Anyone do it all at home? No gym?

carlaringuette Posts: 158 Member
edited March 2021 in Health and Weight Loss
Hubby and Daddy are high risk had to give up my membership. Trying to motivate myself and get back on track.

Doing treadmill and have 5 and 10 pound weights.

Trying to remember my HIIT class moves. I"m 59 and after nearly a year with no gym not looking good. It could be a lot worse so there's that. It's not all bad.

Trying to make myself be consistent. I used to go directly ti the gym right after work. It's just not the same when you're by yourself or when you start getting achy joints.


  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    All at home.
    Only used the gym when going for cardio machines when weather too miserable and really needed to get certain workouts in.
    Otherwise lifting had been at home for awhile.

    So no machines now - outside if needed.

    If you want calisthenic workouts (which is what the faddishly mis-labeled HIIT workouts are) - there are plenty online.

    Or create your own with moves that don't hit the joints hard.
    Or some resistance training for more muscle focus not cardio.
  • Deodand
    Deodand Posts: 1 Member
    I work out 7 days a week, 45 to 60 minutes per session at home only. Even before COVID I preferred it because the local gyms were dirty influenza incubators, the equipment was broken and they were filled with children for some reason :)

    Youtube has zillions of HIIT and strength training videos. No need to figure it out on your own.
  • ggeise14
    ggeise14 Posts: 386 Member
    57yo all (always) at home workout. Have weights, a kettlebell, jump rope, weighted hula hoop. Use Fitness Blender for strength workouts. Also have a treadmill and stationary bike but not used as often. Cardio is usually outside but this time of year, Leslie Sansone walking workouts. Have added a step for Jenny Ford workouts recently. Cross-country ski this time of year and kayak in the summer. I like to get my home workouts done in the mornings.

    Have added daily yoga since this Jan and really enjoy the increased flexibility (Yoga with Adriene).
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,876 Member
    edited February 2021
    I have in the past. Most of my exercise is outside of the gym. I go to the gym twice per week (sometimes 3) to lift, and that's it. Most of my exercise is on my bike or walking...sometimes hiking if it's a nice weekend. Most of what I do isn't really a "workout"...I just stay active.
  • Jacq_qui
    Jacq_qui Posts: 429 Member
    Because of covid and gyms opening and closing every five minutes and being restricted in numbers (and session length at my gym) I've barely been in over the last year. (I'm in the UK). There's loads of HIIT on youtube, I do them three times a week (I was doing it 7 days a week) there's short ones tabata style all the way up to 50mins! I don't know about that. I'll do 30mins if it's 40seconds off/ 20seconds off. But for the 50seconds off/10seconds off I can't really do more than 20!

    There are lots of dumbbell and kettlebell work outs too. I find following someone else more motivating. Buying kit is expensive and I've found it hard to work some muscle groups with the weights I have. I'm looking at getting some more stuff, but space is also an issue! I also do yoga online. I walk 6 or 7 days a week too, whatever the weather. I hate the wind the most though! Looking back over the last I wish I'd been more organised with my home work outs, I could have done a better job, but it is what it is.
  • charmmeth
    charmmeth Posts: 936 Member
    edited February 2021
    I was swimming until it closed. Since then it's been home only. I am a fan of BodyFit by Amy (lots of variety); I bought some dumbbells; and I also have a rower (WaterRower for me). I try to walk as well, though that's harder at this time of year. I'd say that I haven't been so fit for years.
  • meredithy623
    meredithy623 Posts: 1 Member
    What DancingMoosie said!! Sydney Cummings will change your LIFE! I never want to go back to the gym.
  • JohnDziak
    JohnDziak Posts: 6 Member
    I like to do free morning workouts with Kaylene at
    It doesn't require equipment. I have resistance bands and small dumbbells but haven't really figured out how to use them.