
    11/8…206.0 Must be sodium because my meals were okay.
    11/9…206.2 I may be confusing small quanitites with good choices. I need to watch it!
    11/10…207.0 A celebration including pizza and icecream. I really need to learn to say no.
    11/11…I think I am overfeeding to prevent the scary glucose drops like the one I had the other night. I have been spiraling in the wrong direction ever since. Knowledge is power!
    11/12…207.4 No change
    11/13…207.6 Too much food even when the choices were pretty wise.
    11/14…210.0 A friend brought me over a Chinese Dinner from out-of-town. With friends like that, who needs enemies?
    Week 3
    11/15…208.6 Working it back down. Today I will try to focus on extra water and healthy leftovers.
    11/16…207.2 Slowly but Surely……
    11/17…209.0 Bloat. Not shedding any water. Also no TMI. Dinner will be out today so the calories and carbs will not likely be good. I will try to watch it the rest of the day and focus on water.
    11/19…208.4 I Finally shed some water.
    Week 4
    11/22…208.1 Finally my internet is installed and working in my new house.
    11/23…207.2 Grateful for the drop. Traveling today which will include food. I will try to be mindful though I will expect some water retention tomorrow.
    11/24…207.2No gain. Doing the Happy Dance. Usually travel brings anywhere from 2 to 5 pounds of gain overnight including the fluid retention. More than grateful!
    11/25…206.2 Diet could be better. Grabbing canned food like soup or mini ravioli out of boxes to eat. But I am working hard unpacking and it is burning the calories so that is my saving Grace. Down another pound so I am very happy.
    11/26…206.6 Carb-filled days while working on new house. I’ll try to be more mindful but today is Thanksgiving so it won’t start today.
    Final Week
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,276 Member
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,462 Member
    Highest Weight: 192.2
    October ending weight: 152.8
    November starting weight: 154.4 ...what??

    Week 1
    11/01 - 154.4 at 7:00 a.m.
    11/02 - 153.6 at 5:30 a.m.
    11/03 - 153.6 at 5:30 a.m.
    11/04 - 150.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...maybe...
    11/05 - 150.0 at 5:30 a.m.
    11/06 - 152.0 at 5:30 a.m. ... :'(
    11/07 - 150.6 at 6:00 a.m.

    Week 2
    11/08 - 150.8 at 6:30 a.m.
    11/09 - 150.2 at 5:30 a.m.
    11/10 - 150.6 at 5:30 a.m.
    11/11 - 152.0 at 7:00 a.m.
    11/12 - 150.6 at 5:30 a.m.
    11/13 - 151.0 at 7:20 a.m.
    11/14 - 152.6 at 7:30 a.m.

    Week 3
    11/15 - 152.6 at 7:30 a.m.
    11/16 - 152.8 at 5:30 a.m.
    11/17 - 154.4 at 5:30 a.m. ...EGADS!!
    11/18 - 152.0 at 5:30 a.m.
    11/19 - 150.6 at 7:30 a.m.
    11/20 - 149.8 at 5:30 a.m.
    11/21 - 149.8 at 7:15 a.m.

    Week 4
    11/22 - 150.2 at 7:15 a.m.
    11/23 - 148.8 at 7:30 a.m. ...maybe...
    11/24 - 149.2 at 7:00 a.m.
    11/25 - 149.2 at 7:00 a.m.
    11/26 - 150.6 at 7:00 a.m.

    Final Week

    November total weight loss

  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,662 Member
    Hi : - )
    I am Dawn, 60, 5'2"
    MFP Start weight October 28.18 191 pounds
    UGW - 112-118

    Thank you for creating this @cachoey
    I weigh daily, it keeps me accountable.

    Ended September at 141.7

    10/28 - 139.6 - My 2 year anniversary of joining MFP at 191 pounds. Down 51.4 : - )
    10/29 - 140.2 -
    10/30 - 140.5
    10/31 - 140.1

    Week 1
    11/1: - 141.9 - I include my last few weigh-ins from October because I don't want to count down from today's weight as a loss
    11/2: - 141.9 - Saturday's pizza party is still showing up on the scale, but I have had 2 very good days so expect it to shift by tomorrow.
    11/3: - 141.5 - A bit better
    11/4: - 141.3
    11/5: - 140.7 - I have walked trails each day (on top of my regular workouts) since September 17th barring rain. It has been raining and muddy here all week : - ( I miss it!
    11/6: - 139.5 - Sooo happy to see this number.
    11/7: - 140.8 - Determined to see those 130s again.
    Week 2
    11/8: - 140.8 - Very high calorie burn yesterday (Zumba and Hiking) so hoping for a bit more of a loss by tomorrow morning. Old slow metabolism sometimes takes a couple of days to catch up.
    11/9: 140.1 - Glad to see a drop.
    11/10: 139.1 - The goal is to stay out of the 140s now.
    11/11: 140.2 - Lest we forget
    11/12: 139.3 - Extra workouts and hiking yesterday
    11/13: 138.5 - New low for me. I do expect fluctuations, but would rather have them in the 130s than 140s.
    11/14: 139.7 - I'll take it and try to get more activity in today.
    Week 3
    11/15: 139.3 - Going to try my best to hover in and around this number for awhile.
    11/16: 140.4 - Dang!
    11/17: 140.3 - I will just keep working on it.
    11/18: 138.8 - Glad to see this number this morning.
    11/19: 138.5 - Active day ahead, hoping to continue to drop.
    11/20: 138.8
    11/21: 138.4 - Pleased with this number, it will motivate me today to be "good".
    Week 4
    11/22: 140.1 - Indulged in Ribs. I will work hard today to try to get this back down.
    11/23: 140.2 - Still paying for those Ribs. I will get it back down.
    11/24: 140.2 - So easy to put on so very hard to take back off. Working at it.
    11/25: 140.1 - Getting towards the end of the month.
    11/26: 139.0
    11/27: 138.8 - Jealous of our USA people who get to have leftover Turkey for a few days : - )
    Final Week

    My goal is to spend a good portion of this month in the 130s, and end it in the 130s