Tell me It's ok to keep it simple



  • rsj7799
    rsj7799 Posts: 74 Member
    WW points tries to steer you towards eating more protein and less saturated fats by decreasing or increasing the point cost for foods high in them. I just count calories and try and get enough protein (turn your phone sideways and it will show you how much protein you need to hit your target at the bottom of your diary). Past that just use common sense (eat some fruits/veggies, don't eat all your calories in candy corn every day, etc.) A digital food scale will make your life so much easier as there is zero stress or guessing about how much you are eating.
  • Healthy_Body_46
    Healthy_Body_46 Posts: 17 Member
    Keep it simple is one of my fav rules. If I need to lose weight I find only calorie counting works but some people do not agree and have found another way to achieve consistent results.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,730 Member
    I kept it really simple the first 6 months: calories in (MFP) versus calories out (my fitness tracker), aiming for a daily deficit of 250-500 calories per day (weight loss rate of 0.5-1lb per week).
    After 6 months I started to pay attention to my protein intake, since it was a bit low and I wanted to avoid losing muscle mass.
    That's still pretty much all I'm doing now, aiming for a small deficit (around 100-250 kcal per day), at least 100gr of protein per day and otherwise pretty much eating the foods I like in appropriate portions.

    I'm down 53 lbs so far, pretty painlessly too.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Yup--keep it simple. People are concerned with macros further on for different reasons. I, for instance, am older and need to watch my protein. Otherwise my calorie goals are what matter. There's time to get interested in all that in the future if you want to. Just get your digital food scale and start weighing and measuring everything. Try to stay within your daily calorie goal everyday. Good luck with your weight loss.
  • DonnasJourney0805
    DonnasJourney0805 Posts: 75 Member
    @SModa61 thank you for that. I think coming here I have found my answers to some of the frustrations I was having with WW. Going to stay focused here and try and get this last 15 lbs off. Definitely agree about the healthy fats❤️🙌
  • SModa61
    SModa61 Posts: 3,061 Member
    @SModa61 thank you for that. I think coming here I have found my answers to some of the frustrations I was having with WW. Going to stay focused here and try and get this last 15 lbs off. Definitely agree about the healthy fats❤️🙌

    @DonnasJourney0805 I think you will find that that is going to work very well for you. I have also found that by joining Challenge groups, I am more motivated to stay on track (I have been in four since Oct 1 - down 21 since sept 14th, officially, as of this morning). Here you will be able to participate in more focused conversations IMO than any Facebook group (I am not dissing Facebook groups, they have their own separate value - just different).
  • saramelie77
    saramelie77 Posts: 50 Member
    I count calories, not macros. I don't eat sweets because it triggers my appetite. I lowered my salt intake for a heart condition. I avoid gluten for the same reason. I don't drink alcohol because I hate it. I make sure to have veggies and solid sources of proteins at each meal (for me this equate meat). And I do intermittent fasting (no breakfast) so I can have 2 big meals a day instead of 3 small ones (feeling less restrictive).

    But I firmly believe that the **only thing** that really matters for my WEIGHT LOSS is the caloric deficit.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,997 Member
    It's ok to keep it simple.

    KISS - Keep it simple, stupid - is one of my favorite mottos to live by.
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,464 Member
    Calories in, calories out for weight loss
    Macros for health and happiness
    Calories pretty close to goal
    Macros pretty close to minimum, when I hit minimum, quit counting
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    if i can make it fit in my calories, its fair game.

    i never have tracked macros.
  • lisaap77
    lisaap77 Posts: 123 Member
    Keep it simple girl! If it's not sustainable, it doesn't matter. While calories in, calories out is important, the quality of calories is too. I follow the 80/20 rule. 80% of my diet is real, whole foods. 20% is reserved for whatever. This helps me not binge. By telling myself that I can, pretty much eat whatever I want in moderation, helps me from craving. It makes it easier, for me anyhow. It's like you always want what you can't have, so taking away the can't, takes away the want....most of the time. ;-) So I track my calories, and if there's room and I want a treat, I do. I don't eat past 6p, so that also helps. Calories left or not, 6p is the cut-off. This is what has been working for me, maybe it will for you too. Best wishes!