Less Alcohol - FEBRUARY 2021 - One Day At A Time



  • CMB44512
    CMB44512 Posts: 70 Member
    @missmay where are you going that you can no longer be our thread representative?
    😢 this saddens me. It may cause me to drink.
  • globalhiker
    globalhiker Posts: 1,522 Member
    I am going to miss you @MissMay! I do hope you pop in every now and then to "visit" us :). Thanks to @mainelylisa who will be great at the role...

    On day 24 AF here, hubs on day 16 AF I think. No issues to report, household is calm and happy....

    Found this 1 minute "relaxation" exercise on youtube I really like:


  • AR10at50
    AR10at50 Posts: 1,545 Member
    @mainelylisa -Thank you for taking over; I appreciate it!
    @MissMay -please check in with us when you can; you will be missed!
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,604 Member

    I'm going to finish strong...

    Heehee, so funny. It actually took me a second, I was like "wait, what?"
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,604 Member
    I originally decided to drink less in order to lose weight.
    I have been on this thread since Nov 28.18
    Thank you to @MissMay for keeping us going.

    I am going to post with my usual diary style to keep track of my AF days.
    I will be keeping to my usual goal of 16-20 AF days per month. It is manageable for me and doesn't put too much pressure on me. So far I have been able to keep with it. One month I raised the goal and failed miserably, so I learned from that. I think this is my sweet spot.
    My rule for myself: No drinking 2 days in a row, strive for 2AF days in a row in between at minimum.

    Sunday Feb 21 - AF - I will be tomorrow also to get my 2AF days in a row.
    Monday Feb 21 - AF - Very early workday start tomorrow, so AF tonight. Always happy to see my 16 : - )
    Tuesday Feb 23 - Drinks. I enjoyed them, but eat completely differently when I have alcohol for sure.

    Rolling total 16AF days out of 23 days