Accountability buddy



  • Michie112g
    Michie112g Posts: 49 Member
    Same here I would like to get rid of 20lbs. Would love to have accountability friends
  • kiay131982
    kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member
    Hi @Michie112g!! Feel free to post your goals and plans on the thread! Its a really nice supportive group! Xxx introduce yourself and let us know you :)

    My weigh in today was disheartening, but I knew it would be. I am going to refocus my efforts on macros this week, as I have been sticking to calorie limits, but obviously still eating the wrong things. Keep up with trying to drink enough water... I dont always manage that one.
    I havent really been running much either as I was waiting on the results of my MRI, but I have no idea how long it will be before I get those.... So I should stop using it as an excuse and find time to get out there!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,331 Member
    @Michie112g - Welcome!

    @kiay131982 - It’s challenging to have our positive routines interrupted by injury. I hope the MRI results are helpful in offering a path forward so you can get relief. I’ve heard the the waiting between medical tests and diagnosis is the most difficult, and once we can name the problem it can be easier to deal with it. In the meantime, it sounds as though you’re doing a good job exploring alternatives to running, like Pilates, etc. Were you able to find any sessions on YouTube? I saw a lot of 15-20 minute sessions that looked good but you might be looking for longer options. I hope your ‘refocusing’ time is bringing some clarity. You always demonstrate ways to problem solve and reflect in productive ways so I’ll look forward to hearing what you’re learning about overcoming your injury and continuing your health journey.

    Here’s an update on my weekly goals:
    (1) PT twice a week and PT home exercises at least 2 out of the other 5 days. - Completed one physical therapy session and also going Tuesday. I’ve done select home exercises but not the full series. I’ll try to fit in some today and tomorrow.
    (2) Personal trainer twice and add yoga class 2 days - ✅ (Thurs. & Sat) and ✅ (Wed. & Sat.)
    (3) Continue Zumba classes on Sunday and walk with friend as a bonus goal. ✅ (Today/ Sun.)
    (4) Accomplish at least 2 professional goals (In the works for Mon. & Tues.).
    (5) Pack up at least 2 boxes to donate and plan the actual drop off (Today’s goal) ...

    So, I better get to work!! I hope you’re all doing well. Go get those goals!

  • beshamama
    beshamama Posts: 240 Member
    New week new goals! My birthday and my daughter’s birthday is over so now I can finally get back to healthy food choices 😊

    *Log all my food
    *Try to stay under budget at least 3x
    *Exercise at least 4x
    *Drink more water
    *Night snack every other night
  • beshamama
    beshamama Posts: 240 Member
    Today I signed up for MyFitnessPal premium. I’ll let you all know how it goes. I decided today that I really need to stop be so passive with my health/weight loss. If paying for something means I’ll use it and hopefully see results then I’m all for that. I also downloaded an app for my stationary bike. Knitting while biking was all good and fine but didn’t really feel like I was exercising(maybe I’ll do that on “rest days” 🤔). The app BitGym has videos of different places in the world so it’s also scratching my wanderlust itch. 🤣 Also have a new goal for this week. Cut back on drinking. I don’t think I have a drinking problem but I do enjoy a drink or two every night and that’s probably why my weight isn’t budging. I really need to find an alternative. Going to go down a rabbit hole on the internet for non alcoholic fun drinks.

  • kiay131982
    kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member

    @PatriceFitnessPal how go your goals??? I've seen the donations and sorting be in your plans for a while.... Are you trying to have a declutter??

    @beshamama do let us know if Premium is worth it, I have thought the same thing before about paying for something so using it more... But never actually bitten the bullet!! I definitely find my weight drops quicker if I skip the alcohol... Could you maybe start off by dropping the amount of evenings you allow yourself a drink? X

    Slow but steady progress here. I'm making sure I get out on a proper dog walk at least on the days where I dont have gym classes, so Im keeping moving. I think until the kids go back to school thats the best I cN expect of myself.
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,331 Member
    edited February 2021
    @kiay131982 - Ha! Thanks for helping me with accountability to my decluttering goal! 🙏🏼 I’m failing miserably with this particular goal and trying to figure out the best approach to it. I have some urgent work deadlines so I’ve been considering pushing this particular goal to mid-April so I can get over some of the other hurdles first. On the other hand, my mind feels cluttered when my environment is cluttered so I really want to tackle the excess stuff! What I’m planning to do this week is to break the goal down into tiny chunks and see if I can generate some energy for clearing out the unwanted items. I’ll really need to examine what is at the heart of this stalling. This goal week ends tomorrow and I’ll set new weekly goals on Thursday so your question is timely. Yes!! I’m trying to have a declutter but I’ve been slow to act. Let’s see if your gentle nudge helps me break through my inconsistent progress.🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞

    To be continued on Thursday ...
  • gettin_healthy_with_fibro
    Anyone can add me. Im not sure how to add people.
  • beshamama
    beshamama Posts: 240 Member
    So far with premium I’m enjoying the scan meal feature the best! It’s not 100% with guessing my food but pretty darn good!

    The plan feature is interesting but I wish it would let me do 2 plans at once. Like an exercise one and a food one. The one plan “ building healthy habits” I skimmed but realized I’m not eating nearly enough fruits and veggies. Also had a good article about recognizing hunger which I also am somehow bad at 🤣

    We’ll see if in a month if I think it’s worth it.
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,331 Member
    edited February 2021
    Welcome @gettin_healthy_with_fibro! Feel free to post your goals and check in regularly to let us know how you’re doing! We’ll encourage you and help you stay accountable to your plan.

    @beshamama - I’m also eager to travel so I like the idea of visualizing bike trips around the world. So, now you can knit a sweater, while traveling the globe and burning calories. That’s definitely more multi-tasking than I’ll ever be able to do. Any exercise that burns calories, and doesn’t feel like exercise, sounds good to me. But, I can understand wanting to separate the two activities.

    Did you find any good options to replace your typical evening cocktail? I’ve never tried these but they look interesting:

    @kiay131982’s suggestion of cutting back is good. I’d probably start with a ‘spritzer’ to reduce the calories but, as long as you budget for them, it will work. In the end, it’s a trade off, I guess, and I’ll usually choose something sweet. My culprit seems to be the creamer in my coffee. It’s more fat than it’s worth to me but I haven’t been able to give it up yet. We’ll just keep trying until we find the right path forward!

    Does the meal scanner capture the data from a photo? If so, that sounds interesting. I guess different features cost extra? 🤨 I definitely think it would be good to have access to nutrition AND exercise features. Thanks so much for sharing your insights on the Premium version of MFP. I’ll look forward to hearing your thoughts at the end of the month.
  • kiay131982
    kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member
    Morning! @PatriceFitnessPal I LOVE a good declutter!!! We did some minimilist challenges a couple of years ago when we went plastic free and then tried to make other changes to go low impact... One of the ones that really made a change for us was when we took a month, and on the 1st of the month we had to toss/donate/sell one item, on the 2nd is two items, 3rd its three items.... Even if that is popping it in a box in the boot of your car to take to a charity shop when its full. And so on throughout the month. We did it in a July so by the last day it was 31 items to go!!! It meant by the end of the month we had gotten rid of more than 500 things and as we did it slowly like that, we really got the bug for it! I might actually do it again when covid restrictions are lifted!!

    @beshama the plans are the reason I have been tempted to sign up in the past to premium.. So do let us know how it goes!!!

    The weather here is absolutely dire! The rain is streaming down my windows and I am due to run today.... Not sure if that will happen!!!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,331 Member
    edited February 2021
    Here’s an update on my weekly goals:

    Stats: Female 5’4” (~162.5 cm); 133 (~60.5 kg); Age 54
    SW: 165 (Actually 168 but started MFP at 165)
    CW: 133 (but fluctuating between 133-135)
    GW: 125 (with maintenance between 125-130)

    (1) PT twice a week and PT home exercises at least 2 out of the other 5 days. ✅ (Partial PT exercise sets 3 days, which was about equal to 2 full ‘homework’ series)
    (2) Personal trainer twice and add yoga class 2 days - ✅ (Thurs. & Sat) and ✅ (Wed. & Sat.)
    (3) Continue Zumba classes on Sunday ✅ (but no bonus walk with a friend as hoped due to nasty weather)
    (4) Accomplish at least 2 professional goals ✅❌ (Accomplished one goal & half completed another)
    (5) Pack up at least 2 boxes to donate and plan the actual drop off ❌✅ (Packed 1 box and added drop off plan to my calendar for next week after coordinating with donation recipients).

    Overall, it was a good week but I’m feeling some stress from a busy work schedule and deadlines. So, I’ll need to build in some de-stressor goals when planning for the coming week. I’m going to give it some thought and post them tomorrow.

    @kiay131982 - I ❤️ LOVE ❤️ your decluttering challenge. I’m going to work that idea in to my upcoming goals, too. Thanks for taking the time to describe the process. It’s perfect!! 🤩

    I stayed within my calorie goal 6 of 7 days and had a deficit of about 700 calories for the week with decent macro-nutrient balance (55% carbs, 18% protein, 27% fat). I’d like to increase my protein intake and reduce the fat but those results are fine, since I didn’t set any intentional goals or pay much attention to the balance this week.

    I hope everyone is finding some success or learning and adapting, as needed, to reach your goals! Let us know how you’re doing and ... go get those goals!
  • beshamama
    beshamama Posts: 240 Member
    We got our puppy today! Big dog(Snoopy) loves her and is so good to her! Her name is Coco.

  • MissNicolioli
    MissNicolioli Posts: 34 Member
    Hey all, I just posted this in my own thread before I saw this one, my bad! All the posts here seem so encouraging, so I hope my double posting isn't too annoying. I'm nervous to put myself out here, but I'm looking for something I've never had before on previous attempts to lose - community.

    I've been on and off diets forever, but mostly I've kept to myself about it. I'd share my successes with my family, tell them when I'd lost ten pounds or whatever, but never when I'd fallen off or when I was struggling. I've learned that keeping those struggles quiet has made it easier to fail, to cave to cravings or feelings of hopelessness because of slow progress.

    This time I'm looking for some people who are invested in my journey with me and who I don't want to disappoint. To that end, I'm going to commit myself to posting a status every day on my page. Probably usually short, just grading myself on the day or posting whatever is on my mind. But I'd love a group of people who will give me encouragement or tough love when I need it, and I'd really like to hear about others stories and struggles.

    Is anyone interested in adding me as a friend?
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,331 Member
    @nicolefaas5031 - Welcome! It is scary to put our whole self forward, instead of just our ‘best’ self or ‘good’ side, and I’m still working on reaching out for help from others when I need it. I agree that a having a community can boost success as we learn ways to push through the tough times by using strategies that worked well for others, etc. It’s good to have you here! Do you have one or two short-term goals you’re working on to get you to your ultimate vision of success for you?

    @beshamama - What a beautiful family!! ... and Snoopy looks so sweet on Coco. I love it. Thanks for sharing the photo and bringing such love and energy to the group.
  • MissNicolioli
    MissNicolioli Posts: 34 Member
    @nicolefaas5031 - Welcome! It is scary to put our whole self forward, instead of just our ‘best’ self or ‘good’ side, and I’m still working on reaching out for help from others when I need it. I agree that a having a community can boost success as we learn ways to push through the tough times by using strategies that worked well for others, etc. It’s good to have you here! Do you have one or two short-term goals you’re working on to get you to your ultimate vision of success for you?

    Thank you so much! I appreciate it, it's very nice to relate to others. Even though I know my feelings aren't uncommon, it's still so encouraging to hear that other people relate so well.

    My little goal is to get a good streak without binging.

    My big-little goal is to lose 50 pounds before my birthday in September. I've never stuck to good habits for that long so it will be a major milestone for me!
  • kiay131982
    kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member
    @beshamama congratulations!!!! So sweet...lots of fun coming your way!!! :)

    @MissNicolioli welcome!!! This is an incredibly positive and supportive group :) How are you monitoring your little goal? Have you defined a binge for yourself? I definitely have days where I want to eat more, I find if I really make sure I track as I eat then I can see how much I'm eating and that often slows me down :)

    @PatriceFitnessPal I really need to get back into macro tracking.. it helps so much!!

    This week has been harder than I thought. Its half term and I kind of thought a week without homeschooling would be easier...but actually the weather has been terrible so we have done more milling about and so it doesn't feel like it has been very productive! Its our online games night with our friends tonight so no doubt I will drink some wine, eat some snacks..and then hate the scales tomorrow!! :smiley:
  • beshamama
    beshamama Posts: 240 Member
    I’m in a Biggest Loser Challenge group on here. Today was my weigh in and I lost 2 pounds! I keep yo-yoing between 171 and 169 but I’m hoping this time since I’m really committed to trying to do better that the scale will continue to go down.

    I didn’t exercise at all yesterday I didn’t get much sleep the night before having a new puppy is like having a newborn 🤣 I’m hoping to do some today.
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,331 Member
    I’m a little late in posting my weekly goals but here they are:

    Stats: Female 5’4” (~162.5 cm); 133 (~60.5 kg); Age 54
    SW: 165; CW: 133; and GW: 125 by the end of 2021

    (1) PT twice a week and PT home exercises at least 2 out of the other 5 days
    (2) Personal trainer - Two, thirty- minute sessions
    (3) Yoga - Two classes (& try to add one more)
    (4)Add at least one new cardio activity to replace the Zumba class
    (5) Accomplish at least 2 professional goals (Complete unfinished half of last week’s goal and add at least one more, maybe two)
    (5) Write 3 letters (or send packages) to niece and nephews who had birthdays recently.

    I’m trying to replace the Zumba class because it didn’t feel safe enough last week. There were a few more people and the exercise moves put us within 6 feet of one another at some points so I think I’ll wait until the Covid vaccines and immunity rates improve. It was fun to add a new activity with music and energy but it’s not worth the risk. Mixing up my workouts with cardio, stretching, and strength exercises has felt good so I want to keep seeking that type of balanced approach. So, maybe I’ll walk outside, use the treadmill or test out a few different cardio workouts.

    I’ll also follow @kiay131982’s strategy of donating/tossing/recycling one item to correspond with each day of the month starting March 1st. Until then, my goal is to clean off my desk this weekend and bookshelf next weekend.

    @beshamama - Congratulations on the weight loss! I remember those early puppy training days, which are full of rewarding moments but also serious sleep deprivation. I might have had more children if I didn’t have to face the lack of sleep! I hope you can all settle into a healthy new routine soon!

    @kiay131982 - Game night sounds fun! Sometimes it’s important to recharge and make peace with ourselves that every moment doesn’t need to be productive in terms of ‘output’ ... if ‘input’ is needed. When there is a ‘long weekend’ because of a Monday holiday, I often find myself anxious or disappointed when I plan too many tasks and don’t complete them. I’d like to get to a point when I don’t have to schedule self-care to avoid guilty feelings but that’s still a work in progress for me. I hope you enjoyed your time with friends online.

    Best wishes in reaching your goals this week!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,331 Member
    I set my weekly goals on Thursday. Here’s my update:

    Weight = No change 133-134 (~60.5 kg)

    (1) PT 2x week & PT home exercises 2x — I done ✅
    (2) Personal trainer — Done ✅✅
    (3) Yoga - 1 done ✅; Planning for tomorrow
    (4) Add at least one new cardio activity — Did an extra strength training today but still need to add cardio
    (5) Accomplish at least 2 professional goals Complete unfinished half of last week’s goal — ✅ & I more needed
    (5) Write 3 letters (or send packages) to niece and nephews who had birthdays recently — We sent packages to our two sons & I texted my nephew for his new address but still need to finish this goal.

    This reflection helped me focus. I’ll concentrate on adding cardio, doing my PT home exercises, finishing up work tasks and connecting with family. I also have two close friends with upcoming birthdays so I’ll use that as a reason to reach out and schedule some Zoom time to catch up.

    A colleague has been struggling with some lingering symptoms after recovering from COVID, which made me think of you, @highmaintnance. I hope your energy is coming back stronger each day. I’m thinking of you and sending positive, healing vibes your way. Take care, Accountability buddies, and go get those goals!