Looking for a group of people who are in the process of trying to lose 50-100 pounds.



  • cmbalint
    cmbalint Posts: 71 Member
    That's grest how did you lose the24lbs?
  • Fat2FitMom19
    Fat2FitMom19 Posts: 56 Member
    cmbalint wrote: »
    That's grest how did you lose the24lbs?

    I started weight watchers. I also eat my food on smaller plates.
  • The_Elephant_Man
    The_Elephant_Man Posts: 205 Member
    I have lost 55lbs so far and still want to lose 30lbs more, feel free to add me.
  • changing_4_life
    changing_4_life Posts: 5 Member
    What’s your name? Lisa

    What are your goals? 2021: lose 63 more pounds then reevaluate ever 10 pounds till I reach goal (heighest 312, current 243)
    Do you desire accountability through your journey? would love help along the way
    Are you looking for a fun group of people sharing successes, failures and everything in between? yes please , sounds like what I need :)
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,202 Member
    Another great group to try is Fat2Fit - the teams are great communities, the members really lose, but they also help each other through the times when things go haywire. If you want a consistent team where you get to know one another, give and receive mutual support, have some fun challenges, this could be it:


    Wander around in the team chats, etc. and see if you like the feel of it. If so, put your name in the January waiting list or registration thread and you'll be golden! Message me if you have questions.
  • bunny3269
    bunny3269 Posts: 28 Member
    What’s your name? Jennifer

    What are your goals? 2021: lose 50 pounds then reevaluate ever 10 pounds till I reach goal of 175

    Do you desire accountability through your journey? I would love assistance and motivation along the way.

    Are you looking for a fun group of people sharing successes, failures and everything in between? Absolutely, yes!
  • AvaEBerry
    AvaEBerry Posts: 161 Member
    Hi! I have lost 55lbs since June, but I'm looking to lose maybe another 50 or so. I'm very active on here, so feel free to add me.
  • lfollari
    lfollari Posts: 2 Member
    edited December 2020
    Thank you all for sharing. I’m excited to find renewed focus and support with MFP on my journey to establish healthy habits and finally deal with unhealthy habits. My goal is to lose 50-55 pounds this year. Reading all your posts and goals is inspiring! I look forward to celebrating our progress!
    I had a nutrition coach once who encouraged me to take small steps- like one baby step a day, or focusing on one habit re-boot a week. This week’s focus is cutting out sugar. I was on track for that before the holidays, but I need to nudge myself back on track. A piece of fruit or herbal tea for cravings for the next week. Sugar detox time!
    Have you got one baby step in your plan for the week?
    Thanks! Lissanna
  • hooksy322
    hooksy322 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I'm Eric.(47) I need to lose at least 50 pounds , more like 70. Currently 270 and would like to see 200. I just have the habit of not sticking to the plan.
  • Fat2FitMom19
    Fat2FitMom19 Posts: 56 Member
    What’s your name? Cass

    What are your goals? 2021: To lose 64lbs and get healthy for my kids.

    Do you desire accountability through your journey? I would love to have accountability partners!!!

    Are you looking for a fun group of people sharing successes, failures and everything in between? Absolutely, yes!
  • Larcyzoe
    Larcyzoe Posts: 24 Member
    I started with myfitness pal and i live by it , it has helped me stay on track with my eating habits , i have lost 41 lbs so far 196- to 155 now , my goal weight is 140 lbs , a year of great challenges and a strong mind . 👍😊🌻💐
  • shhhilo
    shhhilo Posts: 42 Member
    Love all the people with goals set in mind keep staying active and highly motivated I have lost over 100lbs SW 367 CW 257 GW 220 b19zt75airel.jpeg
    if I did it all of you can too stay positive stay focused feel free to message me add me yall got this !!!!!!
  • Angief05
    Angief05 Posts: 102 Member
    What’s your name? Angie
    What are your goals? to loose 100 lbd
    Do you desire accountability through your journey? Absolutely, the more the better.
    Are you looking for a fun group of people sharing successes, failures and everything in between?sure am
    A little about me
    I am 57 years old and struggled most of my adult life with my weight. A few years back I lost 75lbs and was doing amazing, I pushed myself to the point that got injured doing kick boxing. So, needless to say I gained it all back when stopped working out. Now I am 5 years older and struggling with sore legs, swollen feet by end of day, sore knees. I need to get this weight off once and for all.
    Looking for a few ppl in same situation, or have been that can help me get back on track.
  • kittykel
    kittykel Posts: 4 Member
    Please can I join the accountability group? Reply below:

    What’s your name? Kelly
    What are your goals? Lose about 3 stone
    Do you desire accountability through your journey? yes!
    Are you looking for a fun group of people sharing successes, failures and everything in between? Yes please

  • piggles2
    piggles2 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I’m Jess.

    I started trying to lose weight properly back in the beginning of September, I’ve managed to lose 26lbs so far but I still need to lose another 100 or so to be classed as having a healthy BMI.

    I’ve definitely felt motivation slowing recently and would really like some people to help keep me motivated and who understand my struggles.

    Please feel free to add me, it would be nice to have some company on this journey.