Sexy in Six **Closed Group!** Week 3 Chit-Chat



  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Thursday QOTD: What are some roadblocks you face in your journey and how do you counteract those roadblocks?? for example: long shifts, over time, illness, weather, money, people, anything that steers you off your intended path.

    I find busy schedules and not being able to quickly drive through on busy days. Or my kiddos not wanting me to work out. I am learning how to prioritize and manage time better and Im working on putting myself at a high priority level. I will work out during my sons nap time no matter what else there is to do. The house might not get clean...but I WILL work out
  • Hope228
    Hope228 Posts: 340 Member
    Thursday QOTD: What are some roadblocks you face in your journey and how do you counteract those roadblocks?? for example: long shifts, over time, illness, weather, money, people, anything that steers you off your intended path.

    Some of the roadblocks I deal with are the meds I take. The side effects tend to increase my appetite. In the past I didn't deal very well with that. ( which is why I am here now!) I am finding though, that riding my bike and walking helps a lot. Eating sure doesn't!
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
  • Wednesday QoTD: Has anyone experienced different treatment by others as you have lost or gained weight? , and if not how do you think our society treats "overweight" people in general ?

    Honestly, I have one of those frames where I can pretty easily gain/lose 10 or so pounds and the only place anyone can see it is a little in my face (except, obviously, my boyfriend and I... we are a little more attuned to it though, being fitness freaks), so nobody's said much. However, since I was in high school, my face has progressively gotten slimmer and these newly found cheek bones seem to make a little more of an impact. My friends have noticed and the coined term is that I've gotten "prettier with age."

    I'll answer Thursday and Friday tomorrow! :D
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    Hi folks,

    my team mate, Sakus had posted the Thursday QOTD on the day, however she's in the middle of a flood situation, and so for some reason it didn't appear on the forum. Luckily, she posted it on her profile.

    What are some roadblocks you face in your journey and how do you counteract those roadblocks??

    A roadblock in my journey would be the eating and living lifestyle we have in Singapore. Most of us have 24 hour restaurants within 10 minutes from where we live, and people love going out for suppers. Plus, meet-ups just always revolve around meals.

    To add to the problem, the choices of food at affordable prices are usually carb and fat loaded (Heavenly btw). The only way I could overcome this is truely to avoid going out for late night suppers. And if I do, it'll just be sugarless tea. There is no way to avoid this except to resist. :S
  • RunningAddict
    RunningAddict Posts: 548 Member
    I'm not seeing Thursday or Friday's question or am I missing it somewhere?
  • RunningAddict
    RunningAddict Posts: 548 Member
    I can't get the link to weigh in to work can anyone send it to me please? Thanks.

    Ok, scratch that it worked. =)
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    Thurs QOTD posted by Sakus is this one: What are some roadblocks you face in your journey and how do you counteract those roadblocks??

    She's in a flood situation n tried putting it up, but didn't appear I guess. So I got this from her profile. Hope it helps.
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member
    we had technical difficulties with the thread, so the QOTD for thursday and friday were cancelled
  • RunningAddict
    RunningAddict Posts: 548 Member
    ok Thank you Kristyann86. I probably missed the post somewhere. =)
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    we had technical difficulties with the thread, so the QOTD for thursday and friday were cancelled

    Oh! I didn't know. Ah well... :)