How do I STOP eating!!



  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    Some people have had success with using smaller plates (7" instead of typical 12"), chewing a mouthful competely even counting 20 times before swallowing, always eating at the dinner table and never while doing something else (i.e., mindless eating), put your fork down between bites, drink a glass of water before eating a meal, be sure to include foods that are filling to your body--this means choices that are higher in fat and protein than carbohydrates. These are things that have worked for people ... one of these or something else will work for you. Be patient ... you didn't get to the place where you decided to lose weight overnight, and results won't happen overnight or without your committment to your health.
  • slim_photographer
    slim_photographer Posts: 310 Member
    Weight and pre-log your meals. This along other suggestions from others really helps.
    When splitting meals before head tell yourself that you can have the second half if you are really hungry. You will find out that after the first half you will be satisfied.
    Also remember that hunger is cumulative over hours and over days also so if you let your hunger levels get too crazy you will binge afterwards. In other words if you eat too little for too many days, or too little in the morning and lunch then your hunger will tell you, in your mind, that you can eat a horse or a whole pizza, or extra nuggets, etc. So having a snacking strategy can also help.
    Breakfast = 300-400 calories
    AM Snack = 200 calories
    Lunch = 400-500 calories
    PM Snack = 200 calories
    Dinner = 500 calories
    Total of 1500-1800 calories
    If you exercise and burn 200-300 calories you should be able to lose some weight,
  • deleted
  • My secret is to use a smaller plate, and then load it with steamed veggies! I don't feel deprived because I am looking at a full plate of food. And I always have a big salad with dinner, changing up the ingredients almost every night. I even created a Salad section on my food diary. High fiber and protein choices through day, help too. Drink lots of water during the day, and your tummy will just not be able to hold as much, come dinner time.
  • brarew
    brarew Posts: 25 Member
    Get smaller plates, even if its just your plate. Your plate will look full and the illusion will help you stop when it's empty. Eat in the dining room, or breakfast bar with NO TV on. It distracts you and you don't realize how much you eat. and I agree with the previous post, lots of fluids, water, unsweet tea, crystal light. Last but no least, start with a salad, eat the whole salad before you start eating your meal. The first time you push your plate away before its empty and say I'm full you will be so proud!!!
  • JamieSK
    JamieSK Posts: 266 Member
    I've read where it takes 20 minutes for the neurotransmitters to reach our brain to let us know we're full. If you eat slower start by chewing your food 100 times or some number a lot higher than what you are now. The other thing is measure out your food put it on your plate and that's it...when you've finished that you don't get anymore until your next meal.

    Don't know if this will help you but it certainly does me.

  • Last year during my annual physical I told my doctor how I was trying to lose weight but always felt hungry. He sent my to an endocrinologits for that and my diabetes. I've been on a good combo of meds that has my sugar down, cholestrol under control, and the most important thing is I no longer feel hungry all the time. Talk to your doctor, it might surprise you how they can help you with your issues.
  • ameyc2002
    ameyc2002 Posts: 247 Member
    i use mfp b4 my meal to know my measurements and then i put it all on a smaller plate.. helps me
  • Stormiex1
    Stormiex1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all and thanks for the question, I was looking for help with hunger pains. The responses to over eating were helpful. From now on I will drink at least one eight oz. glass of water before a meal and one after the meal. Also I will use soup as an premeal suppliment, because I noticed some time ago when I was not dieting or changing my eating style that when I ate soup before a meal my desire to eat decreased.
  • Fitnin6280
    Fitnin6280 Posts: 618 Member
    I have found that putting the serving dishes in another room is the best way to go for me. If I have to go to another room to get seconds, I am more likely to think about it before I load up my plate again.
  • This has worked for me, Creating a routine of drinking 8-10 ounces of water before your meals, use dessert utensils as bites are smaller, you will savor your food and this will definetely slow you down. I forget about this trick but it totally works!
  • Ruchell
    Ruchell Posts: 236 Member
    The trick you always hear about eating on smaller plates really does work! We've made that a habit in our house and it tricks your mind into eating more. Regular servings look giant on salad plates and tiny on those dinner plates! I also agree with logging the calories ahead of time and measuring what you're going to eat and that's all you bring to the table with you. When I started I did the salad/broth/apple before the meal and now if I'm having a really hungry in the evening I gulp down a glass of water at the end of my meal and wait for the hunger to pass, which it usually does! Good luck to you and your mom!
  • Drink lots of water! Be sure to drink one or 2 glasses of water a few minutes before you sit down to eat.... you ARE NOT ALLOWED to start eating until you drink the water! Smaller plates will help you with portion control. More salad, veggies, or light soup with your meal. It is true it takes 20 minutes before your body recognizes its full, thats why 30 minutes after dinner you feel like you will pop when you have had 2-3 helpings. Include at least one thing in each meal that has a lot of chew factor to it. Some people just need to chew on something, more than the really being hungry.
    Log your food for dinner before you eat it, when you think how many calories you will really be consuming on helping #2 you may think twice!

    :happy: Good luck, Best wishes
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    A lot of this is mindset - you simply have to be determined and slowly make changes in your habits until you form better, more healthy ones.

    Pre-plan and pre-log your meals as much as you can. That way you have in mind that you're only going to eat a certain amount to reach your daily goals and once you get there, that's that. I'm a fast eater too but have learned to just plate a normal portion and I know once that's gone, I'm done. It is hard sometimes when the food is really tasty but you just have to put your mind to it. Try portioning out the meal as soon as it's done and put the extra portions away immediately so you're not as tempted.

    Maybe plan on doing something right after dinner so you're not sitting there thinking about the food. Go for a walk with your Mom or take a bath or whatever you think will help distract you.

    Tweak your favorite recipes so that they're bulked up more with veggies and cut the amount of rice/pasta and meats too. Or start the dinner with a salad as someone else suggested - just be careful not to fall into the trap that some folks do with too much dressing, cheese, croutons. You can have them if your daily calories allow, just measure out good portions and limit yourself to that.

    If your weight loss goal is set at 2 pounds per week and that's not enough calories for you, maybe lower it to 1 or 1.5 pounds per week until you get used to eating less. And/or increase your activity level so your earning more calories to make up the difference.

    One last trick that works for me - start your day wtih a good high protein breakfast (2-3 eggs or cereal like Kashi). It can help you feel fuller throughout the whole day.

    Good luck!
  • happygirl2972
    happygirl2972 Posts: 22 Member
    Use smaller plates, force yourself to eat slower by putting your fork down between every bite, eat in a different room with preportioned food, you will less tempted to get up and get more. Exercise when you "think" you are hungry and then when you are done if you are still hungry have a protein shake and a large glass of water. This will help you feel fuller longer. You will find once you get the feeling of losing the weight that feeling will carry you through those cravings. Be strong, and make yourself your number one priority by making positive changes. Change does not happen overnight, allow yourself time to change.
  • Thank you all SO much for your responses! I am going to try my hardest to use smaller plates, eat more veggies, track my food before I eat it, drink more water before I eat and put my fork down after my bite. Oh my! I know its not going to be so easy but with the support from you all I really think I can do it! Thank you so much for your help and advice and feel free to add me as a friend, if you would like, of course :blushing:
  • Oh and one more thing. Try to have LOTS of fruit around to munch on. Eating apples and grapes for example isn't going to make or break your diet and it's a good way of getting your munchies to go away. If you immediately begin eating your fruit dessert after your first serving you'll be less likely to over indulge. :) Good luck!
    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    Try not having the serving dishes at the table. If you have to get up and walk across the kitchen to get another helping you will at least think about it, and you won't nibble as much. Also they say if you set your knife and fork down after you take a bite and sit back in your chair that it will take you longer to chew each mouthful so you won't eat so fast.