100 day challenge

I have just started my 100 day challenge.
I will try and log for 100 days. Apart from that I have set myself the goal of not eating any gluten products (bread, cakes, biscuits etc) and not drinking any alcohol.
Anybody care to join me ? Friend invites welcome :) Finish line will be 19 May 2021


  • vvlucky
    vvlucky Posts: 51 Member
    I'm game! I'm back on track with Dry February (weekend - not so good). I will track every day too. I need to lose 25 lb, so it will be a great jump start. Thanks.
  • Qbaimee
    Qbaimee Posts: 157 Member
    I am in! I need to lose 30-40.
  • BeginAgain1229
    BeginAgain1229 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in!
  • saggynaggy65
    saggynaggy65 Posts: 68 Member
    Count me in! I need to take a break from the booze and the cravings for junk food that goes along with it! I would like to also kick anything processed out of my diet. Let's do this! :)
  • derbygraham
    derbygraham Posts: 47 Member
    19th May 2021 - 100 days, The finish line.
    21st Feb 2021 - Two weeks into the challenge which is usually the time I stop doing stuff
    30th Mar 2021 - 50 days into the challenge.
  • Kiltsurfer
    Kiltsurfer Posts: 3 Member
    Just joined MFP, so why not. In for a penny in for a pound... Lose a penny lose a pound... LOL

    Log every day
    Weigh in monthly
    Lose 20 pounds - It will happen
    End date May 19th
  • derbygraham
    derbygraham Posts: 47 Member
    My suggestion - Log EVERY day. Always at the same time.
  • derbygraham
    derbygraham Posts: 47 Member
    Whoops. I miswrote. I meant weigh yourself everyday, always at the same time, and log it.
  • Kiltsurfer
    Kiltsurfer Posts: 3 Member
    Whoops. I miswrote. I meant weigh yourself everyday, always at the same time, and log it.

    I understand that, in the past I have done that. I am trying something new, where I don't stress about the weigh in, but instead just focus on doing what I need to do. This is really hard for me, I am a numbers type of guy. But I think for this, this is the way to go for now. I am going to try if for 6 months and see how things work.

    Believe me, I understand the daily weigh in.
  • derbygraham
    derbygraham Posts: 47 Member
    Kiltsurfer wrote: »
    Whoops. I miswrote. I meant weigh yourself everyday, always at the same time, and log it.

    I understand that, in the past I have done that. I am trying something new, where I don't stress about the weigh in, but instead just focus on doing what I need to do. This is really hard for me, I am a numbers type of guy. But I think for this, this is the way to go for now. I am going to try if for 6 months and see how things work.

    Believe me, I understand the daily weigh in.

    Everyones journey is personal and you find out the best way for you. For me, I like to watch the graph, of daily weight, slowly drop :) 99 days to go :):) Feel free to invite me as a friend on this journey.
  • derbygraham
    derbygraham Posts: 47 Member
    88 days to go :) Feeling better already
  • derbygraham
    derbygraham Posts: 47 Member
    85 days to go. It is usually around this time I wain and give up. However this time I feel stronger and more determined.
  • MaggieGirl135
    MaggieGirl135 Posts: 986 Member
    I’ll track with you. I want to lose 16 lbs, 6 to not be in the “overweight” BMI category and 10 additional. The end of your 100 days should put me there.
  • MaggieGirl135
    MaggieGirl135 Posts: 986 Member
    Oh, but I will have the occasional gluten (husband has celiac disease, so there’s not much in the house) and one glass of wine most evenings. I have a healthy diet (and have for some time) and don’t rule out any particular food.
  • derbygraham
    derbygraham Posts: 47 Member
    Oh, but I will have the occasional gluten (husband has celiac disease, so there’s not much in the house) and one glass of wine most evenings. I have a healthy diet (and have for some time) and don’t rule out any particular food.

    The 100 day challenge is to stay under the calorie intake allowance, and to log continuously for 100 days.

    To give up alcohol and bread stuff is just an add-on I gave myself. I know that I love those things but they have an awful effect on me. :)
  • smithger1254
    smithger1254 Posts: 1 Member
    I will also try and join this challenge - first time using app and I am in day 15 now so roughly the same start line - do not think that any attempt in past last 100 days so this should be good motivation
  • derbygraham
    derbygraham Posts: 47 Member
    80 days in. 20 days to go. Lost 11kg which is 24.5 pounds in old money. Hope to hit my ideal BMI before the end of the 100 days.
  • hounton
    hounton Posts: 9 Member
    I find this exciting! I'm in. Day 1 today
  • derbygraham
    derbygraham Posts: 47 Member
    Just a fortnight to go before I reach the end of my 100 day challenge :) Then it is beer time
  • derbygraham
    derbygraham Posts: 47 Member
    I have finally reached the end of my 100 day challenge. The challenge was to record my weight everyday, to eat less than 1500 calories a day and I added no beer or bread.
    I am very happy with the result Dropped from 85kg (187pound) to my ideal bmi weight of 73.6kg (162 pound). A drop of 11.4kg (25 pound).

    Just a simple set of rules to follow. An end date to the project. All food and drink allowed as long as it does not take you over the 1500 calories per day.

    Calories expended through exercise are not part of the challenge. They are just an added bonus to the weight projection provided by MFP.

    I need a new challenge. Any suggestions ?