OK, Can I vomit now? Woman rapes her ten MONTH old...



  • Banrion
    Banrion Posts: 157 Member
    Oh my gosh. I'm disgusted almost as badly as when I found out about that bas7ard who raped a newborn baby AT THE HOSPITAL!


    What in the he11 is wrong with people????????

    There are very SICK people in the world. I haven't been able to watch SVU since my deviance class last semester. We had to listen to interviews of children who had been sexually assaulted...I developed an ulcer and insomnia during the last session of that class.

    I truly applaud the case workers, social workers, and law enforcement that have to stomach it for the betterment of society, but I couldn't do it. Not a chance.

    I took it as an elective!! I want to be a teacher and during this class we really get to understand how to look for clues and signs of abuse, instead of that 1hr seminar they give during summer in service. It didn't make it any easier to stomach, but I now know the signs and know how to phrase the questions and what actions I should take. Being informed is the best way to help, but STILL:

    THOSE people (if you can call them that) need to have all sexual organs removed or sewn up!! then tattoo Sexual Deviant on their forehead and let the gang bangers get them, cause even hardened criminals hate those freaks
  • HisBeloved65
    surely we can find something more positive to discuss, let alone spread around by posting the link...sick

    I find the news to be a valid topic at all times. You can post a happy story to combat my tragic story if it warms your cockles.

    not talking about the reality of this stuff perpetuates it in secret. Its important to not dwell but ignorance is NOT bliss. This is real!
  • starwhisperer
    where is a good vigilante when you need one?
  • ellumi
    ellumi Posts: 90 Member
    surely we can find something more positive to discuss, let alone spread around by posting the link...sick

    Yep, since sunshine and rainbows will kill off all all the pedophiles and twisted freaks out there...and if that doesn't work, maybe we can all pretend that it doesn't happen and it'll all go away. Sheesh.
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    Not even going to look at the link, the title in your post is enough to horrify me....

    me too.
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    where is a good vigilante when you need one?

    if ONLY Dexter were real!
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    where is a good vigilante when you need one?

    if ONLY Dexter were real!

    Ooooohhhh.... Dexter;-)
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    I don't even know if I believe in heaven or hell

    But people like this make me honestly hope there is
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And she is from my home state!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UUUUUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have mercy God! Sigh!
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    Oops, guess I should have read the responses... ::delete:: :blushing: The Dexter thing...second that
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    i can't click the link either, the title of the thread is enough.

    i will never understand why this kind of thing is not a Capital Offense. how is this not viable for the death penalty??? i don't want my tax dollars feeding/clothing/sheltering these sick f**ks!

    that poor baby.
  • bluevwgurl
    bluevwgurl Posts: 220 Member
    It is people like this that make me really wish hanging would come back in style. Put her out in front of the town's courthouse and hang her *kitten*!

    Or a good public stoning....

    Exactly! I don't think tax dollars should be used so that this woman can stay in prison. Have 3 meals a day, have recreation time, etc.
    i say put her in prison with the guys if she thinks rape is so great...
  • Andythefitfamilyman
    ***** needs to get a slow painfull death
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    I used to run Sex Offender Registration at the Camp Lejeune Base Brig. All male facility, granted. I'm pretty desensitized. Like, to the point where I'm just thankful that child won't even have cognitive memory of what happened and will probably be placed in loving hands quick enough to not even remember that waste of a gash that delivered him. Actually, I kinda think it's in his best interest to be totally removed from the family, closed adoption, given a new name etc. Family at some point would be bound to bring it up or elude to it once he's old enough to comprehend and then the true damage would be done. Sex assaults perpetrated by females are generally rare, though more disturbing as their targeted demographic often involves extremely young children.

    Let's just say that baby is FAR luckier than the 4 year old victim who's stepdad molested her with the business end of a fork who I registered, or the 10 year old girl who was forced to give her own father *kitten* under the incentive of gifts who's dad I registered, or the 22 victims between the ages of 3 & 8 whose molester/rapist I had to simply keep a file on because his *kitten* has another 28+ years to rot at Leavenworth once he transferred, shall I go on? It could take a long time; I think not. So yeah, I had the distinct non-pleasure of sitting within 2ft of these "things" on a regular basis that required conversation. Call me a cynical ***** but that baby's story has a silver lining.

    Once incarcerated, she'll be put in a variable "caste-system" within the facility's population that is a ****-hair higher than the "baby-killers" (hm... who I also had to deal with as I got tasked with the violent offenders too; Shaken Baby death was sadly common). Trust me, she'll get her up n' comin's... and they'll be far more drawn out that the blessing of death by hanging or stoning some cried out for, but she'll be praying for ;)
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    I used to run Sex Offender Registration at the Camp Lejeune Base Brig. All male facility, granted. I'm pretty desensitized. Like, to the point where I'm just thankful that child won't even have cognitive memory of what happened and will probably be placed in loving hands quick enough to not even remember that waste of a gash that delivered him. Actually, I kinda think it's in his best interest to be totally removed from the family, closed adoption, given a new name etc. Family at some point would be bound to bring it up or elude to it once he's old enough to comprehend and then the true damage would be done. Sex assaults perpetrated by females are generally rare, though more disturbing as their targeted demographic often involves extremely young children.

    Let's just say that baby is FAR luckier than the 4 year old victim who's stepdad molested her with the business end of a fork who I registered, or the 10 year old girl who was forced to give her own father *kitten* under the incentive of gifts who's dad I registered, or the 22 victims between the ages of 3 & 8 whose molester/rapist I had to simply keep a file on because his *kitten* has another 28+ years to rot at Leavenworth once he transferred, shall I go on? It could take a long time; I think not. So yeah, I had the distinct non-pleasure of sitting within 2ft of these "things" on a regular basis that required conversation. Call me a cynical ***** but that baby's story has a silver lining.

    Once incarcerated, she'll be put in a variable "caste-system" within the facility's population that is a ****-hair higher than the "baby-killers" (hm... who I also had to deal with as I got tasked with the violent offenders too; Shaken Baby death was sadly common). Trust me, she'll get her up n' comin's... and they'll be far more drawn out that the blessing of death by hanging or stoning some cried out for, but she'll be praying for ;)

    You're a stronger woman than I. I am not sure I could sit within two feet of them...

    And I think you're right about what the baby needs as far as closed adoption. It's probably the best. I just cannot fathom what issues somebody would have that would make them do such things. It makes no sense to me.
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    It is people like this that make me really wish hanging would come back in style. Put her out in front of the town's courthouse and hang her *kitten*!

    Or a good public stoning....

    Exactly! I don't think tax dollars should be used so that this woman can stay in prison. Have 3 meals a day, have recreation time, etc.
    i say put her in prison with the guys if she thinks rape is so great...

    From experience, the few times I had to in-process female inmates or escort them within the all-male facility for the day so they could have their pre-trial hearings before being shipped out to county where they were temporarily held until transfer to a military female facility was appropriate, they got genuinely "hit-on" more than anything (my pleasure as those idiots I got to immediately send to seg-quarters and write-up so they'd lose "good-time" earned off their sentences) and it caused more problems between the male-inmates than anything. "Inside" has more of a survival/primal mindset; the social/psychological aspect of it is kinda fascinating to a certain degree; but the caveman-esqe cobwebs of "women are to be protected and/or competed for" are still there believe it or not. As often the ONLY female (guard, granted) in the facility from 5pm-8am out of 250-300 inmates and 25-33 guards; it was often the actual convicts (long-term prisoners serving 1yr or more) that did more "looking out for me"; chastising new lock-ups who cat-called, talked back, took a threatening posture etc. I had more respect and less issues with clear authority boundaries than the male guards. Heck, when I flat out passed out and lost consciousness (1st trimester) in the galley/kitchen with keys to escape/knife shadowboard in hand, it was the >inmates< who sounded "medical code blue" on my radio. Not the guards in the messhall or master-control who ignored my request for a post-relief. It was actually another male GUARD turned violent/sex offender that secured my medical retirement and 80% disability rating from the VA.

    So despite the riot-scene in Prison Break, that's not how it works inside for the most part where there is one female to many males. There are far more "Michael Scofields" in the population, though I was far more professional than Dr. Tancredy. Trust me, she'll get far better, more creative and crueler justice among her own gender.
  • Naomi113
    Naomi113 Posts: 270 Member
    surely we can find something more positive to discuss, let alone spread around by posting the link...sick

    so agree why the hell would you pst this **** on here its a health website not that kinda crap.. go post it on ya fb page .. cant believe you would post something like that on here MFP... shame:noway:
  • MrsFarrow
    MrsFarrow Posts: 326 Member
    This is what frustrates me so much. My husband and I would KILL for a child. We've been trying forever, every pregnancy is the same. Happiness, worry, miscarriage. Yet this woman is raping her child? Are you kidding me? I believe in sterilization to the fullest, especially in cases like this.
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    surely we can find something more positive to discuss, let alone spread around by posting the link...sick

    so agree why the hell would you pst this **** on here its a health website not that kinda crap.. go post it on ya fb page .. cant believe you would post something like that on here MFP... shame:noway:

    This thread is under the "Chit-Chat" forum last I checked. Plenty of MFPers completely dropped their FB accounts in favor of coming over here, so this is their most appropriate avenue to vent about such horrible but true occurrences. Do you suggest we all turn a blind eye and pretend it didn't happen? Put blinders on unless it is glitter and unicorn-related (because there are actual forums specifically for the fitness & nutrition stuff you speak of, don't believe me? Please check for yourself. I'll wait.) Thank GOD that whoever reported that monster mom to police didn't "hear no evil or say no evil" like you seem to expect us to or it might still be happening, heaven forbid.

    So far nobody posted has condoned it or asked how they can get their grubby pedophile hands on the videotape so... On top of that, it is quite clearly labeled. You don't have to read it, much less long enough to scroll down and see a reply you felt worth quoting. You don't chastise a strip-club manager after wandering into the joint and paying admission and don't click on "Jerry Springer" if it pops up in your satellite guide if it's not your cup of tea and then write a nasty-gram to Direct-TV for making it availible for you to chose to watch, do you? If you came by this topic by means of a friend's status update feel free to take it out on him or her personally and/or "defriend". Free-will is an amazing concept, try it if you haven't already.

    -the person who enlisted to give up 6 years of her life to the military who ended up placing me where I had to deal with that "****" literally in my face on a daily basis without the option to "not click" in order to avoid it.
  • Kaycurrier
    where is a good vigilante when you need one?

    if ONLY Dexter were real!

    I was just thinking the same