Are you a real person or a actor.



  • ycc1964
    ycc1964 Posts: 699 Member
    I told one of my friends about this site today and she does not believe so many people have actually lost weight using the tools here, she says that some of the people hear are actors. Is this true?????

    <----absolutely an actress. No way I logged all my food, exercised 3-5 x a week logging this also, encouraged my friends and lost 35 pounds over a 2 yr period. Oh and the pictures were fake, as well as getting off all my meds for obesity related diseases:happy:

    I wish I was faking the stinking 10 pounds I gained back after my separation from my spouse after 30 yrs..............but oh, that story would be more like a Telenovela!! :wink:

    Wow Thanks for sharing.
  • ycc1964
    ycc1964 Posts: 699 Member
    Thanks everyone, I am going to let her read your responses.:wink:
  • NightSox
    NightSox Posts: 20 Member
    100% pure real. Why would I "act?"
  • dannylives
    I'm an actor.
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    If I'm an actor why am I not getting paid for this shiz..
  • kimberly130
    Even if there are "actors" on this site, Its for a better cause. If someone lying and saying they lost weight and it helped inspire you, you've got nothing to loose,,,, well you weight i guess. Besides, this is not harmful to try, if your friend is so skeptical, have her try it for 1 month, she'll see :happy:
    This is a free site so whats the big deal, its just a way to put not only what you eat but your life into perspective as far as your health goes.