Cheat meals

Do you do cheat days or cheat meals? If you do, what's your go to meal? Do you still have your cheat meal if you had a bad week of eating or working out? If you don't do cheat meals, what do you do as an alternative or do you eventually get to the point of no more cravings?


  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    Like @Lietchi, I course correct (usually by the weekend).

    So I'll eat more if MFP says I'm tracking way under my weekly goal (for me, this would be anything more than 1,000 calories).

    There's no one food or dish, I turn to though.
    But today it just happens to be buttered popcorn and Sesame Snaps for my snacks 🤷🏿‍♀️
  • DylanSaffa
    DylanSaffa Posts: 8 Member
    Interesting seeing that there is generally a consensus against the typical cheat meal like what Dwayne Johnson does. And I agree. If you know you're wanting a big burger with desert for dinner, have a light breakfast and possibly no lunch.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    I only get 1500 calories a day. there's not much I cant fit in that, if I want to. I have sweets of some kind pretty much every day.

    if we go out to eat, if I know we are in advance, I can plan for it. I don't really eat breakfast but can skip or have a lighter lunch. or get in extra workout(s) to help pay for it.

    or if I'm over, I'm over. its not the end of the world.

    Life continues. there are birthdays, holidays, random celebrations, vacations. Learn that you control the food, and that the food does not control you, and you will create a whole new dynamic. My birthday was on the 14th. ate out twice that week. had several pieces of the chocolate cake I made. still lost weight. ate out twice THIS week. still lost weight.
  • Ddsb11
    Ddsb11 Posts: 607 Member
    edited January 2021
    Can we just create the acronym IIFYC already (if it fits your calories). That’s gonna be my thing now, just sayin.

  • wunderkindking
    wunderkindking Posts: 1,615 Member
    edited January 2021
    I eat maintenance calories for 1-2 weeks for every 10lbs I lose. WHAT I eat doesn't really change though, it just adds 250 or so calories. but the things I eat occasionally because I love them and that aren't a regular part of my diet? I love a whopper (specifically Whopper, no I don't know why). Really good ice cream. Slice of cheesecake. Resse's eggs around Easter. I always eat those things though whether in deficit or eating maintenance - I just have fewer calories to fit them into when I'm trying to lose weight, so it's still a once or twice a month thing, usually. A granola bar, some chocolate, or a handful of chips are pretty much daily things - I just fit them into the calories I have.

    And, speaking of calories I have, even when I'm 'losing' I'm not rigid. It's a range for me, not a hard number. the only hard and fasts are at least 1200 and not over whatever my maintenance are (which right now are about 1800)
  • chris89topher
    chris89topher Posts: 389 Member
    edited January 2021
    I wouldn't call it "cheating", but on the weekends I eat about 500 calories more each day than I do during the week. It allows me to have different foods that are higher calorie than I normally do on other days and also sort of something to look forward to. I still track and log everything. This works for me. If I didn't eat higher a few days during the week I would probably have issues. The only "issue" this causes for me is that for a day or two my scale weight might be a little higher. It's funny, after a heavier eating weekend, Monday is still normal weight but Tuesday and Wednesday are higher. Bodies.....they're weird things.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I don't like the language of "cheat" meals, because who have I cheated?? ME: the ONE person with whom I must be honest.

    I occasionally "splurge"-- but, just like a financial splurge, I "save" calories for a few days in advance so I can "spend" them without guilt or "cheating" myself. Or, if I don't save up enough beforehand and I need to "borrow" from future days, I "pay" back the "debt" as quickly as I can
  • LisaGetsMoving
    LisaGetsMoving Posts: 664 Member
    I'm trying to leave guilt behind and anything"cheat" doesn't work for that mindset. I decided to incorporate the foods I love into my allotment, through planning and logging and portion control. IF I want to go big on calories, I'll likely also go big on exercise within a day or two of the big meal and eat less before or after the planned splurge. Over the long range that type of approach is successful.
  • LazyBlondeChef
    LazyBlondeChef Posts: 2,809 Member
    I don't consider it cheating. We nearly always do takeout or eat outside on Saturday and restaurant meals tend to be more caloric than anything I make at home. So on Saturday I may eat a low cal brunch and eliminate snacks so I can enjoy my restaurant meal. While I still try to within my current calorie allocation I am OK with going over the limit as long as it doesn't happen more than 2-3 times a month. Sometimes I'm more careful about what I order and other times I don't care.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    I can't do "cheat meals". It puts me in a bad head space and pretty soon I always want to "cheat". Eating that way is what caused me to be here to begin with...I'd only be cheating myself if I do that.
    I do have one or two days a week sometimes that I eat at maintenance, though. 9 times out of 10 it's if I go get takeout, or desserts. Lately it's been DQ blizzards!
  • Courtscan2
    Courtscan2 Posts: 498 Member
    I don't consider them "cheat meals", but I do have a couple of meals during the week that I eat because they are delicious and I want them rather than that they are "healthy". If I want a huge, cheesy bowl of pasta for dinner, for example, I'll make sure breakfast and lunch are lighter, and have adequate protein. And I weigh and track everything so I know exactly how much I'm eating. I'll also do the odd maintenance day if I am starving, as it's easier to fit in a 1000 calorie mega meal without going totally overboard if I'm allowed 2000 over the course of the day.
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,013 Member
    To me a cheat meal = no calorie counting and it’s clearly going to put me significantly above even maintenance calories. I do this maybe once a month. LASAGNA is a good one. Or I have this recipe for a taco crockpot casserole and I bake cornbread into the top of it and load with cheese.
  • richardgavel
    richardgavel Posts: 1,001 Member
    To me a cheat meal means it has to be against the plan and take me above maintenance for the day. If it's a day that I'm running 4-5 miles and I have a slice of cake that fits within the above average burn, it's in the plan. If I eat lighter in the day to compensate, it's in the plan. Even if it's unplanned, but the consequences is that I went from a deficit to maintenance, then all it does is delay the weight loss but doesn't make me go backwards in my progress.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,287 Member
    I can give you some good advice on this one. Yes, I have one cheat meal when I eat out and still lose weight or maintain. However, that meal is reasonable. Example.. a small filet, baked potato, caesar salad and some wine...and a piece of bread.

    However, I've pushed it.. eating junk food and for more than one meal. Example: fries, pasta. No.. that DID NOT work for me.

    It is personal.. for me.. I can stay true to my eating all week..knowing I can enjoy a reasonable dinner out with my husband. It keeps me from falling off the wagon.