

  • 7rainbow
    7rainbow Posts: 161 Member
    Hey there!
    First of all I totally get ya. I was the skinny girl my whole life but the weight packed on these past few years. I'm also losing weight the healthy way now, I starved many times but realize this is what is good for my body and what I need. Feel free to add me!
  • jeanettemahon499
    jeanettemahon499 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, I am also 5' 0" and I recall losing 4 pound in my first week of MFP (when I weighed 8stone 7 pounds). The following week I lost 3 pounds. I love MFP for all its uses and help, but if I'm honest, when I asked for advice (only two or three times) I did not feel the love (if you know what I mean!) by some of the you, I felt a bit low about what some members had typed. I wish you well, you have started your journey and good luck-you can do it HEALTHILY, I have maintained my goal for several years now. I monitor my calorie input and have 1400 cals per day and exercise to do this and reduce to 1200 cals daily if I have overindulged (Christmas for example) to return to goal weight. Stay safe and do not be put off by some of the comments, I guess they are only trying to help.
  • Sunna_W
    Sunna_W Posts: 744 Member
    It's a marathon, not a sprint. The goal is to create sustaining habits that will serve you well for the rest of your life. Each day is a new day. Don't worry about yesterday or tomorrow. Focus on today and do the best you can. I have found that focusing on macros as well as calories made a HUGE difference for me. I didn't cut out any one thing. I reduced the amount of sugar I ate (to 25 grams) and my carbs (to around 100 grams) and I increased my fat (butter, olive oil, natural peanut butter with no sugar) and I try to eat protein at every meal. Also, by eating sugar, carb with protein it didn't run through me and make me crave more. BTW you need sugar and carbs to help make serotonin and dopamine and to help you have a healthy gut. I also create a 2 week meal plan, shopping list and I try to be very strict with staying in my macro lane Monday to Friday. I allowed myself to have "normal food" (take-out, pizza, Five Guys, etc.) one meal on the weekend. I do have cravings. One time, I had a craving for Krispy Kreme jelly filled donuts, so I drove there and got a fresh box (dozen -- because it was 1/2 price of buying 6 individually). I ate almost all of them over the weekend. But, you know what? It helped me get back on the straight and narrow on Monday morning and every time I thought about "just one" of something I thought back to those donuts and was okay with passing on the future treats for a while. This worked well until COVID hit and I have been teleworking. No exercise except to walk to the kitchen or bathroom or when shopping for groceries. So, I am back and exercising for the first time in a VERY long time just to even things out. Good luck!
  • irasgirl
    irasgirl Posts: 12 Member
    Hi OP,
    Unfortunately, weight gain in this country comes with an enormous amount of guilt and victim blaming. It is difficult to 'diet' without feeling as if you have let yourself down by gaining weight. Removing the emotional component to dieting, takes away so much of the self recriminations, but it is very difficult.

    In terms of calorie consumption, there are a large number of apps available that will determine the calories necessary for a 5 foot female engaging in different levels of activity. Some actually do suggest a daily intake under 1200, particularly with a sedentary lifestyle. [* reference.... I'm 5 foot and have tried every app available...].

    Op I agree with the idea of getting a complete medical evaluation, including blood tests for lipid values. Although you are young, it is not too early to look at other reasons to maintain a better weight and fitness level. Seeing your LDL-cholesterol drop while your HDL increases is also helpful when you reach a weight plateau.

    Remember, no matter what works for anyone else, only you know what motivates you and keeps you emotionally strong. Hang in there and understand there are many people with the same issues and challenges are not alone!

    Best of luck!!!

  • suzij27
    suzij27 Posts: 199 Member
    Anonymouslyfree, it sounds like you have a good plan that is working for you. Be prepared that you will need to be flexible over time. Try new foods that you prepare rather than relying on packaged foods. By eating more foods in their natural state your palate will change over time and you will crave less junk. And most likely feel more satisfied.

    I agree that the beginning losses are motivating. If you have never addressed your eating disorder, you should consider seeing a therapist. Or at least reading some books on EDs, doing the exercises in them and then see what direction you want to go in. There is an mental and emotional component to weight loss for many people. If you are not prepared for it, your successes can become setbacks.
  • losemicaroline
    losemicaroline Posts: 742 Member
    edited January 2021
    Congratulations on getting started, and on already losing weight. My advice is to treat yourself as kindly as you would a friend in your spot. Don't expect to be perfect and forgive yourself when you miss the mark. Keep your goals realistic and give your body the fuel it needs to be healty. Consider seeing a specialist as others have suggested, and maybe a health coach (coaching has helped me, so that's why I suggest it.) And, have a beautiful day!
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I am 5'3 and I agree, 50 lbs looks like 100 on us. I lost 40 lbs three years ago and people acted like I had lost 100. It really shows on us. You are doing great losing 10 lbs, the rest of it will come off slow I am sure, 2 lbs a week but that is 16 in 2 months so go ahead, you can do it!