hello needs some help



  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    I eat a cup of dry honey nut cheerios on my way to work. I put them in a container and in my purse the night before. Then I can grab a piece of fruit or a cup of applesauce to eat at my desk when I get to work. I prefer to cut up strawberries the night before to have to eat when I get to work.
  • tebbs915
    tebbs915 Posts: 130 Member
    My breakfasts are always on the run; so i enjoy taking dry cereal with me. When I have time in the morning to eat at work, I will put some Silk Light Vanilla in a sealed container and eat my cereal with that. I also highly recommend Dannon Light and Fit yogurt -- all flavors are delicious. I don't like yogurt, but I will eat this every day. Also, you should definitely get some fruit and eat that in the morning.

    If you're feeling really adventurous.... I suggest getting a juicer and making your own juice. I usually try to make 4 to 6 oz of pure fruit juice and mix it with filtered water. I know it sounds expensive, and it is, but if you do it at least 3 or 4 times a week, its well worth the expense!

    Good luck!!!! :happy:
  • ursy87
    ursy87 Posts: 287
    You could make up some oatmeal the night before - thats what I do sometimes and have it cold its delicious. No cooking, just put your oats into a tub, splash in some milk/water, I put dried apricots and frozen summer berries in mine, stick the lid on, and put it in the fridge. In the morning you have breakfast ready, and in a tub if you need to take it away with you. Its VERY filling! If you want it hot you could also give it a zap in the microwave for two minutes, but cold is yummy. :happy:
  • geekymom57
    geekymom57 Posts: 176 Member
    If you don't have time in the morning, then prepare the items the night before. For me, a planned breakfast is the best way for me to be sure that I eat a healthy breakfast. I take a medication that requires that I wait an hour before eating, so that means I eat at work. I have found that a 80 calorie Light and Fit (6 oz?) yogurt along with a serving of almonds is a good reliable breakfast that I can eat at my desk. I measure out the almonds the night before and then grab that container and a yogurt when I head to work. A good combination is the vanilla coconut yogurt and almonds--almost like a dessert.

    For lunches, I prepare a salad the night before and measure out 2 cup of mixed fruit (buy a big bowl of it at Costco every weekend). I vary the protein so I don't get completely bored with the salad day after day. Most days I also throw into my lunch bag a pack of 100 calorie Thin Addictives Cranberry Almond cookies and/or a FiberOne bar. The total for these two meals and snacks is usually around 700 calories, so then I have about 500 left for dinner/evening which is very do-able, and even more if I exercise.

    You CAN do it, it's just a matter of figuring out the routine/structure that will work for you.
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    Seriously, scrambled eggs and sausage takes like 5 minutes. I do mine a little under done as I take them to work and reheat. I buy the Jimmy Dean's turkey sausage crumbles and nuke them for a minute. Another option is greek yogurt. You can buy Chobani singles that have fruit or not or buy the big 0% and then add fresh fruit you cut up the night before. Both are quick and easy.
  • Jesung
    Jesung Posts: 236 Member
    Or you can just get their coffee and not eat until lunch time.
  • goofynat
    goofynat Posts: 68 Member
    Vancouver Island here...please add me.

    Also created a FB group for anyone to join for support eachother. Great group of people there...come check it out.


    cheers ~ Nat :)
  • ercarnes
    ercarnes Posts: 43 Member
    I know how it can be hard to get breakfast taken care of and try to get out the door to go to work. I am a teacher and when I am in a hurry, I realize I have forgotten to eat breakfast. I usually eat sugar free oatmeal and start it in the microwave while I finish getting ready. Then grab a banana while I am headed out the door. I eat the banana on the way to school or a few hours later when I am hungry again. I will send you a friend request.
  • Ok, for all of those of you saying McDonalds just isn't a place for healthy folks, I've known wrestlers that eat there, and they are body builders! It's just a matter of what you eat!!!!
  • I like to eat a BIG chunk of my calories in the morning it keeps me going a lot longer and I'm less likely to eat out of control in the evening. Plus they say that breakfast should be the biggest and then the meals should get progressively smaller. Now that doesn't mean eat like a mouse for dinner but just try to have your lunch calories total less than your breakfast calories, and then your dinner calories total less than your lunch calories.

    So how do you eat a big breakfast in the morning.. esp when most people don't even want food in the early morning .. that is the question!

    I use to eat one thing. maybe a light english muffin with a little butter, or 1 cup of cereal with 1/2 a cup of milk. But I realized that just isnt enough. Now I try to eat at least 2 things. maybe the cereal plus a protein shake ( they Whey protein powder from costco is really good with fruit blended in) or I get the Light Muscle Milks from costo ( these are the individual shakes already made up and I find that they work well for a breakfast on the go.. the chocolate ones are yummy!). They may take some getting used to though. I'm a vegetarian so I decided they would be a good thing for me because I need the extra protein.

    So lately for me its been cereal, and the shake, or the english muffin and the shake. and then before lunch i eat a piece of fresh fruit to hold me over.

    Just some idea's. Hope this helps! And good luck! Stay away from mcdonalds ( I use to drink their frappe's all the time... but I have to cut that because they are so bad for you!)
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    Ok, for all of those of you saying McDonalds just isn't a place for healthy folks, I've known wrestlers that eat there, and they are body builders! It's just a matter of what you eat!!!!

    Smoking must be OK for you then as many gymnast and dancers smoke to help keep their weight down!
  • Lisa_222
    Lisa_222 Posts: 301 Member
    I don't know what your total calorie intake is but a mcmuffin is like 400 calories, give or take a few. That's such a huge chunk and if you add anything else, hash brown, drink, etc, you can get that baby up to 6-700 calories. If you can stick with one egg mcmuffin and absolutely nothing else, it's not so horrible. Not the most nutritious, but it could be worse. Stay away from the hash brown, the hot cakes, the sweet stuff and the biscuits. To me, it's too little reward for the amount it demands off my daily allotment. I'd rather get up a half hour earlier and make a nice breakfast. Eating on the run is a bad habit anyway. Get all food out of your car, wrappers, even drinks if you can. Disassociate driving with munching. I got into that habit when I quit smoking and its officially ending now. Good luck.