30-Day Shred - Let's Keep Each Other Accountable



  • CarolM742
    CarolM742 Posts: 28 Member
    I would like to join this challenge. Does anyone know how to enter the 30 day shred as exercise in MFP?

    Name: Carol
    Age: 49
    Height: 5'6"
    HW: 198
    SW: 191.2
    CW: 189.2
    MG: 169 (by Halloween)
    MG: 150 (by 12/12 my 50th Birthday)
    UG: 140 3/18/12 my Anniversary
  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    I don't think there is one, I think you've got to enter it as circuits, or aerobics, or use your HRM.
  • chedeco
    chedeco Posts: 109
    Good morning, ladies! We are officially a CLOSED Challenge Group for 30-Day Shred! Our members are as follows:

    1. Carol - CarolM742

    2. Laurel - sugarbone

    3. Rosalind - rosalindphyllis

    4. Ginny - ginny5775

    5. Theresa - Twoody83

    6. Tina - Tinasmythe

    7. Tiana - t_rog

    8. Danika - DanikaDawn

    9. Jamie - jlinan23

    10. Michelle - chedeco

    11. Keia - rawrkeia

    Please make sure that you are friends with me, as well as all of our challenge group members so that we all show up on each other's news feeds as well.
  • chedeco
    chedeco Posts: 109
    Starting Saturday night, I will create a new message board called "CLOSED-Getting Ahead with The Shred!". It will be the new message board that we do all of our posting on. I will input everyone's stats onto this new message board. It'll just allow us to have a less cluttered, more private space. Until Saturday night, please feel free to continue posting on this message board. Can't wait to work with all you ladies!

    Also, please add GET AHEAD WITH THE SHRED! to your message board signatures!
  • rawrkeia
    rawrkeia Posts: 75 Member
    Thanks so much for letting me hop in!

    Name: Keia
    Age: 18
    Height: 5'5 on a good day. 5'4 every other day.
    HW: 180
    SW: 175
    CW: 168
    MG: 150 by Homecoming
    MG: 140 by Christmas (This is currently my main goal, but I think I can do better.)
    UG: 130 Before Easter of 2012
  • chedeco
    chedeco Posts: 109
    Okay, so I made the executive decision to let rawrkeia (Keia) in since she contacted me early this morning. Now, we are closed for real. Glad to have you Keia! :glasses:
  • hcn74
    hcn74 Posts: 214
    I am a definite maybe. I did the 30DS in July (didn't skip a day), and am just finishing up Ripped in 30 this weekend. I really like the aspect of challenging myself to do something every day. I was considering taking the rest of September to focus on running, but I liked the Shred, and I liked how I felt when I was doing it. So, I'll think on it. I'll also have to retrieve my DVD from my friend!
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    How did I miss this? Darn, I swear I thought I was in too.
    I'm on day 2. Oh well.
  • jmelyan23
    jmelyan23 Posts: 1,664 Member
    I'm in the Mountain Standard Time zone, I live in Utah. :)
  • chedeco
    chedeco Posts: 109
    Thanks, Jamie!
  • chedeco
    chedeco Posts: 109
    We may be adding one more new member, which will give us an even number of 12 members. I've asked her to post her stats here by Friday night/Saturday morning (she contacted me personally.) If she does not choose to join us, we will stay at 11 members. Looking forward to getting this whole thing up and running!
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    Neat, I'll go about friending everyone later :-) I am GMT+12, way down here in NZ. The time difference is so dramatic it's actually pretty close to normal haha.
  • olpbabe
    Hey everyone! I should be that new member Michelle talked about. I'm Cristina! I've started the shred twice before, and almost made it to level 2 last time, but quit on day 9. That was about a month ago. I really wanted to start it up again, and felt like this was just the motivation I need! So, here's my stats:

    Name: Cristina
    Age: 29
    Height: 5'4"
    HW: 213
    SW: 209.6
    CW: 193.8
    MG1: 189.6 (20 pounds lost)
    UG: 130ish (size 6/8)

    I also run and was doing the c25k program. I loved it! Today was my first day doing distance and not just timed running. I ran a 5k on the levee by my house. Ran a 14.45 minute mile...not horrible! I'm running my first race 5k on Sunday and the Disney 5k on Oct. 1. I can't wait for that! Looking to tone as well, which is why I want to incorporate the shred into the mix. I live in Louisiana, right outside of New Orleans.

    Here's to us having a great 30 days!
  • jmelyan23
    jmelyan23 Posts: 1,664 Member
    Question for everyone. I've been doing the Shred for 5 days now, and I'm just wondering if any of you have trouble doing some of the exercises. I really struggle with push ups and the (I think that they're called) bicycle crunches. Everything else I seem to be doing fine with.

    Anybody else with this problem? Suggestions to get better?
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    Since push ups are a pure strength exercise, I imagine all you can do to get better at them is do them a lot, and eat a lot of protein so those muscles can strengthen when they repair the next day!
  • olpbabe
    Question for everyone. I've been doing the Shred for 5 days now, and I'm just wondering if any of you have trouble doing some of the exercises. I really struggle with push ups and the (I think that they're called) bicycle crunches. Everything else I seem to be doing fine with.

    Anybody else with this problem? Suggestions to get better?

    On the shred, the worst exercises for me are the push-ups, bicycle crunches, and the jump rope for me. I have tried and tried to do a regular push-up, and my upper body still cannot handle it! So I stick with the knees on the floor push-up. For bicycle crunches, I'm usually screaming and halfway through I move into a regular crunch because I physically cannot do another bicycle one. And for jump rope, that causes my calves to tighten to where I can barely move, let alone jump, so I'll jump rope until they start to tighten, then usually move into a butt kick with my hands still doing a jump rope motion.

    Never made it past level 1 yet, but I'm confident this time! It does it easier with each passing day.
  • rawrkeia
    rawrkeia Posts: 75 Member
    I did Day 1 last night. It kicked my butt major. Bad knees + being asthmatic + being out of shape = a very tired Keia.

    Any ideas for whhat to use for weights? I don't have any or the money to buy them. I was debating using my text books, but none of them weigh around the same.
  • chedeco
    chedeco Posts: 109
    Good morning, ladies! We are officially a CLOSED Challenge Group for 30-Day Shred! Our members are as follows:

    1. Carol - CarolM742

    2. Laurel - sugarbone

    3. Rosalind - rosalindphyllis

    4. Ginny - ginny5775

    5. Theresa - Twoody83

    6. Tina - Tinasmythe

    7. Tiana - t_rog

    8. Danika - DanikaDawn

    9. Jamie - jlinan23

    10. Michelle - chedeco

    11. Keia - rawrkeia

    12. Cristina - olpbabe

    Please make sure that you are friends with me, as well as all of our challenge group members so that we all show up on each other's news feeds as well. I am also (right now) creating a new board called "CLOSED GROUP-Get Ahead With The Shread!" That is where will we post from now on. I will input everyone's info onto the new board. When you weigh in tomorrow morning (Monday morning), put your weigh-in amount on the NEW board, the one called "CLOSED GROUP-Get Ahead With The Shred!" Thanks, ladies! Good luck with your weigh-ins!