How neat are you?



  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    ⬆Same here. Before being a mom I was pretty messy, although I've always been really picky about the dishes being clean and the trash taken out every evening. Nowadays though, thanks to my extremely neat mom and grandmothers, I feel like an important part of being a good mom is to provide a clean, cozy home and feel guilty when I let it go. I count cleaning as part of my 30 minutes + of exercise per day.

    I need to use this advice and make it part of my daily cleaning routine. My kitchen has to be clean, too, and I hang dry my clothes on an inside drying rack and a clothesline outside which is a lot of work. I really don't sit down often but I need to prioritize better.
  • joelo_1119
    joelo_1119 Posts: 118 Member
    I’m a “can’t go to bed with a dirty kitchen” kinda neat.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I'm pretty neat. My tree is still up, but we put it up the weekend after Thanksgiving and we take it down January 2 and haul it off to the composting center...always been that way.

    I'm not too OCD about things...I have an 8 and a 10 year old, so there tends to be stuff lying around more than I'd like, but it's also not worth the exercise in frustration of trying to keep every little thing in its place.
  • _sw33tp3a_11
    _sw33tp3a_11 Posts: 4,692 Member
    My grandma lived with us when I was a teen. She was a hoarder and kept everything. You couldn't walk into her room because it was so messy and disorganized. I think seeing that made me not want to be that way so I cleaned my room constantly. So often she thought I was on drugs because she said no teen was that clean 😆 God I miss her. Anyway, now as an adult I do the same. I clean my house daily. I also have 4 kids so I make sure I teach them some simple life skills as keeping their room clean and cleaning up after themselves because mom gets tired of doing it all.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,622 Member
    I'm also so neat and organized the I hang my clothes by catagory and light to dark from left to right. Same with underwear and sock drawer. For me it's much easier to locate things and also put them away once I get done doing laudry.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,610 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    I'm also so neat and organized the I hang my clothes by catagory and light to dark from left to right. Same with underwear and sock drawer. For me it's much easier to locate things and also put them away once I get done doing laudry.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    WHEN (if? ) I hang my clothes, I also hang them by color. Lol

    Otherwise, I dig through the clean laundry basket. Haha
  • RAinWA
    RAinWA Posts: 1,980 Member
    I'll fess up. I suck at keeping my house clean. I'm a single mom with two teens that I suck at getting help from.
    I take full blame. I would rather be in my gym and spending time with them than do cleanup.

    Don't get me wrong, I hate the mess. HATE IT, but I do not do well with maintaining it. I feel like I have a million things that I need to juggle, and so I pick a few household items and try to accomplish those.
    But it's been too long since my house got a top to bottom cleaning, my carpet needs a vaccuum. The dust bunnies deserve their own cage by now... and I am sure I have at least two new loads of laundry to do.

    I just gave up on trying to do it all. Sometimes I don't even bother trying.

    So... do I feel like an abject failure when it comes to housework? Yep. Am I happy with my progress in my gym? Also yep. Do my kids care about the mess? No. Do I have anyone special in my life that cares about the mess? No. Ok then. One less thing for me to feel like I fail at.


    I love your attitude.

    I come from a very large family. It wasn't until after the 7th kid was born that my dad added 2 more bedrooms to our 2 bedroom house. Things were always messy.

    My mom settled for "it's not a danger or a health hazard" attitude when it came to keeping order in the house. (Okay, it took a lot of work to keep up!) I've kind of adopted that attitude to my house for the moment.
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,610 Member
    edited December 2020
    RAinWA wrote: »
    I'll fess up. I suck at keeping my house clean. I'm a single mom with two teens that I suck at getting help from.
    I take full blame. I would rather be in my gym and spending time with them than do cleanup.

    Don't get me wrong, I hate the mess. HATE IT, but I do not do well with maintaining it. I feel like I have a million things that I need to juggle, and so I pick a few household items and try to accomplish those.
    But it's been too long since my house got a top to bottom cleaning, my carpet needs a vaccuum. The dust bunnies deserve their own cage by now... and I am sure I have at least two new loads of laundry to do.

    I just gave up on trying to do it all. Sometimes I don't even bother trying.

    So... do I feel like an abject failure when it comes to housework? Yep. Am I happy with my progress in my gym? Also yep. Do my kids care about the mess? No. Do I have anyone special in my life that cares about the mess? No. Ok then. One less thing for me to feel like I fail at.


    I love your attitude.

    I come from a very large family. It wasn't until after the 7th kid was born that my dad added 2 more bedrooms to our 2 bedroom house. Things were always messy.

    My mom settled for "it's not a danger or a health hazard" attitude when it came to keeping order in the house. (Okay, it took a lot of work to keep up!) I've kind of adopted that attitude to my house for the moment.

    At least I'm not alone in this. It is a struggle for me because I do feel like such a failure as a homebody. I have good days and bad days and have beat myself up so much because of it. I am easily distracted, so often times I'll go to put something away and then find it on a counter and wonder why I left it there.

    When my hub and I split, the kids were young. And I would be so depressed when they were gone that I would work out because it was that, or eat my feelings. When they came home I missed them so much that I didn't want to waste time fighting to get them to help with chores or even do it myself. I wanted to play with them, snuggle, do crafts. A lot of times my cleaning was when they were with their dad, or after they went to bed.

    I was always running to catch up and spent many a night on the floor in the corner of my kitchen crying because I was just so overwhelmed with everything.

    The kids are older now, and it is easier. I don't have to work out at midnight, or stay up late doing dishes. But if I want consistent workout time, the house does suffer. Even when I harass my kids to help.

    I am trying to accept that I cannot do everything AND be happy and rested. So I'm letting it go. This may make me unlovable or inadequate as a potential mate... But at this stage. I really don't care anymore.

    I'd much rather do yard work, play with my power tools, or lift in my gym.

    IIWII (right @Revolu7? Please don't smack me! Haha)

    *it is what it is.
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,610 Member
    ReenieHJ wrote: »
    @Kickassamazon You sound like a loving caring and great mother. You also sound like you're taking good care of yourself. IMO, you've got your priorities straight. :)
    Would you rather leave a legacy of happy kids with warm memories of their mom and her love for them plus being a good role model to them about taking care of themselves OR making sure the floors are crumb-free and there's no cat hair in the corners?
    Never feel guilt for how you're living your life or we'll all come smack you. :)

    If it means I get to meet all you awesome people... Maybe the guilt is worth it! ❤️

    I want to do it all. But I know I can't. So, I do what I can, and celebrate that we're in lockdown so I don't have to worry about unexpected guests! Haha
  • taglazar1
    taglazar1 Posts: 277 Member
    I've been diagnosed with OCD - obsessive cleaning disorder. Keeping things clean and in order creates a sense of calm for me. When things are disorganized or messy,... feel like everything is out of control.

    Symmetry is also an issue for me - no crooked pictures, things evenly spaced apart, pillows in order etc.

    Don't get me started on vacuum lines 😫

    I have issues...

    You’d hate me. I’d mess those things up on purpose. Sorry I’m a jerk

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,622 Member
    I've been diagnosed with OCD - obsessive cleaning disorder. Keeping things clean and in order creates a sense of calm for me. When things are disorganized or messy,... feel like everything is out of control.

    Symmetry is also an issue for me - no crooked pictures, things evenly spaced apart, pillows in order etc.

    Don't get me started on vacuum lines 😫

    I have issues...
    Hahahahaha! I'm the same. Even when I park my vehicle, there has to be even spacing on both sides of lines.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    I just hate it when people don't pick up after themselves. Ex. I give those Everything Bagel crumbs left on the counter every single time he makes one, too much attention. :/

    Trying to focus on the positive.

    But really? Pick up after yourself. PLEASE
  • taglazar1
    taglazar1 Posts: 277 Member
    taglazar1 wrote: »
    I've been diagnosed with OCD - obsessive cleaning disorder. Keeping things clean and in order creates a sense of calm for me. When things are disorganized or messy,... feel like everything is out of control.

    Symmetry is also an issue for me - no crooked pictures, things evenly spaced apart, pillows in order etc.

    Don't get me started on vacuum lines 😫

    I have issues...

    You’d hate me. I’d mess those things up on purpose. Sorry I’m a jerk

    On purpose? Why would you do such a thing?

    I'm sorry you're a jerk too 😋
    taglazar1 wrote: »
    I've been diagnosed with OCD - obsessive cleaning disorder. Keeping things clean and in order creates a sense of calm for me. When things are disorganized or messy,... feel like everything is out of control.

    Symmetry is also an issue for me - no crooked pictures, things evenly spaced apart, pillows in order etc.

    Don't get me started on vacuum lines 😫

    I have issues...

    You’d hate me. I’d mess those things up on purpose. Sorry I’m a jerk

    On purpose? Why would you do such a thing?

    I'm sorry you're a jerk too 😋

    Because I know it would drive you nuts 😝🤪 that would bring me a small chuckle. I’m the jerk you would like 👍
  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    @KickassAmazon76 Your kids will remember the happy memories and your dedication to them and a better you, which is so much more important than an immaculate house.

    Like yours my teens don't chip in to help and I don't make them, either. Two Fridays ago my fourteen-year-old wanted to go to an event hosted in a gymnasium 6 feet of seperation, masks, pizza, and flip flopping and tumbling all over the place with friends. You couldn't walk through her bedroom (you'd have to hop a path through it over all of her stuff wherever you could find a bare spot on her floor) and rule was that she had to clean her bedroom the next day, so I let her go. Next day she wakes up at noon and does nothing. I went crazy. Rule is going to be, room must be clean before you even think about asking for a privilege. I think I'm going to make a Chore Chart 2021.
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,610 Member
    LoveyChar wrote: »
    @KickassAmazon76 Your kids will remember the happy memories and your dedication to them and a better you, which is so much more important than an immaculate house.

    Like yours my teens don't chip in to help and I don't make them, either. Two Fridays ago my fourteen-year-old wanted to go to an event hosted in a gymnasium 6 feet of seperation, masks, pizza, and flip flopping and tumbling all over the place with friends. You couldn't walk through her bedroom (you'd have to hop a path through it over all of her stuff wherever you could find a bare spot on her floor) and rule was that she had to clean her bedroom the next day, so I let her go. Next day she wakes up at noon and does nothing. I went crazy. Rule is going to be, room must be clean before you even think about asking for a privilege. I think I'm going to make a Chore Chart 2021.

    I know I am a big part of the problem. We start a chore chart and do well and then something comes up. We did meal prep for two weeks... Week one was fan, week two I had to work 20hrs ot. Haven't restarted.

    *hard eye roll at myself*

    When they were little they earned Minecraft time by doing chores... That one probably worked best.

    I just keep trying but I sure do feel like I'm broken in this area. 😜
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,627 Member
    I understand that. I'd be tempted to mess with stuff, too, if everything were perfectly placed in symmetry, haha...maybe it's the opposite ocd issue.

    I have completely done that. Target sells (sold?) these lights that are in the shape of letters. In the days I used to walk down the aisles for exercise, someone had places the letters OCD in the middle of an aisle...perfectly placed. I moved one of the letters just a touch so it wasn't so perfect. :)
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I'm super organized, for sure. Friends would call me a neat freak - but I am definitely not a clean freak. I don't care if surfaces are a little dusty, but I just hate clutter and messes. In most areas I'm pretty much a minimalist and so is my husband (more than me) so it's easy to keep things neat and organized all of the time. But when it comes to a few things such as clothing & footwear, I have insane quantities.