Ways to lose weight

I was recently diagnosed with being prediabetic, is there anyway i can lose 30 pounds fast? im a very lazy person


  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    edited February 2021
    I was recently diagnosed with being prediabetic, is there anyway i can lose 30 pounds fast? im a very lazy person

    Chop off a limb. (LOL, don’t do that.)

    You’ll have to consume fewer calories in a day than your body needs. That is the only way to lose weight. There are no magic pills, teas, wraps, shakes, whatever, that will make you lose fat faster. There is snake oil that will make you lose water weight to trick you into thinking you’re losing fat - don’t fall for that crap!

    Start logging your food, hitting your calorie target, and put on your patient pants. 30 pounds should take you about 30 weeks to lose.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member

    That. Was. Awesome.
  • freda666
    freda666 Posts: 338 Member
    edited February 2021
    I was recently diagnosed with being prediabetic, is there anyway i can lose 30 pounds fast? im a very lazy person

    Forget "fast" as that is how you set yourself up to fail.

    Instead, count your calories and let it take the time it takes. Pre-log before you eat as that way food does not get "forgotten" nor will you find you have accidentally gone over. Use kitchen scales rather than guessing or using "cups".

    Personally, I find walking is good exercise and walk 5 miles a day, which of course adds nicely to my calories out. If the weather is not so good instead I get the step out, put a movie on and do a hour minimum. But every day without fail is the key in my view or you lose interest and slowly stop.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,721 Member
    edited February 2021
    I was recently diagnosed with being prediabetic, is there anyway i can lose 30 pounds fast? im a very lazy person

    Fast is not the lazy way. More likely slow and steady is the lazy way.

    At least that's what I think, and I have Big Skills in the lazy department. (Lost weight 5 years back, obese to healthy weight in under a year (while severely hypothyroid, BTW), stayed at a healthy weight since, pretty much using a way that seemed easy to me, because I like easy, really a lot.)
  • 1poundatax
    1poundatax Posts: 230 Member
    In March I was diagnosed with prediabetes. I started making small changes. My weight barely moved in the beginning but I gradually changed to a pretty healthy way of eating. I move at least 150 min. a week. I track everything I eat. I am working with a nutritionist as part of a group to prevent diabetes. I have lost about 25 pounds, most of it since last summer. I still have at least that much to lose. I knew that I needed to make changes that I could sustain over time because I know that diabetes is in my future if I go back to old habits. There is no easy way, there is no quick way but it has gotten easier over time. You just need to decide that you are going to do it.

    We did have a couple of people who dropped out of the preventing diabetes class I am in and I often wonder what the future holds for them.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    If you don't fix your "laziness" then even if you manage to lose 30lbs (whether fast or slow) the chances of keeping that weight off long term are not good. If you look at dieting success rates in terms of both losing and keeping it off you will find very common threads of high activity levels and regular exercise.

    Rather than focus purely on weight loss I would suggest switching to long term health as your over-arching goal, weight is a big part of that of course but just a part.

    Whether you make lifestyle and diet changes incrementally or all at once you do need to change and it starts between your ears. Suggest you map out your future for the next year, five years, ten years and make some choices.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,273 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    I was recently diagnosed with being prediabetic, is there anyway i can lose 30 pounds fast? im a very lazy person

    Fast is not the lazy way. More likely slow and steady is the lazy way.

    At least that's what I think, and I have Big Skills in the lazy department. (Lost weight 5 years back, obese to healthy weight in under a year (while severely hypothyroid, BTW), stayed at a healthy weight since, pretty much using a way that seemed easy to me, because I like easy, really a lot.)

    I would second that. I consider myself to be a very lazy person, which hasn't stopped me from losing weight: I chose a slow rate of loss and didn't set any rules for myself except logging everything I eat and eating the foods I like in more appropriate quantities/proportions. So far I'm down 55lbs and it's been pretty painless. I've also ramped up my activity level, because I like being lazy, but I like eating even more :wink: and being active lets me eat more :smiley: