Analyze my dream



  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    Y'all need some serious psychiatric help.
  • I dream of Jeannie
  • Psssst. It's just dreams
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    Psssst. It's just dreams

    .... until they all come true !!!

  • scratchmyTwitch
    scratchmyTwitch Posts: 218 Member
    Psssst. It's just dreams

    You’re looking at it all wrong. But only the dreamer can truly interpret the dream.
  • ExpressoLove11
    ExpressoLove11 Posts: 337 Member
    iMago wrote: »
    In my dream I was sat at the dining room table and I heard a racket outside. I look out the window to see my mother sprinting across the garden. This was strange enough in itself as she is about as athletic as a sleuth. To thicken the plot, she was running with a cow, a donkey, a pig, and a horse. Behind them was an AC130. This added further mystery as we live in England, and also mortal peril. My mother and her farmyard crew somehow managed to escape the gunship by sprinting through the fence at the other end of the garden and presumably to safety. And I went back to my work.

    This is a dream I had a few months ago and I am eternally perplexed by it 🤔

    sounds like youre wanting to have a baby

    Makes sense.
  • PlentyofProtein00
    PlentyofProtein00 Posts: 3,669 Member
    steph6556 wrote: »
    Why am I always running in slo-mo? Something is after me and I either drop onto all fours to run like an animal in slo-mo, or I’m running like a normal person in slo-mo but either way, the thing chasing me is blurry and never catches me.... I usually force myself awake before it gets me.... like I’m yelling to my sleeping self to wake the FU and when I wake up I am very “ in the moment” and feel like I just escaped something!! Okay, now tell me how effed up I am...

    You're not dealing with some things from your past. You keep running from it. these unresolved issues and feelings are haunting you.
  • PlentyofProtein00
    PlentyofProtein00 Posts: 3,669 Member
    I took a ride to a seaside town in a convertible with a man. The ocean was huge and filled my vision. We got in the water and he told me how to float. He said I should do it with my eyes closed. So I did. With my eyes closed I floated on my back and felt a swell left me high and then lower me gently back down. After the wave passed I opened my eyes to tell my man but he was gone. I spent the rest of the dream looking for him

    The desire to float with someone, weightless and free
  • PlentyofProtein00
    PlentyofProtein00 Posts: 3,669 Member
    I've had tons of crazy dreams lately.

    Let's see my latest was a scary looking group of guys in an old cop car tried to pull me over. The drive had a hideous clown face drawn on. I pointed in the distance where I could see a couple police ...and I started to race towards the that point the group of guys turned in the other direction...and I woke up
  • BrettWithPKU
    BrettWithPKU Posts: 575 Member
    tams_89 wrote: »
    I had a dream I went to the doctors with stomach problems and ended up giving birth right there to a baby that had a removal head like my daughters dolls 😂 plus his name was Jude and he was a talking baby 🤷🏼

    Your first (next?) child will beat a medical condition doctors will tell you is terminal, and will be a successful businessperson in his/her adult life.
  • scratchmyTwitch
    scratchmyTwitch Posts: 218 Member
    I've had tons of crazy dreams lately.

    Let's see my latest was a scary looking group of guys in an old cop car tried to pull me over. The drive had a hideous clown face drawn on. I pointed in the distance where I could see a couple police ...and I started to race towards the that point the group of guys turned in the other direction...and I woke up

    The difference between rightful authority which serves and protects vs. pretended and usurped power used to intimidate and terrify.
  • PlentyofProtein00
    PlentyofProtein00 Posts: 3,669 Member
    I've had tons of crazy dreams lately.

    Let's see my latest was a scary looking group of guys in an old cop car tried to pull me over. The drive had a hideous clown face drawn on. I pointed in the distance where I could see a couple police ...and I started to race towards the that point the group of guys turned in the other direction...and I woke up

    The difference between rightful authority which serves and protects vs. pretended and usurped power used to intimidate and terrify.

    Mmmmmm. Good analysis
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,860 Member
    I dreamed I was walking down a long dimly lit hallway. The floor was polished brick and the ceiling was a series of skylights over which the northern lights were playing. The wall on one side was male genitalia. The wall on the other was female genitalia. Not sculpture, but live, moving in various states and types. At the end of the hallways was a shrouded figure silhouetted against a blazing white light, beckoning me. I could hear my breathing and heartbeat and in the distance was The Kinks playing “You Really Got Me”.

    The closer I got, the faster I walked, the further away the figure got and the closer the walls got and the louder the music.

    I started to run, the floor dropped away and I was falling and woke up.
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,860 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    SwannySez wrote: »
    I dreamed I was walking down a long dimly lit hallway. The floor was polished brick and the ceiling was a series of skylights over which the northern lights were playing. The wall on one side was male genitalia. The wall on the other was female genitalia. Not sculpture, but live, moving in various states and types. At the end of the hallways was a shrouded figure silhouetted against a blazing white light, beckoning me. I could hear my breathing and heartbeat and in the distance was The Kinks playing “You Really Got Me”.

    The closer I got, the faster I walked, the further away the figure got and the closer the walls got and the louder the music.

    I started to run, the floor dropped away and I was falling and woke up.

    sounds like youre wanting to have a baby

    Are you volunteering? Again?
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    SwannySez wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    SwannySez wrote: »
    I dreamed I was walking down a long dimly lit hallway. The floor was polished brick and the ceiling was a series of skylights over which the northern lights were playing. The wall on one side was male genitalia. The wall on the other was female genitalia. Not sculpture, but live, moving in various states and types. At the end of the hallways was a shrouded figure silhouetted against a blazing white light, beckoning me. I could hear my breathing and heartbeat and in the distance was The Kinks playing “You Really Got Me”.

    The closer I got, the faster I walked, the further away the figure got and the closer the walls got and the louder the music.

    I started to run, the floor dropped away and I was falling and woke up.

    sounds like youre wanting to have a baby

    Are you volunteering? Again?

    maybe ?
  • Yoshiboobs
    Yoshiboobs Posts: 1,090 Member
    SwannySez wrote: »
    I dreamed I was walking down a long dimly lit hallway. The floor was polished brick and the ceiling was a series of skylights over which the northern lights were playing. The wall on one side was male genitalia. The wall on the other was female genitalia. Not sculpture, but live, moving in various states and types. At the end of the hallways was a shrouded figure silhouetted against a blazing white light, beckoning me. I could hear my breathing and heartbeat and in the distance was The Kinks playing “You Really Got Me”.

    The closer I got, the faster I walked, the further away the figure got and the closer the walls got and the louder the music.

    I started to run, the floor dropped away and I was falling and woke up.

    You're afraid of intimacy
  • iMago
    iMago Posts: 8,714 Member
    dreamed about a girl i used to know.
    we haven't/hadn't spoken in years and ended up randomly reconnecting. i think we met at the grocery store again but can't remember that part for sure.
    she lived in this weird half house/half boat thing at the edge of a bay somewhere, and it was kinda falling apart. so we became friends again and i started working on the place for her, trying to fix it up all nice.
    we eventually slept together.
    then she became distant again.
    there was a time skip and then i found out she was actually engaged. her man eventually came back home from wherever he was at and was pretty furious and ended up beating her. then he challenged me to finish repairing the house/boat thing; like we each took a room and whoever finished it first was gonna be the guy who ended up with her.
    i started working on the doorway to the room i was given, like i remember i was going to take the door off the hinges to plane it down or something because it was crooked and wouldn't shut properly. then the screwdriver i was holding broke in half and i woke up.
  • Just_Mel_
    Just_Mel_ Posts: 3,992 Member
    edited December 2020
    iMago wrote: »
    dreamed about a girl i used to know.
    we haven't/hadn't spoken in years and ended up randomly reconnecting. i think we met at the grocery store again but can't remember that part for sure.
    she lived in this weird half house/half boat thing at the edge of a bay somewhere, and it was kinda falling apart. so we became friends again and i started working on the place for her, trying to fix it up all nice.
    we eventually slept together.
    then she became distant again.
    there was a time skip and then i found out she was actually engaged. her man eventually came back home from wherever he was at and was pretty furious and ended up beating her. then he challenged me to finish repairing the house/boat thing; like we each took a room and whoever finished it first was gonna be the guy who ended up with her.
    i started working on the doorway to the room i was given, like i remember i was going to take the door off the hinges to plane it down or something because it was crooked and wouldn't shut properly. then the screwdriver i was holding broke in half and i woke up.

    The breaking screwdriver means the sex was bad. :#

    Orrr...that the attempt to rekindle things with her was useless.
  • scratchmyTwitch
    scratchmyTwitch Posts: 218 Member
    iMago wrote: »
    dreamed about a girl i used to know.
    we haven't/hadn't spoken in years and ended up randomly reconnecting. i think we met at the grocery store again but can't remember that part for sure.
    she lived in this weird half house/half boat thing at the edge of a bay somewhere, and it was kinda falling apart. so we became friends again and i started working on the place for her, trying to fix it up all nice.
    we eventually slept together.
    then she became distant again.
    there was a time skip and then i found out she was actually engaged. her man eventually came back home from wherever he was at and was pretty furious and ended up beating her. then he challenged me to finish repairing the house/boat thing; like we each took a room and whoever finished it first was gonna be the guy who ended up with her.
    i started working on the doorway to the room i was given, like i remember i was going to take the door off the hinges to plane it down or something because it was crooked and wouldn't shut properly. then the screwdriver i was holding broke in half and i woke up.

    I’m sure you know that’s loaded with symbols. An ex, another man, a boat, a door, competition for a prize.

    But since you said something similar on here recently so I’m not saying anything you’re not aware of, I’ll just say that you thought you didn’t have the tools to do the job properly.