You don't look like you need to lose weight. Huh?



  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I called someone out on this the other day. Being in a particularly bad mood given a nasty ex who is now making it nastier, I was in no mood for BS.

    I am 5'2" and weight 147.5. My lowest and most beautimous (lol) was 132 of clean eating and daily exercise. (still needed 10-15 pounds at that point) OH and I am 50 years old.

    So I am at work in the next size up jeans, feeling cute but knowing I have to hit the trail and get back on my healthier lifestyle, when a coworker says my jeans are cute.

    "Thanks, I love them-hate they are 1 size bigger, but that is will change soon!!"

    She gets this horrid look on her face and says " Your not thinking of losing MORE are you???"

    I just LOL and walked off, because it was a flat out LIE> Tell me my hair is lovley, or my eyes are the wonderful color of the clear blue sky on a sunny day, but please don't tell me I ain't fat:laugh: :laugh:

    Thanks that felt good............have a great day!:flowerforyou:
  • I think the new "normal" weight is overweight. It doesn't make it okay to be overweight just because 2 out of 3 Americans are overweight or obese. Normal is not good in this case! It's good that we are all here because we don't want to be normal anymore! I get comments about how I don't need to lose weight, and I'm not really trying that hard anymore. I still have "extra" in my middle, and I don't know if it will ever go away. I'm going to try to lose another 5 lbs, just to see if it helps. Sometimes I feel like my part of the conversation on weight loss doesn't matter to some people because I'm not overweight.

    I never know what to say when people discount my weight loss journey. Depending on how I was feeling, I might respond, "Thanks, but you don't have to see me naked!" ;)
  • People always told me "220 pounds? well you wear it so well" Ha! Well my body really does not wear it well since I have had three back surgeries and degenerative arthritis in my L4-L5 area. Now that I am losing I do not hear that I wear it well as much as I hear that I'm the shrinking woman. 31 pounds down from 220 (21 pounds from date of surgery) and 70 something pounds to go. oh and my back is doing great since I dropped under 200 pounds. -T
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I think the new "normal" weight is overweight. It doesn't make it okay to be overweight just because 2 out of 3 Americans are overweight or obese. Normal is not good in this case! It's good that we are all here because we don't want to be normal anymore! I get comments about how I don't need to lose weight, and I'm not really trying that hard anymore. I still have "extra" in my middle, and I don't know if it will ever go away. I'm going to try to lose another 5 lbs, just to see if it helps. Sometimes I feel like my part of the conversation on weight loss doesn't matter to some people because I'm not overweight.

    I never know what to say when people discount my weight loss journey. Depending on how I was feeling, I might respond, "Thanks, but you don't have to see me naked!" ;)

    I think that is absolutely the case. Most people have lost sight of what humans should look like. I was always being told I had body issues when I complained about my weight, but I WAS OVERWEIGHT. I SHOULD have had an issue with that.
  • katemanning3
    katemanning3 Posts: 42 Member
    The bmi scale is the biggest load of crap I have ever seen. It is not at all the same for any two people at the same height or weight. All of the men in my family are over 6 feet tall and all have large frames and yet it says that they should all be about 185. My dad got down to that once and looked deathly ill. It was discusting. My brother inlaw is right at 300 lbs depending on the time of year (football season or body building season) and he is only like 5'9 but is less than 7% body fat. Now according to the bmi, he is off the charts but you cant pinch a single piece of his body, he runs a mile in less than 7 mins and is in amazing health. So, if you are basing weather or not you are overweight by the bmi, you are being fooled big time.

    In highschool I weighed between 145 and 150 at 5'5 1/2" and was a competition swimmer. I looked great. I was extremely muscular and healthy. My sister the same. She actually passed the trials and everything was was supposed to swim of the olympic team when she graduated highschool but the college she had a scholarship to gave her an ultimatum and she chose school over the olympics. We both always stayed at that weight and looked awsome and were healthy what not. We were both considered overweight by the bmi. The bmi for 18 years old, and our height was 118-132 lbs. I tried and tried to get down to that thinking I was fat because that's what it said I should weigh. When i look back at pictures now from just a few years ago, I realize how misinformed I really was. So that number really means nothing.

    The best way to know if you are in a good range is the way that the military checks it. It is based off the size of your neck, your waist and your age. Or for women, its neck, waist, smallest section near bust line and your age. That is the closest thing I have found to accurate. Just looking at your weight vs your height and age says nothing.

    People are also hung up on that needing to look like Camron Diaz or someone who one, has never had children, two is probably too thing but we excuse that over too fat which if you are older, it's best to be 10 lbs over weight than underweight, it will make you look younger. People like her that are naturally skinny or petite can expect to have that body if you have not stretched your body out too much. "Big" people that are prone to weight gain around the middle can expect to ALWaYS have some kind of extra weight around the mid section unless they go for surgery. Everyone thinks that they can be a size 2 one day and that isn't true. I could never ever in my wildest dreams expect to be anything smaller than a size 6. My hip bones wont allow it and even that is probably an unlikely goal. My legs for sure can go down to probably a size 3-5 but never my hips. So if you dont have the bone structure, or elasticity for it, dont expect it, period.
  • katemanning3
    katemanning3 Posts: 42 Member
    I think the new "normal" weight is overweight. It doesn't make it okay to be overweight just because 2 out of 3 Americans are overweight or obese. Normal is not good in this case! It's good that we are all here because we don't want to be normal anymore! I get comments about how I don't need to lose weight, and I'm not really trying that hard anymore. I still have "extra" in my middle, and I don't know if it will ever go away. I'm going to try to lose another 5 lbs, just to see if it helps. Sometimes I feel like my part of the conversation on weight loss doesn't matter to some people because I'm not overweight.

    I never know what to say when people discount my weight loss journey. Depending on how I was feeling, I might respond, "Thanks, but you don't have to see me naked!" ;)

    losing 5 more pounds probably wont change your mid section. It most likely isn't weight as much as it is misplaced weight. You should just try crunches, ball exercises and weight lifting and it may go away. If it doesn't go away after a few months of that, you can probably expect to keep it.
  • LOL on the Bakery comment :) That's awesome :) I get the whole "you don't need to lose weight" comment all of the time. I am flattered when I hear this... then I remember... I see myself in the shower. I see my gut when I sit down in the car and go to buckle up. I feel my lower half jiggle when I run. mmm hmmm. So... With clothes, standing still, spanks on, and sucking in, yeah I look great. Unfortunately, I can't shower with my spanks. And I have to live with MYSELF for the rest of my life. So, while it's flattering, it's your body. If you want to lose some pounds and tone up, you are the one who makes that decision. And then people won't say you look good or fine, they will say great or amazing :) And you will believe it :)

    I completely agree....I don't get that comment, but I get the whole, "you don't look like you weigh THAT much" when I finally do trust someone with my real weight. LOL...thanks (I guess)...So I'm a beached whale that looks like a dolphin...still big and I still need it to go away!

    And its the little that make you see how you aren't happy with your current state. That seat belt is killer! I hate the "see stomach beyond b00bs" look I have when I sit down. I don't like that I have little muffins in my shoes where only my toes fit and the rest sits up like a lil mound. I'd like to cross my legs at the knee instead of the ankle, hell, I'd like to see calves instead of "cankles".

    You keep doing you and don't ever stop ;)
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