Just Give Me 10 Days - Rounds 134



  • Slejhamer2112
    Slejhamer2112 Posts: 10 Member

    M, 54.
    12/2017 highest ever 221#
    01/2020 pre-'work from home' 198#
    09/2020 work from home has been tough 209#
    Ultimate Goal: 185#

    Goal for this round: Break 200#

    12/03 SW: 202/ No exercise today; not enough water; too many nuts as a late night snack
    12/04: 203/ The result of last night's salty fatty snacks. Better tracking and water today. 30min circuit training.
    12/05: 201/ Off to a good start... Fewer carbs, more water. Power yoga (my edited version of P90X Yoga X)
    12/06: 202 / Boo! Two steps forward, one back. Too much sodium in the taco seasoning last night, maybe. Today's workout: kickboxing, then taking the dogs to the park. Fish stew for dinner.
    12/07:201.5/ Didn't get in the kickboxing yesterday; had a very light jog instead. Glad the scale moved in the right direction, though not far enough.
    12/08: 201.5 / Nothing gained, nothing lost. Boo, yet... okay.
    12/09:201 / Right direction. Will this be a floor? Or a barrier I finally break through? TBD...
    12/10: 202 / What?? Ate well yesterday. As in, under budget. Maybe a little too much sodium and not enough water, but wasn't too far off goals.
    12/11: 201.5 / Circuit training today. Goal still in sight but time is ticking.

    12/12: 202 / Well, darn. But, I have to say that daily tracking and reporting has been a good learning experience - I think my daily calorie allowance is too high, and my "lose 1lb/week" level is actually my maintenance level. I'm reducing the level by 10% and will look forward to the next round!

  • nedw3
    nedw3 Posts: 379 Member
    Female 50 yrs. 5'2"
    Long term goal 125

    9/23/2020 OSW 170.1
    Round 127 ⬇️ 5.0 lbs. 165.1
    Round 128 ⬆️ 0.3 lbs. 165.4
    Round 129 ⬇️ 0.3 lbs. 165.1
    Round 130 ⬇️ 1.6 lbs. 163.5
    Round 131 ⬇️ 1.1 lbs. 162.4
    Round 132 ⬇️ 1.6 lbs. 160.8
    Round 133 ⬆️ 2.0 lbs. 162.8
    Round 134

    Starting Weight 162.8
    Goal this round 160

    12/03 - 163.0 Getting back track, I know its going to take a few days to adjust.
    12/04 - 162.7
    12/05 - 164.5 Holy moly, hopefully that disappears in a day or two.
    12/06 - 163.5 Well, thats 1 down.
    12/07 - DNW
    12/08 - 163.2
    12/09 - 163.4 Just kind stuck here right now. Its ok though, I am gradually getting back to life in general.
    12/10 - 163.8
    12/11 - 163.0
    12/12 - 161.9 I didnt make my goal this round but so hom managed to be below where I started so I'll take it. :)
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,327 Member
    Thanks Jackie
  • 171lake
    171lake Posts: 894 Member
    edited December 2020
    33, F, 5’1”

    SW: 146lbs
    GW: 120 lbs

    GW for this round: 144

    12/06 146, plan on doing a 45 minute peloton ride and will start decorating the Christmas tree today.
    12/07 145.8, I hope to do a 45 min bike ride and 30 minute barre class today. I made a corn chowder for dinner yesterday and have leftovers so dinner is already made, which is always easier for staying on track.
    12/08 145.7, I’m going to focus on really increasing my water intake today (only had 36 oz yesterday). Final day of corn chowder (one disadvantage and advantage of living by myself is that meals last 2-3 days, but also meals are usually ready just for reheating).
    12/09 145.5
    12/10 145.2, ate well yesterday and have leftovers for dinner tonight (I made roasted veggies- onion, bell pepper, sweet potato with a curry spice blend for a pita sandwich with cucumber salad). 30 minute barre class and 30 minute peloton class. I’m going to a virtual ugly sweater party / cocktail demonstration with friends so will be drinking, but hopefully can do well the rest of the day to save calories for those two drinks. Need to up water again since keep on waking up thirsty- heater is on and air is dry too.
    12/11 145.0, work was hectic yesterday so didn’t get around to workout beyond walking the dog, will make that more of a priority today.
    12/12 145.3, going for a walk today and doing a 30 minute barre class. Hopefully will be able to start the next round around this weight .

    Total Round Weight Loss: .7 lbs
  • CamandJarvis
    CamandJarvis Posts: 2,060 Member

    You don't have to be perfect, you just have to be better than you were before

    29, 5'5"
    OSW: 164.2
    GW: 135

    Previous Rounds:
    R69 EW: 158.1
    R70 EW: 156.5
    R71 EW: 156.3
    R72 EW: 156.3
    R73 EW: 155.2
    R74 EW: 155.4
    R75 EW: 156.1
    R76 EW: 155.6
    R80 EW: 153.2
    R81 EW: 154.3
    R82 EW: 154.1
    R84 EW: 156.5
    R89 EW: 156.7
    R91 EW: 160.1
    R93 EW: 159.3
    R94 EW: 156.1
    R98 EW: 154.5
    R99 EW: 155.9
    <3 R100 <3 EW: 152.8
    R101 EW: 149.7 (1/15)
    R102 EW: 149.0
    R103 EW: 149.0
    R104 EW: 146.2
    R105 EW: 146.6
    R106 EW: 144.6
    R107 EW: 146.8 (spring break, only 2 days weight)
    R108 EW: 147.7 (Moving out of state, starting new job)
    R109 EW: 148.1
    R110 EW: 150.1
    R111 EW: 154.3
    R112 EW: 152.6
    R113 EW: 151.7
    R121 EW: 153.0
    R122 EW: 154.8
    R123 EW: 153.9
    R124 EW: 153.4
    R125 EW: 155.6
    R126 EW: 152.3
    R127 EW: 151.5
    R128 EW: 151.0
    R129 EW: 151.0
    R130 EW: 152.6
    R131 EW: 153.9
    R132 EW: 150.6
    R133 EW: 151.2

    Last weight
    12/03 - 151.2

    Round Goal: Fast 16+hrs on weekdays, 14+hrs on weekends. Up the water! Water minimum: 75oz, Goal: 91oz.

    Day, Weight, Comment
    12/03 - 150.1
    12/04 - 150.6
    12/05 - 150.4
    12/06 - 151.9
    12/07 - 156.3
    12/08 - 155.6
    12/09 - 153.9
    12/10 - 149.9
    12/11 - 154.1
    12/12 - 149.3 - I have ZERO idea where that came from. There was a place offering 3 knuckles of crab legs per person, unlimited fresh gulf oysters, and 5 drink tickets for $63 last night. BF LOVES oysters and covered both our ticket prices in oysters on his own. I had 6-8 of those plus my 3 knuckles of crab legs. Holy moly I was full but those were FRESH and delicious. It was worth it because feeding BF his full of fresh gulf oysters (last night was 8+ platters of 12) is about $800+ not including the crab legs or drinks. Its still happening Sunday and he was talking about going back for more! Anyway, I was stuffed to the brim and not sure how I have a loss at all today. Fasted just barely over 16hr as BF made me breakfast. About 85oz water. Hoping he sleeps in a bit more so I can fast a bit longer until he makes breakfast (venison tenderloin and eggs with green onions from my garden). 16hrs would be 1:21pm here so I might make my weekend goal of 14hrs. Army-Navy today, (West Point being my Alma Mater) so I'll be focused on that all day.

    Previous Day's Comments
    12/03 - Wowza, I didn't expect this. Scale even teased me by flasting 149.9 a couple times before settling. My official TOM is here so I'm wondering if that's playing a part in it. Hopefully it also means my hormones are rebalancing from the (potential) medicine interaction. I did admire myself in the mirror this morning - I can see how much different I look without all the chronic bloating. Apparently my fasting sweet spot is 17-18+ hrs instead of 16 to see significant drops in bloating. May be a bit more challenging to reach on a daily basis, but when its just BF and I, dinner is early enough to make it doable. I drank about 112oz (estimating) yesterday. I was real thirsty towards the evening. Fasted 17.5hrs. Was a bit peckish but wanted slightly longer fast. Had back to back meetings that I knew I couldn't make it through, though. BF made steak and mashed potatoes for us for dinner. I tried to eat slowly and mindfully as to not overeat, but I finished my plate and then finally felt the fullness 20 minutes later. Luckily, the stuffed feeling lasted only about 10 minutes and I was back to feeling satiated. Bodies are funny when you try to learn to listen to them. Definitely not the most straightforward at times.
    12/04 - Ah man! Honestly, I expected a larger bump up. BF made chicken alfredo for dinner so there's some bloating from that. Fasted 16hrs - he made breakfast as well. Biscuits and gravy, yuuum. Its been a few weeks since I've had that so I decided to splurge. Hit 75oz I think. Didn't measure leftover water from my 32oz water bottle. I'm satisfied with it. Lazy day today, I think. Going to make bread base to refrigerate tonight for tomorrow's chicken gnocchi. Recipe says refrigerating it helps with fluffiness or something? Can be made 3 days ahead before popping it into oven. Guess we shall find out! Found out last night, his ex is letting the kids come down here for Christmas! A week!! They leave the 26th to go back We weren't expecting to have them again until spring break. He bought them presents from us to ship up there but now we want to spoil them some more and grab a few more things for them to open down here with us. EEK! Exciting.
    12/05 - I'm shocked to be down. I started fasting after dinner but decided to drink a glass of hot gluhwein after BF told me the 2.5hr call with his mom is about his dad in hospital. Its an ugly situation all around. I felt helpless as I'm the helper type so I sipped my gluhwein and read while he isolated in the garage to work on the bug. Got to socially distance see Fam! COVID cancelled our usual Christmas parade, but the community (about 30 people) got together to do their own. Park on main street, stay in vehicles, and watch them drive personal vehicles decorated past us. We parked next to Fam and got to see the Godkids through the windows (Godson is still showing zero signs of COVID. If anything, he's crazier and happier than before hospital. Think its because he's free from hospital again). I was able to ask about gluten free flour alternative and now I can make enough dinner to drop off chicken gnocchi and bread. FamWife has sensitivies/intolerances so the soup has just enough of those to make her a little uncomfortable, but nothing huge (a little gluten from gnocchi and lactose). So I'll be making a second loaf today of gluten free bread to drop off to her with the soup! At least I know she can enjoy the bread without worry! Cooking and baking will be a good distraction and therapy for me today.
    12/06 - Not shocked or worried. Had pizza for lunch as well as homemade bread and chicken gnocchi soup for dinner. A very heavy, high-carb day. Had one small glass of wine, but tummy feels like a hangover. I'm guessing that doesn't have to do with wine and is all food-related. I did have lots of dairy - cheese for lunch, heavy cream and cheese for dinner. Sipping water frequently this morning to overcome and seems to be helping. Managed 14hr fast yesterday and ~75oz water. Depending on when wings are done for Football Sunday and when my fast ends (aiming 16hrs, if I can), I'll save leftover chicken gnocchi for lunch tomorrow. Hopefully I can show a drop in the morning to get back on track.
    12/07 - Holy moly bloat! The scale bloat is much worse than the visible bloat. Possibly due to water - I definitely didn't get more than 45oz yesterday. Woke up real thirsty, too, which is a tell-tale sign I didn't drink enough yesterday. Didn't think I ate too awful much. Fasted 15hrs, not terrible for a weekend for me. I'm very very tired, been up 10 minutes and already eying a nap kind of tired. Hopefully I can wake up and be functional soon.
    12/08 - Easing back down. Last night was a heavy dinner of steak, a small bit of macaroni&cheese (I'm a little kid), mashed potatoes, and greens so I'm not surprised to be up quite a bit still. Got ~75oz water but woke up feeling dehydrated still. Lips chapped, mouth dry, skin feeling dry and tight in a shriveled up kind of way. Definitely need to push water and I think that'll also help with the weight. Fasted just over 17hrs yesterday. I easily could've managed longer, but back to back meetings would've forced OMAD and I wasn't prepared for that. Today's meetings are a little more forgiving timeline wise - though will force a 16.5hr fast minimum. Not so forgiving when it comes to fitting in yoga. Its hard to listen to a yoga video AND a meeting!
    12/09- Still dropping down. Had pizza again last night. Thought I'd be up more than this. Eating window pushed back pretty late so I'll be content if I make it to a 16hr fast today. Managed 17.5hrs yesterday. Had more than 64oz but not sure I hit 75oz, either. Feeling less dehydrated this morning, which I'm happy about. Not sure lunch or dinner plans - still have leftover chicken gnocchi I may finish off. Hopefully it won't be a double-whammy like yesterday with all the carbs.
    12/10 - I think its time to check the batteries on my scale because this doesn't seem right at all! I had bagel bites for lunch (BF made them) and a homemade scallop spaghetti in white wine garlic butter sauce for dinner (with a large side salad). I even indulged in a SECOND piece of garlic texas toast. PLUS my advent calendar wine. Fasted 16.25hr, had about 80-85oz water. I know this is going to bounce back up tomorrow (unless I really do need to get batteries for my scale) but I'm definitely enjoying today. Especially since I noticed before weighing in that I wasn't all that bloated, either. I love it when the scale and mirror agree EDIT: I just realized with this weight, I hit "normal" BMI! 150.0 and above is "overweight" for me.
    12/11 - At least I don't look bloated. Less so than yesterday, actually. Seriously, what's with everyone and their mother (literally, FamHub's mom made dinner last night, sent some to BF and I) making these super dense, carb heavy dinners this week?! That and I woke up dehydrated despite having 90oz of water! 16hr of fasting. Hoping for 17-18hr today - I'm off work so I can keep myself busy to forget about the temptations of food (so long as BF doesn't decide to make me breakfast). Hopefully tonight isn't so bad. Definitely going to make myself something light but filling for lunch JUST in case.

    y0w1f3xme3tx.pngCompleted: 5/15
    12/01 - :)What better way to beat anxiety than yoga. Today I'll try to get some meditative yoga to help me calm down after last night.
    12/02 - :/Yesterday I got halfway through my yoga workout and the dog started throwing up everywhere. I have a weak stomach so cleaning it had me gagging and running to the bathroom. Ruined the mood. Try again today to make up for it
    12/03 - :)Did get my yoga done yesterday. Yoga With Adriene has her December calendar up so I'm following those videos on the days I can practice. Yesterday was a 10 minute meditation yoga so I decided to get some movement as well by finishing the practice I didn't get to on 12/01. I just started over since it was also a pretty short one.
    12/04 - :/Started my yoga practice but was interrupted with BF waking up earlier than normal. The worst part about having a house a tad too small.
    12/05 - :)I realized I'm behind on YWA calendar. I did the meditation as day 2 instead of day 1! Oops. Hoping a short practice today since I'm not sure plans.
    12/06 - :/Didn't get a practice in and not sure I'll get one in today. Will have to focus on getting them done during the week and give myself slack on weekends since they're always spur of the moment.
    12/07 - :/No yoga. Couldn't even finish making coffee and BF was ready to go. I kind of figured that would happen. Hoping today I'll wake up a little bit more so I can get a practice in, even if its short and sweet.
    12/08 - :/No yoga, work has been crazy busy with meetings. Today is even busier! Almost back to back meetings. It'll be a miracle if I can get yoga in today. The remainder of my work week looks just as bad. Will keep looking for opportunities
    12/09 - :)Managed to squeeze in a really quick practice for gut health yesterday. Not sure I'll get to today, but I'll keep trying to squeeze something in whenever I possibly can!
    12/10 - :/Work got stupid busy so couldn't squeeze in a practice yesterday. Once my 630am meeting is over, I'll hop on the living room TV for practice since BF won't be up until 8 at the very earliest (plus I have an 830 meeting). I'm not as groggy this morning so I think I can push through to hopefully wake me up fully.
    12/11 - :)Right after my meeting I did a quick practice, but it was more of a morning wake up stretch to jolt some energy through you. It worked, I needed a good, over-the-top morning stretch
    12/12 - :/Didn't get a chance to, had to run errands early before the weekend flood of tourists made it in.

  • CamandJarvis
    CamandJarvis Posts: 2,060 Member
    SModa61 wrote: »
    @camandjarvis Are there any updates on your godson? Last I read, the family was home dealing with COVID quarantine and hoping to get back on the transplant list soon.

    He has zero symptoms and driving mom&dad crazy while they try to work. I believe he returns to school Monday for a week before being home for 2 weeks on Christmas break. He has a negative test, but doc wants antibody test which they're out of at our local hospital. He will go back on the transplant list mid-January. His surgeon said that due to his blood type and antibodies, he will likely have gotten several calls for a liver between now and then so they're allowing him to rest before going through it again and allow the kiddos to have Christmas together, especially since their "cousins" (BF's kids) will be here for a week. Plus, Fam is closing on a plot of land in January so they want to get that done before a sudden trip to Houston. They anticipate getting a call in February given when he's back on the list. I will keep y'all updated when the time comes!
  • nanishora
    nanishora Posts: 224 Member
    CW : 123.3 lbs
    RGW : 121.5

    1. Eat within alloted calorie goal
    2. Eat clean and limit processed and restaurant meals
    3. Min. 10K steps
    4. 8 c. H2O
    5. Start yoga / meditation

    12/03 - 123.2 lbs. celebrated birthday and blew goals.
    12/04 - 125.8 lbs. Ate in calorie budget. Ate clean except a slice of leftover cake, 13K steps, 6 c water. Probably last few days have caught up to me. Will keep focused on the prize.
    12/05 - 125.8 lbs. Ate in calorie budget, ate clean, 13K steps, 8 c. Water.
    12/06 - 123.8 lbs - Ate above calorie budget, ate mostly clean, slipped and snacked on unhealthy things, 15K steps, 8c. water.
    Sigh, dont know if its my scale or luck, but my number has been lower post bad days and higher after good days. Need to keep reminding myself to be patient and see what turns up after 10 days.
    12/07 - 125.8 lbs - Ate 200 cal over calorie budget, ate clean, 13K steps, 6c water
    Thinking through low water intake causes me to snack at times. I need to plan ahead and not budge from the decided diary
    12/08 - 125.8 lbs - Ate 500-600 above cal budget, binged on sweets late night, 11K steps, 7c water
    12/09 - 125.8 lbs - Ate in cal buget, ate clean, 13K steps, 8c water.
    12/10 - 125.4 lbs - Ate in cal budget, ate clean, 15K stes, 9c water
    12/11 - 125.4 lbs - Ate in cal budget, ate clean, 15K steps, 9c water
    12/12 - 123.8 lbs - Ate 500 cals over the budget, ate mostly clean, binged on donuts late night, 16K steps, 8c water.
    Lately I have gotten a sweet tooth. Any alcohol at all triggers it. I need to have healthy satisfying sweet alternatives for such times.

  • MTW70
    MTW70 Posts: 220 Member
    Female, Age 50, 5'4
    Living in New England, USA

    SW: 181.4
    GW: 134

    Round 131 End Weight: 175.9
    Round 132 End Weight: 174.2
    Round 133 End Weight: 174.0

    Round 134 Goals: Get closer to end of year of under 170 goal

    12/3 DNW
    12/4 DNW
    12/5 DNW
    12/6 DNW

    12/7: 174.0 Been off MFP for the last few days. Whacked my head pretty hard putting groceries in my car and been avoiding screens & resting as much as possible. Starting to feel a little better.

    12/8: 173.8 Feeling much better today. It's been a week since my last run, really feeling the urge to get out today for a least a short one and see how I feel. I recently bought a duo instapot/air fryer online for my DH as one of his Christmas gifts and it shipped in a box that showed what it was & of course he was home when it arrived. So since the surprise was ruined, we went ahead and opened it, going to try it out tonight, thinking about doing "fried" chicken wings. Anyone have any good cookbook recommendations for air fryers or instapots?

    12/9: 173.6 Decided to give it another day to rest yesterday, so planning a run for my lunch hour today. Ate a little later last night so IF window might be a little less than 16 hours. So much to do, will definitely be a busy one!

    12/10: 173.5 Warming up a bit to the 40's today, so definitely getting out for a run on my lunch hour! And the warmer temps mean I can get the last bit of holiday decorating done and hang the garland on my front door (my command strips won't stick outside when temps are lower). Scale wise my weight is dropping but the progress is sooo sloooow. Since I turned 50 earlier this year, I just can't seem to drop weight like I used to. I really need to get back to strength training, I think that will help.

    12/11: 173.2 Got my run in yesterday after having taking a break since 12/1. I had hoped the calf issue I had been experiencing since November would have eased up given some time to rest, no such luck. Still dealing with that. In 11 years of distance running, have had plenty of ailments and injuries but this is a new one, especially at this super low mileage. In addition to the yoga stretches, Epson salt baths, compression recovery sleeves, KT tape, & foam rolling, I've added in a magnesium supplement & a hemp pain cream. Not giving up, will get through this!

    12/12: 173.0 Ending this round with a 1 pound loss, hoping for more in the next round! Plan to go for a run today, see how my legs feel...the hemp cream might just be working, we'll see!


    Goal: Run 5K on New Year's Day, Improve Time From Turkey Trot 5K

    12/01: 1.12 Miles (Road)
    12/10: 2.00 Miles (Road)
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,937 Member
    Female 5’0” Age 70 years
    Started Keto WOE 7/17/17 (mid-Rnd 10)
    *Travel - no scale part of the time
    Weight on 1/17/17 174.5
    OGW 137 (set by WW 2008, WW goal 1985 was 126)
    UGW 125 (HS weight 1968)

    SW Rnd 7 167 AW 165.8
    SW Rnd 8 168* AW 166.1
    SW Rnd 9 164.5* AW 165.5
    SW Rnd 10 167.5 AW 165.3 Start Keto
    SW Rnd 11 163 AW 163.5
    SW Rnd 12 162.5 AW 160.2
    SW Rnd 13 159.5 AW 159.1
    SW Rnd 14 158.5 AW 158.9
    SW Rnd 15 158 AW 157.25
    SW Rnd 16 156 AW 155.9
    SW Rnd 17 155.5 AW 156.5
    SW Rnd 18 157.5 AW 156.15
    SW Rnd 19 155.5 AW 155.6
    SW Rnd 20 155.5* AW 155
    SW Rnd 21 154.5 AW 152.15
    SW Rnd 22 152.5 AW 152.2
    SW Rnd 23 151 AW 150.2
    SW Rnd 24 150 AW 148.8
    SW Rnd 25 147.5 AW 147.3
    SW Rnd 26 148.5 AW 145.4
    SW Rnd 27 146* AW 144.72
    SW Rnd 28 145* AW 145.5
    SW Rnd 29 146.5 AW 145.8
    SW Rnd 30 146 AW 145.65
    SW Rnd 31 146.5 AW 144.45
    SW Rnd 32 144.5 AW 143.3
    SW Rnd 33 141.5 AW 140.6
    SW Rnd 34 140.0 AW 140.75
    SW Rnd 35 139.5 AW 139.25
    SW Rnd 36 138.5 AW 138.85
    SW Rnd 37 139.0 AW 138.2
    SW Rnd 38 139.5* AW 136.9
    SW Rnd 39 137.0* No end/avg weight
    SW Rnd 40 ???.?* 5 day avg 137.6
    SW Rnd 41 137.5 AW 138.2
    SW Rnd 42 my 36 138.0 AW 136.15
    SW Rnd 43 136.5 AW 135.5
    SW Rnd 44 133.5 AW 134.55
    SW Rnd 45 134.0 AW 134.35
    SW Rnd 46* 133.5 AW 133.28 (9 Days)
    SW Rnd 47* 133.5 AW 133.0 (9 Days)
    SW Rnd 48 133.5 AW 134.05
    SW Rnd 49 134.0 AW 133.85
    SW Rnd 50* 134.5 AW 134.6 (9 Days)
    SW Rnd 51* 133.5 No scale on ship
    SW Rnd 52* 134.0 AW 133.42 (6 Days)
    SW Rnd 53 131.5 AW 131.9
    SW Rnd 54 131.0 AW 131.6
    SW Rnd 55* 131.5 AW 129.66
    SW Rnd 56* 128.5 AW 130.7
    SW Rnd 57 131.5 AW 130.85
    SW Rnd 58 131.0 AW 130.6
    SW Rnd 59 132.0 AW 131.3
    SW Rnd 60 131.5 AW 131.85
    SW Rnd 61 130.0 AW 132.4
    SW Rnd 62 132.0 AW 131.6
    SW Rnd 63 132.5 AW 131.55
    SW Rnd 64 131.5 AW 130.65
    SW Rnd 65 129.5 AW 129.2
    SW Rnd 66 129.0 AW 128.75
    SW Rnd 67 128.0 AW 128.65
    SW Rnd 68* 129.0 AW 129.41 (6 days)
    SW Rnd 69* 131.0 (only 1 day left) AW 131.25
    SW Rnd 70 131.5 AW 129.5
    SW Rnd 71 129.0 AW 128.25
    SW Rnd 72 128.0. AW 128.8
    SW Rnd 73 129.5 AW 129.5
    SW Rnd 74 128.5 AW 127.9
    SW Rnd 75 126.5 AW 126.0
    SW Rnd 76* 126.0 AW 123.36(7 days
    SW Rnd 77 125.0 AW 125.7
    SW Rnd 78 125.5 AW 125.1
    SW Rnd 79 125.0 AW 124.0
    SW Rnd 80 124.0 AW 123.3
    SW RND 81 124.0 AW 124.65
    SW Rnd 82 125.5 AW 124.35
    SW Rnd 83 123.0 AW 121.75
    SW Rnd 84 121.0 AW 120.95
    SW Rnd 85 120.5 AW 120.5
    SW Rnd 86 120.5 AW 121.15
    SW Rnd 87* 121.0 ended on travel
    SW Rnd 88* 122.0 on 9/1 AW 121.75
    SW Rnd 89 120.5 AW 121.21
    SW Rnd 90 122.0 AW 121.35
    SW Rnd 91 121.0 AW 120.2
    SW Rnd 92 121.5 AW 120.9
    SW Rnd 93 120.5 AW 120.45
    SW Rnd 94 119.5 AW 121.45
    SW Rnd 95 123.5 AW 122.4
    SW Rnd 96 122.0 AW 121.6
    SW Rnd 97 121.0 AW 120.22
    SW Rnd **98 119.0 Travel NWIs
    SW Rnd **99(late) 126.5 😮 AW 123.79
    SW Rnd 100 121.0 AW 121.75
    SW Rnd 101 121.0 AW 120.95
    SW Rnd 102 120.5 AW 121.05
    SW Rnd 103 121.5 AW 121.05
    SW Rnd 104 120.0 AW 120.9
    Rnd 105 SW 122.5 AW 120.8
    Rnd 106 SW 121.0 AW 120.5
    Rnd 107 SW 122.0. AW 120.6
    Rnd 108 SW 122.0 AW 121.0
    Rnd 109 SW 120.5 AW 120.4
    Rnd 110 SW 121.0 AW 120.3
    Rnd 111 SW 120.5 AW 120.6
    Rnd 112 SW 120.0 AW 119.2
    Rnd 113 SW 119.5 AW 120.2
    Rnd 114 SW 119.0 AW 118.3
    Rnd 115 SW 117.5 AW 118.25
    Rnd 116 SW 118.0 AW 117.55
    Rnd 117 SW 116 AW 118.11
    Rnd 118 SW 121 AW 118.3
    Rnd 119 SW 119.0 AW 116.75
    Rnd 120 SW 117 AW 117.2
    Rnd 121 SW 116 AW 117.3
    Rnd 122 SW 118.0 AW 116.55
    Rnd 123 SW 115.5 AW 116.35
    Rnd 124 SW 117.0. AW 116.6
    Rnd 125 SW 115.5 AW 116.5
    Rnd 126 SW 115.0 AW 116.5
    Rnd 127 SW 117.0 AW 116.2
    Rnd 128 SW 115.5 AW 115.65
    Rnd 129 SW 115.5 AW 116.85
    Rnd 130 SW 116.5 AW 115.9
    Rnd 131 SW 116.5 AW 116.4
    Rnd 132  SW 118.5  AW 116.95
    Rnd 133 SW 117.5 AW 118.7

    We ALL have good rounds and bad but that is part of life. Don’t stay away, stay accountable. We don’t judge, we support.-Jpv,2/13/19

    What we need to succeed is a sustainable way of eating, not a DIET we go on and off.

    This is NOT A DIET. It’s a LIFESTYLE.

    **Comments apply to previous day**

    SW Rnd 134 118.5 AW 117.6
    12/3 118.5
    12/4 117.5 My DH is driving me crazy with his obsessing about something/anything daily.
    12/5 118.0 We ate at Golden Corral yesterday-Early Bird Special. It wasn’t crowded at 3:30 and we were finished and leaving by 4:30. OMAD
    12/6 118.0 DH had headache and slept a lot yesterday and didn’t want to eat. I should have ignored him and fixed dinner early (3-4) because I was getting pretty darn hungry by 5:30 when it was ready! He ate and his h/a improved. I got over 9 hours of sleep last night!!! WHOO HOO! That is unheard of!
    12/7 118.0 Going shopping today
    12/8 116.5 Yesterday we didn’t eat until 3:45pm on the way home from shopping. Outdoor dining at In-N-Out - the weather was perfect! I did have a handful of almonds around 8.
    12/9 117.0
    12/10 117.5 So frustrated with technology! Had to create a new password in my health insurance app 3 times in 2 days. It didn’t recognize it after I changed it so I entered the same one again this time it said I couldn’t use an old password! WTF (You can make of that whatever you like.) Then my Garmin wasn’t syncing! Spent an hour chatting with them! We haven’t had hot water more than a trickle in the kitchen tap for more than a month. Finally got new faucet from MOEN and had it installed yesterday. Now the water has quit coming through the refrigerator! Seriously sorry for carrying on but I. AM. FEELING. AT THE END OF MY ROPE! And now the damn cat is trying to bite me!!
    12/11 117.5 Where has this round gone??? At least I’m not caving to food. A year ago today we were boarding a cruise ship. Oh how I long to be back there!
    12/12 117.5
    My goal is to get motivated to do ANYTHING!
    12/4 Barely moved. 2621 steps!
    12/5 UGH! Worse than day before!
    12/6 WelI got more steps 3,377
    12/7 6398 steps love Walmart and Sam’s Club because it’s walking with a purpose.
    12/8 5019 steps
    12/9 4033 steps
    12/10 3071 steps
    12/11 2844 steps
  • kmort009
    kmort009 Posts: 271 Member
    Round 134

    Age: 39
    Height: 5’ 3”
    SW: 163
    CW: 137
    GW: 125

    GW for this round: 136

    Round 126 (1): 156 to 153.2 (-2.8 lbs)
    Round 127 (2): 153.2 to 150.4 (-2.8 lbs)
    Round 128 (3): 150.4 to 148.0 (-2.4 lbs)
    Round 129 (4): 148.0 to 146.0 (-2.0 lbs)
    Round 130 (5): 146.0 to 144.4 (-1.6 lbs)
    Round 131 (6): 144.4 to 139.6 (-4.8 lbs)
    Round 132 (7): 139.6 to 138.8 (-0.8 lbs)
    Round 133 (8): 138.8 to 137.0 (-1.8 lbs)

    Goals for this round:
    - Enjoy the holidays and all the associated treats in moderation. Focus on enjoying the moments, not binging on the sweets.
    - Train to be able to run a 5K without stopping by New Years Day.

    12/3 - 136.8 - In for another round! Really want to work hard and lose another pound or two before Christmas. The temptation is starting already though - my daughter declared last night that she wants to make Christmas cookies today. I’ve got the sugar cookie dough defrosting in the fridge - we’ll have so much fun! I just have to limit myself to one cookie.

    12/4 - 136.0 - Hello, mini-whoosh! Haven’t had one of you in awhile. Had a great day yesterday - we did do the cookies though we used leftover orange frosting, so they kind of ended up as Halloween/Christmas hybrid cookies. 😂. The one I had was delicious though! And it’s great to be able to model healthy attitudes toward food to my daughter. Today she’s saying she wants to go exploring (and I want to get us outside as much as possible before the new stay-at-home order kicks in here in the Bay Area) so I’m hoping to take the kids to a nearby open space. We’ll see what happens when I tell them that means they have to put on their shoes. 🤣

    12/5 - 136.2 - My county announced yesterday that we are implementing a new stay-at-home order starting on Sunday. No non-essential travel, no social gatherings of any kind, non-essential businesses shut down again. We’ve been in a social “pod” with one other family and our twice-weekly play dates have been a major part of the structure of our week. I know we are incredibly lucky to be in a position to weather this relatively easily, but it’s still a blow. However, we will absolutely do what we need to in order to help slow the spread of this virus. Now I need to focus on helping my kids through this and not just turning to cookies, cakes, candy and all the holiday treats to “make myself feel better.” *sigh*

    12/6 - 136.2 - A short workout this morning, before a pancake breakfast with the family and a virtual book club Zoom call. Just finished getting most of my meal prep done - carrot cake overnight oats for breakfast, chipotle shredded chicken for lunch and a Tuscan chicken stew in the slow cooker for dinner tonight. Whew!

    12/7 - 136.2 - Yesterday didn’t go so well - slipped and had several more cookies than I should have last night. We’ll see if it affects the scale in the next few days. I did manage to stop myself from eating even more of them - and I was beating myself up for awhile about it. But I spent a chunk of my yoga/wind-down time thinking of all the progress I’ve made and everything I’ve accomplished, and how one time of a couple hundred extra calories can’t undo that. I’ll do better today, and tomorrow and the next day.

    12/8 - 135.4 - I like that number! Maybe I should eat more shortbread cookies. 😂. Good day so far - did 45 minutes of Just Dance before breakfast and then took the kids out for a hike (if I call it a hike instead of a walk, they’ll wear their backpacks and my carry their own snacks 😉). Move goal on my Apple Watch complete before lunch!

    12/9 - 135.6 - The Fitness app on my watch has been saying my average TDEE is about 2400 calories a day. That seemed really high to me, but I did the math last night. If I’m eating around 1600 a day (which is what I aim for but I’m not super precise) and burning 2400, that would put me at a loss of 1.6 lbs a week - and HappyScale has my rate at 1.5. Nice to know the numbers really do work out! 😂

    12/10 - 135.6 - Have to keep reminding myself that the whole idea was to maintain this month. That I’m already 5 lbs under where I hoped to be at this time back when I started. That the point is to be able to enjoy those cookies and holiday treats without beating myself up. I just feel myself slipping - extra bites here and there, “just one cookie” sort of things without tracking because I know it will turn my MFP calorie allowance negative. It’s obviously not really impacting my weight yet, but I don’t want to fall down into a spiral of overeating and hiding it.

    12/11 - 137.0 - Not surprised given how I’ve eaten the past few days and just the general time of month for me. Time to focus on how I feel and decide what is best for me mentally and physically going forward for the rest of December.

    12/12 - 136.6 - Feeling very bloated and crampy today, so I don’t think this number is based on actual gain, just water weight. I didn’t want to end the round like this, but I know it will go back down in a few days. I got in a good workout this morning, but have a special holiday tea party planned for my daughter today with lots of treats. It will be completely worth it though - she is SO excited. See you all in the next round!


    12/3 - Walked/jogged 1.57 miles last night. I’d like to find a good C25K program that I could jump into - I don’t need to start from the beginning, but I’d like a plan to help me get to a full 5K without breaks.

    12/4 - Walked/jogged 2.1 miles last night. I also downloaded the C25K app - I think I can start with Week 6 and work up from there. Hardest part will be getting the dog to cooperate!

    12/5 - So...I hope this is ok, but after a lot of thought yesterday, I am going to change my goal for this challenge. I do still want to be able to run a 5K without stopping, but this new stay-at-home order made me rethink whether that’s what I need to be working towards right now. As I explained above, my kids (and I) are losing our only social outlet - our play dates with our “pod family” - which have been a major factor in keeping my 5-year old (and therefore me and my almost 2-year old) grounded. Even with them, it’s been rough on her and she’s acted out a lot... and I’m ashamed to say I haven’t been as patient and calm as I’d like to be when she has. I think it’s a fitting way to end 2020 by focusing on connecting to and centering myself - so I don’t turn to food to deal with this stay-at-home situation, and so I can better support my kids as they go through it as well. Very very long way of explaining that I’m changing my goal to 15-20 minutes of yoga and mindfulness meditation each night before bedtime. If anyone has suggestions for videos/apps they like, I’d love to hear them.

    12/6 - No yoga yet, but I sat and just breathed for about 10 minutes last night after everyone else went to bed.

    12/7 - Did a 12 minute set of “wind down” yoga and then some sitting and breathing before bed last night

    12/8 - Skipped yoga last night; will make sure to do it tonight

    12/9 - I’m glad I changed my goal, because this is actually proving to be a challenge for me! You wouldn’t think taking 15 minutes for myself to do yoga each night would be hard, but it’s proving to be rather difficult. I did it last night, but nearly skipped it. Will make sure to get it in tonight as well.

    12/10 - 20 minutes of bedtime yoga in front of the fire and Xmas tree last night. So nice!

    12/11 - Was about to do my yoga last night when the little guy woke up and started crying - took over a half an hour to get him back to sleep and at that point I just went to bed.

    12/12 - 15 minutes of yoga before bed last night.
  • prehistoricmoongoddess
    Starting weight 179lbs
    Goal weight 126 lbs

    Round 123 174.0lbs
    Round 124 172.8lbs
    Round 125 170.0lbs
    Round 126 168.2lbs
    Round 127 165.2lbs
    Round 128 163.2lbs
    Round 129 161.0lbs
    Round 130 158.0lbs
    Round 131 156.2lbs
    Round 132 155.8lbs
    Round 133 154.0lbs


    12/04 153.6lbs - Yay! I've finally reached the overweigh range. BMI of 30 at last!
    12/05 153.2lbs
    12/06 152.8lbs
    12/07 152.4lbs
    12/08 152.6lbs
    12/09 152.0lbs
    12/10 152.0lbs
    12/11 152.0lbs
    12/12 152.2lbs

  • AR10at50
    AR10at50 Posts: 1,557 Member
    Hi, I’m Karen, in my 50’s
    OSW Sept.
    2018 187

    12/3-165-Rode my bike 10 miles and tried to eat healthy.
    12/4-166-IF 17 hrs. Lots of digging in the yard.
    12/5-164-IF 16 hrs. I didn’t have time to walk far or ride my bike, so I rollerbladed around (outside) our house; the dogs love it and chase me the whole time. Got the Christmas decor up in our new house, I know how @deepwoodslady feels, but, Donna, we can keep moving it all around until we have to put it all away.Our adult boys are coming to visit today, FIL is on hospice and won’t last until Christmas.
    12/6-DNW- We got 2 visits in with FIL and our boys before they had to head home. It was wonderful for them to see him. While they were here, we ate and drank ourselves silly.
    12/7-DNW-IF 17 hrs. I refuse to weigh after a big weekend of eating what I normally don’t. Bloat doesn’t mean weight gained. Biked 10 miles and walked 2 miles.
    12/9-163-If I eat a bunch of bread and junk over the weekend, it takes me until Wednesday to get back to where I was Saturday morning. It’s just not worth it.
    12/10-165 IF 12 hrs, biked 11 miles, ate sensibly. Baked a chicken breast, wrapped in parchment paper, came out moist.
    12/11-163-IF 12 hrs. Walked 5 miles, ate well, except for the pie.
    12/12-165-IF 14 hrs. Ate well, but heavy; Healthy eating so I’m not scared. Biked 10 miles.


    GOALS: Either Bike 10 mi, or Walk 5 mi Daily and throw in some skating.
    12/2-10 mi, 12/7-10mi., 12/9-11 mi, 12/11-10mi.,= 41mi. Total
    12/1-5 mi, 12/7-2 mi, 12/8-5mi, 12/10-5 mi= 17mi. Total
    12/4- 1 mi,
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,327 Member

    JGM10D Round 134

    Looking forward:
    You are not stuck at home
    You are SAFE at home
    One word can change your attitude
    ☠️One cough can change your life☠️

    😷Take care! Stay safe!😷

    December focus: improving stamina, strength, flexibility, which may impact the scale
    2020 Focus:
    • Stabilise weight under 150
    • Strengthen strategies to reframe the tendency to use unhealthy snack food as a reward/treat.
    • Make sure I have prepared healthy snacks available
    • Cut down on eating between meals by keeping busy

    Never give up! Never give in!
    Recent Back Story:
    • 2018 goal: get back down to 160 ✅
    • 2019 goal: proceed down to 150 ✅ with 2 months to spare
    • 2020 goal: maintain below 150 dropping slowly down to 145 ✅ Working on it. Strength training has slowed progress, but that’s okay.
    • That's a WIN in my book!
    • 2020
    • Focus: maintenance! I might even manage to lose a bit more ever so slowly.
    • (One good thing about Covid is that I don't have to traverse the minefield of family celebration meals.)
    JGM10D ~|~ Round 134

    🔹Posting weight and comments each evening.
    🔹Age 74;🔹Height 5’2”🔹Female🔹
    🔹SW: 227lbs (Mar 2014)
    🔹1 Aug 2019: 171.1
    🔹GW 2019: < 155 ✅
    🔹GW: 2020: <150
    🔹13 Sept 2020: 152.2
    🔹22 Nov 2020: 146.6
    🔹LW: 146.0 (Oct 2020)

    🔹Focus: maintain<150
    I am MINDFUL of making heathy choices
    to MAXIMISE the achievement of my goals!
    Giving up is NOT an option! I KNOW I am doing this!
    Round 133 EW: 146.7
    Round 134
    Goal: Maintain <150

    • 03/12: 146.6: Goals🌟
    • 04/12: 146.8: Goals🌟
    • 05/12: 146.4: Goal🌟
    • 06/12: 146.2: Goals🌟
    • 07/12: 146.6: Goals🌟
    • 08/12: 146.4: Goals🌟
    • 09/12: 147.0: Goals🌟
    • 10/12: 146.6: Goals🌟
    • 11/12: 146.4: Goals🌟
    • 12/12: 146.6: Goals 🌟
    Last few Rounds
    • Round 127 EW: 148.4🌻
    • Round 126 EW: 151.2🌻
    • Round 125 EW: 152.2🌻
    • Round 124 EW: 149.4🌻
    • Round 123 EW 150.2🌻
    • Round 122 EW 150.1🌻
    • Round 121 EW 150.6🌻 my
    • Round 120 EW 150.1🌻
    • Round 110 EW 148.2🌻
    • Round 109 EW 147.2🌻
    • June 2017: Round 8 SW 162; EW 169.9 This was my first round!!! I faffed about for 2 1/2 years before I got back on track!!!
    Daily Goals
    🔹log All food and drink; stay under goal; balance macros/micros; Hydrate adequately; NLNS!!!
    🔹7,500+ Steps daily
    🔹30 + minutes intentional exercise
    🔹Daily Mindfulness Practice/Meditation
    🔹Practice Self-care
    🔹Positively reframe thoughts
    🔹Learn something new
    🔹15 mins Daily Declutter session

    Purple: #ff4968.
    THERE ARE NO QUICK FIXES OR SHORTCUTS to achieving permanent change.
    REMINDERS: One or two thoughts which might give heart to some of you.
    • Daily weight fluctuations are normal, and can be as much as 2 lbs a day for no apparent reason.
    • A general downward trend is what we are looking for.
    • Eating out can cause apparent weight gain because of high sodium levels, but usually goes quickly. Drinking extra water helps with this.
    • The human body does not react instantly to what we do to it. Sometimes it can take several days to see results.
    • Plateaus are a normal part of the process. The body is consolidating and adapting to your new way of eating/exercising.
    • The closer you get to your goal weight, the more difficult it becomes to lose weight, as your body becomes more efficient at using what you feed it.
    • When you exercise you build muscle, which takes up less space than fat, so use measurements as well as weight to assess your progress.
    • Getting/Staying fit and healthy requires a lifestyle change for most people.
    Stick with the process. It DOES work! But it does take time, effort, and most of all, patience!
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,163 Member
    Round 134
    ROUND 92 FOR ME.

    “Today….I am choosing Me”


    Highest weight ever (2014/2015): 253
    Original starting weight for this current journey : (1-11-2018) 235.0
    R133 EW= 206.8
    R134 EW= 204.2

    Current New Goals:

    Short Term Goal: To weigh less at the end of this round than I did at the end of the last round.
    Final goal: 145-155. We’ll see how I look & feel when I get there.
    Exercise: Move 30 minutes per day rotating activity.


    COLOR CODE: Fuchsia is a Happy Weight Loss for me. Blue is a sad weight gain.Black is no change.
    R43 through R53 (06/07/18 thru 09/24/18) = …..19.4 LOST (Ending weight 176.0)
    R53 through R63 (09/24/18 thru 01/02/19) = …..9.5 GAINED (Ending weight 185.5)
    R63 through R73 (01/02/19 thru 04/12/19) = …..6.3 GAINED (Ending weight 191.8)
    R73 through R83 (04/12/19 thru 07/21/19) = …..3.6 GAINED (Ending weight 195.4)
    R83 through R93 (07/21/19 thru 10/29/19) = …..7.4 LOST (Ending weight 188.0)
    R93 through R103 (10/29/19 thru 02/06/20) = …4.1 GAINED(Ending weight 192.1)
    R103 through 113 (02/06/20 thru 05/06/20) = …..12.2 GAINED (Ending Weight 204.9)

    R113 through 123 (05/07/20 thru 08/24/20) = [color=blue)…..4.4 GAINED [/color=blue] (Ending Weight 209.3)

    R124 (08/25/20 thru 09/03/20) = [color-=blue)……1.8 GAINED [/color=blue] (Ending Weight 211.2)

    R125 (09/04/20 thru 09/13/20) = ……1.4 GAINED (Ending Weight 212.6)

    R126 (09/14/20 thru 09/23/20) = ……0.6 LOST [/color-fuchsia] (Ending Weight 212.0)

    R127 (09/24/20 thru 10/03/20) = ……1.6 LOST (Ending Weight 210.4)

    R128 (10/04/20 thru 10/13/20) = ……1.8 LOST [/color-fuchsia] (Ending Weight 208.6)

    R129 (10/14/20 thru 10/23/20) = ……1.8 LOST (Ending Weight 206.8)

    R130 (10/24/20 thru 11/02/20) = ……1.8 GAINED (Ending Weight 208.6)

    R131 (11/03/20 thru 11/12/20) = ……1.2 LOST [/color-fuchsia] (Ending Weight 207.4)

    R132 (11/13/20 thru 11/22/20) = ……0.7 GAINED (Ending Weight 208.1)

    R 123 thru R133 (08/24 thru 12/02/20) = ……2.6 LOST (Ending Weight 206.8)

    R134 (12/03/20 thru 12/12/20) = ……2.6 LOST (Ending Weight 204.2)

    12/02 …..206.8….. ENDING WEIGHT LAST ROUND

    12/03 …..206.2 ….. A low cal day to put things back in order.

    12/04 …..203.6 ….. I actually counted how many times I got up last night to pee and in 5 hours I got up 10 times! That is a lot, even for a diabetic. I presume much of this overnight loss is fluid although I don’t recall eating anything that would retain such water! I did eat another low calorie and lower carb day but I didn’t get in many steps or movement. It was a paperwork day. Today I work on Christmas decorating a new house where nothing is planned or measured. Gotta start fresh on where to put things. I am struggling to make decisions.

    12/05 …..203.8 ….. Hopefully rehydrated after a large fluid loss.

    12/06 …..203.4 ….. I’m still bouncing around in the 203 range so that is a big YAY for me. I thought the big drop between the Dec 3 and Dec 4 would not stick. This just inspires me even more….. Come on Onederland!

    12/07 …..202.6 ….. I am determined to not let this holiday season put me in my typical downward spiral into H – E – Double Hockeysticks. 3 small light meals yesterday and no snacks.

    12/08 …..203.4 ….. A Very Very late dinner last night (after midnight). I was so hungry that I went back for seconds. Lesson learned (but will it be remembered by my brain fog brain?) I must eat earlier so I’m not so ravished! I will focus on a low cal day today but spread my meals out and eat proper!

    12/09 …..204.0 ….. Someone brought over my trigger food – Donuts. So it’s my fault because I (over) ate them. Gotta get this train back on it’s tracks.
    I'm still down 2.8 lbs for this round so I am going to hang onto my progress and not let go!
    12/10 …..204.2 ….. up 0.2 more. This is EXACTLY how it sneaks up on you!

    12/11 …..204.2 …..

    12/12 …..204.2 ….. I am down 2.6 lbs for the round and very happy considering the time of year it is. Great Job to everyone. See you next round.


    My goal is to Dance for 20 minutes per day to increase my calorie burn.

    Dec 01 – Danced 20 minutes and my was it harder than last time!
    Dec 02 – Danced my heart out for 20 minutes.
    Dec 03 – No dancing. Paperwork and wrapping presents.
    Dec 04 – Danced for 20 minutes to mostly classic rock.
    Dec 05 – Danced for about 22 minutes to a nice mix of music.
    Dec 06 – Lots of movement but no dancing due to workmen here all day and continued unpacking.
    Dec 07 – More workers here and no dancing. However, if you count going up and down stairs for hours as exercise, I got in my fair share!
    Dec 08 – Danced about 8 minutes. Better than nothing I suppose.
    Dec 09 – 20 minutes of dancing and it knocked the wind out of me. Slower songs next time until I get used to it again!
    Dec 10 – No dancing. All working around the house and sitting…sitting…sitting while shopping online. No stores in my rural area!
    Dec 11 – Danced 20 minutes and even sang to the songs!